
Yooka-Laylee: new trailer and screens showcase multiplayer (Rextro’s arcade games, co-op)

In a previous update, Playtonic Games revealed that Yooka-Laylee would have some multplayer features, and it’s those very features that are showcased today with the latest trailer and screenshots for the game.

First, we have Rextro’s arcade games. Those are playable in Single Player, or with up to 4 players (local-only, no online). There’s 8 of them, and they’ve been designed to “channel the heyday of couch multiplayer”, and to test friendships (just like Mario Party). Each game comes with its own retro tunes composed by Steve Burke.

Here’s some of the arcade games included:

  • Glaciators (arena brawler)
  • Kartos Karting (old-school racer)
  • Jobstacle Course (Friendship Destroyer Mk. II)

But besides those arcade games, Yooka-Laylee will also offer another opportunity for other players to join, but this time in the main adventure: co-op. A second player can take control of the Bee Team, in order to grab quills, collect and store butterflies, stop traps and more.

Here’s the latest trailer and screenshots for Yooka-Laylee, showcasing the Rextro’s arcade games:

If you backed the game on Kickstarter, here’s a reminder for you:

Ahead of the option to switch platforms, we encourage all Kickstarter backers to make sure they have access to their Backer Kit account and contact Backer Kit support to solve any issues.

We’re currently working on a much larger update with information on, among other things, how Kickstarter backers will be able to change platforms and upgrade to physical versions. Thanks for your patience while we get the details up to scratch.

Yooka-Laylee (Switch) comes out later this year in Europe and North America.

Source: Playtonic Games


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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