PokéNews (July 20): Pokémon Sun and Moon (Battle Competition) / Magikarp Jump / Pokémon GO
Today’s Pokémon news: registrations now open for the latest Battle Competition in Pokémon Sun and Moon, but also…
- Magikarp Jump
- Pokémon GO
Pokémon Sun and Moon – Battle Competition
Today, registrations for the latest Battle Competition for Pokémon Sun and Moon went live. It’s called the Weakness Cup, and here’s everything you need to know about it:
- Format: Double Battles, 4 Pokémon per battle;
- Pokémon restrictions: National Pokédex No. 001 through 799 only (Pokémon transferred via Poké Transporter are allowed)
- Pokémon banned: Mythical and some Legendary Pokémon, and Pokémon with less than 5 weaknesses;
- Item restrictions: only Weakness Policy and any Berries that lessen the damage taken from supereffective attacks are allowed. Mega Stone are banned. Two Pokémon cannot be holding the same Hold Item;
- Level: 1 to 100, but level capped to 50 during battles
- Registration: July 20th to July 27th. Participant limit: TBC
- Battles: July 28th to July 30th, with a limit of 15 battles/player and /day;
- Results: announced sometime in August;
- Participation gift (must complete at least 3 battles): Ampharosite, Altarianite, Latiosite, and Latiasite Mega Stones.
You can check out more details about the Battle Competition over at the Pokémon Global Link. If you want to train for this Battle Competition, you can get the rules from the Festival Plaza in Pokémon Sun and Moon.
Magikarp Jump
Today, yet another update for Magikarp Jump was released, and more precisely the iOS version. It brings the game to Ver. 1.2.2 (just like the Android version), and offers various bug fixes… nothing too exciting, unfortunately!
As usual, you can find more details about the various updates for Magikarp Jump on this page!
Source: Serebii
Pokémon GO
The Pokémon GO Fest (in Chicago) takes place this Saturday, and yesterday, Niantic announced that the event would be livestreamed on Twitch. It will be hosted by the following people:
- Rachel Quirico
- Britanni Johnson
- Kelly Link
- Brandon Martyn “Mystic7”
Source: Niantic