Fairy Fencer f Refrain Chord: even more videos (character trailers, music videos, trailers)
With the release of Fairy Fencer f Refrain Chord drawing ever nearer, Compile Heart have been sharing tons of videos for Fairy Fencer f Refrain Chord: character trailers, music videos, and trailers.
First, here’s the character trailers, introducing the following characters:
- Efohl (voiced by Emi Nitta)
- Karin (voiced by Ayaka Oohashi)
- Charmant (voiced by Takuya Eguchi)
- Ryuushin (voiced by Taiki Nakamura)
- Haller (voiced by Naou Toyama)
- Bajas (voiced by Masaki Terasoma)
Next, we have two more Music Videos, featuring comments by Saki Mitsuki and Chihiro Yonekura), with some additional footage for the game:
Finally, we have two more trailers, which showcase the following gameplay systems:
- Avalanche Rush
- Fairise
Fairy Fencer f Refrain Chord (Switch) comes out on September 15th in Japan.