Rebel Transmute (Switch): all the updates (latest: Enter the Synapse)
On this page, you will find all there is to know about the various updates for Rebel Transmute on Nintendo Switch.
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Rebel Transmute – Ver. ??? (Enter the Synapse)
- Release date: TBA
- Patch notes:
New Content!
New Bosses
- Hover Queen network rematch.
- Monstrous Carapace network rematch.
- Bloat Specimen network rematch.
- Reef Tamer network rematch.
- Added the Recoiler augment. This augment negates knockback from firing your blaster.
New Weapon
- Tired of having to get super close to shoot your enemies or hit a button? Well, now you have a new weapon to play Rebel Transmute with! The long range Particle Blaster is a perfect compliment to the game’s standard short range Planet Cutter.
- Switch between weapons on the fly with the press of a button or a flick of the joystick!
Boss Fights
- Grey Matter’s health has been lowered to act as a more fair introductory boss.
- Hover Queen has new graphics.
- Bloat Specimen reworked to be more interesting, difficulty should be around the same or slightly harder.
- Reef Tamer has been reworked to be more fair, added new attack animations, changed timing on attacks, and completely changed how the Urchin acts.
- Half Eaten Moth has been reworked to be more interesting, and as such has been given a new arena.
- Goliath Drill has had some slight tweaks to make timing of attacks more consistent.
- Minor Carapace now has better attack signaling and less frequent attacks.
- Flying Transport Bot now has attack signaling.
- Leaping Clay now has less frequent attacks, its attack reaches further.
- Living Clay now has less frequent attacks.
- Exploding Bloats now have a detonation timer, making them more interesting to avoid.
- Acid Ballooners and Acid Bouncers (both Overgrowth enemies used as platforms) can no longer be killed.
- Many enemies now drop more red matter.
- Changed the Vital Readings augment to cost 0.25 energy, down from 0.5.
- Increased blaster range significantly when using the Stabilizer augment.
- Moved an Augment Battery item from a later shop to the shop in the Shipyard Commune on the Surface.
- Moved an Augment Battery item from a later room in the Reef Set Subways to an easier to find room in the Abandoned Quarry.
Main Blaster
- The Humming Symbiote blaster upgrade from defeating the first boss now additionally extends the blaster range and changes its color.
- The Main Blaster now deals 25% more damage without upgrades.
Map UI
- Map visuals reworked to show more at once, and be clearer to navigate.
- Number of basic pins that can be placed per color increased from 8 to 12.
- Reworked all basic pin sprites to be distinct shapes.
- Added 2 new basic pins that you automatically start with.
- Added a pin to track NPCs, you can buy this pin from a certain shop.
- Now clearer how to pick up placed pins, which current pin is selected, and how many pins of each type are left.
- The Welder who upgrades your blaster is now marked on the map after a certain conversation, or after finding a certain computer terminal, or if you’ve already found them.
Level Design
- Touched up many rooms in the Foray Surface Labs to be less punishing.
- Reworked enemy placement.
- Extended some platforms to ease platforming difficulty.
- Adjusted laser hazards to be easier to read and avoid.
- Touched up many rooms in the Abandoned Quarry to be fairer to navigate.
- Reworked enemy placement.
- Reworked some enemy behavior.
- Adjusted platforming sections to have more consistent jump spacing.
- Adjusted wave fights to fit the location better.
- Removed Fossilized Clay from this area, moved to the Fossil sub area.
- Touched up many rooms in the Sparkblood Mines to be more fun to explore.
- Reworked enemies.
- Added map markers for a certain platforming puzzle.
- Adjusted falling lava behavior to be easier to anticipate and dodge.
- Touched up a few Coral Fissure and Overgrowth rooms to ease a player’s first time in those areas.
- Adjusted platforming sections on the main path to be more forgiving.
- Replaced a very hard to find hidden room with an Augment Battery reward with an easier to find platforming challenge room with the same reward.
- Changed the way bomb blocks work, they now respawn upon re-entering a room, as opposed to staying destroyed forever.
- Removed some hidden blocks / a hidden path that was necessary to find and complete the subsystem in the Mines, the path is now visible and easier to find by default.
- Added a new repair station at the second entrance to the Arboretum, also much closer to the Devouring Worm boss fight.
- Added a new repair station in the top room of the Sparkblood Mines Tower, much closer to the Cerebellum boss fight.
- Added a warning when entering the Subway area to let the player know it is fine to come back to that area later.
- Added a new room in the overgrowth! Go find it near the entrance for a powerful new ability.
Death / Lost Cores
- Recovering a lost core from a Repair Station now only costs 35 red matter, down from 50.
- Dying without any auxiliary cores only loses you 30% of your current red matter, down from 50%.
- Added a 4th extra health as an option to the already existing 3 extra health.
- Added new sound effects for the Half Eaten Moth boss.
- Added new sound effects for the Flying Transport Bot enemy.
- Falling lava has had a graphical update and has new sound effects.
- Vines have a new sprite that is more clearly in the background / not interactable.
- Dried vine platforms have a new sprite to be more clearly in the foreground / interactable.
- Added a new item to coincide with an important plot point.
- Made looking up or down with the camera trigger faster.
- Looking up or down uses a dedicated button / joystick movement. If you’d like to look using the movement keys or joystick, that option can now be found under Accessibility options.
- Water boosting now slows time, allowing for players to control the player even when traveling at high speeds.
- Cutscenes now visually show you new map markers when you acquire them.
- Added another fuse to the Surface Scavenger shop’s inventory.
- Made the ‘interact’ and the new ‘change weapon’ buttons rebindable on keyboard and controller.
- The rebind page for controller now shows all used controls in the game.
- The rebind pages now grey out controls that can’t yet be rebound.
- Interact has moved from the d-pad to the right analog stick (up).
- The look ahead / peak feature is now exclusively bound to right analog stick (up/down).
Bug Fixes
- Fixed ‘Force Respawn’ not working if inside a Network room.
- Updated the way leaving Network rooms is handled, which should make behavior when leaving a room more reliable.
- Fixed a bug with ‘Force Respawn’ confirmation text not disappearing when it should.
- Made some short, more gameplay focused cutscenes unskippable.
- Fixed a bug where the ‘Skip Cutscene’ text would pop up at the start of every cutscene unprompted.
- Fixed the last 2 map pins placed of each color not showing up correctly.
- Fixed a bug where the Goliath Drill boss could get stuck during a few of their attacks.
- Fixed a bug where the Particles on / off option in the menu didn’t do anything. Particles can now be set to ‘Few’ or ‘Many’.
- Fixed an animation for an object or enemy being shot but not damage only playing partially.
- Fixed lost cores showing on the map in the map square you died, not the map square they dropped.
- Additional notes: none
- Source: Evan Tor Games (Steam)
How to download updates for Rebel Transmute for the Nintendo Switch?
To download the updates for Rebel Transmute, you have three options:
- let the console do its thing if you have automatic downloads activated, and didn’t completely turn it off
If not…
- try to launch the game from the Home Menu while being connected to the internet. You should get a prompt when doing so: simply follow the instructions on screen;
- select the game > press either + or – to go to the Options page > select Software update > select Via the Internet.
To check that you have the latest version installed, simply select the game on the Home Menu, and press – or + to go to the Options: the version number is displayed just below the game title.