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Colt Canyon (Switch): all the updates (latest: Ver. / Next: Ver.

On this page, you will find all there is to know about the various updates for Colt Canyon on Nintendo Switch.

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Colt Canyon – Ver.

  • Release date: TBA
  • Patch notes:
  • Increased amount and range of destructible objects hittable per melee attack for most playable characters by one or two
  • Improved smoothness of camera. If you are still experiencing jitter make sure to set the game’s framerate to match your screen’s native refresth rate or above
  • Added “night mode” with dimmed brightness and color intensity to color blindness options
  • Slightly reduced accuracy penalty when moving and decreased aim focus time cooldown
  • Improved accuracy of companions with all weapons (except shotguns) and adjusted fire rate to take reload time of equipped weapon into account
  • Companions will start dodging slightly later, and also level up slightly slower in general
  • Reduced health of most loot containers
  • Reduced damage by bandit sniper and sword bandit slightly
  • Reduced health of second and final boss slightly
  • Slightly reduced amount of enemies in general
  • Made a bunch of enemies slightly less skilled or reduced their default health
  • Unlocking “Stab” by default now when skipping prologue to allow instantly starting a co-op run
  • Increased player indicator thickness in co-op when playing in high contrast mode
  • Tweaked some playable character stats and loadouts
  • Made interface animation setting affect main menu background movement
  • Minor tweaks to level generation
  • Fixed sometimes not being able to leave ambush
  • Fixed player acceleration scaling with analog input when using gamepad, resulting in very slow movement and reduced ability to vault
  • Fixed being able to die from healing others
  • Fixed autoscripts not working
  • Misc other minor fixes/tweaks
  • Additional notes: none.
  • Source: Retrific (Steam)

Colt Canyon – Ver.

  • Release date: ???
  • Patch notes:
  • Increased accuracy when walking by 20%
  • Slightly increased Muzzle Brake upgrade’s effect but reduced its silencing effect
  • Slightly increased cooldown reduction of Hipfire upgrade
  • Increased knockback resistance and view distnace on enemies when looping beyond L1
  • Reduced amount of medicine drops in crates when looping
  • When looping now spawning additional traps in first area
  • Not spawning locked bonus health crates in loop 2 and beyond, instead spawning more locked shield crates
  • Changed aim assist behavior on explosive barrels and destructible objects behind solid obstacles
  • Disabled aim assist targeting tamable dog
  • Fixed some traps (e.g. explosive mines) sometimes spawning behind obstacles, making them impossible to spot
  • Fixed a specific rock sometimes being rendered incorrectly
  • Fixed rare varmint rifle being bugged
  • Fixed cursor fading out faster if running at higher refresh rate
  • Fixed scrolling in menus being slower when running at high refresh rate
  • Fixed a crash related to Mine entrances
  • Fixed locked crate key sometimes not being dropped
  • Fixed “Catch this!” not being unlockable when wolves are disabled
  • Fixed companions despawning when bleeding out while out of view
  • Fixed aim assist being set to 200% by default instead of intended 150%
  • Fixed character outside the view randomly attacking
  • Additional notes: none.
  • Source: Retrific

Colt Canyon – Ver.

  • Release date: ???
  • Patch notes:
  • Shields will now combine into a stronger shield when you have 3 of them
    • Collect 3 undamaged shields and they will automatically merge, creating a single shield with increased health and strength
    • There are 4 levels with increasing durability and penetration resistance, 3x regular (now white) becomes yellow, times 3 becomes blue and last stage being red, which I doubt we will ever see as it would require an insane total of 27 shield items
    • The reinforced shield upgrade is not changed and still adds additional health to all shield levels proportionally
    • You should also find slightly more shields in general now though
  • Increased default ammo maximum, from 40 to 50, and from 75 to 80
    • Also adjusted the max ammo upgraded accordingly
  • Added bonus chance to find specific upgrades based on the played character (Favored upgrades)
    • For example Angel is more likely to find melee-focused upgrades or Taco finds more explosion-related upgrades
  • Changed how weapon power levels are calculated
    • Previously they were just values I made up myself and were rather random and subjective
    • Now they are calculated automatically, taking into account stuff like DPS, accuracy, range, current durability etc.
    • This allows for much more nuanced skill levels, especially within the same ammo type
    • Additionally, there is now also an indicator that a weapon is “worse” than what you are currently carrying (text pulsing gray)
    • But still, an objectively worse weapon might still be the better choice depending on your specific situation, think before you swap!
  • Changed how weapon spray works
    • Changed the dynamic crosshair to more accurately reflect the weapon spread
    • Taking time to aim is rewarded with increased accuracy
    • Firing as fast as possible will come with increased inaccuracy penalties
    • Also rebalanced accuracy when riding horses
  • A ton of balancing changes for all kinds of weapons
    • While chasing more accurate stats to calculate the the new power levels I found a lot of balancing issues that I tried to address
    • Modified almost all weapons, so it’s worth it to give weapons you’ve already written off another try
  • Bunch of boss balancing changes
    • Nerfed first boss again, so that new players also get a chance
    • Reduced coop player count health scaling on bosses
    • Made explosives more effective against bosses
    • Slightly reduced attack frequency of Big Bear and increased damage and stun received by beartraps, but increased his health when looping
    • Disabled horses spawning in boss levels, except for first area
    • Minor balancing changes to bosses when looping
  • Allowed praying at shrines
  • Buffed or replaced a bunch of loadouts
  • Added some more uncommon decoration objects
  • Added simple info tutorial to horses after having tamed one
  • Changed how HP drops upon companion death is calculated, you get your invested HP (from healing them) minus one back, capped to 50% of their max HP. Additionally some random medicine drops based on companion level
  • Low hp enemies will now be slowed down when bleeding
  • Slightly increased reaction time of most enemies
  • Tweaked how ammo drop types are chosen to be more balanced
  • Made arrow ammo drop less frequently
  • Tweaked how knockback is processed, resulting in more realistic and reliable knockback in some cases
  • Incendiary upgrade makes weapon explosions incendiary too now and bullet burn effect length depends mostly on penetration power and bullet speed instead of damage now
  • Indestructible upgrade no longer requires pocket magnet
  • Leathersuit upgrade will now also reduce slowdown in toxic plants
  • Sharpshooter upgrade will do less overall weapon spray reduction but makes aim focus much faster
  • Contact TNT no longer bounces off of shields
  • Hardened upgrade will make throwing throwables less expensive. Missing and hitting obstacles instead will reduce durability way less
  • Slightly reduced effect on dodge cooldown for athlete upgrade
  • All rare weapons now match their non-golden versions except for being slightly faster to reload, instead of having various minor differences
  • Tweaked how merchant prices are calculated, resulting in less expensive prices without random “X+1 arrow” and that more frequently use your unused ammo
  • Made merchants more powerful when repeatedly fighting them and enabled health indicator for them
  • Bigger bullets will now leave bigger bullet holes in cliffs
  • Improved blood fx in some situations
  • Reduced chance of getting into ambushes in early game
  • Slightly reduced health on some elites
  • Slightly reduced active reload period for rifles
  • Made lasso enemy in loops more powerful
  • Made TNT bandit’s dynamite incendiary, improved his AI and added him to bandits enemy pool when looping
  • Reduced penetration resistance of big fence
  • Made mine entrances more easily breakable by throwables and rarely placed shields in them and made them sometimes show up in area 3
  • Increased default auto aim strength to 150%
  • Showing more crosshair line dots when using a gamepad
  • Made ‘Chain’ prisoner spawn depend on how close to max ammo the player is, being very unlikely at low ammo and much more likely when having a lot of ammo, also matched his companion-form health with his actual health
  • Made locked crates spawn randomly when looping and sometimes even twice per area
  • Improved sign placement slightly
  • Made tamed horses silhouette permanently visible
  • Added sfx when mounting horse
  • Slightly reduced attack range of bears
  • Made all locked crates equally likely to show up instead of locked weapon crate being the most common
  • Slightly increased ammo dropped by enemies
  • Slightly decreased elite view distances
  • Made enemies more powerful and more likely to be elite when looping beyond L1
  • Disabled footsteps on rabbits
  • Made arrow traps drop arrows on destruction
  • Small adjustments to seasonal event timings and level generation
  • Decreased health of some bigger crates
  • Put more stuff in metal crates but made them harder to destroy with melee
  • Locked crate exclusive weapons will start dropping in regular weapon crates when looping
  • Fixes to bullet rendering and penetration
  • Fixed shield not rotating with player when dashing
  • Fixed multi-TNT drops not actually granting more than one TNT
  • Fixed ammo drops being more likely to drop for weapons carried by player 2 when playing in coop
  • Fixed empty bottle not breaking into broken bottle when used in melee
  • Fixed big rock collisions sometimes being off when loaded from save
  • Fixed TNT sometimes glitching into Mineentrances, leaving them unscathed
  • Fixed tombstones etc. not saving whether they have been interacted with already
  • Fixed explosions being able to move shop items
  • Fixed bayonet melee range being very limited on horse
  • Fixed not being able to return to previous level from boss level before triggering boss
  • Fixed being able to mount a horse that is already being ridden by someone else
  • Fixed custom run settings text sometimes overlapping with pause menu
  • Fixed pike using heavy spear projectile and spear using pike projectile
  • Fixed locked crates sometimes spawning behind trees
  • Fixed signs always showing X when level is loaded from disk
  • Fixed flickering grass
  • Fixed friendly dog unlocking Jim and Flint without becoming companion
  • Fixed player indicator positioning when riding
  • Fixed one of the levels in area 2 sometimes being filled with small farmland plots instead of high grass
  • Fixed bird animations sometimes playing too fast
  • Fixed inconsistent vegetation displacement reset speed
  • Fixed shields in inventory being in wrong order when loading run from save
  • Fixed destructible object life capped to 255 after loaded from save
  • Fixed some enemies no longer attacking in their specific patterns when loaded from save
  • Bunch of other minor bug fixes
  • Other console platform specific fixes
  • Additional notes: none.
  • Source: Retrific

Colt Canyon – Ver.

  • Release date: ???
  • Patch notes:
  • Made horses ridable
    • To ride a horse you need to free it first without hurting it beforehand
    • Once the horse starts running follow it until it flashes blue (with upgrade particles)
    • If you are too slow the horse might get away
    • Once it is “tamed” you can go up to it and hold the interaction key to mount the horse
    • Dismount using a dodge roll
    • You will not be able to shoot backwards while on the horse. Weapon skill is also decreased a lot while riding.
    • When you or the horse is hurt you will dismount automatically
    • Horses will not level up over time and do not count as companion
    • Horses found with more health points will have better movement stats
  • Added new upgrade that makes throwables indestructible (available after acquiring Big Knife, Hardened, and Pocket Magnet)
  • Added dedicated interface animation reduction setting
  • Added run settings options for disabling wolves and elites
  • Added game settings to reset or hide tutorials
  • Made locked crates easier to find (look out for signs)
  • Changes to most loadouts, mostly increasing starter ammo and making late-game loadouts more rewarding
  • Added a free stick of dynamite to all rare loadouts
  • Made all two-handed weapons one-handed, except for the gatling gun
  • Improved various melee weapon stats
  • Buffed explosive weapons
  • Buffed rifles’ penetration power and slightly adjusted their view distances
  • Made bullet penetration more consistent, allowing high-penetration weapons to better pierce multiple targets
  • Buffed “Big Knife” upgrade to increase range and hit count
  • Adjusted weapon drop rates slightly, e.g. reducing drop rate of crossbows, adding pickaxe to possible drops
  • Reduced the number of enemies in B levels and Area 3 slightly
  • Decreased some late-game enemies’ accuracy, health, and damage
  • Slightly increased active reload time windows for all weapons except rifles
  • Adjusted reload stats of a bunch of arrow weapons (nerfed) and rifles (buffed)
  • TNT Launcher grenades now fly over small obstacles
  • Companion behavior improved: less likely to engage unaware enemies, and “defend” command stops engagement
  • Companions will refuse to use some of the high-tier weapons
  • Increased bleed-out time for companions
  • Merchant prices are more likely to be cheaper
  • Dog companion gains experience faster and damage bonus on the first 3 level-ups, also bleeds out slower when playing as Jim
  • Companion indicators improved for knockouts during boss fights
  • Tweaked blood weapon drop rate, some of their stats and made them cheaper to use
  • Replaced fat bandit’s weapon with a heavy volley gun
  • Unrescued prisoners and other friendlies, except merchants, are killed when returning in B-Levels
  • Allowing “Welcome To Hard Times” achievement unlock when starting a looped run from run settings
  • Various minor upgrade probabilities adjustments
  • Alerted human enemies and wolves will get more resistant against melee attacks when looping
  • Adjusted damage popup colors
  • Adjusted trap object visual effects
  • Decreased opacity of floor blood to increase contrast, decreasing it even more if any color blindness mode is enabled
  • Improved movement system for finer directional control, especially with gamepads
  • No longer hiding weapons during dodge rolls
  • HUD becomes transparent now when it’s in front of a relevant character
  • Various small visual adjustments and fixes like reducing bloom, improving level border and text rendering etc
  • Disabled always showing player indicator when playing with color blindness mode
  • Allowed 0% crosshair shadow
  • Various volume adjustments
  • Reduced angle in which attacking item drops is possible
  • Made reload hints slightly less frequent
  • Extended halloween and easter season time frame
  • Swapped sprite of heavy spear and pike
  • Added cheat for spawning a ridable horse
  • Fixed crosshair size not reflecting actual accuracy
  • Fixed footsteps not being generated correctly
  • Fixed melee attacks allowed through solid objects
  • Fixed issues with dodge rolls not pausing attacks for forced-repeat weapons (e.g. volley gun)
  • Fixed gamepad stick switch/reload settings not loading after restarting the game
  • Fixed dynamite silhouette not growing before explosions
  • Fixed secondary shadow rendering incorrectly
  • Fixed silhouettes lagging at high refresh rates
  • Fixed two players joining when pressing join with a single gamepad
  • Fixed heavy TNT launcher firing 6 grenades instead of 5
  • Fixed melee attacks not showing damage against shields
  • Fixed rare volley gun not unlocking as a starter loadout
  • Fixed floating vertical fences
  • Fixed destruction sounds sometimes playing while loading saves
  • Fixed no death cry for friendly characters when knocked down or killed
  • Fixed bear trap state not being saved
  • Fixed question marks in credits text
  • Fixed first boss minions not respawning quickly enough and some not turning aggressive as intended
  • Various other minor fixes, balancing tweaks and changes
  • Additional notes: none.
  • Source: Retrific

Colt Canyon – Ver.

  • Release date: ???
  • Patch notes:
  • Fixed solid level borders not being restored in loaded levels
  • Additional notes: none.
  • Source: Retrific

Colt Canyon – Ver.

  • Release date: ???
  • Patch notes:
  • Made some bandits slightly more accurate and more aggressive
  • Fixed ambushes not being a thing
  • Fixed shadows sometimes not being visible
  • Fixed a bug where pausing the game during level generation breaks the run
  • Additional notes: none.
  • Source: Retrific

Colt Canyon – Ver.

  • Release date: October 5th 2022 (North America, Europe)
  • Patch notes:
  • Small balancing tweaks to medic merchant
  • Made shields slightly less common
  • No longer allowing save restore after successful rescue
  • No longer counting new no permadeath game overs for average run length/progress stat
  • Blood weapons take slightly less health to use
  • “Damage taken” stat is now multiplied by 2 just like damage indicators, to prevent <1 values
  • Split “runs failed” stat into “permadeath fails” and in brackets “no permadeath” fails (only for new runs)
  • Fixed invisible game over screen bug that was present on some devices
  • Fixed companion shields not being saved
  • Fixed old saves not being auto-loaded
  • Fixed crash when killing merchants
  • Fixed a bug where players would get duplicated
  • Fixed decals sometimes disappearing when tabbing out
  • Fixed a memory leak related to pausing the game
  • Fixed background not being blurred on all devices
  • Fixed a bug where grass, shadows and decals would not be restored when re-entering a level
  • Fixed a bug where the HUD transparency didnt work as expected
  • Fixed a bug with shop pricing
  • Fixed a crash related to incendiary barrel
  • Fixed character rescue stat not increasing when savegame was loaded during B-Levels
  • Fixed a bug with the bandit boss shield
  • Fixed pause menu allowed to be opened when on game over screen
  • Fixed save being possible while on game over screen
  • Fixed a minor issue with seed input on consoles
  • Fixed some blood weapons reloading despite it killing you
  • Fixed upgrade icons on game over screen not being centered when having a lot of upgrades
  • Fixed explosive bullets explosions not being positioned correctly
  • Fixed blood weapon save reload exploit
  • Fixed merchants sometimes having no grass nearby
  • Additional notes: none.
  • Source: Retrific (Steam)

Colt Canyon – Ver.

  • Release date: August 23rd 2022 (North America, Europe)
  • Patch notes:
  • Added run setting to disable permadeath, by allowing to restore the last save instead of deleting the savegame on death
  • No longer allowing 50% boss health, enemy attention nor 150% health drops without disabling achievements, but you can disable permadeath without disabling achievements now
  • Tweaked some UI elements
  • Decreased movement bonus enemies get in loops
  • Reduced amount of elite enemies in loops
  • Increased coyote base damage
  • Decreased reload times / cooldown times of a bunch of guns
  • Increased damage of explosive weapons
  • Slightly decreased accuracy, shield damage, active reload period and penetration power of arrow weapons
  • 20% of all arrows previously reusable with Premium Arrows upgrade will no longer be reusable
  • Decreased bonus damage of Premium Arrows upgrade and no longer granting bonus damage to throwables
  • Reduced amount of weapon crates in loops, but slightly increased regular crate amount
  • Fixed instance references not being restored correctly
    • This fixes a bunch of savegame issues, for example prisoners not being in their coffins or horses not being tied to poles
  • Fixed movement history not being part of savegames
  • Fixed weapons in crates not being loaded from savegame
  • Fixed some sprite placement issues on the game over screen
  • Fixed enemies being duplicated when following to different level
  • Fixed issues where a loaded level is treated as a different level while still loading, causing stuff like green locked crates showing up in area one
  • Fixed companion weapon ammo duplication glitch
  • Fixed upgrade titles glitching into each other in pause menu
  • Fixed some issues with scrolling menus
  • Fixed menu background blur not being used on some systems
  • Fixed decals sometimes disappearing
  • Fixed crash when killing merchants
  • Additional notes: none.
  • Source: Retrific (via Wiki)

Colt Canyon – Ver.

  • Release date: July 20th 2022 (North America, Europe)
  • Patch notes:
  • Slightly nerfed fast reload upgrade
  • Rebalanced some area 2 enemies
  • Slightly buffed bandit snipers
  • Slightly reduced player knockback when hit by heavy weapons
  • Fixed a crash preventing some players from starting new runs
  • Fixed guns not creating any particles when fired
  • Fixed remapped trigger button not being saved
  • Fixed throwing knives missing collision
  • Fixed player in savegames not loading correctly when game crashed during level generation
  • Fixed crashes/glitches when loading/saving a savegame while already loading or saving something else
  • Fixed pause menu saying save and quit instead of just quit in prologue level
  • Fixed weapon break particles visual issues
  • Fixed penetrating arrows duplicating visually
  • Fixed Pistolero achievement
  • Fixed cliff decals not being restored
  • Fixed beartraps sometimes causing savegames to not load correctly
  • Corrupted savegames shouldnt crash the game anymore
  • Various other fixes
  • Additional notes: none.
  • Source: Retrific (via Wiki)

Colt Canyon – Ver.

  • Release date: July 1st 2022 (North America, Europe)
  • Patch notes:

Biggest changes:

  • Save game support! To save progress in a run and continue later.
  • Switched to a new engine version (Important to be able to continue updating and supporting the game)
  • User progress is not backwards compatible! (If upgrading to 1.2 do not go back to 1.1 or you might lose progress)

Balancing changes:

  • Adjusted bullet logic for shell weapons (shotguns), also buffed some of the shotguns in general, like the pumpgun, and adjusted damage values and falloff distances for all shell weapons
  • Buffed most throw weapons and reduced their melee cooldown but decreased melee damage
  • Slightly reduced health of bear boss and bandit boss and slightly increased slaver boss’ health
  • Increased explosion size of explosive weapons
  • Increased amount of items found in loops
  • Reduced revolving rifle reload speed
  • Buffed Eagle’s bow reload speed but nerfed bonus damage
  • Nerfed Fox’ bow reload speed
  • Buffed Taco’s tnt reload speed but nerfed bonus damage
  • Allowed enemy attention 50% without disabling achievements
  • Spawning less new containers if player already has a lot of ammo
  • Made ammo cheaper to buy from merchants
  • Companions bleed out slower and can no longer bleed out in boss levels (they can still be executed)
  • Loot in all locked crate now scales with level (before only the locked weapon crate scaled with progress)
  • Slightly reduced elite power in looped runs
  • Reduced attention range of elites
  • Made it impossible for enemies to spot you unless they are visible on screen
  • Increased health or attack speed of some bandit types
  • Its no longer possible to keep companions when looping, except for Flint
  • Made ambushes much less likely to occur after first level

Other changes:

  • Added indicator in character selection when all loadouts for a character are unlocked
  • No longer removing loaded ammo that cant be turned back into ammo when weapon is replaced
  • Dead prisoners will no longer drop medicine
  • Added a way to unlock the unique revolver again and added some ammo to its loadout (Die just before reaching your partner, but in a looped run)
  • You can now visit the main menu before starting the prologue
  • Disabled damage indicator in tutorial level
  • Disabled weapon level indicator when swapping with empty slot
  • Weapon level indicator now highlighting if same weapon but durability is better than equipped durability
  • Changed the input system causing some custom key mapping to possibly become invalid
  • Persistent levels now utilize the save game system so reduce memory usage (they are loaded from disk now)
  • Various command prompt changes to support new engine features
  • Fixed boss corpses fading before dropping their loot
  • You can now go back in menus using RMB
  • Fixed active reload being impossible to fail in first half on some weapons
  • Fixed some objects being displayed incorrectly on game over screen
  • Fixed level 4+ elites not having circle indicator
  • Fixed crosshair animation missing if no weapon equipped
  • Fixed a special case where buying a shop item would fail
  • Various minor visual changes/fixes/tweaks
  • Additional notes: none.
  • Source: Retrific (via Wiki)

Colt Canyon – Ver.

  • Release date: February 14th 2022 (North America, Europe)
  • Patch notes:
  • Slightly reduced amount of enemies in B levels
  • Dodge rolls will now save characters from being on fire
  • Buffed some melee weapon stats
  • Dynamite Bandits will not throw dynamite when they are not on screen
  • Fixed a rare graphical glitch with vertical fences
  • Nerfed movement speed of some elite enemies
  • Made it easier to avoid killing dogs
  • Disabled explosion blur on consoles
  • Improved explosion performance slightly
  • High contrast player indicator now uses color of player one
  • PC: Improved scripting support and command prompt capabilites
  • Fixed secondary melee key binding not being saved
  • Fixed back button in keybindings being at wrong spot
  • Fixed main menu discord hint not working
  • Fixed bisons in ambushes count as innocent
  • Fixed dynamite bandit game over screen display
  • Minor translation fixes
  • Additional notes: none.
  • Source: Retrific (via Wiki)

Colt Canyon – Ver.

  • Release date: December 17th 2021 (North America, Europe)
  • Patch notes:
  • Reinforced Shields Upgrade will also affect companion shields now
  • Run Settings: Allowed enemy attention of 75%, Health Drops of 150% and boss health of 50% without disabling achievements
  • Taco now deals bonus damage with tnt weapons
  • Made ambushes less likely when you rescue the prisoner and when there has been an ambush recently
  • Made marksman rifle spawn later
  • Increased buckshot range
  • Increased machete damage
  • Increased pike damage
  • Increased thrown heavy spear damage
  • Increased bison health slightly and even more in loops
  • Increased repeater, half auto bow and crossbow fire rate
  • Increased various other rifle reload times and adjusted some damage values
  • Made war axe more rare
  • Increased blood weapon drop rate and made them start show up earlier in a loop
  • Removed experimental weapons from regular weapon crates
  • Adjusted some weapon durability values
  • Modified some english texts
  • No longer aborting reload when trying active reload too late, only aborting after failing active reload once and trying again
  • Companions level up slightly slower
  • Companions will take slightly longer before learning to dodge
  • Now counting loop as rescue for OG Squad achievement
  • Small nerf to Big Bear attack speed in looped runs
  • Nerfed final boss in loops
  • Increased amount of elite enemies in loops
  • Decreased amount of health dropped by elites in loops
  • Slightly reduced damage of final boss weapon in loops
  • Slightly reduced amount of health crates
  • Companions can no longer hurt prisoners
  • Made hitting arrow traps with bullets more reliable
  • Adjusted aggression distance on bisons
  • Slightly reduced amount of shield drops
  • Reduced chance of getting companion upgrade, especially in loops
  • Increased size of some heavy gun bullets
  • Decreased burning sfx volume
  • Reduced default game volumes
  • Placed some additional bear traps in bear boss level
  • Reduced time that bear trap takes to open
  • Reduced minimum enemy spawn distance in loops
  • Nerfed companion behavior with volley guns
  • Fixed some visuals on the explosive carriage
  • Fixed Mom’s Flint Rifle Loadout being a secret
  • Fixed crosshair being drawn over reload button hint
  • Fixed some run settings having 50% steps instead of 25%
  • Fixed bison and merchant sometimes not counting as innocent
  • Fixed upgrades sometimes showing up multiple times in the same pool
  • Fixed received damage setting not being applied to dash damage
  • Fixed dash knockback being too strong
  • Fixed wildnis scum hitbox
  • Fixed enemies not reacting to their shield being hit
  • Fixed weapon becoming invisible when swapping with companions
  • Other minor fixes
  • Additional notes: none.
  • Source: Retrific (via Wiki)

Colt Canyon – Ver.

  • Release date: October 12th 2021 (North America, Europe)
  • Patch notes:

Biggest changes:

  • Melee Combat Overhaul!
    • All weapons now have additional melee stats that influence melee damage, cooldown and much more, even stuff like how many targets can be hit with a single attack
    • Enemies (especially late-game enemies) will still try to block melee attacks but some weapons will be harder to block
    • Throwable weapons will have a much stronger focus on melee combat and should only be thrown if no longer needed or when fighting enemies you don’t want to get close to
    • NPC melee still works as before to not increase combat complexity too much, but they will sometimes drop melee weapons now
    • Throwable weapons now have actual durability that is displayed in the HUD
  • Added active reloading to make reloading more exciting
  • Added over 50 new weapons, including various melee weapons and special late game guns
    • Added Blood Weapons, legendary blood-colored weapons only found in very late game, that use your life force to boost their power
  • Increased the maximum ammo you can carry and adjusted Max Ammo Upgrades
  • Added 7 new upgrades, most of them related to ammo and increasing either the inventory ammo capacity or the amount of ammo you will find
  • Shield Overhaul!
    • Shields will protect from melee damage, but also only when attacked from the front
    • You can now carry more than one shield but it only has 2 hp
    • If a shield breaks and you got backup shields a new shield will be equipped
    • More ways to get and find shields
  • You can now choose between 5 instead of 4 upgrades

Other changes:

  • Added indicator to help players decide whether a weapon on the ground might be stronger than the one equipped
    • Weapons that are stronger will be highlighted with a blood-coloured outline/glow around the weapon name when interacting
    • The indicator only takes the weapon you are currently holding into account, not the one on your back
  • Added a couple of gamepad-compatible cheats
  • Added seperate interface settings menu, moved some game settings there
  • Added auto reload option to game settings
  • Added received damage mulitplicator run setting (also influences companions)
  • Changed the color of the fletching on arrows to improve visibility
  • Added Aspect Ratio Setting (PC Only)
  • Improved Crosshair (improved visibility) and added more crosshair settings
  • Showing equipment of enemy that killed you on game over screen
  • Swapped main melee key and secondary melee key
  • Adjusted some weapon cooldowns (throwables in particular)
  • Adjusted some weapon stats (throwables in particular)
  • Adjusted floor texture to give everything a bit more contrast against it
  • Enemies will start attacking faster if you are getting close to them
  • Enemies in first stage no longer receive extra melee damage
  • First boss changes: Reduced health by 5hp
  • Second boss changes: Increased health, slightly reduced health scaling with player amount/loop, slightly adjusted movement, Loop changes: reduced dash damage but buffed movement and cooldown and placed toxic plants in the level
  • Final boss changes: Increased the amount of containers in the level and increased the time between final boss attacks, slightly increased his health and decreased penetration power of his gatling gun, Loop changes: More shield health and more resistant to explosives
  • Tweaked melee combat target detection algorithm to make aiming in melee combat more important
  • Added slowdown after melee attacks
  • Reduced movement speed with throwable weapons equipped a little bit
  • Resupply can now show up and be selected up to three times per run
  • Resupply no longer full restocks dynamite if a dynamite weapon is equpped, instead it only grants 2 dynamite
  • Tweaked arrow ammo sprites
  • Enemies will try harder to hold some distance from you, especially high-level enemies
  • Tweaked Scythe, its also now called Combat Scythe
  • Added new enemy type to first area in loops
  • Added a new locked crate type that contains shields
  • Merchants will now also sometimes sell shields
  • Adjusted big knife upgrade
  • Improved upgrade generation
  • Updated some playable character stats (especially in regards to melee combat)
  • Reduced fast reload upgrade reload speed boost but added active reload upgrade as part of it
  • Made throwables more rare in big crates but allowed weapon crates to sometimes drop em
  • Hostile dogs can now lose interest in you if there are no human enemies also chasing you and they are too far away from their spawn
  • Decreased enemy ammo drops if player has a lot of ammo
  • Player now always marked if using color blindness mode
  • Increased amount of loot in first level
  • Reduced destructible dodge damage
  • Free tnt upgrade and companionr rest can be chosen up to 3 times
  • Tweaked companion armor upgrade
  • Increased capacity that max ammo 2 and max ammo 3 adds for light rounds
  • Added an extra ammo drop to locked crates
  • Reduced amount of cacti in area 3 cactus fields
  • Companions will now also get some short invincibility after being hit by a gatling gun round, just like players
  • Human companions will now learn to dodge over time
  • Fixed some item drops being unreachable because they drop outside of level
  • New upgrade icon color backgrounds
  • Increased trap blink frequency and contrast
  • Companions can no longer use throwables (didnt make sense before, with the melee overhaul it would make it even more complicated)
  • Added new icons for loadouts with special boni that will make it less cryptic whats special about the loadout, no more “!?”
  • Adjusted some loadouts to use some of the new weapons
  • Replaced improved auto rifle with high-cap auto rifle
  • Replaced Improved Slug Gun with Multi-Cylinder Revolver (we already had slug repeater)
  • Fixed “Mom” not having reloadskill of 10 despite being more skilled than “Fox”
  • Changes to some weapon sprites
  • Weapon drops will now lay on their side if the weapon is higher than it is wide
  • Tweaked some weapon animations
  • Tweaked some partner stats (made them more agile)
  • Increased alertness indicator contrast
  • Slightly increased the chance of enemies dropping their weapon and the amount of ammo in those guns
  • Added interaction to prisoners in coffins to help with the rescue
  • Adjusted a whole bunch of weapon and character stats
  • Slightly increased the amount of ammo dropped in later levels
  • Melee enemies will sometimes drop a melee weapon
  • New Blur Shader
  • Increased amount of weapon crates
  • Minor HUD adjustments
  • Made bears and bisons resistant to toxic plants
  • Increased health of carried explosive barrels
  • Reduced strength of boss health scaling with additional players and looping
  • Reduced strength of enemy health scaling in advaned loops
  • Scorpions and snakes are no longer scaling their health in advanced loops
  • Scorpions and snakes have a longer cooldown between attacks
  • Increased enemy skill in loops
  • Reduced amount of health dropped by elites in loops
  • Added some more high-level bandits to looped bandit stage
  • The dog is slightly more approachable
  • Slight adjustments to auto reloading
  • Removed language setting on console version (use system language instead)
  • Added command prompt command to toggle menu paper sway animation


  • Fixed player sometimes getting stuck in walls
  • Fixed companions aiming in weird directions while walking
  • Fixed some cover not spawning in final boss level
  • Fixed characters sometimes not being kicked in the air by knockback
  • Fixed some wrong weapon stats like float damage values
  • Fixed coop shared ammo not working correctly
  • Fixed merchants not reacting to trades
  • Fixed enemies sometimes attacking while player is still frozen
  • Fixed issues with the enemy skill run setting
  • Fixed various issues where the player might get stuck
  • Fixed an issue where npcs will stop moving
  • Fixed bullets dealing critical damage to shields of unaware enemies
  • Fixed dynamite sometimes not destroying objects if not in view
  • Fixed a bug where reload hints were not showing up
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to move through solid objects
  • Fixed a bunch of memory-related issues
  • Fixed various minor bugs and possible crashes
  • Additional notes: none.
  • Source: Retrific

Colt Canyon – Ver.

  • Release date: December 23rd 2020 (North America, Europe)
  • Patch notes:
  • Added Run Customization/Difficulty Options! (Including starting as Looped Run)
    • You can find the difficulty settings in the character selection screen on the top left (the gears symbol)
  • Added more variation to the level generator
  • More interface text is now being influenced by HUD scaling
  • Nerfed stronger tnt upgrade
  • Buffed explosive weapons
  • Fixed companions using throwable weapons
  • Partner levels up faster, normal companions slightly slower
  • Fixed some translation issues
  • Reduced Air Rifle Reloading Times
  • Gave Taco more Dynamite
  • Olaf now has the highest max health of all characters
  • Added experimental autoreload command
  • Reduced damage dynamite deals on enemies but made the damage drop off more forgiving
  • Increased ammo hud display contrast and added markers to make it even more clear what ammo your weapons use
  • Changed Menu toggle labeling
  • Adjusted some shop prices
  • Increased enemy count and ammo drops in first loop
  • Adjusted weapon drop chances to increase the variety of weapons dropped
  • Made enemies in loops slower and gave them more ammo drops
  • Shell weapons will destroy shields faster
  • Decreased Rifle Bandit health
  • Final boss health equals its shield health now (making this boss easier overall)
  • No longer need a rescue to unlock 1250 total kills reward
  • Adjusted loadouts that start you with limited health containers to only reduce starting health instead
  • Adjusted some other playable character stats to buff some characters
  • Increased Max Health of One Eye and Chain by one
  • Showing run seed in pause screen now
  • Saving some more stats in the background for future updates
  • Decreased high-level elite enemies shield health
  • Added some new dualshock input icons
  • Fixed final boss not going into second phase despite having shield
  • Elites don’t spot you as easily anymore
  • Decreased conspicuity of some of the playable characters
  • Fixed, balanced and tweaked various other minor stuff
  • Additional notes: none.
  • Source: Retrific

Colt Canyon – Ver.

  • Release date: September 2nd 2020 (North America, Europe)
  • Patch notes:
  • Added new interaction to native rock
  • Added 4 new rare weapons
  • Fixed a bug that made companions take too long to attack after leveling up a bunch of times
  • Made companions level up slightly slower
  • Changed Shadow Walker Achievement: You only have to reach the third area now (instead of your partner) without having been spotted by human enemies
  • Slightly adjusted some ammo drop rates
  • Rebalanced enemy counts slightly
  • Reduced first boss health a bit and made his attacks less frequent
  • Reduced second boss health a bit and made his attacks slightly less frequent
  • Made final boss a bit easier to handle
  • Fixed PlayStation Controllers not being detected in coop
  • Added Polish translation
  • Updated existing translations
  • Added Wiki Hint
  • Tweaked, rebalanced and fixed some other minor stuff
  • Additional notes: none.
  • Source: Retrific

How to download updates for Colt Canyon for the Nintendo Switch?

To download the updates for Colt Canyon, you have three options:

  • let the console do its thing if you have automatic downloads activated, and didn’t completely turn it off

If not…

  • try to launch the game from the Home Menu while being connected to the internet. You should get a prompt when doing so: simply follow the instructions on screen;


  • select the game > press either + or – to go to the Options page > select Software update > select Via the Internet.

To check that you have the latest version installed, simply select the game on the Home Menu, and press – or + to go to the Options: the version number is displayed just below the game title.


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.