eShop news (May 17): Motcha Girl / Pirates 7
Today’s Nintendo eShop news: Motcha Girl announced for the Nintendo Switch, but also…
- Pirates 7
- Maid-san o Migi ni ミ☆
- PetitCon 4 SmileBASIC
- Kingdom of Night
Motcha Girl
Mediascape have announced another game for the Nintendo Switch, as part of their Play, Doujin! label: Motcha Girl, a platformer developed by mumimumi. No release date yet, but here’s a trailer and some screenshots:
MotchaGirl (Switch – eShop) is coming out this year in Japan. The Upcoming Games page has been updated!
Source: Gamer
Pirates 7
Mediascape have announced another game for the Nintendo Switch, as part of their Play, Doujin! label: Pirates 7, a strategy game developed by 773. No release date yet, but here’s a trailer and some screenshots:
Pirates 7 (Switch – eShop) comes out this year in Japan. The Upcoming Games page has been updated!
Source: Gamer
Maid-san o Migi ni ミ☆
Mediascape have announced another game for the Nintendo Switch, as part of their Play, Doujin! label: Maid-san o Migi ni. No release date yet, no trailer, and no screenshots… just a logo for this action game!
Maid-san o Migi ni ミ☆ (Switch – eShop) comes out this year in Japan. The Upcoming Games page has been updated!
Source: Gamer
PetitCon 4 SmileBASIC
SmileBOOM have announced that PetitCon 4 SmileBASIC will be released on May 23rd in Japan, and that it will cost 3 000 Yen.
Here’s some screenshots:
PetitCon 4 SmileBASIC (Switch – eShop) comes out on May 23rd in Japan. The Upcoming Games page has been updated!
Source: 4Gamer
Kingdom of Night
The Kickstarter campaign for Kingdom of Night is coming to a close, but more stretchgoals are still being reached. The latest two are: Vince Dicola Collaboration (Music) and Extra Enemy Animations. The next and final one is Prodecural Generation Mode at $50 000. So far, $46 139 have already been pledged, with less than 48h left to go.
Click here to check out the Kickstarter campaign!
Finally, here’s the recording of the latest livestream from Dangen Entertainment, showcasing Kingdom of Night:
Kingdom of Night (Switch – eShop) should come out in October 2020.