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Indie news (June 17): Hive Jump / Stone Shire

Today’s Indie news:

  • Hive Jump
  • Stone Shire

Hive JumpHive Jump

Earlier this week, Graphite Lab posted the latest Kickstarter update for Hive Jump. Here’s the topics it covers:

  • Gameplay Sneak Peek

  • New Levels, New Modules, New Hazards
  • New Relics Located
  • FAQ Update
  • Indy POP CON

You can check out the Kickstarter update by clicking here!

Head after the break for the rest of this post!

Stone Shire

Earlier this week, Cordero from FingerGunGames talked about what’s next for Stone Shire. He explained that once work on Ohayou! Beginner’s Japanese was over, he’d go fix and improve some things in the game.

Here’s what he’s planning to do:

  • bring frame rate back to 60fps
  • get rid of the remaining bugs
  • make the water system manual (no more automatic flowing)
  • tweak the lightning system

He explained that playability was more important than physics, which is why the next update will be a step back in some areas: it’s all done in order to improve performance.

Source: Miiverse


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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