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Fire Emblem Heroes – Tap Battle: Illusory Dungeon – Sanctuary of the Mages progress reset in Ver. 2.6.0

Today, Nintendo and Intelligent Systems released a brand new Software update for Fire Emblem Heroes: Ver. 2.6.0. But among the various new features and improvements, there’s a rather annoying glitch that anyone currently taking part in the Tap Battle: Illusory Dungeon – Sanctuary of the Mages event is going to hate.

If you update to Ver. 2.6.0 (which is mandatory to keep playing the game!), then your progress in the Tap Battle: Illusory Dungeon – Sanctuary of the Mages event will be completely reset. You will have to start from the very beginning, and you will have to unlock all the levels again (including the extra levels, unlocked after clearing at least 20 floors).

Also, if you clear a level again after your progress has been reset, you will get a pop up notifying you of a reward… even though there isn’t any (because you can only get the reward for a given level one… that particular bit was not reset, unfortunately!).

The developers are already aware of the issue, and have confirmed there will not be a fix for it due to the event ending soon: it ends on Monday after all, and it would have been too hard to try and fix it within the given timeframe.

This glitch isn’t going to be much an issue for players who already completed all the levels, but it’s a different story for players who were still playing. In order to apologise for this rather unfortunate glitch, the developers will offer an unspecified amount of Orbs as a Special Log-in Bonus in the near future. The exact amount of Orbs will be announced at a later date!

Details about that Special Log-in Bonus will be added to the Events and Content Updates page as soon as they’re available.

Source: official Twitter account


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.