Fire Emblem Heroes: new Summoning Focus (A Season for Picnics, Special Heroes)
Next week will be pretty exciting for Fire Emblem Heroes fans, what with the latest Tempest Trials+ event and the start of the Golden Week celebrations on Saturday. But before that, there will be another Summoning Focus bringing brand new Heroes, and more specifically Special Heroes! It’s called A Season for Picnics, will go live on April 19th (this Friday), and will run until May 19th (leaving you ample time to try to get all the Heroes you may be interested in).
Here’s the various Special Heroes included in this new Summoning Focus:
- [5 ★ Focus] Flora, Signature Dish. Voiced by Julie Ann Taylor. Artist: HAKO;
- [5 ★ Focus] Lukas, Buffet for One. Voiced by Greg Chun. Artist: cuboon;
- [5 ★ Focus] Genny, Dressed with Care. Voiced by Claudia Lenz. Artist: Amagaitaro;
- [5 ★ Focus] Felicia, Off The Menu. Voiced by Connor Kelley. Artist: HAKO.
Also, Leo: Extra Tomatoes will be available as reward during the upcoming Tempest Trials+ event!
Here’s the trailer introducing this new Summoning Focus and its Special Heroes (English and Japanese versions), along with some pictures:
As usual, this new Summoning Focus will come with the following:
- a new set of Story Maps, and more precisely a Paralogue Story called A Season for Picnics (including the usual 3 maps)
- a new set of Quests related to that Paralogue Story, called A Season for Picnics
- a new set of Daily Log-in Bonuses, allowing players to earn up to 13 Orbs
- and that’s pretty much it!
As usual, keep an eye on the Events and Content Updates and Characters pages to keep up to date with all that’s happening in Fire Emblem Heroes!
Source: Intelligent Systems (Twitter) / 4Gamer