Progression Updates

The Career Tab and the Season Tab have been merged into one screen that contains:

  • A permanent 300-tier reward track that progresses based on your career level.
    • Champions will be automatically granted rewards based on their current career level upon next login.
  • Your Pro Quidditch rank and Emblem selection.
Market and Currency Updates

The Market has received a redesign and been refreshed with new items for every category:

  • The Vault has been retired along with the Winged Keys currency, instead all items in the Market can be purchased using Gold.
    • Any champions that had winged keys in their wallet will have them converted into gold upon next login at a ratio of 1 winged Key to 5 gold.
  • The Market now features multiple tabs that sort cosmetics by category for easy browsing.
Challenge Updates
  • Daily and Weekly challenges have been removed.
  • Career Challenges have had their rewards updated to accommodate market and progression changes.
    • Champions will automatically be granted rewards based on their challenge completion upon next login.
Custom Matches

With this update comes Custom Matches, allowing players to create their own matches with a customized ruleset and then face off against their chosen opponents:

  • Form the Teams – Use the Party System to form two teams of up to 6 players each.
  • Host the Game – One team’s party leader creates the match, customizes the settings to their liking and selects their roles, once they’re done, a join code will be generated to pass to their competitor’s party leader. Game settings include:
    • Mode Selection
    • Map Selection
    • Score Limit
    • Quaffle Score Value
    • Snitch Score Value
    • Snitch Fill Rate
    • AI Difficulty
    • Allow Bot Fill (Pro Quidditch only)
  • Join the Game – The other team will join the match by using the join code provided and selecting the roles they wish to play.
  • Earn Rewards – Players will earn both Career and Challenge progression while playing in Custom Matches.
Map Changes
  • Added Weasley’s Burrow (Snow) to Exhibition and Custom Match modes.
  • Added a new Hogwarts map variant, Hogwarts (Legacy), to Matchmaking, Exhibition and Custom Match modes.
Gameplay Changes
  • The Chaser’s “Tackling” skill tree has been reorganized and rebalanced to focus on tackle radius increases and less on tackle damage. By default, a Chaser will not be able to inflict damage when tackling an opponent, by utilizing the skill tree they can increase this to 1 point of damage (with 4 skill points invested).
  • The Keeper’s “Kick Lunge” skill now reduces the lunge amount when you are far away from their goals – Keepers will travel the full lunge amount until they are around 40 meters away from their goal at which point the lunge amount tapers down to a minimum at 90 meters away.
  • The impact of a Beater hitting the Quaffle with either a Bludger or a tackle has been increased.
  • Added Ireland and Bulgaria as selectable teams in Exhibition matches.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue preventing players from earning Challenge progress after rejoining a match.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to get kicked back to the Main Menu when matchmaking.
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent the player from earning the “Constant Vigilance” platform achievement if they were hit by a Bludger as a non-seeker role.
  • Fixed an issue causing player models to occasionally become invisible. HPQC-623
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent the “A Superb Keeper” platform achievement from being granted when the player correctly performed a Power Save  HPQC-624
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the Beater’s “Quaffle Targeting” skill to consistently lose targeting on the Quaffle.
  • Fixed an issue that would allow Pro Quidditch games to start without an opposing team, causing the game to instantly end in a forfeit.
  • Fixed an issue that would allow the AI to perform a tackle or bump while stunned.
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent the Lull VO lines from playing when the score was tied at 0-0 for a long time.
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent the Announcer from using unique Hero lines. HPQC-774
  • Fixed an issue that would cause backfilling players to get stuck emoting on repeat.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the Durmstrang team to be flying on invisible brooms. HPQC-869
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Incoming Bludger warning to get stuck on the screen. HPQC-608
  • Fixed multiple issues that resulted in performance hitches when navigating menus on Switch.