
Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer – Two videos, pics of almost all cards

Animal Crossing Happy Home DesignerToday is Halloween, but not everyone likes that event. If you’re not too much into ghosts, monsters, and other scary things, no need to worry! Nintendo has prepared a very special video for Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer, which will give you a good dose of cuteness to go through the day.

Below, you will find a promotional video for the Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer, with Isabelle, Digby and K. K. Slider are played by actual dogs. Of course, there isn’t much gameplay: this isn’t the point of this video, which is all about cuteness!

Here it is:

If you’re looking for a more “traditional” video, here’s the character trailer for Bunnie, who wants a perpetual Birthday Party. In other words: make sure her home is as festive as possible!

Finally, here’s pictures of most cards from the first and second series of Animal Crossing amiibo cards… after the break!

Source: Nintendo


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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