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Loco Motive (Switch): all the updates (latest: Ver. 1.0.4)

On this page, you will find all there is to know about the various updates for Loco Motive on Nintendo Switch.

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Loco Motive – Ver. 1.0.4

  • Release date: December 17th 2024
  • Patch notes:


  • fixed soft locks caused by incorrect handling of cancelled interactions
  • fixed soft lock that could occur when clicking multiple times on don’s broken door
  • fixed rare soft lock when interacting with sister Gretchen and brother Jared in chapter two
  • fixed soft lock where the band could get stuck in a loop when entering green room in chapter four
  • fixed threading issue that could occur when interacting with the band members
  • fixed soft lock that could occur when rapidly clicking on the casino patrons
  • fixed potential threading issues when showing the perfumed note to characters
  • fixed threading issue when talking to the highrollers in the casino
  • fixed potential threading issues when leaving dialogue trees
  • fixed soft lock due to erroneous character positioning during chapter six
  • fixed threading issues when interacting with characters whilst drunk
  • fixed a crash on certain windows system languages when looking at the medical records
  • fixed null reference exception when an active controller is disconnected due to low battery
  • fixed background sequences being stopped when an interaction is cancelled
  • fixed soft lock when loading into chapter six from an autosave
  • fixed a soft lock when talking to the chefs in chapter three
  • fixed threading issues during unhandled fall-back interactions with characters, inventory items & props
  • fixed soft lock when giving the briefcase to the twins in chapter two


  • fixed german eszett character not appearing for lines displayed in all caps
  • fixed dialogue text rendering off screen when using certain settings
  • fixed issue where Lady Unterwald displayed incorrect dialogue options at beginning of chapter four
  • fixed subtitle dialogue continuing to show after the twins escape from the vent in chapter four
  • fixed accessibility text settings not being applied to background sequence dialogue


  • fixed doctor Hirsch being very shy and facing the wall during handshake cutscenes in chapter four
  • fixed Diana rendering underneath the motorbike in the test yard
  • fixed Don remaining invisible if you leave the casino without following him
  • fixed visual bug when showing Ron the detective badge at the dining table
  • fixed the quartermaster from disappearing when using the hint line in the test yard
  • fixed issue where Herman could show the detective badge to characters while in disguise
  • fixed visual issues when giving the briefcase to the twins in chapter two
  • fixed visual issues when giving the sketches to doctor Hirsch in chapter two
  • fixed Philately Stamp visual issues during the mansion lobby cutscene in the finale
  • fixed issue where Don appeared in the post credits cutscene


  • added specific calls for combining the various knife state items with the slippery mixture
  • fixed Arthur not walking towards brother Jared when interacting whilst drunk
  • fixed Arthur not walking towards Belle when giving her an item
  • fixed suction boots remaining active when using them on the ladder in chapter four
  • fixed incendiary pencils remaining active when using them on the firebox in chapter five
  • fixed hearing horn background sequence continuing when leaving the room
  • fixed Don’s betting sequence being triggered if you enter the casino whilst he’s leaving for the dining carriage
  • fixed Don and Bergmann background sequence continuing when leaving the room
  • fixed publisher pigeon background sequence continuing when looking at the in-tray


  • fix for save states affected by erroneous character positioning in chapter six
  • fixed handshake club lights issue on initial autosave after Arthur drinks the rosebud
  • fixed autosave icon not disappearing if an action was cancelled by the player


  • updated credits list
  • fixed the console being accessible on release builds
  • fixed tutorial popups not disappearing if an action was cancelled by the player

How to download updates for Loco Motive for the Nintendo Switch?

To download the updates for Loco Motive, you have three options:

  • let the console do its thing if you have automatic downloads activated, and didn’t completely turn it off

If not…

  • try to launch the game from the Home Menu while being connected to the internet. You should get a prompt when doing so: simply follow the instructions on screen;


  • select the game > press either + or – to go to the Options page > select Software update > select Via the Internet.

To check that you have the latest version installed, simply select the game on the Home Menu, and press – or + to go to the Options: the version number is displayed just below the game title.


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.