Noitu Love: Devolution coming next year to Wii U and Nintendo 3DS
Noitu Love: Devolution is the name of an action/brawler game released on 2008 on PC. It was originally supposed to come out on WiiWare, but due to issues with the publisher, the game never made it to Nintendo’s service (which was probably for the best). Instead, Noitu Love: Devolution is coming next year to both the Wii U and the Nintendo 3DS (via the Nintendo eShop, naturally).
MP2 Games (who ported Knytt Underground and AVGN Adventures to Nintendo platforms) are porting the game, which will get touch/pointer controls, in order to emulate the mouse controls of the PC version.
Here’s a short blurb about the story:
Play as Xoda Rap as she tries to save the city from the invading Darn army, who had previously been thought to be destroyed forever. But this time, they bring with them strange time-warping technology. WHO IS BEHIND THIS?
And here’s the trailer for the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS versions:
Noitu Love: Devolution (Wii U eShop / 3DS eShop) comes out in Q1 2016 in Europe and North America.
Source: Konjakonjak