Perfectly Nintendo

Perfectly Nintendo is now on Patreon!

A few weeks ago, we launched a call for help, detailing various ways for our readers to help us. Quite a few of you asked us why we didn’t simply launch a Patreon campaign, which has worked well for various websites and/or creators. Well, we heard you: Perfectly Nintendo is now on Patreon!

Head after the break!

logo-perfectly-nintendoBefore anything else, we would like to personally thank the few people who did donate during our previous call for support. Their money will go directly towards the renewing of hosting and domain name. Thank you very much!

As for those of you who did buy things on Amazon / Play-Asia / CD Japan, thank you too! Money will also go towards hosting as soon as we can get it.


Why didn’t we directly went the Patreon route? It’s actually pretty simple, and there’s two main reasons for that:

  • we were not sure there were enough people interested. We didn’t really want to launch a campaign, only get 20 bucks a month, and then be stuck with those 20 bucks. It would be nothing but a waste of money for you (it’s not nearly enough for us to keep going), and a waste of time for us;
  • we were, and still are, quite reluctant to offer exclusive content for patrons, which is the main incentive creators use to convince people to back them. You can learn more about that on our Patreon page!

But the thing is, our previous call for help didn’t quite have the impact we were expecting, partly because several people preferred a Patreon campaign to buying things online or making a direct donation.

To learn more about the Patreon campaign, please make sure to click here! If you’ve already read our previous call for support, you can directly skip to the “What will the Patreon money used for?” section of the “Why is Perfectly Nintendo on Patreon” message.

Two things to keep in mind:

  • there are (currently) no rewards/perks. If there are rewards/perks you would like to see added to the campaign, please make sure to let us know in the comments below (or on Twitter!);
  • do not worry if you don’t have any money to spare: there are quite a few ways to help us without having to spend a single cent.

Thank you for reading, and thank you for support!


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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