even if TEMPEST on track to reach 10 000 units milestone early
Earlier this month, Voltage shared their latest financial results. Amidst the various slides, there’s one about even if TEMPEST (their first original Otome game for Nintendo Switch). It reveals that the game, launched in early June, seems to be doing well as it’s on track to reach their 10 000 units sold target earlier than expected.
10 000 units may seem like a rather unambitious target, though it’s worth keeping in mind that even if TEMPEST is not only a brand new IP, but also a rather expensive game only available via the Nintendo eShop.
Also, the game is not done selling: Voltage explains that are planning further promotion for the game in Japan and worldwide, with the release of merchandise also under consideration for the Japanese market.
Source: Voltage PR
Thanks ktpoison for the heads up!