
Miitomo: new Twitter contest, and clothing items for Miitomo Drop

Miifoto Contest #2 JPWhen Miitomo launched, Nintendo also launched contest that makes use of the most popular feature of the game: Miifoto. In the first one, users had to take a picture of their Mii and their cat, and then post it on Twitter. The best pictures were regularly retweeted throughout the week by the official Miitomo account on Twitter.

And yesterday, a brand new contest went live. This time around, the theme is “Mii Friends”: users need to take a picture of their Mii with one or more Mii. In other words: even more users can participate this time around, as you don’t need to have a cat or anything. What’s more, you still have a lot of freedom: as long as you have at least 2 Mii on the picture, you’re all good! The contest will last until March 31st (11.59PM JST).

But that’s not all: some new items are available in Miitomo Drop, and this time around, the theme is “Flower Fasion”. As the name implies, you can get some flower-themed clothing items for you Mii, ranging from a rose hat to a Pirhana Plant outfit.

Here’s some pictures:

And don’t forget: you have until Sunday to get the school uniform clothing items!

Miitomo (Android / iOS) will be released before the end of the month in Europe and North America.

Source: Nintendo


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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