
Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley – EU trailers, screenshots and artworks

Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley is a brand new Harvest Moon game, which is actually separate from the rest of the series. It was developed by Natsume (and Tabot Inc.), who owns the Harvest Moon trademark, but it’s not part of the original series (which is now known as Story of Seasons in the West, and published by XSEED / Marvelous Europe).

It will come out in roughly two weeks in Europe, on June 19th, where it will be published by Rising Star Games and distributed by Nintendo. In case you’re wondering why it took so long for the game to reach the European shores, it’s because it was translated in French, Spanish and German (of course, English is still available)!

Since Story of Seasons (published by Marvelous) still doesn’t have a release for Europe, farmers will have to do with Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley in the mean time!

Here’s two trailers:

Here’s some screenshots and artworks:

Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley (3DS) comes out on June 19th in Europe, both on the Nintendo eShop and at retail.

Source: Nintendo


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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