Dead by Daylight (Switch): all the updates (Archives: launch to Ver. 7.4.2)
On this page, you will find all there is to know about the various updates for Dead by Daylight on Nintendo Switch (originally released on September 24th 2019 in Europe and North America, and September 26th 2019 in Japan)!
This page lists all the updates released between launch and Ver. 7.4.2. For the more recent updates, make sure to check out this page instead!
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Dead by Daylight – Ver. 7.4.2
- Release date: December 13th 2023 (North America, Europe) / December 14th 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Re-enabled Flashlight items and perks Residual Manifest, Dramaturgy and Appraisal.
The Good Guy
- Batteries Included (perk)
- When within 12 meters of a completed generator, you have 5% Haste. The movement speed bonus lingers for 1/3/5 seconds after leaving the generator’s range. (Removed deactivation when all generators are completed)
The Trickster
- Decreased the base time between throws to 0.3 seconds (was 0.33)
- Increased the Main Event throw rate multiplier to 66% (was 33%)
- Increased the Main Event active duration to 6 seconds (was 5 seconds)
- Reverted the time before Laceration starts decaying to 15 seconds (was 10 seconds)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to complete the Back-to-Back Tome 17 Challenge if getting a Good skill check or missing a skill check after getting 3 Great skill checks consecutively.
- Bots can once again dodge special attacks.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Mastermind picking up a Survivor on his shoulders to be misaligned for a few seconds.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Demogorgon’s Break Pallet animation to play properly when a Survivor runs into the Pallet from the other side.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Good Guy “Slice and Dice” hit animation to plays twice.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to become misaligned during The Good Guy carry animation attacks
- The Good Guy can now scamper under pallets being lifted by Any Means Necessary
- Fixed an issue where players could bypass the 90 degree camera lock with The Good Guy
- The Trickster’s Main Event can no longer trigger the Supreme Combo event multiple times per health state
- As seen from the survivor point of view Charles Lee Ray no longer jitters and lags behind while carrying The Good Guy
- Fixed an issue that caused The Huntress’ hatchets to become offset at launch
- Fixed an issue in The Nostromo map where characters could land on debris
- Fixed an issue in Midwich Elementary School where characters would clip through a vault
- Fixed an issue in the Swamp Realm where extra collision would let characters stand
- Fixed an issue in The Underground Complex where characters would not be able to rescue a survivor on a hook
- Fixed occasionally missing UI elements like the Currencies information.
- Fixed a potential crash in the Archives when hovering a Reward node.
- Fixed a potential crash if closing the Player Profile menu too quickly after equipping a Player Card badge or banner.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to clip into a locker after being interrupted from entering one by the Killer
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to clip into lockers after using a flashlight and entering the locker simultaneously
Known Issues
- The Back-to-Back Tome 17 challenge description erroneously says “1 consecutive skill check” instead of 3.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 7.4.1
- Release date: December 5th 2023 (North America, Europe) / December 6th 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Input icons on Killer’s power stay visible, becoming semi-transparent when that input cannot be used.
Events & Archives
- The “Bone Chill” Winter event returns December 14th at 11:00 AM ET.
- The “Bone Chill” event includes an event tome, with Level 1 opening at the start of the event.
The Good Guy
- There is now input protection when entering Hidey-Ho Mode (a small delay before you can exit the mode to prevent double-tapping and accidentally wasting the power by exiting immediately).
The Trickster
- Memento Blades Add-on: Increased the bonus throw speed from Memento Blades to 10% (was 5%).
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where no audio feedback would play when interacting with a Glyph.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Good Guy’s VO lines to overlap and cause the Slice & Dice yell to be silent.
- Bots no longer run away when a player fails to complete a Heal action on them.
- Bots no longer try to heal players that went into the Downed State by using Plot Twist.
- Bots will now attempt to get the players’ attention if they want to be healed.
- Bots can no longer blind The Mastermind while being thrown.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Huntress arm to glitch when throwing a hatchet while looking down.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse to gain an additional blink charge after charging a blink and picking up a downed Survivor with the Matchbox add-on.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Demogorgon to traverse with a carried Survivor if it cancelled the traverse interaction at the last second and picked up a downed Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Demogorgon’s portal auras to be white instead of yellow after being activated.
- Fixed an issue that caused from Survivor perspective, to flip repeatedly when The Good Guy interrupted them during a vault.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Killer camera to clip into Charles Lee Ray during the “Wiggle out” animation of the survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Good Guy’s basic attack to hit ground collision when looking slightly downward on a missed attack.
- Fixed an issue that caused interaction prompts to remain visible when the Good Guy was performing a Slice & Dice.
- Fixed an issue that caused random the Good Guy VO subtitles to display when loading into or leaving the match.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to be misaligned while being carried by Charles Lee Ray/the Good guy.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Good Guy’s camera to be extremely misaligned and clipping after interacting with a glyph.
- Fixed an issue on the Nostromo Wreckage Map where characters can get on top pf some debris.
- Fixed an issue on Gas Heaven Map where The Demogorgon could get on top of a pallet.
- Fixed a global issue where the doors of Lockers would clip in the stairs of the Basement.
- Fixed an issue in The Underground Complex Map where Killers could not grab Survivors working on a side of a Generator.
- Fixed an issue in Coal Tower Map where Killers could land on top of crates.
- Fixed an issue in Badham Preschool Map where the Killer was unable to vault the window of the Killer Shack.
- Fixed an issue in Family Residence Map where The Good Guy was able to land on top of blockers.
- Fixed an issue where traps could be hidden under water in the Yamaoka Estate Maps.
- Fixed an issue where Killers were unable to grab Survivors on some Generators in the Midwich Elementary school map.
- Fixed an edge case where switching between characters with an identical Perk inventory except for Perk levels would fail to update the inventory.
- Fixed the Store Banner subtitle in the Featured section so that it’s not cut before the end in certain languages.
- Fixed an issue in the Archives Rift menu where the Auric Cell Reward preview stayed displayed after selecting a Blood Point Reward.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 7.4.0
- Release date: November 28th 2023 (North America, Europe) / November 29th 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
New Killer – The Good Guy
Killer Power
The Good Guy has two separate modes he can switch between; Normal Mode and Hidey-Ho Mode. Due to his short height, The Good Guy also has a fixed third-person camera positioned above and behind him, giving the player a better view of his surroundings. He is also much shorter than other Killers making him very stealthy, however he leaves fading Footfalls behind as he walks.
Special Ability: Hidey-Ho Mode
Press the Secondary Power button to enter Hidey-Ho Mode for 14 seconds. While in this mode the Killer is Undetectable, and “distraction” Illusory Footfalls and audio are spawned all across the map.
Special Attack: Slice & Dice
While in Hidey-Ho Mode, press and hold the Power button to charge up a Slice & Dice Attack. When fully charged, you automatically dash forward at high speed, triggering an attack at the end. The Power button can be released during the dash to perform the attack early.
Special Ability: Scamper
While in Hidey-Ho Mode, when you are near a vault or pallet, press the Interaction button to scamper through it quickly without breaking it.
- Hex: Two Can Play
- Anytime you are stunned or blinded by a Survivor 4/3/2 times, if there is no Hex Totem associated with this Perk, a Dull Totem becomes a Hex Totem. While the Hex Totem stands, Survivors who stun or blind you get blinded for 1.5 seconds.
- Friends ‘Til the End
- When you hook a Survivor that is not the Obsession, the Obsession becomes exposed for 20 seconds and reveals their aura for 6/8/10 seconds. When you hook the Obsession, another random Survivor screams and reveals their position and becomes the Obsession.
- Batteries Included
- When within 12 meters of a completed generator, you have 5% Haste. The movement speed bonus lingers for 1/3/5 seconds after leaving the generator’s range. This perk deactivates when all the generators are powered.
Killer Updates – The Trickster
- Movement speed increased from 4.4 m/s to 4.6 m/s.
- Removed recoil for throwing knives.
- Blade-ready movement speed: removed per-throw movement speed reduction.
- Increase laceration meter from 6 to 8.
- Main Event Updates:
- Decrease the number of Blades required to access Main Event from 30 to 8 Blades.
- Decrease Main Event duration from 10 sec to 5 sec.
- Pressing the Secondary Power button within 0.3 second of activating Main Event does not cancel it.
- Add 0.5 second to the next Main Event for each combo score level reached.
- Combo Score Levels (consecutive hits with thrown Blades increases the combo):
- E: base time + 0.5 sec
- D: base time + 1 sec
- C: base time + 1.5 sec
- B: base time + 2 sec
- A: base time + 2.5 sec
- S: base time + 3 sec
Trickster Add-on Updates
- Memento Blades
- Increases throw speed by 5% (new functionality)
- Inferno Wires
- Increases duration of Main Event by 40% (was 25%)
- Ji-Woon’s Autograph
- Increase the time before a combo ends by 10% (new functionality)
- Tequila Moonrock
- Increases duration of Main Event by 60% (was 50%)
- Fiz-Spin Soda
- Increase the time before a combo ends by 15% (new functionality)
- Death Throes Compilation
- Reveal the aura of Survivors hit during Main Event for 6 seconds (new functionality)
- Iridescent Photo Card
- For each consecutive Blade hit, gain a stackable 1% Haste status effect, up to a maximum of 7%. (new functionality)
- This bonus is lost when missing a Blade or when injuring a Survivor by any means. (new functionality)
Killer Update – The Nemesis
- There is a new animation for when Survivors use Vaccines on themselves.
Perk Updates
- Made For This
- This perk activates while you are in the injured state. after you finish healing another Survivor, gain the endurance status effect for 6/8/10 seconds. While affected by Deep Wound, you run 3% faster. (added deep wound condition for haste effect)
- Stranger Things Perks – now that the Stranger Things DLC is available once more, the following perks will no longer be in the bloodweb unless you own the DLC:
- Surge – Demogorgon perk (was Jolt)
- Mindbreaker – Demogorgon perk (was Fearmonger)
- Cruel Limits – Demogorgon perk (was Claustrophobia)
- Babysitter – Steve Harrington perk (was Guardian)
- Camaraderie – Steve Harrington perk (was Kinship)
- Second Wind – Steve Harrington perk (was Renewal)
- Better Together – Nancy Wheeler perk (was Situational Awareness)
- Fixated – Nancy Wheeler perk (was Self Aware)
- Inner Strength – Nancy Wheeler perk (was Inner Healing)
Map Updates
The largest Maps in the game, The Mother’s Dwelling and The Temple of Purgation of the Red Forest Realm, have been reduced in size. This will help both roles enjoy a play area that is consistent with the other maps. While we were making adjustments to the Red Forest Realm, we also did a pass on the gameplay of the tiles and improve the navigation and the readability of the map.
The Garden of Joy also benefited from a gameplay pass. The house has been revisited to find a better combination of obstacles and reduce the strength of some of the windows. A pass on the tiles has also been done, since the visibility was making it hard for players to enjoy a better navigation in the map and bring the focus on the chase, loops and all interactions. The Killer Shack was also very crowded around the walls and made the collisions known through all realms hard to run consistently, we have cleared the area.
PTB Feedback for the House in Garden Of Joy, we noticed that the position changes of the breakable walls, made it more difficult to deal with the Windows. We have removed the breakables, the structure of house is still problematic it is noted and will be part of a future pass on the building.
Autohaven Wreckers will be more festive this year with added holiday decorations in a few places within the maps.
Graphics Update
- Added support for FSR 1.0 on all platforms.
Player Profile and Customizable Player Cards
Players can now expect to find their level and grades on a new screen – their Player Profile! Select the badge in the top right (of most menus) to open it. The Player Profile is where players can customize their Player Card.
Players now have a Player Card and can earn collectable banners and badges to customize it! New banners and badges come in a variety of rarities and appearances and can be earned from Tome and Archive rewards as well as Events. Players will be able to see their new customized player cards in a variety of menus including the end-of-match tally screen where they can show them off to other players.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where The Wraith could earn progress towards the Tome 6 Ripple of Violence challenge when hitting a healthy survivor with the Blind Warrior – White add-on. This unintended.
- Fixed an issue where the Green Glyphs were not spawning after the challenge requirement was completed.
- Fixed an issue where the pallet break animation was out of sync while the Killer player was under the effect of the Orange Glyph.
- Fixed an issue where a hooked Survivor player could earn progress on skill check related challenges during the hooked struggle phase. This was unintended.
- Fixed an issue where visual elements of the Core Memory: Stray Thoughts challenge were visible after the shard despawned.
- Fixed an issue where the shards of the Core Memory: Stray Thoughts challenge could spawn inside environment assets.
- Fixed an issue where the High Skill challenge can gain progress from hook struggle skill checks.
- Specific voice lines’ subtitles should now match the audio more accurately.
- Fixed various VO issues on The Good Guy.
- Fixed an issue where The Good Guy could hear the illusory footfalls.
- Fixed an issue where some killers were lacking the SFX when snuffing a totem.
- Fixed an issue where the wrong music was playing for Jake Park’s Lucky Stroll Outfit.
- Fixed an issue where the Blast Mine explosion was muffling the audio on the Survivor who installed it at any range.
- Fixed an issue where the perk “Spies from the Shadow” caused the loud noises to be too loud.
- Fixed an issue where Memory Shards were lingering after despawning.
- Bots are better at handling the Undetectable status of a Killer.
- Bots no longer struggle to repair a Generator on a specific tile on The Game.
- Fixed multiple crashes that could occur when playing with Bots.
- Bots in the Tutorials have been slightly nerfed to improve new player experience.
- Bots have figured out how to access a particular corridor of the Hawking National Laboratory.
- Bots have figured out how to access a particular corridor of the Raccoon City Police Station.
- Bots have figured out how to fall off a specific ledge on Lampkin Lane.
- When a Killer approaches while being healed by another player, Bots are now more willing to run away.
- An animation of Mikaela Reid pulling out a book in the menus has been fixed to correctly hide the book at the end.
- Fixed an issue that caused the animation for grabbing a Survivor from a Locker to not play properly when playing as The Nurse in a Trial.
- Fixed an issue that caused the hook animation of the Nurse to not play properly when hooking a survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused multiple animations to clip during specific interactions as The Hag.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Survivors right arm to appears broken when performing the self-unhook animation
- Fixed an issue that caused the The Hillbilly to be able to see through a Locker when starting the Use Chainsaw.
- Fixed an issue that caused Break pallet animation to be out of sync when breaking a pallet as the Killer while under the Orange Glyph status effect.
- Fixed an issue that caused Nicolas Cage to plays ‘failed skillcheck’ animation when using Styptic Syringe.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Hag camera to moves briefly when returning to idle after an attack.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Trapper and The Pig to be missing their traps in the Lobby
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivor Nicolas Cage’s chin to clip through his collar during the pointing animation.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivor The Nurse’s weapon to snaps back into idle position after an attack miss.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Hag’s arm to be invisible when having the Sugared Claws equipped during multiple actions.
- Fixed an issue that caused the camera to be misplaced during the Moris as Renato Lyra and equipped with his legendary outfit.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Hag or The Nurse camera to be able to clip inside of the locker until they move, when searching an empty locker.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Blight’s camera to be able to clip through locker while using chain dash.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Trickster’s camera to drops to low, when landing.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors right arm to appear broken when performing the self-unhook animation while holding certain items.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Trapper to be able to farm Bloodpoints and stack Haste bonuses by spamming the Set Trap ability on Maurice’s hooves.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Demogorgon’s FOV not to increase while using the Shred ability.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Legion’s add-on Julie’s Mix Tape not to replenish the Feral Frenzy cooldown when pallet stunned.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when the Deathslinger reeled in a speared Survivor.
- Fixed issues related to the navigations of Bots in the The Underground Complex
- Fixed an issue in the realm of Crotus Prenn where the pallet in the shack was clipping in the ground
- Fixed an issue where Victor could not jump through a window of the Grim Pantry building
- Fixed an issue on the Suffocation Pit where the player could land on top pf assets
- Fixed an issue in the Coal Tower maps where player could land on top of pallets
- Fixed an issue with the collision of a car asset in the Badham Preschool.
- Fixed an issue where you could see the edge of the map in the vistas on The decimated Borgo.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Xenomorph’s tail attack not to inflict damage on Survivors in the shack in the Red Forest maps.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Xenomorph’s tail attack to hit multiple invisible collisions in the Underground Complex map.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Mastermind to not be able to use his power around a sliding door in the Underground Complex map.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused successful skillchecks from the Merciless Storm perk to count as failed.
- Fixed an issue with purchasing Auric Cells on the Microsoft Store version of the game.
- Fixed a crash that could occur on PS5 while in menus.
- Buying a node on the Bloodweb for an “item” that is part of the active preset right before the beginning of a match will lead to that “item” to be correctly consumed and shown on the Tally screen.
- Legendary Cosmetics Killers with a unique name (such as The Trapper’s Naughty Bear) will now have that name correctly display across all menus.
- Players can switch between Archives visual lore entries while in fullscreen.
- Fixed a missing word in the Player Stats tab
- Fixed an issue where the screen blurs when canceling the Naughty Bear Mori preview while loading.
- Fixed an issue where the spending pop-up above the Bloodpoints wallet doesn’t appear when using bonus Bloodpoints.
- Fixed an issue where texts are overlapping in the Loadout menu on the Nintendo Switch.
- Fixed an issue where tooltips do not scale with the UI Scale option
- Killswitched Cosmetics can no longer be brought into a Trial.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when starting a match with an empty loadout.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to run in place when the Killer disconnected from the trial.
Bug Fixes
- Queueing as a certain Killer for a regular game then switching to a custom game no longer locks you to play the Killer you queued as in the regular game.
- Fixed The Demogorgon’s Perks being available to Chucky without prestiging the former.
The Good Guy
- The Good Guy’s voice lines can overlap and cause the Slice and Dice yell to be silent
- When destroying a Pallet as The Good Guy, the animation is now correctly centered in the direction of the Pallet.
- The Good Guy’s camera sensitivity is no longer affected when getting stunned during a Slice and Dice dash.
- Activating the Hidey-ho mode no longer results in an increase in server latency and potential rubberbanding
- The Good Guy can no longer hear Illusory Footfalls spawned around survivors
- After vaulting a Pallet or a Vault, The Good Guy’s Slice and Dice vignette no longer remains visible
- The Good Guy’s Chain Scampers are now more resilient in high latency network conditions
- Survivors no longer remain on the floor during The Good Guy’s pickup animation
- The Good Guy now correctly play voice lines when entering Hidey-Ho Mode
- The Good Guy can no longer body block hooked survivors from being unhooked
- The Good Guy’s Pallet Scamper and Vault Scamper are now the same duration
- Breaking a pallet with The Good Guy’s Hard Hat Addon now correctly triggers Chemical Trap, Thwack!, Game Afoot and Spirit Fury perks
- The Good Guy now correctly plays voice lines when a Survivor escapes a Trial
- The Good Guy’s Slice and Dice ability no longer consumes 2 tokens of the Play With Your Food perk
The Trickster
- Fixed an issue that caused the Haste bonus from the Iridescent Photocard’s add-on to not be lost when hitting a Survivor with Endurance.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Haste bonus from the Iridescent Photocard’s add-on to not be lost when grabbing a Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused the perk Resurgence not to work after unhooking yourself.
- Fixed an issue that caused the perk Dying Light to gain a stack when hooking the Obsession while having the perk Friends ‘Til the End equipped.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Status Effects from the Friends ‘Til the End perk not to transfer to the new Obsession when triggered by Obsession transfer perks.
- Fixed an issue that caused the perk Hex: Two Can Play to not be dimmed when all totems were destroyed.
- Fixed an issue that caused the perk Hex: Two Can Play not to gain a charge when a Survivor wiggled out from the Killers grasp.
- Fixed an issue that caused various Haste bonuses not to stack when applied to the lingering bonus Haste of the perk Batteries Included.
- Fixed a crash that could occur on the Microsoft Store version of the game when moving around menus.
- Fixed a crash that could occur on Nintendo Switch after consecutive matches.
- Fixed a crash that could occur on loading into certain maps.
- Fixed a server crash that could occur when playing with Bots.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Hag’s add-ons that reveal Survivor auras when a trap is triggered not to work.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 7.3.3
- Release date: November 6th 2023 (North America, Europe) / November 7th 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to gain progress on the “In Extremis” Challenge from Tome 16.
- Bots are now better at dodging The Trickster’s Blades.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Female and Male Survivor fast vaults distance not being the same.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Trapper to play the Naughty Bear animation during several instances (attack miss, vault and stunned).
- Fixed an issue in Pale Rose where a tree root would get the player stuck.
- Fixed an issue where players were pushed into the roof of the Mount Ormond Resort building.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Knights guards order range to be shorter on one side of generators due to Halloween asset collision.
- Fixed an issue on Switch with the Naughty Bear Mori button always visible even when an other outfit was selected.
- Fixed a potential crash in the Event Entry screen after purchasing an item with event currency.
- Fixed a crash that could occur in the Store.
- Fixed a crash/disconnection issue that could occur when playing with Bots.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 7.3.2
- Release date: October 26th 2023 (North America, Europe) / October 27th 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
Killer – The Skull Merchant
- Reworked Low Power Mode Add-on:
- Now decreases Drone Rotation speed by 100%, effectively stopping rotation.
- No longer decreases Power cooldown by 25%.
The Shattered Square Map has received pass on all tiles to update the amount of pallets from currently around 8 in total to around 18 pallets spawns. The quality of the loops were also updated to reduce the safety. We hope this adds better gameplay for both roles.
Bug Fixes
- Memory fragment shards that have been collected or have despawned no longer produce SFX.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Huntress reload animation to cause motion sickness when paired with the Iron Maiden perk.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Xenomorph pick-up animation from a Locker to jitter in a specific Locker inside the Main Building.
- Fixed an issue that caused the heads of all female Survivors to clip through the Hook during the struggle phase.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Legion’s upper body to be contorted while the camera snaps back into position after performing Memento Mori.
- Fixed an issue that allowed The Cannibal’s camera to clip through Lockers when performing a basic attack on them.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to experience clipping with the artist when picking up and putting down survivors.
- The Demogorgon’s Portals’ auras now properly appear after having performed a Mori.
- Fixed a potentially broken Killer spawn point on Nostromo Wreckage.
- Fixed a killer blocking collision on MacMillan Estate Realm.
- Fixed an issue on Suffocation Pit where the Nightmare could not place his Dream Snares.
- Fixed a killer blocking collision issue on the Temple of Purgation.
- Fixed an issue where branches of trees could clip through the main building in Eyrie of Crows.
- Fixed an issue where the Tonic Fumes of the clown could go through ceiling in buildings of the MacMillan Estate Realm.
- Fixed an issue on Raccoon City Police Station where The Nemesis’ tentacles could go through walls.
- Fixed an issue in Coldwind Farm where items could be hidden in the ground near the corn rows.
- Fixed an issue on Disturbed Ward where survivors could heal each other through walls.
- Updated the layout of the combine harvester where small killers could not interact with survivors that are standing on one side.
- Fixed an issue where players could land on top of pews in the Father Campbell’s Chapel.
- Fixed an issue in Eyrie of Crows where survivors healing each other can end up stuck in roots.
Event – Haunted By Daylight
- Lighting now properly resets when entering the Void during The Dredge’s Nightfall or while in The Nightmare’s Dreamworld.
Killer – The Skull Merchant
- Claw traps are properly destroyed when a survivor disconnects without being replaced by a bot in a Custom Game.
- The Map now properly tracks the Skull Merchant’s’ drones when equipped with Red Twine Add-On.
- Fixed an issue that could disconnect players mid-trial.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 7.3.1
- Release date: October 18th 2023 (North America, Europe) / October 19th 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
The Trapper
- The Trapper’s Bear Traps now spawn close to each Generator at the beginning of a Trial.
The Skull Merchant
- Added unique prompts to differentiate which direction a Drone will rotate in.
Haunted by Daylight
- “Haunted by Daylight” Halloween event (starts October 18th 2PM ET).
- The Archives
- “Haunted by Daylight” Halloween event tome (opens October 18th 2PM ET).
- Event Gameplay Details screen
- The event popup has a new tab where you can view details of the event gameplay.
- Event Currency
- Haunted by Daylight introduces a new reward, Dark Trinkets, an exclusive currency for Halloween events.
- Dark Trinkets are earned by completing challenges and levels within the Haunted by Daylight event tome.
- Spend Dark Trinkets on cosmetics and charms within the event’s Collection screen.
- Collection Milestone Rewards
- Milestone Rewards are a set of rewards that you unlock simply by unlocking event collection rewards. Earn all event cosmetics to unlock them all!
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the “Falling Darkness” Master Challenge can be completed after the first activation of the Nightfall.
- Fixed a visual issue when playing animatics on screen with an aspect ratio other then 16:9.
- All skill check related Challenges and Master Challenges no longer gain progress while wiggling out of the Killer grasp.
Anti Face-camp
- The anti face-camp UI is no longer visible when the last Survivor alive is hooked.
- The anti face-camp meter is now colored when filling up.
- Hooked Survivors no longer count when calculating the rate at which the anti face-camp meter fills up.
- The audio cue when the anti face-camp meter is full properly plays for spectators.
- The Struggle skill checks will now properly show up when the Unhook Self interaction is started during a Struggle skill check and then stopped midway.
- Fixed an issue that caused the anti face-camp feature to not fill the meter when the Killer was standing above certain basements.
- Fixed an issue that caused the anti face-camp meter to stop filling when the Killer was slightly higher than the hooked Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused the anti face-camp to not have an audio cue when the meter is filled while spectating.
- Fixed an issue that caused the found match SFX to not being played.
- Bots now avoid short loops created by a one-way ramp.
- Fixed an issue that caused a placeholder string to appear when The Skull Merchant targets a Drone to change its rotation direction.
- Fixed various localization issues in various Skull Merchant Add-ons.
- Fixed an issue with The Skull Merchant Geographical Readout Add-on to prevent the Add-on stacking with itself and removed the kill switch allowing the Add-on to be selected again.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Survivors from playing the correct animation when using Blast Mine or Wiretap on a Generator.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Drone to be missing in The Skull Merchant’s hand when using Killer Power.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Demogorgon’s hand to clip into the Killer’s camera view while carrying a Survivor and looking down.
- Survivors can no longer instantly free trapped allies from the Trapper’s Bear Trap when it is placed on a staircase.
- Skull Merchant’s Drones recalled when rotating counter-clockwise now rotate clockwise when placed again.
- EDIT: Fixed an issue that cased The Cenobite to be unable to use his Killer Power after solving the Lament Configuration.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to be able to climb a vault, instead of jumping on it, on the Nostromo’s wreckage.
- Fixed an issue that caused the perk Background Player to activate when performing rushed actions without moving.
- Friends from other platforms are now correctly visible in the Friends Menu.
- In the Archives the “Unlock Tiers” functionality was still accessible by Gamepad even if the button was not visible.
- Fixed an issue when collecting a mystery box as the last node didn’t reveal the mystery item collected.
- Fixed a rare issue in the Lobby where the player’s wallet could be seen duplicated.
- Fixed an issue with the Match Found SFX not playing anymore.
- The day and night cycle is now visible on the survivor portraits when playing as The Dredge.
- Fixed an issue that caused missing a Brand New Part skill check to disable Generator passive regression.
- Fixed older Event Cosmetics (such as Frosty Eyes) missing from players’ inventories.
Known Issues
- When The Oni goes through an open Unstable Rift teleporter, parts of its character model will become visible and clip through the camera.
- When completing a Trial as either Survivor or Killer the tally screen does not show the expected result.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 7.3.0
- Release date: October 10th 2023 (North America, Europe) / October 11th 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
Killer Perk Updates
- Furtive Chase
- You become obsessed with one Survivor. You lurk in the shadows, eliminating your victims one by one. When your Obsession is hooked, gain Undetectable and a 5% Haste status effect for 14/16/18 seconds. (new functionality)
Survivor Perk Updates
- Background Player
- When the Killer picks-up another Survivor, Background Player activates for 10 seconds. When you start running, break into a sprint at 200% of your normal Running Movement speed for 5 seconds. (was 150% for 4 seconds)
- This perk cannot be used while suffering from Exhaustion. This perk causes exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds.
Updated Killer: The Skull Merchant
Eyes in the Sky
The Skull Merchant begins the match with six Drones. Press the Power button to deploy a Drone, which conducts an invisible, continuous sweeping scan. If a Survivor is detected, the Drone becomes active, which makes the Drone’s scan lines visible. Once detected by a scan line, a Survivor gains scan immunity and cannot be detected by other scan lines for 3 seconds. Survivors can attempt to hack Drones. Failure activates the Drone and partially fills their Lock On meter; Success disables the Drone for 45 seconds.
- Removed the Active Zone (cylinder).
- Removed remote Activation of Drones.
- The Killer now starts with 6drones.
- The minimum distance between drones is now 16 meters.
- The Drone radius isnow 10 meters.
Press the Ability Button to open a Radar to see the locations of Survivors detected by Drones or those with Claw Traps. Each Survivor detected on the Radar increases The Skull Merchant’s movement speed. The Radar can also recall drones or change the direction of their scan rotation.
Lock On
The Lock On meter fills when scanned by a Drone and when failing to disable a Drone. When the meter is full, the Survivor receives a Claw Trap, becomes Injured, and suffers from the Broken status effect. Additional scans briefly apply the Hindered status effect. A Claw Trap broadcasts the Survivor’s location to the Killer and is only removed when its battery dies.
- Removed the Exposed status effect from Lock On
- Adi Valente #1: Effects last until the Claw Trap is removed.
- High-Power Floodlight: Blindness status applied when receiving a Claw Trap. Effects last until the Claw Trap is removed.
- Geographical Readout: Increased action speed bonus while breaking pallets and breakable walls, damaging generators, and vaulting to 20% (up from 15%). The effect is now applied for 8 seconds after deploying a drone.
- High Current Upgrade: Increases the time Survivors appear on the radar when detected.
- Adaptive Lighting: Reduced the bonus granted to Undetectable status to 20% (down from 50%).
- Stereo Remote Mic: Decreases the Disabled State duration of drones.
- Supercharge: Increased battery life of Claw Traps to 15% (up from 12%).
- Shotgun Speakers: Survivors with a Claw Trap have no skill check warning. Effects last until the Claw Trap is removed.
- Low-Power Mode: Decreases Drone Spawn Cooldown.
- Vital Targeting Processor: Increases Hindered status by 3% when a Survivor is detected by a drone.
- Brown Noise Generator: Oblivious status applied when receiving a Claw Trap. Effects last until the Claw Trap is removed.
- Loose Screw: Exhausted status applied when receiving a Claw Trap. Effects last 6 seconds (up from 3 seconds).
- Randomised Strobes: Increases Hindered status by 1 second when a Survivor is detected by a drone.
- Advanced Movement Prediction: Reveals Survivor’s aura when they receive a Claw Trap.
- Ultrasonic Speaker (formerly, “Ultrasonic Trap Speaker”): Decreases scan immunity duration.
- Expired Batteries: Decreases Claw Trap battery life (50%, instead of 60%). Increases Haste status granted when Survivors are detected on the radar.
- Prototype Rotor: Increases drone rotation speed.
- Iridescent Unpublished Manuscript: When a drone is disabled, the drone gains a 32m terror radius for 15 seconds. During this time, The Skull Merchant gains the Undetectable status effect.
Daily rituals, Achievements, Loading Tips, and Score Events have been updated accordingly.
Updated Killer: The Trapper
- When setting a Bear-Trap, The Trapper gets a Haste effect of 7.5% for 5 seconds (new effect).
- The Coffee Grounds Addon has been updated to indicate it is an additional Haste effect.
- When the Trial begins, 8 Bear-Traps spawn on the map (was 6).
Other Killer Tweaks
- Reloading hatchets takes 3 seconds (was 4 seconds).
- Reloading takes 2.6 seconds (was 2.75 seconds)
- Addon: Warden’s Keys – Decreases the Speargun’s reload time by 0.35 seconds (was 0.5 seconds)
- Addon: Jaw Smasher – Increases movement speed by 1.5% while aiming down the Speargun’s sights (was 1%).
- Addon: Wanted Poster – Increases movement speed by 3% while aiming down the Speargun’s sights (was 2.5%).
- Addon: BFFs – Earn tokens for hitting Survivors during Feral Frenzy:
- Second chained hit: 2 tokens.
- Third chained hit: 3 tokens.
- Fourth chained hit: 4 tokens.
- Fifth chained hit: 5 tokens.
- Once the gates are powered, if more than 15 or more tokens have been collected, gain a 6% movement speed boost when not using Feral Frenzy (was 4%).
- Reloading knives takes 3 seconds (was 4 seconds).
Anti Face-Camp Feature
Survivors on the hook have an internal “camp meter” which fills when the Killer is nearby. The meter fills faster the closer the Killer is, but is slower when other Survivors are near (never becomes negative).
Once the meter is full, the Survivor gets a prompt allowing them to escape the hook with 100% probability. Survivors who take this action gain Endurance for 15 seconds.
This feature shuts off entirely once the Exit Gates are powered.
As part of this system, The Cannibal can no longer hit a Survivor who has Endurance twice in the same 0.5 second timespan.
Events & Archives
- Tome 17 – COMMITMENT: Level 1 of the new tome opens October 11th at 11:00 AM ET
- The “Haunted by Daylight” Halloween event starts October 18th at 2:00 PM ET
- The “Haunted by Daylight” Halloween event tome opens at the event’s start time
- Event Gameplay Details screen
- The event popup has a new tab where you can view details of the event gameplay.
- Event Currency
- Haunted by Daylight introduces a new reward, Dark Trinkets, an exclusive currency for Halloween events.
- Dark Trinkets are earned by completing challenges and levels within the Haunted by Daylight event tome.
- Spend Dark Trinkets on cosmetics and charms within the event’s Collection screen.
- Collection Milestone Rewards
- Milestone Rewards are a set of rewards that you unlock simply by unlocking event collection rewards. Earn all event cosmetics to unlock them all!
Map Updates
Shattered Square Map Update
The Shattered SquareMap received a lot of comments at release. Some issues were related to the objects being low to the ground and hard to see, especially when it came to Killers that are navigating with a first person camera. We did a clean up and made sure that the loops feel smoother.
There were also inconsistencies with our visual and navigation language. Objects were placed in a way that it felt possible to simply climb, because of similar angles to stairs or slopes found in other maps. This was resolved by taking away some of the objects or placing assets that match the collisions.
The line of sight was very low and gave the ability for players to see across the map. A clear line of sight can be detrimental for both roles depending of the play style. We have changed the positioning of tiles with higher line of sight blockers to be more predominant.
The size of the Map was large and we decided to reduce the size to encourage encounters, make it more dynamic and reduce the time to find interactables (generators, hooks, totems, chest, etc.)
MacMillan Estate Realm Update
The Maps of the MacMillan Estate Realm have been in the game for about 7 years. The layouts and other information have been available within the community for a while, but The Entity reminded us to give players a chaotic experience. Therefore, we are adding new variations of the MacMillan Estate Realm maps to the existing pool.
Bots Improvements
Reworked the Bots Skill Check system:
- Success rates now correlate with Skill Check size.
- Skill Check debuffs, such as The Doctor’s Madness or Hex: Huntress Lullaby, reduce the odds of hitting the Skill Check.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that prevented several challenges that have to be completed in the Basement from gaining progress.
- Fixed an issue that allowed the Deadly Senses and You Can’t Hide Challenges to gain progress when hitting a survivor with a Killer’s Special Attack.
- Fixed an issue where the “Destructive Investigation” Master Challenge from Tome 16 – EXISTENCE was awarding the incorrect amount of Bloodpoints.
- Updated the description of the “I Want It, I Got It” Master Challenge from Tome 15 – ASCENSION to reflect the update to The Skull Merchant’s gameplay changes.
- Updated the “Outplayed” challenge from Tome 16 – EXISTENCE to allow progress from The Dredge to grab a Survivor from a locker they just teleported to.
- Fixed an issue where the “Job Well Done” challenge from Tome 15 – ASCENSION erroneously awarded progress from another Survivor’s finished generator repair action.
- Fixed an issue where the “Back Off!” Master Challenge and other similar challenges did not award progress from the stun inflicted after successfully wiggling out of the Killer’s grasp.
- Fixed an issue where the “Back Off!” Master Challenge did not correctly display the Player’s progress.
- Fixed an issue where the “Swarm of Darkness” Master Challenge did not correctly display the Player’s progress.
- Fixed an issue where the “Cellar Search” Master Challenge did not award progress from the chest in the Killer’s basement.
- “Remix” challenges no longer prevent the selection of random Perks on consecutive Trials on the same character.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Hooked On You music not being played on Trickster’s Paradise Beatdown outfit.
- Fixed an issue where the French voice didn’t match the text in Tome 15 “The Absolutely Horrifying Maniacal Puppet Show. Guest Starring, Ashy Slashy. 2.” Entry.
- Fixed an issue that prevented The Xenomorph to hear Generators while in Tunnels.
- Bots can now attempt to self-unhook.
- Bots now break a stare-down with the Killer earlier when standing still on opposite sides of a Remote Flame Turret.
- Bots now try to look for potential Killer approach paths when doing long interactions, taking breaks from turning the camera slowly around.
- Fixed an issue that caused any Survivors grabbed by the Trapper while vaulting towards him to be seen clipping into the ground.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Doctor to able to see inside of Lockers by walking into them.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivor Yun-Jin Lee’s Tome 17 ‘Smart Outfit’ arm to break when using a flashlight.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Camera to clips through Wraith’s ‘Saber-Toothed’ weapon after hitting a survivor.
- Fixed an issue that cause the camera not to transition properly when using the Cenobite’s Summons of Pain.
- Fixed an issue causing The Xenomorph’s tail attack to be able to hit Survivors behind it
- Fixed an issue causing The Xenomorph’s tail attack animation not to match the collision
- Fixed an issue in Lery’s Hospital where the side of a generator was blocked by assets
- Fixed an issue in Pale Rose where a groups of blockers were too close and prevented possible navigation between them
- Fixed an issue that caused the Territorial Imperative perk not to activate when a Survivor enters the basement.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Pain Resonance Perk to be able to explode a Generator blocked by the Deadlock Perk.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Blood Pact Perk’s icon to appear dimmed when the Haste effect is active.
- Fixed a crash on Nintendo Switch that could happen when interacting with the Friends menu.
- For consoles, the Loadout search bar virtual keyboard now appears in the player’s selected language rather than English.
- In the Store UI, exclamation marks for content in a new DLC will now correctly disappear on viewing that content.
- The name of the character properly changes when changing to a preset with a Legendary outfit equipped.
- Wait for mystery box animation to complete before advancing Bloodweb to next level.
- Equipped Charms are now always visible on the displayed character in the Store.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Flame Turret’s light to remain visible while vaulting.
Public Test Build (PTB) Adjustments
- Bots no longer pick up Items with nearly no charges remaining.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when playing with a Bot having the Reassurance Perk.
- Fixed one vault location on the Nostromo Wreckage that Bots were unable to use.
Skull Merchant Update
- Increased Drone rotation speed while in Stealth mode from 50 degrees/sec to 60 degrees/sec.
- Increased Drone rotation speed while in Scouting mode from 75 degrees/sec to 85 degrees/sec.
- Increased Drone detection radius from 8 to 10 meters.
- Decreased Drone initialization time from 1.5 to 0.3 seconds.
- Recalling Drones no longer puts the power on cooldown.
- Recalling Drones is available at all times, regardless of the cooldown.
- Added the ability to change a Drone’s rotation direction while using the Radar.
- Drones always deploy facing away from you and only rotate after the initialization phase is over.
- The Randomised Strobes Add-On properly increases the duration of the Hindered status by 1 second.
- The Adi Valente #1 Add-On properly reduces skill checks by 20% and not 50%.
Anti-Camp Feature
- Added 7 second grace period for the Killer to be able to leave the area before the system kicks in.
- Carrying a Survivor in the radius stops the progress bar from building up.
- Dying Survivors in the radius slow down the progress bar.
- Vertical distances are now treated differently to avoid unintentionally triggering the system through floors.
Perk Updates
- Furtive Chase
- Changed functionality: when hooking the Obsession, gain Undetectable and a 5% Haste status effect for 14/16/18 seconds.
- Background Player
- Increased sprint speed to 200%.
- Sprint Burst no longer triggers at the same time as the Background Player Perk.
Shattered Square Map Update
- Reviewed loops that were noted as too strong and reduced the number of pallets spawning in the map.
- Fixed a crash that could occur in the Splash Screen.
- The Sacrificial Ward Offering no longer disables Map Repeat Prevention.
- The Shape’s arm no longer stretches during the standing Mori from the survivor’s perspective.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 7.2.3
- Release date: September 20th 2023 (North America, Europe) / September 21st 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
Bug Fixes
- Survivors are no longer able to pass through Locker collisions in certain cases
- Add missing animation for Survivor placing “Blast Mine” or “Wiretap” traps on a generator, preventing Survivors from becoming invisible and unhittable in certain cases
Note: With this bugfix, we are reenabling Flashlights, along with three Perks: Dramaturgy, Appraisal and Residual Manifest.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 7.2.2
- Release date: September 13th 2023 (North America, Europe) / September 14th 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
The Xenomorph:
- Reviewed the Remote Flame Turret placement logic to allow for more flexibility when deploying them
- Decrease the Tail Attack cooldown movement speed from 2 to 1.2 m/s when missing or when it is obstructed
- Adjusted the descriptions of Blast Mine, Chemical Trap, and Wiretap for consistency
- Added a VFX for when the Chemical Trap disappears by itself
Bug Fixes
The Xenomorph
- The Xenomorph can no longer see Idle Crows when exiting a tunnel
- Players are now correctly able to make progress for The Onryo’s “Viral Video” achievement
- The Xenomorph can no longer turn invisible indefinitely in a Trial
- The Xenomorph is now correctly able to destroy turrets in the malfunctioned state
- Fixed an issue where The Xenomorph’s regular movement speed could remain after downing a Survivor with the Tail Attack
- Fixed a rare issue where The Xenomorph can become stuck in the tunnels, unable to exit
- Fixed a rare issue where The Xenomorph can fall through the ground
- The Adrenaline Perk now correctly gives a bonus health state after self-unhooking
- The Skull Merchant’s footsteps SFX are no longer missing where she is inspecting the radar.
- Spark bursts in the Nostromo map are no longer silent.
- Fixed an issue that hides the UI when spamming the ESC key while ending a match.
- The Pig’s right hand is no longer missing animations when carrying a survivor and moving.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Camera to move backward when leaning and stalking with Ghost Face.
- Fixed an issue that caused Vaulting Survivors to be misaligned during the windows vault animation.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Hag Camera to be obstructed when looking up while wearing any outfit.
- Fixed an issue where the trees of the Garden of Joy map lose texture and have dark silhouettes when survivors are sacrificed on the hook
- Fixed an issue in Ormond where the Bear-Traps would disappear under the snow
- Fixed an issue in RPD where players could climb Wesker’s supply crate
- Fixed one sided collisions on the Nostromo Wreckage
Known Issues
- Survivor fast vaults do not align with the expected animation resulting in different distance achieved between male and female survivors
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 7.2.1
- Release date: September 6th 2023 (North America, Europe) / September 7th 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
Bug Fixes
- Currency previews in The Rift no longer stack, which was decreasing game performance.
- The Modern Tales’ menu theme is no longer played when Meg is equipped with the Movie Night outfit.
- The Xenomorph no longer has an animation stutter upon entering a tunnel.
- The Xenomorph is no longer able to perform a Tail Attack against Survivors who have escaped through the Exit Gate.
- Survivors now correctly play an animation when interrupted from interacting with the Flame Turret.
- The Xenomorph is no longer able to see Generators, Lockers, and Survivors during transitions in and out of tunnels.
- The Oni Outfit “The Minotaur” is no longer missing horns and teeth during a Mori.
- When a Survivor sabotages a Hook, their head no longer clips inside the Hook.
- Fixed an issue that caused Ellen Ripley’s Very Rare ‘Out Of Uniform’ t-shirt to clip through her arm during certain animations.
- Fixed an issue where The Trickster’s arm would clip into the camera with certain Cosmetics after a Survivor escapes from his grasp.
- Fixed an issue with The Cenobite Add-On “Greasy Black Lens”, which would fail to reveal the Survivor hit by a possessed chain.
- Fixed an issue with The Doctor madness effect where some of the Doctor illusions would sometimes spawn in the floor or outside of the levels.
- Fixed an issue where The Xenomorph was able to see Survivors in Tunnels, located on 2nd floor, if they were standing in the path
- Fixed an issue where The Xenomorph tail was missing while in Crawler Mode
- Fixed an issue in Haddonfield where an invisible collision was blocking the players on the roof of the house
- Fixed an issue in Nostromo Wreckage map where the traps would be hidden under assets
- Fixed an issue where Victor could jump on the table in the Nostromo
- Fixed alignment issues with the survivor animation vault
- Fixed an issue where a placeholder tile would spawn in Eyrie of Crows
- Fixed an issue with the vaulting in Junkyard that affected the animation of the female characters
- Fixed an issue where a branch is floating over the Skull Merchant base
- Fixed an issue where small branches were blocking killers with chainsaws in Eyrie of Crows
- Fixed an issue where the killer could not grab a survivor off a generator in Thompson’s House map
- Fixed an issue where Killers could not grab survivor from a generator in Badham Preschool map
- Fixed an issue in Nostromo Wreckage map where an invisible collision would block characters
- Fixed an issue in Dead Dawg Saloon where an entrance was not blocked as intended
- Fixed an issue where the lighting on Haddonfield and in Nostromo Wreckage would change after The Xenomorph exited the Tunnels
- Fixed an issue where the Killer was unable to pick up Survivors in the dying state on the Temple of Purgation and re-enabled the map into rotation
- Footsteps are no longer silent when walking while Light-Footed is equipped.
- Blood Rush is no longer active after being downed by the Killer.
- Blast Mine can no longer be placed on a Generator blocked by Repressed Alliance.
- Fixed an issue where the match result appears when spectating the last survivor during Memento Mori.
- Fixed an issue where the Bot Loadout Menu displays an incorrect page of items when quickly changing pages.
- Fixed transparency texture for locked tooltips.
- The Steam Pipes reset progress bar now correctly shows a yellow-colour when used by multiple Survivors.
- Players are now correctly able to advance progress with The Onryo’s “Viral Video” achievement.
- Localization issues with certain Cosmetics have been fixed.
- Fixed an issue where The Xenomorph’s Tunnels may lose lighting and ambiance when the game is paused or the Graphic Settings are changed
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 7.2.0 (Alien Update)
- Release date: August 29th 2023 (North America, Europe) / August 30th 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
New Killer – The Xenomorph
Dev Note: Note that map-specific hooks will be overridden with the Xenomorph’s hook when you play as or against The Xenomorph.
Killer Power
Hidden Pursuit
A series of tunnels become available on the map when the Xenomorph is in play. By accessing a Control Station, it can enter these tunnels to quickly move around the map, detect the presence of nearby Survivors, and speed up the cooldown time of its Crawler Mode ability. Exiting a Control Station tags nearby Survivors with Killer Instinct.
Special Ability: Crawler Mode
The Xenomorph enters Crawler Mode automatically when not on cooldown. In Crawler Mode, the Xenomorph walks on four legs and becomes stealthier, reducing its Terror Radius. While in Crawler Mode the Xenomorph also has access to a brutal Tail Attack.
Map Feature: Control Stations
Seven Control Stations are scattered across the map. Survivors can interact with these stations to get a Remote Flame Turret, while the Xenomorph can enter and exit the tunnels underneath the Control Stations.
Special Item: Remote Flame Turret
Turrets can be placed in the map to counteract the Xenomorph. When the Xenomorph enters the radius and line of sight of a Turret, the Turret attacks; this attack staggers the Xenomorph and will cause Crawler Mode to end. If a Turret successfully knocks the Xenomorph out of Crawler Mode or fires for too long, it overheats, and must be repaired by a Survivor. The Xenomorph can attack Turrets to destroy them.
- Ultimate Weapon
- When you open a locker, this perk activates for 30 seconds. Survivors entering your Terror Radius scream and reveal their position and gain Blindness for 30 seconds. This perk then goes on cooldown for 40/35/30 seconds.
- Rapid Brutality
- You can no longer gain Bloodlust. Hitting a Survivor with a basic attack gives you 5% haste for 8/9/10 seconds.
- Alien Instinct
- This perk activates when you hook a Survivor. You see the aura of the farthest injured Survivor for 5 seconds and that Survivor is oblivious for 16/18/20 seconds.
New Survivor – Ellen Ripley
- Lucky Star
- When you hide in a locker, this perk activates. You leave no pools of blood and make no grunts of pain for 10 seconds. When you exit the locker, you see other survivors and the closest generator’s aura in yellow for 10 seconds. This perk then goes on cooldown for 40/35/30 seconds.
- Chemical Trap
- After completing 70%/60%/50% progress on any generator, this perk activates. While standing next to a dropped pallet, press the Active Ability Button 2 to install a Trap, which stays active for 100/110/120 seconds. The aura of trapped pallets are revealed in yellow to all Survivors. When the Killer performs the break action on the trapped pallet, the trap explodes, and they are slowed by 50% for 4 seconds.
- Light Footed
- When you are healthy, this perk activates. Your running footsteps are silent. This perk goes on cool-down for 28/24/20 seconds after doing a rushed action.
New Map – Nostromo Wreckage
Explore the mysterious crash site of the iconic Nostromo. Visit landmarks familiar to the fans of the Alien franchise, in a unique setting where you will find yourself chased in and out of the ship. Run the Killer around the shuttle that brought Ripley to the world of the Entity. Navigate through the alien landscape, and you may yet escape from the remains of the wrecks.
PTB – Live Changes
- Increased Xenomorph movement speed whilst traversing the map in the tunnel to 18ms was 16ms
- Whilst inside the Tunnel, when in proximity of an exit, the tunnel connection to the Control Station aura is highlighted for the Killer
- Improved visual feedback on the Tail Attack for players
- Fixed the obstruct Tail Attack animation going through objects for Survivors
- Movement speed after missing a Tail Attack has been increased to 2.0ms was 1.2ms whilst in cooldown
- Destroyed Turrets now take 60s to return to a Control Station instead of 45s
- Multiple Turrets firing at a Killer no longer stack, the Xenomorph will not lose it’s power faster if it’s affected by more than one Turret at a time
- When burned by a Remote Flame Turret without Crawler Mode ending, Power recovery now starts after 1 second (was 2 seconds).
- When burned by a Remote Flame Turret without Crawler Mode ending, Power now recovers at 25% per second (was 20%).
- A Turret being carried by the Survivor, now provides the audio radar feedback to any Survivor in range
- Slightly decreased the Turret placement restriction and Turret collision to allow a bit more flexibility with Turrets in enclosed locations
- Emergency Helmet Addon is now Rare instead of Uncommon rarity
- now offers 35% increased resistance effect instead of 50%
- Brett’s Cap Addon is now an Uncommon rarity instead of Rare rarity
- Adjusted Xenomorph Chase Music
Killer Tweaks
- The Knight
- Pillaged Mead – Decreases the amount of time it takes for a Guard to complete their Order action by 15% (was 25%).
- Tattered Tabard – Increases Patrol time for all Guards by 8 seconds (was 6 seconds).
- Town Watch’s Torch – When Survivors escape Guard Hunts without being hit two times (was 3 times), The Knight gains Undetectable Status for 25 seconds.
- The Demogorgon
- Killer Power – Undetectable after teleport lasts 5 seconds (was 3 seconds).
- Rat Tail – Increases speed of opening a Portal by 50% (was 35%).
- Unknown Egg – Decreases the cooldown after traversing the Upside Down by 2.5 seconds (was 1.5 seconds).
- Violet Waxcap – Increases the duration of the Undetectable effect gained when emerging from a Portal by 1 second (was 0.5 seconds).
- Leprose Lichen – Reveals the auras of all Survivors while traversing the Upside Down. After emerging from a Portal, the auras of all Survivors within 16 meters of an active Portal are revealed for 3 seconds.
- Updated the audio for Jonah Vasquez – grunts of pain, scream etc
Bug Fixes
- The “It All Leads Here” master challenge description has been fixed to improve objective clarity.
- The “Mastering Deadly Senses” challenge description has been fixed to improve objective clarity.
- The survivor’s pick up HUD soundcue is no longer heard when killer such as the Trapper, or The Cenobite pick up their respective killer item.
- The Tally screen music is now properly heard if the trial is ending while The Singularity was controlling a Biopod.
- Bots are now more likely to be productive within the Terror Radius.
- Bots’ behaviour has improved when facing Killer sidekicks, such as The Nemesis’ Zombies or The Knight’s Guards.
- Bots no longer attempt to confuse the Killer by crouch-walking during a chase.
- Bots now investigate Supply Cases more often.
- Bots now telepathically communicate to avoid multiple Bots running to heal or unhook a Survivor at the same time.
- Reverse Bear Traps no longer cause Bots to freeze when the Exit Gates are opened.
- When facing The Onryo, the VHS is now properly aligned in survivors’ hands.
- An extra SFX no longer plays when specific Killers pick up a Killer Item.
- The Hide action is no longer executed upon entering the interaction zone of a Locker while holding the input.
- The Nurse’s “Spasmodic Breath” addon no longer increases the carrying speed
- Survivors no longer lose deep wound when grabbed by a killer during a vault
- Survivors hiding in a Locker and hit by The Artist’s Dire Crows are now correctly revealed by Killer Instincts
- The Twins no longer enter a broken state when switching control and being stunned simultaneously
- The Knight is now correctly able to summon a second Guard at the same location of the first summon.
- Survivors hit by The Deathslinger’s Harpoon projectile will now correctly play pain, injury or grunts on hit
- The Undetectable status no longer triggers Play With Your Food
- When emerging from a Portal, the Demogorgon’s Add-on “Leprose Lichen” aura reveal is now correctly distance-limited
- Entering a locker no longer clears the duration of Blindness status effects from Killer Perks and Addons.
- The Cenobite’s Mori animation is no longer misaligned with Survivors.
- Killers’ camera is now always properly aligned with the Killer’s orientation.
- Getting hit by The Onryo no longer causes Survivors to have a VHS tape in hand at the start of retrieving the next VHS
- The Dredge can no longer break locks with a Basic Attack while inside a locker.
- A Survivor’s Aura is no longer revealed to the Killer when in range of a cleansed Dull Totem when using the Perk Hex: Undying.
- The perk Friendly Competition now correctly activates when a Generator is completed by a Bot.
- Survivors can no longer bypass the Perk “Overcharge” by quickly repairing the generator and leaving it
- Blood Pact no longer fail to activate when using an Anti-Hemorrhagic Syringe add-on.
- The effects of Plot Twist are now correctly disabled after being hooked
- The Scene Partner Perk is now correctly activated by the Terror Radius of The Xenomorph.
- Steam experiencing a network issue will no longer cancel an existing lobby.
- The “Match Found” message will no longer appear during matchmaking. Instead, the UI will go from “Searching for Match” directly into “Joining Match”.
- Display the remaining time when hovering the mouse on the store character item.
- Fixed an issue where Bot Loadout slots greyed out when nothing equipped.
- Fixed an issue where the online subsection within social menu gets reset when choosing to restore defaults in another section of the Options.
- Fixed an issue where the wrong killer’s power could appear in the Loadout menu, preventing equipping Add-ons.
- Disconnected players can no longer spectate the game they disconnected from.
- Fixed an issue where the game crashes when The Cenobite teleports to the Lament Configuration.
The Xenomorph (since PTB)
- When The Xenomorph is in a tunnel, the horizontal distance no longer counts towards perks with distance requirements
- Flame Turrets can no longer be placed in such a way as to to block passage for the Killer or partially block access for Survivors
- Fixed an infrequent crash when Starting a custom match as The Xenomorph
- Breaking down a Flame Turret while holding a limited item no longer causes the Survivor to be unable to pick up or place the Turret
- The Xenomorph’s tail placement is no longer affected by Survivors
- The Xenomorph no longer alerts crows on the map while in Runner Mode
- Placeholder white orb is no longer visible in Haddonfield when the killer is The Xenomorph
- The Flame Turret’s detection radius VFX no longer remains visible when performing other animations while holding the Flame Turret
- The Flame Turret no longer rotates in Survivors’ hands when performing gestures
- Survivors who are grabbed from a Locker no longer keep their Flame Turret.
- When exiting a Control Station as The Xenomorph, it is no longer possible to briefly see out of world
- The Acidic Blood Add-On now displays the correct icon when exiting a Tunnel.
- Survivors can no longer pick up multiple Flame Turrets at once
- Performing a “Break Down Flame Turret” action while screaming no longer causes the Flame Turret’s fire VFX to play incorrectly
- The haste effect icon is now shown properly when playing The Xenomorph with Parker’s Headband Add-On.
- The Xenomorph no longer pops into view in the Main Menu
- When in a tunnel, The Xenomorph’s offscreen indicator tracking moving Survivors no longer jitters
Perks – The Xenomorph and Ellen Ripley (since PTB)
- The Xenomorph and Ellen Ripley perks are now in the right order in the Character Info section
- The Xenomorph’s Tail attacks now correctly consume Play With Your Food Tokens.
- Blast Mine and Wiretap can no longer be placed on generators with zero progress
- The Chemical Trap no longer stays active after being broken by one of The Knight’s Guards.
- Chemical Trap’s HUD indicator no longer starts with progress or ends early
Public Test Build (PTB) Adjustments
- Killer audio such as footsteps once again correctly plays in the Tally screen.
- Some of the Xenomorph footsteps sound are no longer missing for some quadruped animations.
- Bots now avoid running to heal a downed Survivor with a nearby Killer.
- Fixed an issue that caused Jonesy to not appear and disappear correctly in the lobby
- Fixed an issue that caused the laser to be too intense when playing against the Xenomorph
- Multiple Jonesy’s will no longer spawn as part of menu idle animations.
- Fixed an issue that caused the The Hillbilly, to clip through the camera when using the basic attack or hooking a survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Singularity to drop carried Survivors on the ground between its legs, rather than dropping them on its left side.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Spirit’s sword to not fully reset when attacking twice while holding a Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused male Survivors to hold the First Aid Spray towards themselves when using it on a teammate in a Trial.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Skull Merchant’s elbow to bend and stretch during the idle animation in the lobby when equipped with the “Executive Terror” Torso cosmetic.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to still hold a VHS tape when attempting to retrieve it from a TV set after losing a VHS tape by getting hit from The Onryo.
- Removed incorrectly distributed “Attack on Titan” cosmetics for players on the Windows Store.
- Players on Switch with improperly synchronized time can now correctly start the game.
- The Report Feedback popup should now be correctly localized.
- The Legion and The Shape now have new portrait renders on the selection screen.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when queueing up for a Trial.
- Restored missing Cosmetics that were reported as lost since the 7.1.0 release.
Known Issues
- Crawler Mode is incorrectly translated as Runner Mode in-game and will be updated in a future update
- Instability may occur when fullscreen mode setting is used when the game is out of focus
- Due to an issue with the Temple of Purgation, the map has been temporarily removed from rotation. The offering “The Last Mask” has also been disable until this issue is address.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 7.1.2
- Release date: August 9th 2023 (North America, Europe) / August 10th 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Activation of the Improved Player Reporting Feedback feature
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused certain killers to not look downward while vaulting from a ledge or window, which led to a drop
- Fixed an issue that caused the Ghostface camera to move backward when leaning and stalking.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to get stuck crouching after being hit by the Deathslinger.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Knight’s camera moves up slightly after a successful basic attack.
- Fixed an issue where shows unknown error message when connection to party is lost via http request errors.
- Fixed an issue where survivors could be heard above ground when hooked in the Killer Basement.
- Fixed an issue where the “Dramaturgy” perk’s scream animation is played after stepping on a Bear Trap
- Fixed an issue where the “Dramaturgy” perk’s scream animation is played incorrectly as a survivor is downed
- Activating the “Dramaturgy” perk and being hit by Virtulent Bond together no longer plays the wrong screaming animation
- Fixed an issue where the VFX and aura on “Hex Pentimento” are not removed upon being cleansed
- Fixed an issue where “Friendly Competition” sometimes fails to activate
- Fixed an issue where some female Survivors hit by The Spirit will not make injury or grunts sounds on being hit
- Fixed an issue where the Singularity can become stuck when teleporting to a survivor that disconnects
- Fixes for some crashes across several platforms
- Fixed an issue where survivors couldn’t be picked up or healed and could block others when holding the key assigned to activate the perk “Plot Twist”.
- Fixed the input taking too long to register on the add/subtract tier buttons with mouse click.
- Fixed an issue with the perk tooltips being overlapped by survivor info.
- Fixed disable visual state for the “Go to Event Tome” button in the Online Lobby.
- Fixed an issue that prevent player from viewing the profile of someone replaced by a bot.
- Fixed missing Chinese subtitles for archive trailer.
Level Design
- Fixed an issue where players could climb on supply crates in the Raccoon City Police Station
- Fixed an issue where the Nurse would get stuck in Toba Landing
- Fixed an issue where crows were overlappng in Dead Dawg Saloon
- Fixed an issue to give more chances for hooks to spawn on the lower floor of the Gideon Meat Plant
- Fixed an issue where the Trapper’s trap would hide in a pile of snow in the Ormond
- Fixed an issue where a placeholder tile would spawn in McMillan’s Estate Maps
- Fixed an issue where the Hillbilly would not collide with assets in Eyrie of Crows
- Fixed an issue in Ormond where the Legion could not vault over a side of a pallet when in Feral Frenzy
- Fixed an issue where the characters would clip through the doors of the lockers in Eirye of Crows
- Fixed an issue with the dark mist in Raccoon City Police Station
- Fixed an issue where a generator in Lery’s Hospital could not be repaired or damaged
- Fixed an issue where an invisible collision would prevent the navigation of the players
Known Issues
- Reasons for report feedback are in English across all languages. Full translations to come soon.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 7.1.1
- Release date: August 1st 2023 (North America, Europe / August 2nd 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Updated the Reactive Healing Perk to round up to 100% healing when there is only a tiny bit of healing missing (example: instead of healing a Survivor to 96.4%, it would complete the healing at 100%)
- Re-enabled the Cenobite.
Bug Fixes
- The Scene Partner Perk’s scream and animation are now played at the same time when curing from The Plague’s Vile Purge.
- Survivors in lockers no longer scream because of Dramaturgy’s effect.
- The Survivor is no longer slowed down temporarily when activating Dramaturgy.
- The Dramaturgy Perk no longer causes Items to appear during animated interactions.
- The Spirit no longer causes the Survivors with the Scene Partner Perk to scream when passing in front of them when Phase Walking.
- Scene Partner no longer activates when the Killer is Undetectable using Beast of Prey
- The “Dramaturgy” Perk no longer spawns event addons.
- The “Dramaturgy” Perk no longer spawns an Ultra Rare item.
- Survivors with the “Scene Partner” Perk now correctly scream when reviving themselves with the “Plot Twist” perk in front of the Killer
- The Plot Twist Perk is no longer briefly displayed as being usable after recovering from the Dying state
- Fixed an issue that caused the fast Vaults to have the same vaulting distance as the Slow and Medium Vaults.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Survivors to be unable to be picked up by the Knight when they are downed while being pulled out from locker by the Guardia Compania
- Fixed an issue that caused cosmetics (Free songbird, Pro-Pain Hammer, Hound Mask and Untamed Donkey Jacket) to be missing from players inventories
- The Trapper’s Add-on “Wax Brick” no longer has an incorrect value.
- Survivors are no longer sometimes rendered unable to move when being healed by others
- The Nurse’s Matchbox addon no longer affects the Killer’s carrying speed
- Hex: Huntress Lullaby activating no longer causes The Doctor and The Pig’s skill checks to be silent
- Survivors escaping through an Exit gate no longer have their running animation stop abruptly before the Tally Screen.
- The Knight can now properly pick up downed Survivors hit by the basic attack while grabbed from a locker by the Guardia Compania
- When installing a “Brand New Part” on a Generator with a Toolbox and affected by the “Overcharge” Perk, Missed and Failed Skill Checks now correctly result in the Generator exploding
- For The Nurse, holding the Blink input during a Blink now correctly automatically starts the next Blink in a chain.
- The Onryo Condemned Mori can no longer be executed twice on the same Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Singularity’s aiming loop SFX to still be playing if it was stunned while shooting a pod or slipstreaming.
- Fixed an issue that caused Nicolas Cage’s voice lines not to be stopped at the start of a Mori.
- Fixed an issue that caused the “Lucky Stroll” and the “Inspiration Seeker” outfits to play a collection music in the menu.
- Fixed a potential crash in the Hud when hiding the external Perks.
- Fixed an inconsistency between Bloodpoints spent and Bloodpoints displayed upon canceling the Prestige Level Up halfway.
- Fixed an issue with an invisible collisions found in the McMillan’s Estate
- Fixed an issue in Badham Preschool where the characters would clip out of the lockers
- Fixed an issue where the nurse could get stuck on Toba Landing
- Fixed an issue in Eyrie of Crows map where the projectile detection was not working as intended
- Fixed an issue with the shrimp boat in the Pale Rose map where traps would clip in the ground
- Fixed an issue in Fractured Cowshed where the Demogorgon was able to climb over collisions
- Fixed an issue where Biopods could be placed out reach on Autohaven Wreckers
- Fixed an issue where a collision is mission next to a window in Ormond
Events & Archives
- Fixed an issue where a Survivor player could gain progress for a Map item related challenges (ie: “Cartophile”) without having to equip a Map.
- Fixed an issue where the “Outplayed” challenge was calculating the distance from the pallet to the Killer instead of from the pallet to the downed Survivor.
- Fixed an issue where the “Outplayed” challenge was not gaining progress from Survivors downed near The Nightmare’s Dream Pallets.
- There is no longer an invisible collision in one of the hallways inside the Badham Preschool.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 7.1.0
- Release date: July 25th 2023 (North America, Europe / July 26th 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
New Survivor: Nicolas Cage
Dramaturgy: Activates while you are healthy. While running, press the active ability button 2 to run with knees high for 0.5 seconds and then gain 25% Haste for 2 seconds, followed by an unknown effect.
- Exposed for 12 seconds;
- Gain 25% Haste for 2 seconds;
- Scream, but nothing happens;
- Gain a random rare item in hand with random add-ons and drop any held item.
The same effect cannot happen twice in a row. Causes exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds. Can’t be used while exhausted.
Scene Partner: activates when you are in the Killer’s Terror Radius. Whenever you look at the Killer, scream, then see the Killer’s aura for 3/4/5 seconds. There is a chance you will scream again, if you do, you will see the Killer’s aura for an additional 2 seconds. Scene Partner then goes on cool-down for 60 seconds.
Plot Twist: activates when you are injured. Press the ability button 2 while crouched and motionless to silently enter the dying state. When using Plot Twist to enter the dying state, you leave no blood pools and you make no noise and you can fully recover from the dying state. When you recover by yourself using Plot Twist, you are fully healed instantly and you gain 50% Haste for 2/3/4 seconds. This perk deactivates if you recover by yourself by any means. The perk re-activates when the exit gates are powered.
Updated Killer: The Onryo
- Projecting to a TV now applies ¾ of a stack of Condemned to all Survivors not carrying a Cursed Tape (was 1 stack to nearby Survivors).
- The time a TV is disabled after The Onryo Projects to it has been reduced to 45 seconds (was 100 seconds). This can be further reduced using Add-ons.
- The time a TV is disabled after a Survivor removes the Cursed Tape has been increased to 70 seconds (was 60 seconds).
- Projection now has a 10 second cooldown. Since there is no longer a range limit on the Condemned effect, a limit is required for how frequently this can happen.
Cursed Tapes:
- Getting hit with a Basic Attack while carrying a Cursed Tape applies 2 stacks of Condemned, and the tape is destroyed.
- Being hooked while holding a Cursed Tape destroys the tape.
- Holding a Cursed Tape no longer passively builds Condemned.
- Cursed Tapes can now be placed in any TV other than the one they were retrieved from.
- The Onryo can no longer be stunned while Demanifested.
- Chases are prevented when Demanifested, making it more difficult to keep track of The Onryo’s position.
- Demanifesting now removes Bloodlust, similar to other Killer Powers.
- Videotape Copy:TVs used for Projection turn back on 10 seconds sooner.
- Cabin Sign: TV turn on time after a teleport is reduced by 4.5 seconds.
- Well Stone: TV turn on time after receiving a tape is reduced by 7 seconds.
Hook Grabs:
Grabs from unhooking Survivors have been removed. This means that the awkward mindgame when unhooking has been eliminated, helping to improve the gameplay flow. You still aren’t safe whilst unhooking however, as the Killer will still be able to hit you twice before you can escape.
Toolbox Add-On Updates:
- Brand New Part – new functionality:
- Toolbox Repair action is replaced with Install Brand New Part.
- During the installation, you will be faced with a difficult Skill Check.
- Upon succeeding the Skill Check, the generator’s required charges are reduced by 10.
- This add-on is consumed after use
Perk Updates
Killer Perk Updates:
- Coup de Grace:
- Each time a generator is completed, Coup de Grâce grows in power. Gain 2 tokens, with a maximum of 5 tokens at one time. Consume one token to increase the distance of your next lunge attack by 70%/75%/80%.
- Claustrophobia:
- Every time a generator is completed, all windows and vault locations are blocked for all Survivors for the next 20/25/30 seconds. You see the aura of the vault locations blocked by Claustrophobia for the duration.
- Hangman’s Trick → Scourge Hook: Hangman’s Trick:
- Gain a notification when someone starts sabotaging a hook. While carrying a Survivor, see the aura of any Survivor within 10/11/12 meters of a scourge hook.
- Territorial Imperative:
- Unlocks potential in one’s aura reading ability. Survivors’ auras are revealed to you for 4/5/6 seconds when they enter the basement and you are more than 24 meters away from the basement entrance. Territorial Imperative can only be triggered once every 45 seconds.
- Remember Me: You becomeobsessedwith one survivor. Each time your Obsession loses a health state, gain 1 token, up to 2/3/4. you increase the opening time of the exit gates by 6 seconds up to a maximum of 12/18/24 additional seconds. The obsession is not affected by Remember Me.
- Hex: Crowd Control:
- The Entity blocks a window for 40/50/60 seconds after a Survivor performs a rushed vault through it. The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.
- Trail of Torment:
- After kicking a generator, you become Undetectable until the generator stops regressing. During this time, the generator’s yellow aura is revealed to survivors. This effect can only trigger once every 80/70/60 seconds.
Survivor Perk Updates:
- Prove Thyself:
- For every other Survivor working on a generator within a 4 meter range, gain 6%/8%/10% repair speed bonus. This same bonus is also applied to all other Survivors within range. Survivors can only be affected by one Prove Thyself effect at a time.
- We’re Gonna Live Forever:
- Adjusted description to indicate that it works for ALL blinds, not just flashlights.
- Blast Mine:
- Blast Mine activates after completing a total of 50% worth of repair progress on generators. After repairing a generator for at least 3 seconds, press the Active Ability Button 1 to install a trap which stays active for 100/110/120 seconds. Affected generators will be revealed to all Survivors by a yellow aura. Only one trap can be active on a generator. When the Killer kicks a trapped generator, the trap explodes, stunning them and blinding anyone nearby. Blast Mine is then deactivated.
- Wiretap:
- Wiretap activates after completing a total of 50% worth of repair progress on generators. After repairing a Generator for at least 3 seconds, press the Active Ability Button 1 to install a spy trap, which stays active for 100/110/120 seconds. Affected generators will be revealed to all Survivors by a yellow aura. Only one trap can be active on a generator. When the Killer enters within 14 meters of the trapped generator, their aura is revealed to all Survivors. Damaging the generator destroys the trap.
- Saboteur:
- See hook auras in a 56-meter radius from the pickup spot if a Survivor is being carried. Scourge Hooks are shown in yellow. Unlocks the ability to sabotage hooks without a toolbox. Sabotaging a hook without a Toolbox takes 2.3 seconds. The sabotage action has a 70/65/60-second cooldown.
- Clairvoyance:
- Clairvoyance activates whenever you cleanse or bless a Totem. When empty-handed, hold the Ability button to unlock your full aura-reading potential. For up to 8/9/10 seconds, you see the auras of exit gate switches, generators, hooks, chests and the Hatch within a 64-meter range.
- Breakout:
- When within 5 meters of a carried Survivor, you gain the Haste status effect, moving at 5%/6%/7% increased speed. The carried Survivor’s wiggle speed is increased by 25%.
- Buckle Up:
- While healing a Survivor in the dying state, you both can see the Killer’s aura. When completing healing a Survivor from the dying state to injured, both you and the healed Survivor gain Endurance for 6/8/10 seconds.
- Smash Hit:
- After stunning the Killer with a pallet, break into a sprint at 150% your normal running speed for 4 seconds. Causes the Exhausted status effect for 30/25/20 seconds. This perk cannot be used while Exhausted.
- Spine Chill:
- Get notified when the Killer within a 36-meter range. If the Killer is within range and is looking at you with a clear line of sight, your speed while repairing, sabotaging, healing, unhooking, cleansing, blessing, opening exit gates and unlocking is increased by 2%/4%/6%. The effects of Spine Chill linger for 0.5 seconds after the Killer looks away or is out of range.
Killer Tweaks
The Executioner:
- If he comes within 10 meters of a cage, it will disappear and reappear elsewhere on the map (used to be 5).
The Spirit:
- Mother-Daughter Ring – the movement speed bonus has been reduced to 25% (was 40%).
- Dried Cherry Blossom – the Killer Instinct range of Dried Cherry Blossom has been reduced to 3 meters (was 4 meters).
- Yakuyoke Amulet, Shiawase Amulet and Kaiun Talisman – these Add-ons will no longer cause Yamaoka’s Haunting to recharge faster.
- Origami Crane – Origami Crane now increases the recovery rate of Yamaoka’s Haunting by 20% (was 10%).
- Rusty Flute – Rusty Flute now increases the recovery rate of Yamaoka’s Haunting by 40% (was 25%).
The Hag:
- Waterlogged Shoe – the movement speed boost has been increased to 7.5% (was 4.5%).
- Mint Rag – the teleport cooldown has been reduced to 10 seconds.
- Half Egg Shell and Cracked Turtle Egg – Half Egg Shell now increased Phantasm Trap duration by 45% (was 30%), and Cracked Turtle Egg now increases Phantasm Trap duration by 55% (was 35%).
Events & Archives
- NEW TOME: Tome 16: EXISTENCE – Level 1 opens July 26 at 11:00:00 AM Eastern Time.
- NEW EVENT: Scorching BBQ begins August 3 at 11:00:00 AM Eastern Time.
- Level 1 of the Scorching BBQ event tome opens at the start of the event.
Maps – Fractured Cowshed and Rancid Abattoir
- During the PTB we have noted that the Abattoir was abusable with a set of vaultable windows close to each other. we have updated the layout.
- The god window next to the basement in the Abattoir got blocked.
- Different modifications were done on all the tiles, to make them consistent for the navigation and gameplay.
- Moved Hooks that would spawn in loops with pallets away from the loops.
Disconnected Survivor Bots
- Replaced disconnected survivors with bots.
- Bots can now use Dramaturgy and Plot Twist.
Improved Player Reporting Feedback
We hope players are going to feel more confident when learning that their reports were used to take action when necessary
- Now players are going to receive feedback when their report helps to ban another player.
- The information does not contain players’ details, and displays the reason and date of the ban.
- You may notice that the Consent menus (such as Privacy Policy and EULAs) now pop up earlier in the initialization.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the Cenobites ‘I came’ quote upon completing a teleport is missing.
- Fixed an issue where some survivors’ hooked screams last longer than intended.
- Fixed an issue where bots keep getting caught in the same trap if a pallet is not broken.
- Fixed an issue that cause survivor bots repeatedly restart the use of their flashlight when attempting to Blind a Killer.
- Fixed an issue that caused injured Survivors that getting hit while they are entering in a locker to being seeing in the Dying State for a brief moment before getting out of the locker.
- Fixed an issue that caused some killers to not follow the rule of looking down when damaging a generator.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Trapper, The Wraith, The Hillbilly, The Shape and The Doctor to not follow the rule of looking slightly down when vaulting.
- We will update the vaulting animation of The Huntress, The Cannibal, The Clown, Ghostface and The Hag in an upcoming release.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Singularity model to slide backward when vaulting over obstacles.
- Survivors no longer exit the Locker in the wrong direction when dying.
- The FOV increase from Blinks can no longer be seen on the Tally screen when leaving a match during a Blink as The Nurse
- The Knight no longer sees both the Special Item and the Regular Item in a Survivor’s hand after having used his Power.
Events & Archives
- Fixed an issue where the localization of the “Adrenaline Overflow” challenge did not correctly display the target number of progress required.
- Fixed an issue where the “Alternative Medicine” challenge requirements were not updated to match the currect version of the Boon: Circle of Healing perk.
- Fixed an issue where the “Mark My Prey” challenge would gain unintended progress when playing as The Huntress and throwing hatchets at a hooked Survivor.
- Fixed an issue where the Pink Glyph of the “Glyph Prowler” and “Glyph Snatcher” challenges did not function properly while Survivors were performing certain interactions.
- The challenge Out Isn’t An Option can now be completed when an hatch escape occurs.
- Progress for the Huntress Challenge “Mark my Prey” can no longer be gained by throwing hatchets at hooked Survivors.
- Fixed an issue where a collision would block the projectiles in the The Thompson House.
- Fixed an issue where the Trapper could place a trap on a broken bench in RPD.
- Fixed an issue where The Skull Merchant could place a drone in an unreachable spot in the Coal Tower map.
- Fixed an issue where all of The Clown’s projectile gas would go through the ceiling of the Fractured Cowshed main building.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Biopods of The Singularity to attach on invisible collisions in the Toba Landing map.
- Fixed an issue where the Nurse could blink out of the world in the Toba Landing map.
- Fixed an issue in the Treatment Theatre map a survivor in a dying state could not be picked up by the killer.
- Fixed an issue where the crows of Dead Dawg Saloon could not be visible for some players.
- Fixed an issue in Midwich Elementary School where the Skull Merchant could place a drone unreachable to the survivors.
- Fixed an issue in Family Residence map where the Zombie or Guards could not navigate.
- The Killer perk “Play With Your Food” now correctly displays the cooldown when gaining a token.
- Fixed an issue that cause trial can be seen when entering tally by disconnecting the controller, waiting a short time then reconnecting.
- Fixed an issue that cause AoT charm not being given on Switch.
- Fixed an issue where cause game crash with error code 2622-9511 when region set to Japan on Switch.
- Fixed an issue where the loadout page is reset when the host changed the match management setting.
- Fixed an issue that prevents from adding a 4th bot due to overlapping player lists over the button.
- Fixed an issue where icons are visible that should not be visible while observing other players.
- Fixed an issue where the challenge tracker is dismissed too fast.
- Fixed an issue where the wallet tooltip is behind survivor names in the lobby.
- Fixed an issue with back button being disabled when searching for a match while a panel tab is opened.
- Fixed an issue with active challenge not appearing in the archives widget.
- Fixed an issue where the game crashes when you are switching survivors in spectate mode, with some boon effect.
- Fixed an issue where the game sometimes crashes on console when going from store to lobby after purchase.
- Fixed an issue where shows wrong error message of “Host unreachable”.
- Fixed an issue where shows corrupted data error popup improperly.
- Fixed an issue that caused loadout sometimes are equipped in Trials when all Match Management settings are set to None in custom game.
- Fixed an issue that caused bloodweb automatic purchase get more expensive items before selecting event rarity.
- Tentatively fixed an issue that some players aren’t able to unlock Adept achievements when meeting the requirements.
- The Spirit’s The Wakizashi Saya Add-on’s prompt is now properly translated.
- The Drop Firecracker prompt no longer appears when the Survivor holds a Flash Grenade.
- Pink Glyphs no longer fail to stare at Survivors performing interactions.
- Known issues:
The Cenobite has been temporarily disabled due to an issue which can cause the game to crash. They will return in a future update once this issue is resolved.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive / Behaviour Interactive (Twitter)
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 7.0.2
- Release date: June 28th 2023 (North America, Europe / June 9th 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
Killer Addons
The Singularity:
- Kid’s Ball Glove – Decreased Overclock duration time to 15% (was 25%)
- Foreign Plant Fibres – changed Rarity rating to Very Rare (was Rare)
- Cremated Remains – changed to “Survivors afflicted with Temporal Slipstream suffer from Blindness.” (was Killer Instinct before)
- Nanomachine Gel – changed Rarity rating to Rare (was Very Rare), decreased Broken Status Effect to 30 seconds. (was 40 seconds)
- Denied Requisition Form – changed Rarity rating to Ultra Rare (was Very Rare)
- Soma Family Photo – changed Rarity rating to Very Rare (was Ultra Rare), reduction effect of Overclock Mode is now -20% (was -50%)
- Iridescent Crystal Shard – changed to “When a Biopod is created the auras of all Survivors within 6 meters of that Biopod are revealed to you for 6 seconds.” (was applied when within the zone of a Biopod)
The Nemesis:
- Damaged Syringe – increases time it takes Survivors to use a Vaccine by 5 seconds (used to be 2 seconds, and increased Killer Instinct by 1.5 seconds)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed additional rare issues with Survivor and Special Items.
- Tentatively fixed an issue that bots are unable to use the Perk Scavenger correctly.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors who walk or crouch while standing in the Torment Trail to remain in the standing position animation during a trial against The Executioner.
- The Nightmare is now able to correctly place Dream Pallets on a location previously holding a Fragile Pallet.
Twisted Masquerade
- When a Masquerade Pillar disappears after the Exit Gate or the Hatch opens, the proper disappearance VFX are now correctly played
- Masquerade Pillar is now despawned when the hatch or an exit gate is opened
- When the Killer interacts with the Invitation Pillar, the regular interaction icon is now displayed
- As the Twins, the Masquerade Invitation charge UI now updates correctly when switching from Victor to Charlotte.
- Survivors downed while interacting with the Pillar can now correctly be picked up by the Killer
- Fixed the HUD invitation icon reward state opacity to be independent of the chase state when gaining the reward.
- Fixed and issue that caused a SFX loop when using a controller in the Archive Tier purchase popup.
- The Adept Singularity achievement is now correctly unlocked when completing a trial inside a Biopod
- The Game Afoot Perk now correctly activates the Nemesis Perk
- The Survivor perk ‘Made For This’ endurance effect no longer triggers after using an Anti-Hemorrhagic Syringe on another survivor
Level Design
- Fixed an issue where the hook can be block by the killer in Toba Landing
- Fixed an issue where Wesker could slide on top of crates in Shelter Woods near the Skull Merchant base
- Fixed an issue where the stairs in the back of the main building in Eyrie of Crows didn’t feel smooth
- Fixed an issue where the nurse could get stuck in the west wing basement of the Raccoon City Police Station
- Pass on the Toba Landing to Improve the navigation
- Added Lockers in Toba Landing
- Fixed an issue where killer could get stuck on the Temple of Purgation map
Known Issues
- The Singularity’s add-on “Nanomachine Gel” has still the old text description.
- The Singularity’s add-on “Kid’s Ball Glove” has still the old text description.
- The Singularity’s add-on “Soma Family Photo” has still the old text description.
- The Singularity’s add-on “Soma Family Photo” has an incorrect time value for the Overclock Mode. (-80% instead of -20%)
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 7.0.1
- Release date: June 21st 2023 (North America, Europe / June 22nd 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
The Singularity
- EMP Crates per map were reduced from 5 to 4
- EMP Generation time increased from 90 to 100 seconds
- Survivors are now slowed by 10% while charging the EMP
- Time to charge an EMP increased from 2.0 to 2.5 seconds
- Duration of pod disabling (from an EMP) decreased from 60 to 45 seconds
- Removed score caps on the score events for Assimilation, Teleportation, and Teleportation Strikes
- Increased score points for Assimilation and Teleportation from 200 to 250
- The 7th Anniversary “Twisted Masquerade” event begins June 22, 2023 at 11:00:00 ET
- Level 1 of the “Twisted Masquerade” event tome opens June 22, 2023 at 11:00:00 ET
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused the Slipstream Teleport sfx to be missing at the beginning of the animation.
- Bots are less likely to follow paths that start by going towards a chasing Killer.
- Bots using the Scavenger perk and affected by the repair speed penalty may now prioritize other goals over working on the generator.
- Bots have read previous Patch Notes and now correctly distinguish Survivor and Special items.
The Singularity
- When looking away after performing a Lock On to a Survivor, The Singularity no longer can Slipstream Teleport to a different survivor
- The face melt effect is no longer played a second time when a Survivor is Mori’d by The Singularity
- The Auras of Perks and Add-ons are no longer visible when controlling a Biopod as The Singularity
- The reticle is no longer missing when spectating and switching to The Singularity when already inside a biopod
- Fixed an issue that caused part of the female survivor’s face to be distorted when interacting with the Jigsaw box.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Killer’s animation to be off-center and misaligned when playing as The Cenobite and performing a Lunge Attack, resulting in the hand completely disappearing during the animation.
Dvarka Deepwood – Toba Landing
- Increased the fog on the map, to help with visibility making it feel less cluttered when looking at a distance.
- Desaturated some of the plants for a better readability of the environment.
- Using For the People to heal a survivor to healthy no longer incorrectly applies the Endurance effect from the Made for This perk
- Survivors’ camera no longer sometimes stays stuck on the Killer after using the Perk Decisive Strike
- The Troubleshooter perk now correctly applies a yellow Aura to Generators
- On PlayStation 4, using a keyboard and a controller simultaneously during gameplay no longer leads to a crash.
- On Nintendo Switch, leaving the console running on an error message for a long time no longer crashes the game.
- On consoles, the cursor no longer disappears after failing to put a valid code into the Store’s Redeem Code popup multiple times.
- The tooltip style for the hidden perk is changed
- Fixed an issue where the observed player’s name does not appear when returning to the spectator mode
- Fixed an issue where incorrect values were displayed for the progress of the challenges.
- Fixed an issue where addons text overlaps the search bar in inventory.
- Fixed an issue where the rift fragment rewards were displayed in red color.
- Zombies no longer stop spawning when The Nemesis uses “Tyrant Gore” and “Depleted Ink Ribbon”
- Survivors carrying a Cursed Killer Item are now able to properly complete interacting with Glyphs.
- The Ghost Face is no longer able to lean on all Vaults of the Main Building in Toba Landing
Level Design
- Fixed an issue where the character was clipping through the locker in the Garden Of Joy
- Fixed an issue where the character could get stuck near the building of the Gas Heaven
- Fixed issues where the biopods of The Singularity can get placed in areas the survivors can’t deactivate them
- Fixed an issue where the survivors are clipping through the lockers of Treatment Theatre
- Fixed an issue where The Nurse could blink under the Temple in Sanctum of Wrath
- Fixed an issue where a pallet clipped through a door frame in the Shattered Square
- Fixed an issue on Dead Dawg Saloon where the killer could place their powers on top of small fences
- Fixed an issue where The Nightmare could not place the Dream Snares on top of the gallows in Dead Dawg Saloon
- Fixed an issue on the Toba Landing where The Demogorgon could land on top of a rock
- Fixed an issue in the Mother’s Dwelling where the character could not navigate between two assets
- Fixed an issue where a pallet can clip through assets in Raccoon City Police Station
- Fixed an issue where the Nightmare could not place Dream Snares on a surface of a Landmark in the Temple of Purgation map
- Fixed an issue in the map Garden Of Joy where the players could climb on top of a pallet
Known Issues
- We are aware of an issue in which the Attack of Titan DLC’s do not provide the related charms – this will be fixed in a future update and the charms applied retroactively.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 7.0.0 (End Transmission)
- Release date: June 13th 2023 (North America, Europe / June 14th 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
New Killer: The Singularity
Power: Quantum Instantiation
A dark crystalline structure in an ancient ruin gifted—or perhaps cursed—Hux with sentience. He built a new body, and with it, a terrifying way to bend the rules of physics to his benefit.
The Singularity can shoot and spawn Biopods around the map; these Biopods can attach to any vertical surface they land on. The Singularity can control a Biopod remotely and look through it, and tag Survivors, afflicting them with a Temporal Slipstream. When Slipstreamed, The Singularity can teleport next to the Slipstreamed Survivor either by using the Biopods to tag them, or by shooting them. When a Slipstreamed Survivor is in proximity to another Survivor, the Slipstream can spread.
Special State: Overclock Mode -After a successful Slipstream teleport, the Singularity enters Overclock Mode. In this state, walls and pallets can be destroyed faster, vaulting speed is faster, and he cannot be stunned by pallets. Attempts to stun by pallet merely remove Overlock Mode and momentarily slow the Singularity.
Special Interaction: Electromagnetic Pulse – At the beginning of each Trial, several Supply Cases spawn, each containing an EMP. Survivors can use these EMPs to remove the Slipstream from themselves or others, or to destroy a Biopod. Once used, the EMP is destroyed.
Genetic Limits: When a Survivor finishes the healing action, they suffer the Exhausted status effect for 24/28/32 seconds.
Forced Hesitation: When a Survivor is put into the dying state by any means, all other Survivors standing within 16/16/16 meters around them suffer the hindered Status effect for 10/10/10 seconds, reducing their Movement speed by 20%. This perk goes on cooldown for 40/35/30 seconds.
Machine Learning: After performing the damage generator action, Machine Learning activates. While this perk is active, the next generator you damage will be compromised until it is completed. The generator is highlighted in Yellow. When the compromised generator is completed, you become undetectable and gain 10% Haste for 20/25/30 seconds. Then, Machine Learning deactivates. If you break a gen while another generator is compromised, the compromised generator moves to the latest one kicked.
New Survivor: Gabriel Soma
Troubleshooter: When you are chased by the Killer, this perk activates. You see the aura of the Generator with the most progress. You see the aura of the Killer for 4/5/6 seconds after dropping a Pallet. The effect lasts for 6/8/10 seconds after being in chase, then deactivates.
Made for This: This perk activates while you are in the injured state. You run 1/2/3% faster. After you finish healing another Survivor, gain the endurance status effect for 6/8/10 seconds. Made for This cannot be used when suffering from Exhaustion but does not cause the Exhausted Status Effect.
Scavenger: While you are holding an empty toolbox, this perk activates. Succeeding a great skill check while repairing gives the perk 1 token, up to 5. when you reach maximum tokens, Once you have maximum tokens, lose all tokens and recharge the toolbox to full. Then, your generator repair speed is 50% slower for 40/35/30 seconds. This perk grants the ability to rummage through an opened chest once per Trial and will guarantee a basic Toolbox.
New Map: Dvarka Deepwood – Toba Landing
The Landing was a promise for humanity to rebuild on a new planet. The climate resources were ideal to start anew, until all went wrong, and a new lifeform takes over and it has no connection to humanity. The environment his split in two distinct biomes. A rocky and bare area that will give players a more open space to explore. A destroyed vehicle incased on spiky rocks serves as a testament of a fierce battle and can now serves as a landmark. On the opposite side of the map a lush and busy jungle will give the players a claustrophobic feeling even outside. The vegetation although menacing can be used by the survivors to hide and wait for the real threat to pass by.Between the two biomes the Toba Landing, now a desolate remnant of what was once a second chance of life is now a carcass of advance technology. Players will be able to explore every level from underneath, all the way to the top of the structure.This planet looks wild and untouched, but the more you look around, it is possible to notice a civilization once thrived and left evidence of its presence on some familiar elements, such as the shack and the exit gate.Wild life is present in the environment and a good guide to help players find their way around. Enigmatic blue flowers seem to feed on the energy of the entity and light up when source of energy like generators and exit gates are around.
Killer Tweaks
- The Artist
- Ink Egg
- Increase the maximum capacity of Dire Crows by 1. Decreases the time Dire Crows stay idle before disintegrating by 2 seconds (was 4 seconds).
- Vibrant Obituary
- Increases the length of time a Dire Crow’s Killer Instinct reveals Survivors by 3 seconds (was 1.5 seconds).
- The Nemesis
- Damaged Syringe
- Increases time it takes Survivors to use a Vaccine by 3 seconds (was 2 seconds). Increases length of Killer Instinct when Survivors use a Vaccine by 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).
- Tyrant Gore
- Increases mutation rate when destroying zombies with Tentacle Strike by 75% (was 50%). Decreases zombie respawn time by 7.5 seconds (was 5 seconds).
- Zombie Heart
- Increases mutation rate when destroying zombies with Tentacle Strike by 75% (was 50%).
- The Trickster
- Lucky Blade
- Increase the duration of Main Event by 0.3 seconds (was 0.2 seconds) for each Blade hit while it is active.
- Waiting For You Watch
- Increases the duration of Main Event by 0.4 seconds (was 0.3 seconds) for each Blade hit while it is active.
- The Ghost Face
- Power
- Movement speed while crouched: 3.8 m/s (was 3.6 m/s).
- Night Shroud recharge time: 20 seconds (was 24 seconds).
- Killer Instinct duration after being revealed: 4 seconds (was 2 seconds).
- Knife Belt Clip
- Reduces the Terror Radius by 12 meters (was 8 meters) while crouching.
- Night Vision Monocular
- A Survivor that reveals The Ghost Face is inflicted with Exhausted for 10 seconds (was 5 seconds).
Perk Updates
- Pop Goes the Weasel
- After hooking a Survivor, the next generator you damage instantly loses 30% (was 20%) of its current progress. Normal generator regression applies after the Damage Generator action. Pop Goes the Weasel is active for 35/40/45 seconds after the Survivor is hooked.
- Déjà Vu
- We have noticed growing concerns surrounding excessively long matches caused by 3-genning (Killer defending a cluster of three generators). We are working on a long term solution for a future update to limit how effective this strategy can be. However, we recognize that Survivors need more options at their disposal right now to combat 3-genning. With this in mind, some adjustments have been made to Déjà Vu: The perk will now reveal the auras of 3 generators which are in close proximity to one another indefinitely (previously for 30/45/60 seconds at the start of the trial and everytime a generator was completed) and grant a 4%/5%/6% repair speed bonus on the revealed generators (previously 3%/4%/5%).
- Flashbang
- After completing 70%/60%/50% progress on any generator, Flashbang activates. Enter a locker and press the Active Ability Button 1 to craft a flash grenade. (No longer requires being empty-handed)
- The 7th Anniversary “Twisted Masquerade” event begins June 21, 2023 at 11:00:00 ET
- Level 1 of the “Twisted Masquerade” event tome opens June 21, 2023 at 11:00:00 ET
Search Bar
Yes, it’s the moment you’ve been waiting for: the loadout and customization screens finally have a search bar. You can now filter your Items, Add-ons, Offerings, Perks, Cosmetics, Outfits and Charms using this textbox.
The following text parts can be searched for:
- Name
- Description / flavor text
- Rarity
- The Collection name of a Cosmetic
- The Outfit name of a Cosmetic
- The Item that an Add-on attaches to
- For teachable Perks, the name of the character that unlocks it
Item Rules Rework
- Items are now divided into categories:
- Survivor Item
- These can return to a player’s inventory at the end of a match
- e.g. Toolbox, Firecracker, etc
- Special Item
- Items related to playing against specific Killers
- e.g. Lament Configuration, VHS Tape, etc
- Temporary Item
- Items that do not return to a player’s inventory at the end of a match
- e.g. the White Glyph’s Pocket Mirror, Flashbang
- Added an update popup requiring players to back out to the splash screen when a backend update is deployed. This may happen with a Kill Switch change, release of new store items, or other similar changes. This popup will only appear in the Main Menu, in the Store, or before queueing as a Killer.
- Added protection against hackers using characters they do not own.
- Error messages produced by a disconnection, a timeout from the server, or a kick are now distinct and clearer.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where The Nurse’s chase music was louder than the other themes.
- Fixed an issue where the Skull merchant’s Body Cleaver customization weapon SFX were missing.
Killer – The Singularity
- Fixed an issue causing pallets broken by The Singularity to occasionally remain visible
- The Singularity’s Hologram Generator Addon no longer shows a Placeholder icon to affected Survivors
- The Singularity can no longer slipstream to the wrong survivor
- The Singularity’s Power UI no longer appears enabled during the wake-up sequence
- The Singularity can no longer place Biopods where Survivors stand to interact with generators
- The Singularity’s Biopods are no longer missing their Killer Item Aura when spotted by the Map
- Slipstream Pods on Survivors self-destruct before The Singularity’s Mori is confirmed and begins
- When The Singularity performs a Slipstream Teleportation, the POV now correctly starts at ground level
- The Singularity no longer gets stuck in the ground or level objects after Teleporting to a survivor
- Slipstream pods on Survivors no longer stretch when the Survivor is placed on a hook
- The Singularity, while in shutdown mode, can no longer interrupt survivors
- The Singularity’s add-ons are now correctly affected by the Vigil perk
- The Terror-Radius caused by the Hyperawareness Spray Add-On is now correctly blocked when affected by the Oblivious status effect
- The killer now teleports instead of slides when performing a Slipstream Teleport to an already-assimilated survivor
- When playing as or against The Singularity, EMP Crates are correctly spawned on both floors of Gideon Meat Plant
- The Slipstream Slime Overlay VFX is no longer visible during the Mori, when bleeding out, escaping the exit gates or dying in the end-game scenario
- Slipstream Pods are now removed when Survivors leave the Trial
- There is no more choppiness apparent when the Singularity walks into a still Survivor after teleporting to them
- The description of the Forced Hesitation Perk has been corrected
- The Blood Pact external perk icon is no longer visible to the Survivor with it equipped while affected by the Haste status effect
- The Auras effect of Perks and Add-ons are no longer visible when controlling a Biopod as The Singularity
- Bots can now use the following Perks:
- Background Player
- Blood Rush
- Potential Energy
- Power Struggle
- Reassurance
- Urban Evasion
- Bots are more likely to run out of the Basement after wiggling off the Killer while in the Basement or on its stairs.
- Bots no longer attempt to use Dead Hard when the Killer is unable to hit them (for example, when chased by a Demanifested Onryo).
- Bots no longer drop held Items after wiping a Hag’s Phantasm Trap.
- Bots no longer have trouble with one window on the Rancid Abattoir Map.
- Bots no longer make the horror trope decision to run away from a chasing Killer into the Basement.
- Bots no longer stubbornly stay in a flee loop when there are important goals available (e.g. escape through opened gates).
- Bots now avoid dropping an unsafe pallet when separated from the Killer by a small wall.
- Bots playing against Freddy Krueger can now use Alarm Clocks.
- Bots playing against Pyramid Head can now attempt to cross a Trail of Torment while crouching.
- Bots playing against The Dredge now lock Lockers near Generators they work on.
- Bots playing against The Knight no longer consider a loop to be safe if a Guard is chasing alongside the Killer.
- Bots playing against The Trapper have learned to avoid Bear Traps set at pallets.
- Bots playing against The Twins are more likely to run up to and kick Victor.
- Bots playing against The Twins can now use the Shove Door or Push interaction to remove Victor from a locker.
- Multiple Bots no longer attempt to sabotage the same hook at the same time.
- The Frumious Jabberwock skin for The Artist no longer causes FPS spikes after completing a game.
- Fixed an issue where, when playing as the Executioner, survivors who were rescued from a Cage of Atonement while the Killer was looking away from their location resulted in the rescued Survivor being displayed in their caged animation for the remainder of the Trial, but only for the Killer.
- Fixed an issue where the Pig’s hand would move unnaturally when mainly moving sideways to the left.
- Fixed an issue where Cenobite appeared to be sliding around instead of walking.
- Fixed an issue where breakables interactions would appear misaligned when playing as The Huntress in a Trial and having the Torso cosmetics Chain Mail (Blue Rift), or Sand Flower Dress equipped.
- Fixed an issue that caused Victor of the Twin’s arms to disappear behind the camera during the running animation.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Skull Merchant’s kick animation of breaking pallets to be off-set when wearing the ‘Cyber Assassin’ customization.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Legion to experience a small animation hitch when strafing to the sides from the Killer’s point of view.
- Fixed an issue that cause The Artist to go into A-Pose instead of playing the her wipe animation.
- Fixed an issue that cause Ashley Williams to no longer has an idle animation when Ashy Slashy or Maniac Puppet Hand customizations are equipped.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Mastermind’s trench coat to fail to unravel in order to properly cover his legs in the main menu.
- Fixed an issue that cause the Survivors dying during the The Mastermind’s Mori to go back to the crawling position and jitter.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Spirit, when carrying a survivor, to have the ability to see through walls and objects.
- The Skull Merchant Add-on Prototype Rotor now properly gives haste
- The same T-Virus vaccine can no longer be picked up at the same time by two survivors
- Chain Hunt is no longer reset when Survivors are interrupted during certain actions
- The Wraith’s lunge attack when uncloaking now correctly benefits from the extra distance and speed
- Onryo’s Tape Editing Deck add-on now correctly causes Survivors to start with a Tape in hand
- The add-on “The Serpent – Soot” now correctly causes The Wraith to uncloak when performing a break action
- Fixed a texture issue on a sign in the exit gate of Silent Hill – Midwich Elementary School
- Fixed an issue with a window on the roof of the Léry’s Memorial Institute
- Fixed an invisible collision on a staircase in the Eyrie of Crows Map
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from reaching Victor in the Toba Landing Map
- Updated the placement of the generators in the corridors of Midwich Elementary School to avoid 3 gens to spawn in the same corridor
- Fixed an issue that were preventing killers from going down the stairs in Toba Landing basement
- Fixed an issue preventing The Mastermind from pushing Survivors and getting them stuck in collisions on the Gas Haven map
- Fixed issues in maps where the biopods were placed in areas that could not be deactivated
- Fixed an issue in Toba Landing where on side of the generator was not accessible
- Fixed an issue in Haddonfield where killers could land on top of Hedges
- Fixed an issue in Crotus Prenn’s shack the placement of locker where survivors were clipping through the doors
- Fixed an issue in Toba Landing where the nurse could blink out of the walls
- Triggering a Hag Phantasm Trap when specific cosmetics are equipped no longer causes a crash
Events & Archives
- Fixed an issue where Survivors could collect memory fragments while on a hook
- Fixed an issue where memory fragments were still visible after their respective challenge had been completed
- Fixed an issue where the Survivor’s held Item would disappear when they collected the fragile mirror from the White Glyph “Glyph Caretaker” challenge
- Fixed an issue which could allow Survivors to reach unintended places by using the perk Any Means Necessary.
- Using For the People to heal a survivor to healthy no longer triggers the Endurance effect from Made for This
- The Hex: The Third Seal perk now correctly applies the Blindness status effect to the last Survivors hit rather than the first Survivors hit
- The Perk Quick and Quiet no longer goes into cooldown if the perk is activated during an interaction that already has started and notified the Killer
- Disconnecting a controller while transitioning to the Tally Screen no longer hardlocks the UI.
- Disconnecting and quickly reconnecting a controller while transition to a lobby no longer softlocks the UI.
- Fixed a soft-lock that could occur when changing role while in the Characters menu.
- Fixed a potential crash when quitting the Game.
- Fixed an issue in the Settings menu where some settings were not reset properly after selecting the “Reset to Default” option.
- Fixed an issue where the character name could sometimes overlap with the preset buttons in the Lobby.
- Fixed an issue in the Bloodweb where players’ Bloodpoints show 0 when pressing on the prestige button while having less Bloodpoints than the required amount.
- Trimmed extraneous space entered in the Promo code input text.
- Fixed a navigation issue in the Onboarding Menu when switching Tabs with a Gamepad.
- Fixed an issue in the Promo Code popup where the player could not reselect text field to try entering another code after inputting an invalid code.
- Fixed an issue in the Bot Loadout popup where the pagination can sometimes be unsynced with the actual displayed page.
- Fixed Score Events that do not appear in the HUD when Spectating a Custom Game.
- Black bars around the screen no longer appear in the Main Menu when using an unexpected aspect ratio.
- Cosmetics accessories such as hair and cloths should now be correctly in sync.
- Multiple players with the same display name within the same lobby no longer body-swap to each other’s characters.
- Outlines now correctly display when playing the Tutorials on a “Core Chunk”/”Ready to Play” partial installation on consoles.
- The loadout is correctly reloaded after re-enabling parts of it in the Custom Game match settings.
- Fixed multiple issues with VFX when changing characters or Cosmetics.
- Fast vaulting no longer causes survivors to briefly snap back to before the vault point
- Dead Survivors no longer stay in the crawling pose after bleeding out
- When escaping, a Survivor will no longer disappear before the end of the fade out
- Players are now able to exit through the Hatch in the Survivor Tutorial
- Regular items are no longer lost when escaping with a special item
- The camera no longer jitters when picking up a survivor from a locker
Public Test Build (PTB) Adjustments
The Singularity
- Updated Biopods’ disabled state to be more obvious visually
- Made Overclock duration more obvious by adding a meter around the power icon
- Diagnostic Tool (Add on): Updated to work during Overclock mode for clarity and consistency
- Nanomachine Gel (Add on): Updated to work during Overclock mode for clarity and consistency
EMPs and Supply Crates
- Survivors holding an EMP no longer see Supply Crates
- Number of Supply Crates decreased from 7 to 5
- Increased the time it takes for EMPs to be generated from 80 to 90 seconds
Toba Landing
- Reduced the amount of vegetation to help players navigate in the map
- Updated the amount of loops considered safe
- Bots have realized that a Killer on a different floor directly above or below them is not as dangerous, and are now less likely to drop pallets in that situation.
- Bots playing against The Singularity are now slower at hiding from an active Biopod.
- Bots playing against The Singularity no longer pace back and forth when a Survivor is on a Hook near a Biopod.
- Bots using Flashbang can once again interact with Killer-specific items.
- Fixed a crash occurring when receiving an in-game friend request on the Nintendo Switch.
- Inputting an invalid code in the Store twice in a row no longer breaks the text field on some platforms.
- Adjustments the the Executioner (Punishment of the Damned) have been reverted
- Fixed multiples issues in the Singularity’s mori, where the survivor’s face was not dissolving correctly,
- The Perk Preview icons are now disabled in Anonymous Mode.
- Loadout parts are now correctly blocked by Match Management settings in a Custom Game.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 6.7.2
- Release date: May 18th 2023 (North America, Europe / May 19th 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Added two outfits for in-game store.
- Added some of the charms for Anniversary and Pride celebrations.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 6.7.1
- Release date: May 3rd 2023 (North America, Europe / May 4th 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
Bug Fixes
- Bots no longer have a tickle fight when they are both infected by The Mastermind’s Uroboros Infection and attempting to spray each other with First Aid Sprays.
- When playing against The Dredge, Bots are more likely to lock lockers.
- When playing on the Rancid Abattoir map, Bots no longer infinitely vault a window when going for an Unhook.
- VFX issues no longer occur on The Oni during Intro Camera, Mori and Score Screen.
- VFX issues no longer occur on The Ghost Face when swapping between Cosmetics.
- Smoke VFX no longer appear when switching between certain locked Cosmetics.
- When The Skull Merchant destroys a Pallet, the animation plays out as intended.
- Fixed an issue where, as The Spirit, vaulting from a high location and falling to the ground would cause her to jitter in the air instead of falling continuously.
- Hitting a Survivor with The Knight’s Guardia Compania now correctly resets Play with Your Food tokens.
- The Flashlight beam is no longer obstructed by The Wraith’s body when cloaked.
- The Cenobite may no longer teleport far from the Survivor when the teleport is triggered right after the Survivor starts solving the Lament Configuration.
- Fixed an issue that caused some of the cosmetic VFX to disappear while playing a match.
- Fixed an issue where the kicking animation for breaking pallets and generators was offset while The Huntress was equipped with the ‘Night Owl’ customization set.”
- Fixed an issue that caused The Huntress’ arm is to clip in the Killer POV when throwing a hatchet while falling.
- Fixed an issue where when a Survivors starts healing another Survivors immediately after unhooking them, they get positioned in a way that clipping occurs between them.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Spirit’s hands to briefly flash blue when releasing the Killer Power at the last second while charging, causing them to duplicate momentarily.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Pig’s crouch and uncrouch animation not to be shorter when equipped with the Combat Straps Add-On.
- Disable an optimization on animation that caused choppy or low-frame rate animations in certain situation.
- Fixed issue in Blackwater Swamp’s Pale Rose map where there was a collision issue in the stairs of the Pale Rose’s boat.
- Fixed an issue on all maps around the killer shack where a collision would hinder navigation around the exterior of the shack.
- Fixed an issue on The MacMillan Estate Groaning Storehouse map where the killer could body block acces in the stairs to the basement.
- Fixed an issue on The MacMillan Estate Suffocation pit map where the killer could body block acces in the stairs to the basement.
- The “Salvation or Sacrifice” challenge no longer gains an unintended extra point of progress when hooking a Survivor during the End-Game Collapse.
- Issues related to the Core Memory challenges.
- Memory fragments no longer spawn too close to the Player spawn points and to each other.
- The memory portal no longer remains displayed after another player interacts with it.
- The Demogorgon can no longer collect memory fragments while traversing the Upside Down.
- Survivors can no longer interact with the memory portal while Incapacitated with Victor when playing against The Twins.
- Fixed multiples issues to the Survivor interactions and visibility with memory fragments and memory portal interaction when Victor was unbound nearby Players when playing against The Twins.
- The Killer can no longer interact with the memory portal while carrying a Survivor.
- Fixed an issue where the audio feedback for collecting a memory fragment played only once instead of per fragment.
- The Knight can no longer collect memory fragments while creating a patrol path for a Guard.
- Fixed an inconsistent page change audio in the Archive.
- Fixed an issue where the Killer’s camera had unintentional movement when interacting with the memory portal.
- The sounds of Survivors fighting back are no longer missing from The Shape’s Mori while having Judith’s Tombstone Add-On equipped.
- Survivors grunts no longer persist after being healed while inside The Skull Merchant’s Drone detection zone.
- Fixed an issue where, during an active Event, auto-filling the Bloodweb would play the same Item purchase sound multiple times.
- Fixed an issue where the SFXs were missing for the skull merchant’s body cleaver weapon.
- Fixed an issue where the Body Cleaver weapon for The Skull Merchant would not have attack sounds.
- Fixed an issue where clicking on the Perk preview UI button would produce no sound.
- Fixed an issue where using the Memory Of Maurice outfit for The Dredge would not have the added horse sound effects.
Level Design
- The Nurse can no longer teleport out of bounds in Raccoon City Police Station Map.
- Fixed multiple collision issues in the Red Forest Realm.
- Fixed issues in Ironworks of Misery where some killers could land their powers on places unreachable to survivors
- Zombies no longer get stuck on railings in Father Campbell’s Chapel.
- Fixed an issue in Groaning Storehouse where Killers are unable to pick up Survivors.
- Fixed an issue in Shattered Square where the dark mist was not positioned properly in the map
- Zombies should no longer get stuck on Temple of Purgation.
- Zombies should no longer get stuck on Dead Dawg Saloon.
- Fixed global issue where debris from Pallets would clip in the ground.
- Improved situation where lack of Hooks in Badham Preschool negatively impacted Killers.
- Fixed clipping assets in Temple of Purgation.
- Removed an impassable area in Badham Preschool.
- Fixed issue in Gas Heaven that adds mist around the Gas Station.
- Fixed issue in Mount Ormond Resort that prevented The Nightmare from placing Dream Snares around the building
- The Skull Merchant can no longer block doorways with Drones in Father Campbell’s Chapel.
- The Demogorgon can no longer jump on top of metal piles in Gas Heaven.
- Zombies can now navigate between cars in Haddonfireld.
- Fixed issue in Midwich Elementary School where Victor could stand unreachable on top of metal shelves.
- Characters no longer get blocked in front of a cart in the Shattered Square.
- Killers can no longer land on top of a Hook in Midwich Elementary School.
- Fixed an issue in Badham Preschool where the Killer could not grab a Survivor working on aGenerator.
- Fixed an issue in Dead Dawg Saloon where a collision prevented Killer navigation near the bar.
- Zombies now navigate better in Temple of Purgation.
- Fixed issue in Treatment Theatre where Killers were body blocked near a hook
- The Nightmare’s Dream Snares can no longer be placed on walls of the mine in Suffocation Pit.
- Mist now appears as intended in the Racoon City Police Station Map.
- Fixed an issue that caused the trees to fail to dissolve when the Entity sacrifice a survivor in the different maps.
- Fixed an issue where the dark mist would not appear properly in the Gas Station
- Fixed an issue where killers can stand on the rocks of the hills in Crotus Prenn maps
- Fixed an issue where a Faux-Appels would affect the players near the exit gates in Shattered Square
- Fixed an issue where players could not vault on the side of the Pale Rose Boat
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from navigating properly in the basement stairs, Shattered Square
- Fixed an issue where Trapper’s Trap would appear near the fences, Shatered Square
- Fixed an issue where the players were blocked in the basement in the west wing of the Racoon City Police Station map
- Fixed an issue that prevented the nurse from blinking properly in the shrimp boat
- Fixed an issue related to the blocked window in the Myers House and created a dead end
- Fixed an issue where killers could jump on a pile of wood in the Mine map
- Players can no longer accept and decline the Privacy Policy at the same time.
- Fixed an issue that caused a crash after passing Level 50 in the bloodweb.
- Fixed an issue where the player is unable to hide other player’s name after showing the name when the Hide Other Player Names setting is on.
- Bloodpoint cost on the tooltip is now displayed in red when there is insufficient bloodpoints.
- Fixed an issue where the red outline of center button remains after automatic purchasing of the bloodweb level on Switch.
- Fixed soft lock with bloodweb purchase when switching characters.
Terror Radius Visual Feedback
- The Terror Radius Visual Feedback is now displayed when the audio level reaches a certain audible threshold to avoid the indicator being shown when the audio is barely discernible.
- The Insidious Perk icon no longer lights up if you become Undetectable from another source. Now it only lights up to indicate when the Perk itself is active.
- Fixed a crash on PS4 that could occur during initialization.
- Fixed a crash that could occur very rarely when using the Bloodweb.
- Fixed a crash that could occur at the end of a Trial.
- On the Nintendo Switch, the screen no longer flashes white during initialization.
- The Bloodweb is once again buying nodes as per the priority written in its description: nodes closest to the center, of lowest rarity first.
- Fixed the error 8007 for players on the Windows Store.
Known Issues
- The Dredge’s “Masquerade Colours” cosmetic breaks in the Tally Screen
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 6.7.0 (Mid-Chapter)
- Release date: April 18th 2023 (North America, Europe) / April 19th 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
Map Rework: Autohaven Wreckers – Blood Lodge and Gas Heaven
- Maze Tile (MD13) with unsafe Pallets and windows was redesigned to be safe and consistent with other maps.
- Added more Lockers in the realm.
- Raised the minimum amount of Pallets in the Realm to reduce Dead Zones.
- Updated the placement of the Gas Station to be more on the side of the map.
- Updated the setup of the Gas Station to remove the strong window in the back of the building.
The Archives
- Tome 15: ASCENSION – Level 1 opens on April 19th at 11:00am ET
- “Core Memory” challenges
- These challenges task Survivors and Killers to restore a lost memory by finding Memory Shards scattered in the trials and restoring them to unlock story fragments in journals.
- As with the Glyph challenges, upcoming tomes will introduce new variants of the Core Memory challenge, providing a more varied experience in the Archives with each new Tome.
- Lightburn has been removed from all applicable challenge descriptions and challenge requirements.
- Adjusted the challenge requirements for challenges in Tomes 1 to 5 and 12 so they are better aligned with the challenge difficulties of other Tomes and their levels within The Archives.
Light-Killer Interactions
We are removing Killer-specific light interactions.
- The Nurse can no longer be Lightburned out of her Blinks.
- The Hag’s Phantasm Traps are no longer removed by lights.
- Survivors can now remove them by approaching them carefully and wiping them away.
- The Wraith can no longer be Lightburned when cloaked.
- The Artist’s Crows are no longer affected by light.
- Crow swarms cannot be removed by light.
- Dire Crows cannot be removed by light.
- The Spirit
- Can no longer burn The Spirit’s Husk
General Healing
- Decrease the bonus on successful Healing Great Skill Checks from 5% to 3%.
Killer Tweaks
- The Hillbilly
- Power
- Less heat added upon starting to rev the Chainsaw.
- Less heat added while revving the Chainsaw.
- More heat added during Chainsaw Sprint.
- The Pig
- John’s Medical File Addon
- Increase crouched move speed by 10% (was 6%).
- The Cenobite
- The Lament Configuration will now teleport if The Cenobite stands on it for 5 seconds.
- The Clown
- Redhead’s Pinky Finger Addon: Start with 3 fewer bottles, and maximum bottles is decreased by 3 (was 2 and 2, respectively).
- The Nightmare
- Add-Ons
- Sheep Block: Triggering Dream Snares or Dream Pallets inflicts Blindnessfor 60 seconds (was 30 seconds).
- Unicorn Block: Triggering Dream Snares or Dream Pallets inflicts Blindnessfor 90 seconds (was 60 seconds).
- The Executioner
- Scarlet Egg Add-On
- Increases the duration of Killer Instinct when triggered by Rites of Judgment by 3 seconds.
- The Oni
- Add-Ons
- Blackened Toenail: Increases movement speed while absorbing Blood Orbs by 0.4 m/s (was 0.3 m/s).
- Bloody Sash: Increases movement speed while absorbing Blood Orbs by 0.7 m/s (was 0.6 m/s).
Perk Updates
- Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance
- You start the Trial with 4 tokens. The first time each Survivor is placed on a Scourge Hook, lose 1 token. When you lose a token, the Generator with the most progress explodes, instantly losing 15%/20%/25% progress, and begins to regress. Once you have no tokens, Pain Resonance deactivates for the rest of the Trial.
- Gearhead
- After a survivor loses a health state by any means, Gearhead activates for 30 seconds. While Gearhead is active, the every time a Survivor performs a good Skill Check while repairing, their Aura is revealed to you for 6/7/8 seconds.
- Boon: Circle of Healing
- Any Survivors within the Boon Totem’s range gain a 50%/75%/100% healing speed bonus to healing others. Med-Kits do not stack with Boon: CoH. Injured Survivors have their Auras revealed to all other Survivors when inside the Boon Totem’s range.
- Dead Hard
- Dead hard activates after you are unhooked or unhook yourself. Press the Active Ability button 1 while running to gain the Endurance status effect for the next 0.5 seconds. Causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds. Dead Hard then deactivates.
- Overzealous
- After cleansing or blessing any totem, this Perk activates. Your Generator repair speed is increased by 8%/9%/10%. This bonus is doubled if you cleanse/bless a Hex totem. This Perk deactivates when you lose a health state by any means.
- Call of Brine
- After kicking a generator this perk becomes active for 60 seconds. The Generator regresses at 115%/120%/125% of the normal regression speed and you can see its aura in yellow. Each time a Survivor completes a good Skill Check on a Generator affected by this Perk, you receive a loud noise notification.
- Overcharge
- Overcharge a generator by performing the Damage Generator action. The next Survivor interacting with that Generator is faced with a difficult Skill Check. Failing the Skill Check results in an additional 2%/3%/4% loss of progress. Succeeding the Skill Check grants no progress, but prevents the Generator explosion. After Overcharge is applied to a generator, its regression speed increases from 85% of normal to 130% of normal over the next 30 seconds.
Med-kit Update
- Camping Aid Kit: 24 charges. (was 16) Increases the speed that you heal others by 35%. (was 25%) Decreases the speed and efficiency when healing yourself by 33%. (NEW) Unlocks the self-healing action.
- First Aid Kit: 24 charges. (was 24) Increases the speed that you heal others by 40%. (was 35%) Decreases the speed and efficiency when healing yourself by 33%. (NEW) Unlocks the self-healing action.
- Emergency Med-kit: 24 charges. (was 16) Increases the speed that you heal others by 45%. (was 50%) Decreases the speed and efficiency when healing yourself by 33%. (NEW) Unlocks the self-healing action. (Self-healing buff removed)
- Ranger Med-kit: 24 charges. (was 32) Increases the speed that you heal others by 50%. (was 35%) Decreases the speed and efficiency when healing yourself by 33%. (NEW) Unlocks the self-healing action. (Skill check bonuses removed)
- All Hallows’ Eve Lunchbox: 24 charges. (was 24) Increases the speed that you heal others by 40%. (was 35%) Decreases the speed and efficiency when healing yourself by 33%. (NEW) Unlocks the self-healing action. Makes you considerably more visible.
- Anniversary Med-kit: 24 charges. (was 24) Increases the speed that you heal others by 40%. (was 35%) Decreases the speed and efficiency when healing yourself by 33%. (NEW) Unlocks the self-healing action.
- Masquerade Med-kit: 24 charges. (was 24) Increases the speed that you heal others by 40%. (was 35%) Decreases the speed and efficiency when healing yourself by 33%. (NEW) Unlocks the self-healing action.
Med-kit Addons Update
- Rubber Gloves: Increases the Bonus skill check size by 10%. (NEW) (Removed progress bonus for Great skill checks)
- Sponge: Increases the Bonus skill check size by 20% (NEW) (Removed progress bonus for Great skill checks
- Needle & Thread: Increases the chances of triggering a Skill Check by 10%. Increases progression bonus for succeeding Great Skill Checks by 5%. (NEW) (Removed Bloodpoint bonus)
- Medical Scissors: Increases healing speed by 10%. (was 15%)
- Gauze Roll: Adds 10 charges to the Med-Kit. (was 12 charges) Changed to Rare rarity.
- Surgical Suture: Increases the chances of triggering a Skill Check by 15%. Increases progression bonus for succeeding Great Skill Checks by 10%. (NEW) (Removed Bloodpoint bonus)
- Gel Dressings: Changed to Ultra Rare rarity.
- Abdominal Dressing: Increases healing speed by 15%. (was 25%) (Removed charges penalty) Changed to Very Rare rarity.
- Styptic Agent: Press the Secondary Action button while healing with the Med-kit to use the Styptic Agent. When the Styptic Agent is used on an injured Survivor, they gain Endurance for 5 seconds. (was 8 seconds) Consumes the Med-Kit on use.
Bloodweb Improvements
You asked for it for a long time, and it’s finally here: using the Bloodweb has been made much simpler!
- By default, nodes can now be claimed by pressing them rather than holding. If you want to revert to the old method, a setting in the Accessibility tab allows you to toggle between Press and Hold.
- Hovering the cursor over any node in the Bloodweb that is not currently purchasable shows a red outline of a path of nodes leading up to it and displays the total Bloodpoints needed to buy all those nodes.
- Pressing/holding on any such node automatically purchases all the nodes one-by-one on the hovered path. This may not complete if purchasing all nodes becomes limited by your Bloodpoint total or the Entity consuming nodes alon the way.
- After reaching Prestige 1 with a character, the Bloodweb for that character will contain a new center node. Pressing/holding on it will automatically claim as much as possible of the whole Bloodweb level. The automation will prioritize Perks first and attempt to spend the minimum amount of Bloodpoints second. This will stop if you run out of Bloodpoints, but will continue with The Entity consuming nodes.
- Anonymous Mode is now available on consoles.
- The “Hide Player Names” setting now also hides the Killer name in Custom Games.
- Cinematic video files are now stored in Bink format.
- The Undetectable effect now mutes the audio progressively in all cases, to mimic the Killer moving away. Previously there were some Add-Ons that were removing the Terror Radius instantly.
Bug Fixes
The Archives
- The “Near Miss” Survivor challenge now counts when avoiding hits while the Killer is carrying another Survivor.
- The “Near Miss” Survivor challenge now no longer counts attacks while in the dying state or on a hook.
- The “Physical Tantrum” Killer challenge now counts progress from pallets destroyed when vaulted by a Survivor affected by The Skull Merchant’s Claw Trap.
- Adjusted the speed of audio as the Bloodwell autofills.
- Fixed an issue where the audio of Bloodweb Generation would play twice.
- Survivors are no longer missing voiceovers when a Killer interrupts them while entering and exiting a Locker.
- Fixed a delay in the Terror Radius suppression after de-manifesting and gaining Undetectable with The Onryo.
- Fixed a delay in the Terror Radius suppression when gaining Undetectable with the Cenobite’s Add-On “Chatterer’s Tooth”.
- Fixed a delay in the Terror Radius suppression after crouching and gaining Undetectable with The Pig.
- Fixed a delay in the Terror Radius suppression when gaining Undetectable with the Deathslinger’s Add-On “Hellshire Iron”.
- Fixed a delay in the Terror Radius suppression when gaining Undetectable with the Hillbilly’s Add-On “Iridescent Brick” and “Leafy Mash”.
- Fixed an issue where when using The Doctor with any “Discipline” Add-On, the Terror Radius and Red Stain fails to be active after a Chase would end while in Madness Tier 2.
- Bots in the Tutorial now have their names correctly localized.
- Bots are less likely to drop a Pallet while standing still on the same side as the Killer.
- Bots no longer slow down while traversing the area of a Skull Merchant’s Drone if inside the Terror Radius.
- Bots are less likely to run into a Killer while attempting to evade them.
- Further reduced the odds of Bots failing to loop when a Killer is near.
- Bots no longer try solve the Lament Configuration while being chased.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Skull Merchant’s Drone deployment animation to be delayed for several seconds after the Drone has been successfully deployed.
- Animations should no longer appear choppy during gameplay.
- The Spirit’s arm pieces will no longer clip into each other during several animations.
- Fixed an issue that caused Performing a Lunge Attack with the Female Legion body to cancel the hit animation if the duration of Feral Frenzy ends during the animation.
- The Female Legion cosmetics no longer use male walking animations while in the Trial.
- The Pig should no longer remain standing when Crouching.
- Select Killer Moris will no longer cause the Survivor’s camera to fade to gray and flicker before going to the tally screen.
- Survivors may no longer wipe the Hag’s trap away a second time after wiping it.
- The Nurse can properly charge a Blink when being lit by a flashlight.
- The Legion’s Frenzy ends after missing an attack after having hit a Survivor.
- The Legion’s Frenzy completely replenishes when putting a Survivor into Deep Wound when equipped with the Never-Sleep Pills and Mischief List Add-Ons.
- Characters no longer show the missed Skill Check animation the next time they heal someone if they interrupted a healing action just as a Skill Check was appearing.
- The Terror Radius and Red Stain properly activate after ending a chase when equipped with any of the ’Discipline’ Add-Ons as The Doctor.
- The Dredge may no longer become invisible when teleporting during Nightfall.
- The Cannibal, The Hillbilly, The Trapper and The Twins now correctly have their Power visible on the tally screen.
- The Clown may no longer push Survivors while reloading his Tonics.
- Fixed an issue where the mist was not visible in the basement of RPD
- Fixed issues where the Skull Merchant can deploy drones in door ways.
- Fixed a bug where the Nightmare could not place his trap in the Asylum building.
- Fixed an issue where Nemesis Tentacles would go through barricaded windows of the Foundry.
- Updated the height of small bushes in Red Forest to improve visibility and navigation.
- Fixed and issue where Killers could not grab a Survivor from a Jigsaw Box in RPD.
- Fixed an issue preventing Victor from jumping on the Pot in the Temple of Purgation dungeon.
- Fixed an issue where a Survivor would clip through the doors of a Locker in Main Building of the Mother’s Dwelling Map.
- Fixed an issue where a character could spawn in a car pile.
- Fixed an issue where Zombies get stuck on top of hills.
- Fixed an issue where the exit sign is misplaced in RPD.
- Fixed an issue where items were hidden in the books of Eyrie of Crows building.
- Fixed an issue where a Pallet was clipping with the ground in the Yamaoka Family Residence.
- Fixed an issue in the Garden of Joy where Zombies could not patrol the Greenhouse.
- Fixed an issue where a Generator was not accessible on a tile in Junkyard.
- Fixed an issue where a Hook in The Shattered Square was not accessible to the Killer.
- Fixed an issue where a trap could not be picked near the Yamaoka Family Residence.
- Fixed a Faux Appel near the Temple of Purgation.
- Fixed issue where invisible collisions would block projectiles in the main building of The Shattered Square,
- Fixed an issue where a placeholder tile could spawn on Haddonfield.
- Fixed an issue in Dead Dawg Saloon where waking up against a wall would send the Survivors out of the world.
- Fixed an issue where Legion was not able to vault the Pallet in the shack of the Red Forest.
- Fixed an issue where the Nurse could not blink in the bungalow in Badham Preschool
- Fixed an issue where a trap would spawn inside of a Generator in Treatment Theater.
- Updated the weight of the Generators in Haddonfield to prevent them from being too close.
- Fixed an issue where a Bear Trap would spawn in the Bus tile in Junkyard.
- Gearhead no longer activates when a Survivor disconnects.
- Gearhead no longer activates when a Survivor gains a health state.
- Thrill of the Hunt now grants extra Bloodpoints as per perk design
- Merciless Storm no longer causes Generator progress to regress while the Generator is blocked.
- Merciless Storm no longer causes the Generator to lose progress when succeeding the Skill Check.
- Fixed alignment and overlaps for the input switchers in the Full-screen image viewer of the archives.
- Fixed button overlaps between Main Menu and Options button on multiple languages on the Onboarding Screen.
- The HUD is properly hidden when spectating a Mori.
- The heartbeat icon is no longer visible when using a Flashlight.
- The remaining time text in the Shrine of Secrets is no more cut-off in certain languages.
- Fixed localization issues in some of the system error messages.
- Fixed the tooltip positioning in the Archive Compendium Tab.
- Fixed an unlocalized String in the Match Result screen.
- Equipping Cosmetics that have unique voice lines should now have the subtitles always in sync.
- Archive and Event cinematics should now be accessible in lobbies and be interruptable.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 6.6.2
- Release date: March 22nd 2023 (North America, Europe) / March 23rd 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
Killer: The Skull Merchant
- Base power changes:
- The Skull Merchant gains a flat Haste Status Effect for each Survivor detected on the radar. This bonus is lost when no Survivor is detected on the Radar.
- One Survivor : +3%
- Two Survivors: +5%
- Three Survivors: +6%
- Four Survivors: +7%
- Note: You do not need to be Inspecting the Radar in order to get this bonus.
- Failing the Claw Trap hack no longer recharges its battery
- Entering an Active Zone no longer recharges Claw Trap batteries
- Drones only return to the Killer after their respective Claw Trap battery is empty
- Survivors with a Claw Trap cause Drones to be Unhackable while they are nearby
- Claw Trapped Survivors who fast vault pallets break the pallet and their Claw Trap at the same time
- Claw traps are automatically removed when their battery is empty
- Addon changes :
- Ultrasonic Trap Speaker (NEW EFFECT): Decrease the time it takes for Undetectable to take effect by 50%
- Increase the “Expired Batteries” addon rarity to Ultra Rare (was Very Rare)
- Decrease the “Prototype Rotor” addon rarity to Very Rare (was Ultra Rare)
- Increase Adaptive Lighting to 50% (was 20%)
- Decrease Expired Batteries to 40% (was 150%)
- A previous patch note stated that the perk Leverage no longer worked on self-healing. This was not the case. Leverage has worked on self-healing and still does.
- Updated screams caused by Perks to be heard map-wide, as they were prior to version 6.6.0.
Bug Fixes
Archives & Challenges
- Fixed an issue where pallets broken by The Knight’s Guards were not contributing progress towards applicable challenges, such as “Rault’s Strength” and “Unleash the Rage”.
- Fixed an issue in the Archives where the French voice over for Memory 714 of Tome 13 would cut before the end.
- Fixed an issue where The Trapper would fail to trigger a voice over when a Survivor escapes his grab.
- Bots can now ask other players to move out of their way.
- Bots no longer give up when Broken and within the area of a Boon: Circle of Healing.
- Tentatively fixed an issue where Bots would shut themselves down when injured by an Artist’s Dire Crow.
- When playing against Freddy Krueger with the Dream Pallets Power, Bots no longer stop moving after passing a Dream Pallet.
- When playing against The Skull Merchant, Bots can now disable Drones placed on stairs.
- Fixed an issue that cause Yun-Jin and a few other female survivors’ face to be different when been on the hook.
- Fixed an issue that cause The Nurse’s Grim Veil to stretches unnaturally on the tally screen.
- Fixed an issue that cause Males survivors grabbed from lockers to have stretched eyebrows.
- Fixed an issue where The Knight’s Healing Poultice, The Onryo’s Distorted Photo and The Oni’s Iridescent Family Crest Add-ons incorrectly revealed auras for the duration of their effect.
- Fixed a bug that made two chests spawn in the Shattered Square basement of the main building.
- The Haste status effect icon no longer appears on screen when Teamwork: Collective Stealth is active
- The Friendly Competition repair bonus speed buff is no longer lost if the Perk owner disconnects from the Trial.
- A Survivor fast vaults a Pallet with the Skull Merchant Claw trap no longer triggers the Perk Thwack!
- Failing one skill check caused by the Merciless Storm Perk no longer causes subsequent skill checks to fail
Killer – Skull Merchant
- Drones no longer show the scanning VFX for one frame when starting the scan phase.
- Claw-Traps removed by hacking now correctly self-destruct instead of disappearing
- Fixed Perk description tooltips being incorrectly positioned in the Edit Bot Loadout menu.
- Corrected ‘Shotgun Speakers’ add-on icon to avoid trypophobia trigger.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 6.6.1
- Release date: March 14th 2023 (North America, Europe) / March 15th 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Updated UI for The Skull Merchant’s Power.
Bug Fixes
Archives & Challenges
- Fixed an issue where the “Glyph Graduate” Yellow Glyph challenges were not recognizing the Player’s input within a good skill check zone.
- Fixed an issue where the “Near Miss” challenge could gain progress if the Killer’s attack missed a Survivor from a distance greater than the intended 5 meters.
- Fixed an issue where the “Gruesome” challenge would gain two (2) points of progress instead of one (1) during the End-Game Collapse.
- This fix also addresses other Hook action challenges that gained double progress during the End-Game Collapse.
- Fixed an issue with The Spirit where the audio for her phase ability would not be played for Survivors while using the Furin add-on.
- Fixed an issue where granted currency and item pop-ups in the Main Menu would play twice.
- Fixed an issue where the SFX for changing pages using a controller would be missing while in a bot lobby.
- Fixed an issue where the game’s audio could be heard while in the Loading Screen before entering or leaving a Trial.
- After playing a Custom Game with Add-ons disabled, the Tally screen no longer shows incorrect Add-ons.
- An injured Bot will now think twice before attempting to heal a downed Bot within the Terror Radius.
- Bots can now use the Repressed Alliance Perk.
- Bots no longer shuffle at a slow pace while at a pallet if the chasing Killer is slightly far away.
- Bots now respect Killers more by not getting into lockers while in the Killer’s line of sight.
- Bots will now avoid backtracking to Pallet to stun the Killer, as it often led to an injury.
- In the Custom Game lobby, Bots now correctly display the Item equipped even after changes in party members.
- When playing against a Killer with the Iron Maiden Perk, Bots are now more careful about getting into Lockers, especially when equipped with Locker-based Perks like Flashbang.
- When playing against Freddy Krueger with Add-ons allowing Dream Pallets, Bots will now remember which Pallets were replaced by fakes.
- When playing against The Skull Merchant, Bots avoid loops covered by a Drone zone.
- When playing against The Skull Merchant, Bots are now capable of vaulting near Drones.
- When playing against The Skull Merchant with the Iridescent Unpublished Manuscript Add-on, Bots now respond to the change in Terror Radius.
- Fixed an issue that cause the Door breaking animation to play too fast when playing as The Legion with Brutal Strength and equipped Frank’s mix tape.
- Fixed an issue that cause all Survivors’ left hands to be distorted when receiving healing.
- Fixed an issue that causes The Artist’s arm to jitter backward awkwardly when she walks into and past a tall asset.
- Fixed an issue that cause All Survivors’ hands and heads to clip through the locker when fast exiting.
- Injured Survivors have no more crooked wrists when moving and holding a Pocket Mirror.
- Fixed an issue causeing killers to sometimes be unable to hit a Survivor healing a downed Survivor.
- Fixed an issue where The Knight’s Healing Poultice, The Onryo’s Distorted Photo and The Oni’s Iridescent Family Crest Add-ons incorrectly revealed auras for the duration of their effect.
- The Dredge no longer incorrectly becomes Invisible when teleporting during Nightfall.
- Survivors who scream during the Cenobite’s teleport no longer become stuck.
- The Skull Merchant’s Drones no longer appear invisible when in the Active State.
- Fixed a lighting issue that caused the Onryo’s well to look incorrect in the lobby.
- Fixed an issue with a rock that could be climbed in the Mount Ormond Resort map.
- The Survivor’s Aura no longer fails to be revealed by Grim Embrace when the obsession is transferred by Game Afoot.
- Teamwork: Power of Two no longer fails to deactivate if the other Survivor disconnects.
- Healing an injured Survivor who has the Perk Adrenaline equipped while all Generator are completed no longer triggers the effect of the Perk Teamwork: Power Of Two
- The Teamwork: Power of Two buff external icon now properly appears on all of the Survivors using the Perk.
- The Teamwork: Collective Stealth’s external perk icon now correctly appears on the affected Survivor instead of the perk owner when both Survivors have this Perk equipped.
- The Friendly Competition repair bonus speed buff is now properly maintained if the Perk owner disconnects from the Trial.
- Using the Perk For The People on a dying Survivor now properly gives the Survivors the Teamwork: Power of Two and Teamwork: Collective Stealth buffs.
- The End Game Collapse timer now updates properly when the last remaining survivor gets back up from the Adrenaline perk’s effect
- All available Maps now correctly show in the Custom Game settings for players on the Epic Games Store.
- Fixed an account mismatch issue when using the in-game Store on the Windows Store.
- Fixed an intermittent crash when launching the game on Switch.
- Fixed an animation issue when quickly changing pages in the Edit Bot Loadout popup.
- Fixed a layout issue in the Edit Bot Loadout popup when the UI Scale Setting is not 100%.
- Fixed an incorrect tooltip message for unavailable add-ons in the Edit Bot Loadout popup.
- Hooking Survivors during the End Game Collapse no longer counts for 2 Hooks for the Hooks challenges progress
- The Hack the Mainframe Achievement now unlocks correctly upon Killer disconnection.
- Adept Renato and Adept Thalita are unlocked if the Killer Disconnects after the Exit Gate was opened.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 6.6.0
- Release date: March 7th 2023 (North America, Europe) / March 8th 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
New Killer: The Skull Merchant
Game Afoot: While you are chasing the Obsession, this perk activates. Damaging Generators and destroying Breakable Walls and Pallets gives you a 5% Haste Status for 8/9/10 seconds. Whenever you hit the Survivor with the total most time in chase with a Basic Attack, they become the Obsession. The Killer can only be Obsessed with one Survivor at a time.
THWACK!: After hooking a Survivor, this perk activates. The next Breakable Wall or Pallet you break will make Survivors within 28/30/32 meters scream and reveal their aura for 4 seconds. (Changed from PTB: removed activation timer and distance is now a tiered value)
Leverage: Each time you hook a Survivor, gain 1 token, up to 10. When you Hook a Survivor, this perk activates for 30 seconds. For each token, reduces the speed at which Survivors heal by 3/4/5%.
New Survivor: Thalita Lyra
Cut Loose: After performing a rushed vault in a chase, this Perk activates. While active, your rushed vaults are silent for up to 4/5/6 seconds, and successfully performing a rushed vault during that time resets the timer. This perk goes on cool-down for 45 seconds.
Friendly Competition:Whenever you finish Repairing a Generator with at least one other Survivor, this Perk activates. You and other Survivors who finished Repairing the Generator with you get 5% increased Repair progress speed for 45/60/75 seconds. Survivors can only have one instance of this Perk’s ability active at once.
Teamwork: Power of Two: Whenever you finish healing another Survivor, you both move 5% faster as long as you stay within 12 meters of the Survivor you healed or until one of you loses a Health State. Teamwork: Power of Two can only trigger once every 180/160/140 seconds. Survivors can only be affected by one Teamwork: Power of Two effect at a time.<
New Survivor: Renato Lyra
Background Player: When the Killer picks up another Survivor, Background Player activates for 10 seconds. When you start running, you break into a sprint at 150% of your normal Running Movement speed for 4 seconds and become exhausted. This perk cannot be used while exhausted. This perk causes exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds. (Changed from PTB; now activates on pickup for 10 seconds, triggers on starting to run, increases move speed for 4 seconds)
Blood Rush: This Perk activates once you are one Hook away from instant death. While healthy, running, and suffering from Exhaustion, press the Active Ability Button 1 to lose a Health State and recover from Exhaustion instantly and gain the Broken status effect for 28/24/20 seconds. You are automatically healed from injured to healthy after 28/24/20 seconds. Being put into the Dying State will cancel the healing effect. Activating Blood Rush will disable it for the remainder of the trial. Exhaustion prevents Survivors from activating other Perks that cause Exhaustion. Broken prevents Survivors from being healed.
Teamwork: Collective Stealth:Whenever another Survivor finishes healing you, you both leave no scratch marks as long as you stay within 12 meters of the Survivor who healed you or until one of you loses a health state. Teamwork: Collective Stealth can only trigger once every 180/160/140 seconds. Survivors can only be affected by one Teamwork: Collective Stealth effect at a time.
Map Changes: Shelter Woods
A makeshift command center was erected here, its rigid walls and sharp angles standing in stark contrast to the twisted wood and soil. For those who chance upon this crude structure, the realization that this complex belongs to an apex hunter—a hunter whose prey is human—usually comes too late.
Visual Update: Red Forest
We’ve taken a lengthy visit to the Red Forest Realm, which includes the Maps Temple of Purgation and Mother’s Dwelling. How about a nice, long walk in the woods?
Quality of Life
Map Repeat Prevention
This update improves the Map selection process. Now, the possibility that players in a Trial will see the same Map as their previous Trial has been reduced to near-zero. It’s also unlikely that they will be sent to a recently visited Map, though the likelihood will be a little higher than near-zero.This will not impact the efficacy of Map Offerings, nor will it affect Custom Games.
Perk Changes
- Any Means Necessary: Removed cooldown.
- Eruption: After kicking a Generator, its aura is highlighted in yellow. Whenever a Survivor enters the Dying State, every affected Generator explodes, losing 10% worth of progress and starts to regress. Any Survivor repairing a Generator when it explodes will scream and reveal their aura 8/10/12 seconds. Eruption has a cooldown of 30 seconds. (Changed from PTB: now 10% of total progress, not current progress)
Loading Timeout
After analyzing the data on our side, we have established a set of expected loading times for each of the steps while loading into a Trial. As a result, if any player crashes or hangs while loading, we will now be able to return everyone to the Tally much earlier.
Reporting Players
We know that sometimes you may face unsportsmanlike behaviour even before a match. We have now added the option to report a player from the online lobby.
Miscellaneous Updates
Triggered scream audio
We have done a consistency pass on the following perks and addons which trigger audio feedback when the position of a Survivor is revealed:
Deathbound, Dragon’s Grip, Eruption, Hex: Face the Darkness, Infectious Fright, Iron Maiden, Make Your Choice, Iridescent Family Crest, Incensed Ointment, Healing Poultice, Greasy Black Lens.
When a Survivor screams to reveal their location, the scream will be a 3d scream (instead of a 2d/mapwide scream), with a 19m max range, and a loud noise sfx is triggered.
Bots in Custom Games
Pre-game Improvements
- Bots are now assigned to specific slots when added in the Custom Match lobby.
- Players can now edit bots to make them use a selection of Perks, Offerings, Items and Add-ons in Custom Games.
- Players can save up to 4 bot loadout presets to re-use them at a later time or to apply them to different bots in order to face bots with unique loadouts.
- Players can now manually select which Survivor should be used as a Bot.
- Dev Note: Not all options for loadout are currently supported by Bots. You may notice that some options of Perks, Items, Add-ons or Offerings are missing; these exclusions are intentional.
In-game Improvements
- Bots respond better while in the Terror Radius on multi-floor Maps.
- Bots are more likely to pick up dropped Items.
- Bots will use the Haste Effect more effectively after being hit by the Killer.
- Bots are no longer overcome with existential dread when Broken and holding a Medkit.
- Bots no longer automatically know where their rekindled Hex: Pentimento Totem is located.
- Bots no longer automatically know the Perk associated with a Hex Totem.
- Bots should now make more strategically sound rescues in the Killer’s presence.
- Improved Bot decision-making while dodging ranged attacks and looping.
- Improved Bot pathing while obstructed by a teammate.
- Bots now prioritize gaining distance from the Killer over seeking a nearby loop.
- Bots react more accurately to sound, especially from Killer Powers.
- Injured Bots are now more effective at healing one another.
- When searching for the closest Locker, Bots are no longer confused by Lockers on a floor below or above.
Killer-specific Improvements
- Bots are more willing to solve The Lament Configuration when playing against Pinhead.
- Bots no longer automatically know which Generator Freddy Krueger will emerge from while using the Class Photo Add-On.
- Bots no longer automatically know which Portal The Demogorgon will emerge from while using the Red Moss Add-On.
- Bots no longer fear approaching Charlotte while Victor is active.
- Bots now know to crouch to avoid triggering The Hag’s Phantasm Traps.
- Bots no longer attempt to blind The Demogorgon while it is travelling in the Upside Down.
- Bots no longer automatically know which Pallets are fake when playing against Freddy Krueger or The Doctor.
- Bots more accurately react to the Terror Radius when the Obsession is affected by Dark Devotion.
- Bots are far more willing to disarm The Trapper’s Bear Traps when required.
Bug Fixes
- Pallets now react as intended when kicked during the Pallet breaking animation.
- The Huntress’ legs now move forward while performing basic attacks.
- Female Legion members no longer have the Male Legion walk animation while inside Trials.
- Correct transition now plays after being stunned when The Legion has the Julie’s Mix Tape equipped.
- A collision in the Mother’s Dwelling Map no longer blocks projectiles.
- Addressed level-of-detail issues in the Yamaoka Estate Map,.
- Fixed an issue where a Survivor’s scream would continue to play after being unhooked rapidly.
- Fixed an issue where Thalita and Renato’s screams were muffled when activating the Eruption perk.
- Fixed an issue in the Tome 14 Rift where only The Knight would produce sound when highlighting rewards.
- Fixed an issue where using the Visual Data torso cosmetic for The Legion would use the default sounds instead of Julie’s.
- A subtitle from William Birkin’s voiceover lines no longer appears when playing as The Blight with a different Cosmetic.
- Players affected by a disconnection penalty should now see it correctly when returning to the lobby after a Match.
- Fixed a few cases where subtitles for voiceover lines would linger longer than the audio itself.
- Players are no longer stuck in an infinite loop when matchmaking fails while queueing for a Custom Match.
- Fixed a potential crash when closing the game.
- Fixed a softlock in the Main Menu after selecting a Game Mode and quickly selecting the Store or Archives button at the same time.
- Fixed a positioning issue of the loadout item tooltip in the Tally screen after displaying the Killer Power tooltip.
- Cybil no longer remains idle when interacting with or using Killer objects.
- Fixed some cases where Adept achievements could not be completed.
- Hex: Huntress Lullaby no longer affects Hook struggle Skill Checks
- Whispers now deactivates correctly when a Survivor is killed or disconnects in the Perk’s range.
- The Killer’s Obsession is now applied to the correct survivor while “Decisive Strike” is equipped.
- Fixed a server crash which happened in some cases after a Survivor is interrupted.
- Bots now cancel a pending Crow removal when waiting to vault or drop pallet.
- Add-Ons from The Knight, The Onryo and The Oni no longer cause Survivors in Lockers to scream.
- Victor’s Aura is now correctly displayed after a successful Pounce.
- William Birkin voice line subtitles no longer appear when downing survivors as default Blight.
- Fixed a crash on the server when certain Status Effects are imposed.
- Blood Warden no longer permanently blocks the Exit Gates.
- Wiggle Skill Checks now disappear once becoming Hooked.
- Fixed an issue where Survivors are unable to wiggle off of a Killer’s shoulders.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 6.5.2
- Release date: February 8th 2023 (North America, Europe) / February 9th 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
Bug Fixes
Adept Achievements / Merciless Killer
We’ve applied a tentative fix that should resolve an issue surrounding Merciless Killer, wherein Killing 4 Survivors would not trigger it as intended. Your Tally Screen Results should now be displayed accurately.
However, we are still working on a consistent fix to an issue surrounding the Adept Achievements for Killer and Survivor, which are still not unlocking correctly in select situations.
- There is no longer a missing prompt while purchasing Outfits.
- Killer players in a lobby will no longer see character swap arrows after opening the Bloodweb.
- Using the Furin Add-On as The Spirit no longer impacts her audio while Phasing.
- The Huntress’s menu music now loops correctly.
- The camera no longer risks getting stuck when returning to Charlotte after Victor gets crushed.
- Victor will no longer become unreachable after pouncing on a Vaulting Survivor.
- The Hex: Huntress Lullaby no longer remains active after the Totem is cleansed.
- The Hex: Huntress Lullaby Perk no longer gains two tokens each time a Survivor is Hooked after it has been re-activated by Hex: Undying.
- The Knight can no longer grab Survivors at the end of the Patrol Path after Summoning a Guard
- Cages of Atonement no longer distort female Survivor faces.
- Female Survivor faces are no longer distorted when another Survivor finds them in a Locker.
- The Killer is no longer locked looking into the same direction during the survivor tutorial.
- Wiggle skill checks now correctly grant Bloodpoints.
- The Mangled effect no longer applies to the Mend, Snap Out of It, and Recover interactions.
- The Aura reading ability of Maps may no longer remain active indefinitely.
- Generators will no longer spawn too close together in the Racoon City Police Station Main Hall.
- Players can no longer climb on a rock in the Eyrie of Crows.
- Repairing the Generator in Racoon City Police Station West Wing awards the Raccoon City Recruit achievement.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 6.5.1
- Release date: January 31st 2023 (North America, Europe) / February 1st 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Survivor activity HUD now shows Generator progress.
Bug Fixes
- The game should no longer crash on exit.
- Switching to a loadout with the same Add-On in a different position will no longer cause disconnection from a lobby.
- Items on sale in the Store display the correct discounted Iridescent Shard price.
- Customization Reward notifications will now correctly appear.
- The copyright year has been updated in the intro trailer.
- Simultaneously levelling up and swapping character should no longer trigger a soft lock.
Custom Games
- In a Custom Game, changing to Survivor after having multiple players in the Killer role now displays the correct role to all party members.
- Bots will now hit regular Skill Checks correctly.
Killer Bugs
- The Knight can no longer break an un-dropped Pallet that was reset by the Perk Any Means Necessary.
- Survivors will no longer remain stuck in the the Remove Chain action when chained by The Cenobite’s Summons of Pain or Chain Hunt.
- Lethal Pursuer will no longer inadvertently reveal Auras while Blinded.
- The Hillbilly’s Chainsaw no longer risks going silent when using the Apex Muffler or Off-Brand Motor Oil Add-Ons.
- The Whispers icon no longer appears lit before its first activation.
- The frame rate has been stabilized during Killer Moris.
- The Nurse will now gain Blink Charge correctly while using Jenner’s Last Breath.
- Status Effects from The Pig’s Add-Ons will no longer remain after a Reverse Bear Trap has been removed.
- Killers will no longer receive Merciless Killer after Killing fewer than 4 Survivors.
- Killers will no longer get stuck in the Shattered Square Map.
- Fixed an unreachable Bear Trap placement in the Gas Haven Map.
- Killers can no longer climb on the Vat Room rails in The Game Map.
- Killers can no longer completely body block access to basements in the Autohaven Wreckers Realm.
- Exiting a locker as The Dredge while a Survivor is moving away no longer causes a sound cut.
- The Blight will no longer keep William Birkin’s voice in the menu while changing to another Outfit.
- The Knight’s Enchanted Plates and Frosty Eyes outfits no longer disappear while he is using his Power.
Survivor Bugs
- Female Survivor legs will no longer clip through the ground during The Nurse’s Mori.
- The Red Envelope of a dead or disconnected Survivor will no longer remain visible.
- The Breakout Perk icon is now correctly visible to Survivors being affected by it
- Carried Survivors are now able to see if they are affected by Iron Grasp.
- Missing a Skill Check when letting go of a Generator will now lead to a loss of Potential Energy Tokens.
- The Map Item no longer allows for indefinite Aura reading.
- Survivors using the Glass Bead Add-On can now make Markers as intended.
- The Healing Hud icon will not activate when a Survivor is in a Cage of Atonement.
- The HUD Indicator should now reveal accurate Generator progress information.
- Fixed an issue that may cause Reverse Bear Traps to remain floating in front of the Jigsaw Box after being removed.
- Reverse Bear Traps will now disappear correctly upon being removed.
- Survivors who bleed out or die to a Killer’s Special Power (The Onryo’s Condemned, etc) will no longer see the Escaped Result on the End Game screen.
- The Item of Obsession Achievement can now be unlocked as intended.
- Survivors can no longer trap The Knight’s Guards inside lockers with a rushed exit.
Known Issues
- The Mastermind can’t go up the stairs and vault smoothly when using the Virulent Bound ability in Dead Dawg Saloon.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 6.5.0 (Mid-Chapter)
- Release date: January 24th 2023 (North America, Europe) / January 25th 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
Event – Moonlight Burrow
- The “Moonlight Burrow” Lunar New Year event starts January 24, 11am ET.
- Tome 14 – BETRAYAL Level 1 opens January 25, 11am ET.
Archive Challenges:
- “Dark Triumph” Killer Challenge: As The Executioner, Survivors who die inside a Cage of Atonement now award progress.
- “Terrified” Killer Challenge: As The Trickster, Survivors hit by Showstopper blades no longer award progress.
- “Near Miss” Survivor Challenge: Dodging Basic Attacks from The Oni and The Ghost Face (while crouched) now awards progress.
- “The Engineer’s Guild” Survivor Challenge: Progress is now cumulative and no longer resets when the co-op action is interrupted.
Quality Of Life
Survivor Activity HUD
- The Survivor HUD now features an indicator that appears whenever they or their teammates engage in an activity. Activities include Repairing a Generator, being chased by the Killer, Healing, recovering from the Dying State, Cleansing or Blessing a Totem, opening an Exit Gate, or interacting with a Killer’s Power.
Merciless Killer
- Moving forward, getting 4 Kills will earn the Killer a Merciless Killer rating, rather than the previous requirement of a double pip.
The Queuing Experience
- Players are now able to browse the Store, The Archives and Daily Rituals, while queueing for a match. If they are mid-purchase when the lobby is ready, the game will wait for the conclusion of the transaction – though it will kick the player if the delay is too long.
- While queued, Killers can browse their other Killers and change their loadouts and customizations. This will not affect their currently queued character, who remains shown beside the “Looking for Match” message.
Dev Note: Due to a potential disconnection during cinematics, we had to disable the viewing of cinematics when in a party or queueing for a match.
Following a period in BETA, the updated Wiggle system is now standard for all players. Rather than mashing the left and right inputs to Wiggle, it now follows a ping-pong Skill Check system.
Based on the feedback we’ve received from players – thank you very much – we have made a few adjustments to the system.
- Controller input handling has been improved, which should allow Killers to respond to Wiggling more efficiently while carrying Survivors.
- Survivors no longer shorten carry time by hitting Great Skill Checks. Instead, Great Skill Checks will increase resistance for the Killer.
- The size of the Great Skill Check zone has been slightly increased. We’ve also updated the Wiggling sound effects for improved feedback.
Balance Changes
The Knight
Now that the Forged In Fog Chapter has been released for several weeks, we have updated several aspects of The Knight’s Base Kit:
- While using his Power, The Knight is now forced out of Guard Summon Mode after 10 seconds.
- While tracing a Patrol Path, The Knight’s Orb shrinks with distance travelled and disappears completely after 10m.
- When The Knight creates a Patrol Path longer than 10m, he will gain the Haste Status Effect. The Effect’s duration depends on the length of the Path, beginning at 2 seconds and increasing to 10 seconds at the maximum distance of 32m. The 10-second duration was 6 seconds on the PTB.
- When a Guard detects a Survivor: If your Patrol Path is over 10m, the time it takes that Guard to reach the Survivor has been decreased. This reduction depends on the length of your Path, ranging from the default 10% to a maximum of 25% if your Path reaches 32m. Basically, the longer your Patrol Path, the faster your Guard will move once he detects a Survivor.
- Using a Guard to damage a Generator now grants an instant 5% loss of progress (previously 2.5%).
Add-On Updates:
- Healing Poultice: When Survivors are within 24m of The Assassin when he spawns, their locations will be revealed for 5 seconds (up from 3).
The Nurse
The Nurse holds an interesting place in the Killer Roster. Though her Power can be challenging to master, she can be extremely deadly in practiced hands, especially with certain Perks that accentuate her mobility. While we don’t want to completely overhaul her, we have made some updates to The Nurse, including a pass on her Add-Ons.
In addition, The Nurse is officially the latest Killer to receive her own theme in the menu, as well as a new Terror Radius and Chase Music.
Base Kit:
- Any Attack made after Blinking is now a Blink Attack, not a Basic Attack. This will impact how The Nurse synergizes with certain Perks, including those that trigger the Exposed Status Effect.
Add-On Updates:
- Catatonic Boy’s Treasure: Reduces extra fatigue from Chain Blinks by 65% (was 100).
- Dark Cincture: Increases movement speed after a Blink but before the following fatigue by 30%.
- Heavy Panting: Extends the duration of a Lunge by 30% after more than one Blink.
- Ataxic Respiration: Reduces base Blink fatigue duration by 7% (was 12%).
- Fragile Wheeze: Blink Attacks inflict the Mangled status effect.
- Campbell’s Last Breath: After reappearing from a fully charged Blink, The Nurse immediately Blinks again at full charge in the direction she is currently facing. This only works if The Nurse has a remaining Blink charge (was originally a half-charged Blink).
- “Bad Man’s” Last Breath: Hitting a Survivor with a successful Blink Attack grants the Undetectable status effect for 25 seconds (up from 16). This effect may be only triggered once every 45 seconds (down from 60).
- Kavanaugh’s Last Breath: When succumbing to fatigue, any Survivors within 8 meters of The Nurse are afflicted with the Blindness status effect for 60 seconds.
- Jenner’s Last Breath: Once The Nurse has exhausted all her Blinks, The Nurse can immediately Blink back to her original position by pressing the Active Ability Button. Must be triggered before The Nurse succumbs to fatigue. After returning to her original position, one Blink charge is restored (added restoration of 1 Blink charge; this is a change from the PTB where all charges were restored).
- Torn Bookmark: Adds 1 Blink charge. Increases Blink recharge time by 30% (was 50%).
- Matchbox: Sets maximum number of Blink charges to 1. Increases The Nurse’s base movement speed to 4.4 m/s (was 4.2 m/s, no longer allows other addons to increase Blink charges).
We’ve also adjusted the following:
- Improved feedback for the Spasmodic Breath Add-On.
- Updated Blink recharge audio to give a better indication of when Blink charges are full.
Eyrie of Crows Map
Eyrie of Crows has received an additional balance pass to make the Map more fun to play for both Survivor and Killer.
- The Map’s length has been shortened.
- Generators are more evenly distributed.
- The main building has been moved toward the Map’s edge.
- The strength of certain main building loops has been decreased.
- New tiles have been added.
- Dead Zones have been reduced around the border.
- The Exit Gate no longer inadvertently spawns behind the main building.
- Certain rocks will no longer spawn close to Hooks, causing collision issues.
- An alternate Generator has been added to the main building.
Bug Fixes
- The proper SFX will now play when a match is found.
- The blood SFX will no longer play when a Hooked Survivor enters the Struggle Phase.
- The Locker exit SFX is no longer unaffected by the Quick & Quiet Perk.
- The Music no longer continues playing while a Survivor is being Sacrified.
- Raised the volume of the Legion’s blood wiping SFX.
The Knight
- The Knight’s Guards no longer get stuck in various places on the Mount Ormond Map.
- The Knight’s guards are no longer incapable of traversing certain passages on the Mount Ormond Map.
- The Knight’s feet are officially animated in the first-person perspective when attacking or looking down.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Knight and The Spirit to see the Potential Energy VFX and Refined Serum VFX while in Path creation mode and Phase Walking respectively.
- The Knight’s Power no longer becomes unusable when using the order system immediately after entering Patrol mode.
- The Knight will no longer be able to perform actions from unintended distances immediately after using Guardia Compagnia.
- The Knight will no longer receive a permanent 5% Haste Status Effect upon creating a Guard Path under than 10m.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Knight entering Path Creation Mode to trigger Make Your Choice while standing beside a Hook.
The Spirit
- The Spirit’s weapon retracting animation no longer speeds up.
- The Spirit’s hair is no longer missing from a Spectator’s point of view during a Custom Match.
The Twins
- Switching between Charlotte and Victor will no longer lead to an unexpected black screen.
- Fixed an issue where Charlotte would be unable to move after switching control from Victor.
- The Undetectable Visual Effect is no longer missing while using the Silencing Cloth Add-On.
The Plague:
- Unstable Rifts can no longer become infected by a Survivor infected by The Plague’s Power.
Survivor Perks & Gameplay
- Flashbangs no longer spin while in a Survivor’s hand.
- When the Circle of Healing Boon is snuffed, Survivors in its radius no longer fail their ongoing Skill Checks.
- Survivors can no longer drop a Flashbang Grenade while getting Healed.
- Firecrackers and Flashbangs now trigger as intended when thrown against a wall.
- Object of Obsession now properly increases the chances of players becoming the Obsession at the start of a match.
- Potential Energy should no longer remain on the Survivor after certain Killers use their Power.
Killer Perks
- Fixed an issue where Hex: No One Escapes Death’s Aura remains active if first blessed by a survivor, then snuffed by a killer.
- Resolved Hex: Huntress inconsistencies between SFX and UI.
- Fixed an impassable passage between cedar walls on the Badham Preschool IV Map.
- Survivors can no longer use momentum to vault onto a ledge of the Pale Rose’s Ferry.
- A specific Generator on the Garden of Joy Map is no longer inaccessible from one side.
- Placeholder textures have been removed from the Disturbed Ward Map.
- Special Cosmetics such as the Vial Charms will now appear in-game consistently.
- The Killer player can no longer join a lobby with an unintended character.
- Players can no longer use an exploit to play with more than 4 Perks.
- Bots no longer get stuck on thin air.
- Force-quitting the game no longer causes a crash.
- The splash screen no longer causes a crash.
- Customizations equipped in the store are now immediately visible to all party members.
- Survivor Bots no longer attempt to blind The Knight’s guards.
- Applied a tentative fix to an issue causing lag spikes for players with both a mouse and controller connected.
- Resolved an issue in the Shrine of Secrets where a Perk would display as “available” even after purchasing it.
- The menu is no longer accessible while interacting with the EULA or Privacy Policy popup.
- The Alert Reward popup no longer blocks inputs on the Menu.
- Players should now gain proper progress on the achievement “Milk ‘n’ Cookies.”
- Wiggle Skill Check responsiveness has been improved.
- Survivor hair is no longer wonky during the Hook death animation.
- The Entity Spikes at the Exit Gates should now appear as intended.
- Fixed an issue causing the Dissolve VFX not to not appear when a Breakable Wall is destroyed.
Known Issues
- Generator progress is not shown on Survivor HUD activity icons.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 6.4.3
- Release date: December 15th 2022 (North America, Europe) / December 16th 2022 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
Bug Fixes
- The Knight no longer encounters issues entering a chase while a Guard is active.
- Killers no longer occasionally turn invisible upon leaving a Snowman.
- Killers entering a snowman should no longer get stuck in collision terrain.
- The Killer’s Aura no longer fails to display while using Kindred.
- Inner Healing now operates as intended, where cleansing a Totem and entering a Locker for a duration heals 1 Health State.
- The Game is no longer haunted by an invisible collision zone.
- Undetectable Killers no longer experience unintended Aura reveals.
- Nowhere To Hide’s Aura reveal zone currently remains centred on the Killer instead of the Generator.
- Nowhere To Hide does not reveal the Aura of Survivors who were out of range when the Perk was triggered, but enter the detection zone while it’s still activated.
- The Knight’s feet have no animation when looking down during an Attack.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 6.4.2
- Release date: December 6th 2022 (North America, Europe) / December 7th 2022 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
- The Bone Chill Event returns on December 8th, bringing holiday atmosphere, dark and fantastical Cosmetics, a few familiar visitors, and much more.
- BUFF: When Guards damage Generators, they now apply the Killer’s default 2.5% regression loss. This regression is not affected by Perks.
- The Knight’s Enchanted Plates Outfit now plays the correct sound in the menu.
- The Knight no longer crosses small obstacles after using Guardia Compagnia.
- Fixed an animation issue when The Knight’s guards hit a Survivor during a locker search.
- The Knight’s Guards no longer get stuck when creating a Patrol Path in select corners.
- Fixed an issue where The Knight could not order Guards to destroy select Breakable Walls.
- The Knight’s Patrol Path Orb no longer triggers Make Your Choice or Hex: Devour Hope.
- The Oni’s weapon no longer disappears during the Match Results screen.
- The Knight’s Guardia Compagnia no longer makes the Terror Radius indicator disappear from the Spine Chill icon.
- Spine Chill no longer grants a repair bonus when a Survivor is in the line of sight of The Knight’s Path Drawing Orb.
- A hook-free dead zone in one corner of the Temple of Purgation Map has been fixed.
- A Totem no longer accidentally spawns inside a Locker in The Game Map.
- Removed impassable spaces on the Ironworks of Misery.
- An invisible collision spot in the Autohaven Wrecker’s Realm has been fixed.
- Fixed an irregular Pallet spawn issue in the Autohaven Wrecker’s Realm.
- Removed spaces where Killers could not pass between objects (trees, rocks) on the Crotus Prenn Asylum Map.
- A maze tile on the Garden of Joy Map no longer accidentally spawns without windows.
- Reduced the number of Pallets in The Shattered Square Map.
- Fixed an issue where two Pallets spawned at the same time in The Shattered Square Map.
- Edge objects now spawn as intended in The Shattered Square Map.
- Survivors no longer suffer from distorted lips during select actions.
- The Killer’s loadout no longer displays while spectating a Survivor during a custom game.
- The Knight’s feet have no animation when looking down during an Attack.
- The Killer’s Aura does not properly appear while Kindred is active if the Hooked Survivor did not equip the Perk.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 6.4.1
- Release date: November 30th 2022 (North America, Europe) / December 1st 2022 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
Bug Fixes
- Updated Perk Repressed Alliance’s description to indicate it cannot be activated if another Survivor is repairing the same generator.
- Updated the Hex: Face the Darkness’s description.
- Fixed an issue that caused the screaming animation to loop constantly when doing a gesture.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Huntress arm to clip through the camera when aiming up with a Hatchet.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Knight’s attack trail to be misaligned in first person view.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Knight and the Spirit to see the Potential Energy VFX and Refined serum VFX while in Path Creation Mode and Phase Walking.
- Fixed an issue that caused the spikes on Oni’s Armored Titan cosmetic to have the wrong texture during gameplay.
- Fixed an issue that caused the mist to be missing in some tiles of Garden of Joy map
- Fixed an issue that caused the Shock Therapy’s VFX to not match the power’s collision with the “Interview Tape” add-on
- Fixed an issue that caused The Knight to sometimes move at the speed of the Path Creation Wisp
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to be able to blind The Knight’s Path of Creation Wisp
- Fixed an issue that caused The Knight to be able to unintentionally attack nearby survivors after summoning a guard
- Fixed an issue that caused The Knight’s Guards to be able to break walls located high off the ground
- Fixed an issue that caused Lethal Pursuer’s additional aura reveal time to fail to apply to the Nowhere to Hide Perk
- Fixed an issue that caused Hex: Face the Darkness not to be triggered by The Trapper’s Traps and The Plague’s Vile Purge upon injuring a Survivor
- Fixed an issue that caused The Knight’s Guards to be able to break generators blocked by the entity
- Fixed an issue that caused the achievement Speed Kills to not gain progress when using a non-basic Attack to injure a Survivor afflicted with Haste
- Fixed an issue that caused a survivor vaulting a pallet to be interrupted by a guard ordered to break that pallet
- Fixed an issue that caused The Knight’s Guard break object orders to break objects out of sync with the corresponding animation
- Fixed an issue that caused The Knight’s Guards to sometimes start orders without confirmation
- Fixed an issue that caused highlights of dream pallets in the Decimated Borgo map to appear as regular pallets
- Fixed an issue that caused the power icon to not display a timer for the duration of The Knight’s Guard performing a breaking order
- Fixed an issue that caused The Knight to be unable to give orders when close to a breakable wall or a generator during Path Creation mode
- Fixed an issue that caused a Guard summoned by The Knight to get stuck on elevated objects
- Fixed an issue that caused The Knight to be unable to summon guards when using the order system immediately after entering patrol mode
- Fixed an issue that caused The Knight to be unable to summon guards for the rest of the trial after power is used in quick succession
- Fixed an issue that caused No Challenge Available text to appear when hovering over the Archives area in the lobby
- Fixed an issue that caused the grunts of pain and screams from Vittorio to be louder than other survivors.
- Fixed an issue that caused an incorrect SFX to be played when the cage on the ground in the Decimated Borgo map is hit by projectiles.
- Fixed an issue that caused the wrong SFX to be played when Legion vaults a pallet.
- Fixed an issue where Phantom Trap would fail to trigger quickly after teleporting to a triggered trap.
- Fixed an issue in the Decimated Borgo map when playing as The Nightmare: dream pallet highlights would appear as regular pallet.
- Fixed an issue where failing a Decisive Strike skill check would break the beta wiggle.
- Fixed an issue where Lethal Pursuer additional aura reveal time would fail to be triggered by the Nowhere to Hide Perk.
- Fixed an issue where the flash effect from flashbangs/firecrackers is canceled when thrown against a wall.
- Fixed an issue where The Artist would not receive brutality score events for damaging Survivors with Crows.
- Fixed an issue where the “Rebuild The Borgo” Achievement fail to unlock after the Killer disconnect at the same time as the generator in the main building is repaired.
- Fixed an issue where the Killer was able to trap Survivors near one of the exit gates on Gideon Meat Plant map.
- Fixed an issue where the Killer was unable to pass between a boat and a rock in Pale Rose map.
- Fixed an issue that caused lighting to be too dark in the Dream World on certain maps when playing with The Nightmare
- Fixed an issue that caused Dream Pallets on Decimated Borgo map to turn into the generic pallet model upon being pulled down
- Fixed an issue that caused The Knight’s Guards’ flags to sometimes not disappear
Known Issues
- The Knights’s feet do not animate in FPV when looking down while attacking.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 6.4.0 – Forged in Fog
- Release date: November 22nd 2022 (North America, Europe) / November 23rd 2022 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
- New Killer – The Knight
- New Perk – Nowhere to Hide
- Whenever you damage a generator, reveal the aura of all survivors standing within 24 meters of your position for 3/4/5 seconds.
- New Perk – Hex: Face the Darkness
- Injuring a Survivor by any means lights a Dull Totem, activating the Hex. While the Hex is active, all other Survivors outside of your Terror Radius will scream every 35/30/25 seconds, revealing their positions and auras for 2 seconds. When the Survivor enters the dying state or becomes healthy, the Hex totem becomes dull again and this perk deactivates. If the Hex totem is cleansed, this perk is permanently disabled.
- New Perk – Hubris
- Whenever you are stunned by a Survivor, that Survivor suffers from the Exposed status effect for 10/15/20 seconds. Hubris has a cooldown of 20 seconds.
- New Survivor – Vittorio Toscano
- New Perk – Potential Energy
- After working on a generator for 12/10/8 uninterrupted seconds, press the Active Ability Button 2 to activate this perk. When this perk is active, repairing the generator will charge this perk instead of making the generator progress. For each 1.5% of generator repair, the perk will gain one token, up to 20 tokens. While this perk has at least one token and you are working on a generator, you can press the Active Ability Button 2 to consume all the tokens and instantly make the generator progress by 1% for each token. This perk then deactivates. If you lose a health state while this perk has at least 1 tokens, the perk will lose all tokens and deactivate. Missing a skill check will also result in some charges lost.
- New Perk – Fogwise
- Hitting a great Skill Check while repairing a generator reveals the aura of the Killer to you for 4/5/6 seconds.
- New Perk – Quick Gambit
- When you are chased within 24 meters of any generator, any other Survivor working on that generator receives a 6/7/8% speed boost to the repair action.
- Flashlight update
- Flashlight blinds that occur within the last 0.4 seconds of the Survivor pickup animation will now stun the Killer once the animation has completed.
- Dev note: We’ve increased the duration of the buffer from its PTB value of 0.25 to account for latency.
- Killers are now immune to blindness while grabbing a Survivor out of a locker.
- Bots in Custom Matches
- The host of a Custom Match can add Survivor bots to the game.
- (PS5 Only!) Added Haptic Feedback & a pop-up informing players.
- Rancor Perk – updated the conditions on which the obsession becomes exposed to include closing the hatch
- New map – The Shattered Square
- Updated Basement
- Wider stairs to address body-blocking issues
- Updated visuals for Pallets and Breakable doors
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused error 109 after a trial.
- Fixed an issue that caused the wrong prestige level to be displayed on the tally screen
- Fixed an issue that sometimes left survivors in the dying state, unable to be able to be healed whilst on a stairway or slope
- Fixed an issue that caused letter casing in chat on WinGDK.
- Fixed an issue that allowed the Killer to bodyblock a hook on Racoon City Police Station map
- Fixed an issue that enabled a Survivor to pass through a visible gap but not the Killer in Dead Dawg Saloon map.
- Fixed an issue that caused a placeholder in Pale Rose.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Survivor getting stuck between a hook and a rack in Racoon City Police Station map.
- Fixed an issue in the Archives where the progression was duplicated between some tomes
- Fixed a possible crash when closing the Game
- Fixed invitations not received when visiting the Archives or Onboarding menus
- Fixed an issue that caused the survivor to be stuck in the animation loop after failing a skillcheck.
- Fixed an issue that caused Jeff Johansen face to be distorted When performing action..
- Fixed an issue that caused The Knight snuffing animation to emits a metallic SFX.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Knight to plays 2 kicks sounds when breaking doors despite only kicking the door once.
- Fixed an issue on Switch that caused the Onryo project power’s SFX to be corrupted.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Survivor’s escape animation to be incorrect when escaping while using a flashlight.
- Fixed an issue with the Object of Obsession perk icon appears in red when the Survivor is not the obsession.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to be able to avoid dying with a Reverse Beartrap by using a Flashlight at the Exit Gate
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to be able to avoid getting caught in a Beartrap by using a flashlight
- Fixed an issue that caused For The People to not trigger We’re Gonna Live Forever when used too quickly
- Fixed an issue that caused Killers to be able to bypass the Decisive Strike stun if the survivor is dropped before the skill check
- Fixed an issue that caused kills and sacrifices not being properly tracked in challenges and achievements.
Known Issues
- In French, in several descriptions The Knights Power is incorrectly written as Compagnia d’Arme rather than the proper name Guardia Compagnia.
- Hex: Face the Darkness has an incorrect description.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 6.3.2
- Release date: October 26th 2022 (North America, Europe) / October 27th 2022 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Fixed an issue that caused Bloodpoint modifier Offerings not to be working correctly.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the Matchmaking Incentive icon to disappear.
- Fixed an issue where buying add-ons that were originally equipped do not auto-equip after replenishing.
- Fixed an issue where the hooks placement prevents hooking in Midwich Elementary School.
- Fixed an issue that caused Killers to be unable to move between a wall and barrel in Junkyard.
- Fixed an issue where the Mastermind can get survivors stuck between a wall and a pile of rubble in Asylum.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from vaulting one of the windows on the ferry boat in the Pale Rose map.
- Fixed an issue where the sounds of generators would be muffled while working to fix them.
- Fixed an issue where Carlos and Sheva’s screams were not heard by other survivors.
- Fixed an issue where the SFX for smashing a pumpkin with The Artist or The Onryo was missing.
- Fixed an issue that caused female Survivors arms to snap briefly when opening the exit gates.
- Fixed an issue that caused Jeff’s eyeballs to pop out in the lobby.
- Fixed an issue that caused the VFX of the Oni’s outfit “Bursting with Fury” to be missing and the hair to not turn red when he go into Demon Mode.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to vault a pallet or window sideways when clicking the flashlight before vaulting.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to keep using their flashlight during the escape animation if it is in use when they escape.
- Fixed an issue that caused the centrifuge to be spinning when working on an esoteric generator with an empty void energy tank.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to keep unbanked void energy when killed by the Shape’s standing mori.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Wraith to be unable to interact with Unstable Rifts when cloaked.
- Changed texture on the Dramatic Death charm available in the Tome 13 Rift. (Switch & Stadia only)
- Occasionally the Escape Artist Challenge from the Haunted by Daylight Event does not progress for some users
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 6.3.1
- Release date: October 18th 2022 (North America, Europe) / October 19th 2022 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused a save error when switching accounts in game on Xbox.
- Tentatively fixed an issue that sometimes caused outfits cannot be purchased error in the in-game store on WinGDK.
- Fixed an issue that caused the wrong tutorial reward display.
- Fixed an issue that caused a crash after finishing or leaving a match.
- Fixed an issue that caused the killer’s custom match not to end when the last remaining survivor quits the match but stays on tally.
- Fixed some number formatting errors when more than thousands in the Archives.
- Fixed some text localization in the Archives.
- Fixed a potential crash when trying to access the compendium after mastering a tome.
- Fixed an issue in the Onboarding menu where the wrong character rewards are displayed.
- Fixed an issue that allowed the Killer to be able to body block Survivors in the Racoon City Police Station basement stairway.
- Fixed an issue that caused the flashlight aim to be inconsistent with previous releases.
- Fixed an issue that caused female Survivors arms to snap unnaturally when interacting with the Nightmare’s alarm clocks.
- Fixed an issue that caused Meg to not escape during the survivor tutorial.
- Fixed an issue that allowed survivors to be able to carry more than one flashbang.
- Fixed an issue where a voiceline in the Memory 708 in Tome 13 in French would repeat itself.
- Fixed an issue where the voicelines in The Archives would not play for the Windows Store version of the game.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Blight to be missing SFX when hitting the environment with a basic attack.
- Fixed an issue where some Killers would have no sound in the menu.
- Changed texture on the Dramatic Death charm available in the Tome 13 Rift. Note: The icon for this charm will be updated in the next patch. (All platforms except Switch & Stadia – they will have the updated texture and icon in HF2)
- Added missing skeleton textures on the back of the Haunted by Daylight event reward shirts for David, Claudette, Yun-Jin and Jane.
- Event intro movie might play again after every tally screen in custom game. To workaround the issue, restart the game.
- A crash occurs when unchecking the Allow DLC Killers option in Custom Games.
- Bloodpoint Offerings are not burnt when used and do not provide a Bloodpoint bonus.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 6.3.0 (Mid-Chapter)
- Release date: October 11th 2022 (North America, Europe) / October 12th 2022 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
Options Menu
- Social and Privacy options are now located in the Online tab
- Subtitle and Colorblind options are now located in the Accessibilty Tab
- The Accessibilty and Online tabs are now available in the Options menu
- Trials will now be forced to end after 1 hour or 5 minutes after the End Game Collapse has been triggered
- Prestige Catch-Up: Characters who were level 50 and prestige 0, 1, or 2 as of the 6.1.0 release will receive 2 bonus prestige levels, as though they had been prestiged. (updated on Live Build 7th October)
Flashlight Adjustments
- The Flashlight click speed is now slower. The sound effect has been adjusted so it matches the new speed.
- To reduce strobing and the associated dangers regarding flash-induced seizures, Flashlights now have a slight delay imposed between switching them on and off.
Dev Note: We are continuing to investigate issues around the aiming angles required for the flashlight since the PTB.
- Removed “press and hold” interaction on challenge nodes
- Completed Challenges now remain in the Archives widget until either claimed or replaced.
- A new Challenge Complete visual has been added to the archives widget’s minimized state to better convey when the challenge you are working on has been completed
- New Challenge Slots in the Archives: Players now can select a Survivor and a Killer challenge at the same time.
- Any challenges shared by both roles can also be assigned to the slot of your choice, or both slots, if desired.
- Selecting a slot with an equipped challenge will navigate you to the respective tome and level of the equipped challenge.
- “Haunted by Daylight” Halloween event (starts October 13th 11AM ET)
- The Archives
- Tome 13 – Malevolence tome (opens October 12th 11AM ET)
- “Haunted by Daylight” Halloween event tome (opens October 13th 11AM ET)
- The Hag now has new music
- Performance and under-the-hood optimizations done to the Huntress.
- Small improvements to animations and textures in Archives.
- Optimizations done to animations and audio.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the incentive bonus to not be given to players at the end of trial.
- Fixed an issue that caused perks appearing to lose tiers when prestiging the character whose perks were purchased in Shrine of Secrets.
- Fixed an issue that caused all of the currently equipped cosmetics to unequip when opening a character store page.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the game to get stuck in infinite loading when trying to buy Auric Cells on Xbox One.
- Fixed an issue that caused Cheryl Mason’s hair to appear briefly misplaced when switching between certain cosmetics on Steam and Xbox One.
- Fixed a crash on Switch in Undocked mode when trying to Prestige-up in the Bloodweb.
- Fixed an issue that caused error popup on some languages don’t show player ID.
- Fixed an issue that enabled a rock to be climbable in Mount Ormond Resort map.
- Fixed an issue that caused two invisible collisions by the stairs in the Racoon City Police Station map.
- Fixed an issue that caused Female survivors to not have facial animation when being on the hook.
- Fixed an issue that caused Male Survivors to have crooked wrists when running injured and holding a Key Item
- Fixed an issue that caused the camera to move down when a player presses the crouch input while being sprayed by the First Aid Spray.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Mastermind to retain maximum velocity for the rest of the trial after using Virulent Bound.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Collision Course achievement to gain progress when the Mastermind slams a survivor against a pallet.
- Fixed an issue that caused the reduced speed icon not to be shown on the progress bar when using the First Aid Spray when the Mastermind is equipped with the Red Herb add-on.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Mastermind to receive the Global Saturation score event when infecting the survivors left in trial when one or more survivor has already left the trial.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Mastermind’s tentacles to stay on his arm after performing a rushed vault.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Mastermind’s tentacles to pass through second floors during the Mori animation.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Mastermind to be able to move sideways while throwing a survivor with Virulent Bound.
- Fixed an issue that caused escaping with the First Aid Spray not to grant a score event.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Mastermind to slide to the side when using Virulent Bound on a survivor as they drop a pallet.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Mastermind to be able to grab a survivor as they are escaping the trial.
- Fixed an issue that caused the exit gate to be blocked when the Mastermind slams a survivor not directly into the exit gate.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Mastermind’s power to stop functioning when hitting a survivor with Virulent Bound as they enter a locker.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Mastermind’s power to stop functioning if a survivors disconnects while being grabbed.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Mastermind’s power to stop functioning after a long time in a trial.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Haq’s Granma’s Heart add-on not to increase the Mud Phantasm terror radius.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nightmare not to be able to hit survivors standing inside a Dream Pallet.
- Fixed an issue that caused the animation to fail play when the Demogorgon emerges from the portal any time after the first time.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse to jitter after interrupting survivors right after a blink.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Deathslinger’s harpoon to be missing in the tally screen.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Spirit to accelerate too slowly during Yamaoka’s Haunting.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to be able to vaccinate other survivors while standing next to a wall of asset when playing against the Nemesis.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to be stuck when shocked by the Doctor while unhooking another survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused the healing bar to briefly be shown as full before regressing when using the Reactive Healing perk and affected by the Hemorrhage status effect.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Hex: The Third Seal not to apply the Blindness effect after the Mastermind hits a survivor with Virulent Bound.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Wiretap perk’s Spy Trap to remain active for the remainder of the trial if installed at the same time as the generator is completed.
- Fixed an issue that may cause players to retain speed increases for the remainder of the trial under poor network conditions.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the effect of some perks to remain active for the remainder of the trial.
- Fixed an issue that caused Many Killers to snap back to Idle when vaulting any window.
- Fixed an issue that caused male survivors’ chins to be deformed when being Mori’d by the Doctor
- Tentatively fixed several occurrences of large friends list performance issue on Steam.
- Tentatively fixed an issue that sometimes occurred after refunding a DLC, where the DLC would still be accessible.
- Tentatively fixed an issue that sometimes caused bloodweb cannot progress due to the animation freezing.
- Tentatively fixed some issues that caused incorrect bloodpoints when disconnected.
- Tentatively fixed an issue that caused grade progress error after a match.
- Fixed an issue when selecting “View Challenge” from the Lobby does not direct the player to the correct Tome and Level.
- Fixed an issue where the Carried Icon is displayed twice when The Trapper have no Bear Trap left to set and carries a Survivor.
- Fixed an issue with the language Setting dropdown menu closing after dragging the scrollbar with the mouse.
- Fixed an issue that caused Ada Wong and Rebecca Chambers not to be silent while opening a chest or cleansing a totem with the perk “Calm Spirit” equipped.
- Fixed an issue where the pages 9 and 10 had no audio in Tome 12 Legacy of Deceit.
- Fixed an issue in the Raccoon City Police Department map where the sound effect of certain projectiles hitting a certain part of the map were not producing the correct surface response.
- Fixed an issue in the Saloon map where the sound effect of projectiles when hitting a caravan would produce a metal sound.
- Fixed an issue in the Asylum map where the sound effect of projectiles on concrete walls would produce a hollow sound.
- Fixed an issue in the Autohaven Wreckers map where windows would produce a metal sound when hitting them.
- Fixed an issue that caused their Hag traps to not trigger hen placed on the stairs of the basement.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse to blink through a wall on Raccoon police Department map.
- Fixed an issue that caused Killers and Survivors to get obstructed by bubble notifications.
Known Issues
- Female Survivor arms snap unnaturally when interacting with the Nightmare’s alarm clocks.
- The Flashbang perk allows Survivor to stack up to 2 flashbangs.
- Hex: Huntress Lullaby does not shorten the time between the skill check warning sound and the skill check.
- Flashlight aiming is inconsistent with previous releases.
- User can be blocked on the splash screen if consents are revoked.
- Some descriptions on the Accessibility Tab remain in English and have not yet been localised.
- There is a ghosting effect around the edges of character models & hair. Although present everywhere, this is slightly more apparent during a trial and on other player’s characters.
- Skeleton cosmetics for the Haunted by Daylight Event do not have the back portion of the skeleton showing – this will be rectified in the next hotfix.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 6.2.2
- Release date: September 13th 2022 (North America, Europe) / September 14th 2022 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Anonymous Mode Removed from Multiple platforms
- Removed from PS4, PS5, Xbox, Windows Store, Switch and Stadia builds.
- Dev Note: The Anonymous Mode was never intended to be released on these platforms, but due to a data deployment issue on our end they slipped into the build. To ensure players are still able to use the platform-level features to block or report players we will not be able to support Anonymous Mode on these platforms for the time being. However, we have left in the other options to hide your name to help anyone who wants to stream their game from one of these platforms.
- The ability to report players has not been removed, as ever an in-game report is still required, however when completing the Support Form you no longer need to put the ID/Name of the player that you are reporting, this is found from the in-game report that you submitted
- Updated Wiretap Perk description for clarity.
- Updated Bite the Bullet Perk description for clarity.
- Blast Mine: Requires 50% of a generator to activate (was 66%); trap stays active for 40/45/50 seconds (was 35/40/45).
- Dev note: Blast Mine no longer returns to you if the Killer does not kick the generator. Now that this has been fixed, we’ve given it some small buffs to compensate.
- Blast Mine: Updated description to clarify deactivation conditions.
Bug Fixes
- Tentatively fixed an issue that sometimes caused levelling up in the bloodweb to fail.
- Fixed an issue that caused temporary ban pop-ups to not display the ban end date.
- Fixed an issue that occasionally caused the game to crash when one survivor is left in a trial with The Mastermind.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the Player’s Name tags to be partially cut in the Lobby.
- Fixed an issue that caused the tentacle SFX not to be played during the animation at the start of the trial with The Mastermind.
- Fixed an issue that caused voice lines to be played as The Mastermind when hitting a survivor who used Endurance.
- Fixed an issue that caused the The Mastermind’s Uroboros Tentacle to become misaligned during the Mori of some female characters.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Anti-Haemorrhagic Syringe Add-on to not trigger the Better Than New perk.
- Fixed an issue that caused Virulent Bound to immediately let go of a Survivor caught from a behind an obstacle.
- Fixed an issue that caused exit gate entity spikes to appear incorrectly when The Mastermind slammed a survivor near to the exit gate.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Mastermind to incorrectly play a Hit animation when performing a Virulent Bound across a window or vault towards a downed survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Forced Penance perk to fail to activate when performing a Virulent Bound.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Renewal perk to be activated while being Broken.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Renewal perk UI not to update while healing.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Mastermind to become stuck if grabbing a survivor at the point of leaving the exit gate.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Trapper’s Power Icon to indicate the incorrect amount of Bear Traps being carried.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to sometimes become stuck when attacked by The Mastermind’s Virulent Bound.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Reassurance to be activated multiple times at once on a single survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Reassurance prompt to incorrectly be available on a Survivor being hooked a third time.
- Fixed an issue that caused no sounds to play when activating the Reassurance perk.
- Fixed an issue that caused the survivor’s body to clip through the camera of the Mastermind when been carry.
- Fixed an issue that caused the females survivors to be improperly displayed for split frame when being hook.
- Fixed an issue that caused a hook that the killer can prevent rescue if standing in the doorway in East Wing of Racoon City Police Station map.
- Fixed an issue that caused Glyphs to spawn in unreachable location in Garden of Joy map.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Active Ability 1 & 2 buttons in the settings menu to be unlocalized. Note: The text will appear in English for all languages and will be properly translated in the next update.
- Fixed an issue that caused incorrect animations on a survivor, only from the survivor perspective, if The Mastermind initiates a Virulent Bound on them at a distance of 12.5m from a wall.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Mastermind’s vault to become cancelled by looking away before reaching it.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Reassurance translation is be missing in Turkish and Latin American Spanish.
- Fixed an issue that caused the game to sometimes crash when using the Reassurance perk.
- Fixed an issue that caused the skybox in the Lampkin Lane, Eyrie of Crows and Garden of Joy maps to become completely white after waking up from the Nightmare’s Dream World.
- Fixed an issue that caused a survivor to be unable to heal for the rest of the match if they activate the Terminus perk when 99% healed.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Mastermind’s out of tokens vignette to take up a large portion of the screen. Note: This vignette was forgotten in the 6.2.1 patch notes. We reduced the out of tokens vignette, as well as the in between tokens vignette.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Tome 12 level 4 challenge Looking Out for Number One to be missing the perk in the description.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Reactive Healing perk to sometimes not trigger if the player was running.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 6.2.1
- Release date: September 6th 2022 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
FeaturesThe Mastermind
- Increased the size of Survivor detection for triggering grabs with Virulent Bound
- Damage done with Virulent Bound now counts towards the Chaser emblem
- Visual feedback has been updated for the “Glyph Massacre” orange glyph challenge
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused a subtle camera offset in-game which lead to motion sickness in some players
- Fixed an issue that caused the face of survivor Carlos’s to be contorted after being Mori’d by some Killers
- Fixed an issue that caused the Mastermind to be able to grab survivors through thin walls when using Virulent Bound
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Mastermind to be unable to grab survivors with his Virulent Bound near some stairs
- Fixed an issue that may cause survivors to clip inside assets when slammed into them by the Mastermind’s Virulent Bound
- Fixed an issue that caused fully infected survivors to play the dying scream SFX when another survivor is slammed into them by the Mastermind’s Virulent Bound
- Fixed an issue that caused fully infected survivors to play the injured grunt SFX when hit by the Mastermind’s tentacle
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Trigger Bound prompt to be visible in situations where Virulent Bound cannot be used
- Fixed an issue that caused the pulse VFX to stay until the end of the trial after the Mastermind is stunned while using Virulent Bound
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors not to be thrown down when the Virulent Bound ends close to the ledge
- Fixed an issue that caused the Mastermind to be unable to grab survivors interacting with a chest when using Virulent Bound
- Fixed an issue that caused the Mastermind to push back survivors exiting lockers into the locker when using Virulent Bound to rush at it
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Mastermind to block unhooking by rushing at the hooked survivor with Virulent Bound
- Fixed an issue that caused the Mastermind’s Virulent Bound not to trigger Decisive Strike.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Alert perk not to trigger when the Mastermind destroys a breakable wall with Virulent Bound
- Fixed an issue that caused the icon to be missing when picking up a First Aid Spray from a supply crate
- Fixed an issue that caused the Hyperfocus perk not to apply its effects on healing actions
- Fixed an issue that caused the generator’s aura to remain shown for the rest of the trial if a survivor leaves the trial after installing a trap using the Wiretap perk
- Fixed an issue that may cause survivors to be stuck after being interrupted by the Doctor’s Shock Therapy while unhooking
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the HUD’s Player Statuses to be constantly displayed in their brightened state
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the Player’s Name tags to be partially cut in the Lobby.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Pig’s Ambush Dash attack prompt to erroneously display the Prove Thyself perk description in non-English languages
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive (Steam)
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 6.2.0 (Resident Evil: Project W)
- Release date: August 30th 2022 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
FeaturesNew Killer – The MastermindNew Perk: Superior Anatomy
- When a survivor performs a fast vault within 8 meters of you, this perk activates. The next time you vault a window, your vaulting speed is increased by 30%/35%/40%. This perk deactivates after vaulting a window. This perk has a 30 seconds cool-down.
New Perk: Awakened Awareness
- When carrying a survivor, you can see the aura of other survivors within 16/18/20 meters of your position.
New Perk: Terminus
- When exit gates are powered, this perk activates. While the perk is active, injured, downed and hooked survivors are inflicted with the broken status effect until exit gates are open. When exit gates are open, survivors will stay broken for an additional 20/25/30 seconds.
New Survivor – Ada WongNew Perk: Wiretap
- After repairing Generators for a total of 33%, this perk activates. After repairing a Generator for at least 3 seconds, press the Ability button to install a spy trap, which stays active for 60/70/80 seconds. The aura of the trapped generator is revealed in yellow to all Survivors. When the Killer comes within 14 meters of the trapped generator, their aura is revealed to all Survivors. Damaging the generator destroys the Wiretap.
New Perk: Reactive Healing
- When another survivor loses a health state in a 32 meters radius around you while you are injured, instantly increase your healing progression by 40%/45%/50% of the missing healing progression.
New Perk: Low Profile
- When you become the last Survivor standing, this perk activates. Hide your scratch marks, pools of blood, and grunts of pain for 70/80/90 seconds.
New Survivor – Rebecca ChambersNew Perk: Better Than New
- Upon completing a healing action on another survivor, the targeted survivor gets a 12%/14%/16% speed boost to healing, opening chests, and cleansing and blessing Totems. Survivors keep the bonus until they lose a health state.
New Perk: Reassurance
- When within a 6 meter radius around a hooked survivor, use the Active Ability Button 2 to pause their struggle progression for 20/25/30 seconds. If they are on the struggle phase, it also pauses the Struggle Skill Checks. Reassurance can only be triggered once per survivor per hook instance.
New Perk: Hyperfocus
- After hitting a great Skill Check while repairing or healing, this perk gains 1 token, up to 6 tokens. Each token increases the chance of Skill Check trigger by 4%, the Skill Check cursor speed by 4% and the bonus progression for great Skill Checks by 10%/20%/30% of its base value. The perk loses all tokens in case of normal Skill Check success, Skill Check fail, or if you stop performing the action by any means.
Improved Feature: HUD Connection Indicators
- The in-game connection indicator has been improved to show more detailed information during connection issues stemming from ping and packet loss
- Ping is represented by a vertical bar icon
- Yellow = Ping over 100ms
- Red = Ping over 200ms
- Packet Loss is represented by a double-diamond icon
- Yellow = 2%-5% packet loss
- Red = More than 5% packet loss
- Your own Ping / Packet Loss icons are displayed above the Survivor List
- Players are notified when another player is experiencing severe connection issues (Red for Ping / Packet Loss)
- For Killer issues: A unique red icon appears above the Survivor List for Survivors
- For Survivor issues: A red bar appears next to their name on the Survivor List
- Matchmaking Incentives will be active
- A photosensitivity warning has been added to the boot sequence of the game
PerksMettle of Man
- Reverted to its previous behavior prior to 6.1.2
- After you earn 3 Protection Hit scoring events, Mettle of Man activates. Once activated, the next occasion that would put you into the dying state from the injured state is ignored. The next time you heal back to full health, your aura will be revealed to the Killer when you are further than 12/14/16 meters from the Killer. Mettle of Man will deactivate the next time you are put into the dying state. Increases your chances to be the Killer’s Obsession.
- Removed the Endurance icon from the status effect display, since the perk does not use Endurance
Blast Mine
- Changed the behaviour when a placed mine times out
- If the mine times out without being triggered, the entire perk deactivates and the Survivor will need to repair a generator to re-earn the mine (previously, a timed out mine would be allow the Survivor to immediately place another one)
ContentUpdate on Racoon City Police Station map
- Raccoon City Police Station East Wing & Raccoon City Police Station West Wing
Bug Fixes
- Tentatively fixed an issue that caused some players to have ‘Unknown error’ popups appear after matches
- Tentatively fixed an issue that caused performance drops for users with large friends lists
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to drop too many Blood Orbs after performing some actions when playing against the Oni
- Fixed an issue that occasionally caused the killer to appear in a survivor slot in a custom game lobby
- Fixed an issue that caused the Spirit’s and Oni’s Attack on Titan outfits to appear as body-only cosmetics in the store featured page
- Fixed an issue that prevented the game from being launched via accepting an invite. (Windows store only)
- Fixed an issue that caused some players to have incorrect perk levels after the prestige rework
- Fixed an issue that caused equipped cosmetics to revert to default after previewing a different cosmetic piece
- Fixed an issue that caused The Survivor to float in front of the Killer after being grabbed while performing various actions
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to be misaligned with the Huntress when interrupted while vaulting towards the Killer
- Fixed an issue that caused broken animation when repairing a generator
- Fixed an issue that made it possible to intentionally delay loading into the trial, causing Corrupt Intervention to start late
- Fixed an issue that caused the aura hiding effect of the Knock Out perk to apply to survivors not downed by a basic attack
- Fixed an issue that may cause the killer to still be able to kill survivors after the Hex: Devour Hope totem is cleansed when used with Hex: Undying
- Fixed an issue that caused the ‘Disfigured Ear’ add-on for the Hag to reduces audio for everyone, and not only the survivor that triggers the trap
- Fixed an issue that caused the status effect icon to display a second time instead of the effect’s source
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Lament Configuration to become invisible after being picked up by the Cenobite
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Lament Configuration to appear on a bush and be inaccessible in the Garden of Joy map
- Fixed an issue that may cause survivors to no longer be able to solve the Lament Configuration when picking it up at the same time as the Cenobite
- Fixed an issue that made it possible to interact with glyphs while holding the Lament Configuration
- Fixed an issue that caused all tokens not to be consumed when the Dredge returns to the Remnant when equipped with the Air Freshener add-on
- Fixed an issue that made it possible for the Onryo to demanifest into a hooked survivor, preventing them from being rescued
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Hillbilly’s Chainsaw SFX to continue playing when cancelling revving the chainsaw
- Fixed an issue that caused the Shape to be unable to use the Tombstone Mori on survivors currently using the map, key or Clairvoyance perk
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to be unable to interact with the White Glyph after breaking the mirror
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors not to receive a score event after burning the Spirit’s husk with a flashlight
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to receive a Burn score event after blinding the Wraith with the flashlight while uncloaked
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors not to receive progress towards the Medic achievement when healing a survivor using the For the People perk
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to gain progress towards the Milk ’n’ Cookies achievement by opening the basement chest without picking up the item
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors sacrificed at the Executioner’s Cage of Atonement not to grant progress towards the Reverent archive challenge
- Fixed an issue that caused killers to remain shortly in the falling animation after landing after vaulting from a certain height
- Fixed an issue that caused certain survivor charms to be misplaced when repairing a generator
- Fixed an issue that caused a sound effect to be missing when selecting an outfit in the customization menu
- Fixed an issue that caused tooltips to overlap other controls in the Lobby on consoles
- Fixed an issue that caused the virtual cursor’s to position itself to the center of the screen when entering a killer lobby with a controller
- Fixed an issue that caused some of the main menu’s controller button mapping not to work
- Fixed an issue that caused various inconsistencies between tooltips’ texts in the Lobby
- Fixed an issue that caused the Archive Widget Open sound effects to play even if the widget wasn’t open
- Fixed an issue that caused The Oni’s Blood Fury background sound to continue to play when changing outfit
- Fixed an issue that caused The Hillbilly’s chainsaw revving sound to play infinitely when cancelling the revving
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to have a choppy animation after solving the Lament Configuration while injured
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to not have facial animation when chain interrupted by the Cenobite while solving the Lament Configuration
- Fixed an issue that caused the weapon of the Trickster to break during the breaking a pallet animation
- Fixed an issue that caused Female Survivor’s right arms to clip through their right thighs when crouching while injured
- Fixed an issue that caused the Plague’s “Frosty eyes” to appears in front of the camera when vomiting
- Fixed an issue that caused the Oni’s hair to disappear when performing a Mori on a Survivor, while wearing specific head cosmetics
- Fixed an issue that caused the player to get stuck on a specific spot near the stairs in the main building in Eyrie of Crows map
- Fixed an issue that caused a rock with bigger collision to block killer projectiles in Mount Ormond Resort map
- Fixed an issue that caused an invisible collision when going up with the outside stair in the Main house of Mother’s Dwelling map
- Fixed an issue that enabled survivors to be able to climb onto inaccessible areas on the Racoon City Police Station map whilst cleansing or blessing a totem
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive (Steam)
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 6.1.2/3
- Release date: August 2nd 2022 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Decreased the penalty per injured, dying, or hooked Survivor to 1%/1.5%/2% (was 4.5%/5%/5.5%)
- Added: If there are 4 injured, dying, or hooked Survivors, there is an additional 12% penalty to repair, sabotage, and Totem-cleansing speeds
Mettle of Man
- Reworked to use Endurance correctly
- After you earn 2 Protection Hit scoring event, the perk activates. Once activated, you gain the Endurance status effect. As long as you have Endurance, your aura will be revealed to the Killer when you are further than 12/14/16 meters from the Killer. Mettle of Man will deactivate once Endurance is lost
Dead Man’s Switch
- Decreased activation duration to 20/25/30 seconds (was 35/40/45 seconds)
Pain Resonance
- Affected generators now interrupt Survivors that are repairing them
- Note: This does not notify the Killer with a scream
- Re-enabled the Clown.
- Fixed the localization of the Master Challenge “Furious Destruction” in Tome 2, Level 2
- Replaced the Orange Glyph “Glyph Massacre” challenge for a Red Glyph “Glyph Seeker” challenge in Tome 12, Level 1
- Add-on rarity in low level Bloodwebs increases as you increase your prestige level
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a small visual issue that occurs after pressing the ‘Upgrade’ button in the tally screen
- Reduce rubber banding occurrences when interacting
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Clown to retain the Haste status from the Afterpiece Antidote
- Fixed an issue that caused succeeding the Overcharge skill check to grant permanent generator regression when the Call of Brine perk is also equipped
- Fixed an issue that caused the Haste bonus granted by the Hex: No One Escapes Death perk to be greater than intended
- Fixed an issue that caused the Dead Hard animation to last longer than the Endurance effect it grants
- Fixed an issue that caused the Off the Record perk to remain active when the exit gates are powered
- Fixed an issue that caused generators regressing from the Damage Generator interaction to stop regressing upon ending Feral Frenzy with the Fuming Mixtape add-on
- Fixed an issue that may cause survivors to not drop their item on the second Feral Frenzy hit when the Legion is equipped with the Stolen Sketchbook add-on
- Fixed an issue that may cause killers to remain stuck in an animation loop when destroying a pallet with their power at the same time as the Dissolution perk
- Fixed an issue that caused the aura of the illusionary Doctor to briefly flicker in front of the camera.
- Tentatively fixed an issue that caused a loss of progression and cosmetics when linking to a Behaviour account
- Fixed an issue that caused a bloodweb error when switching characters during the bloodweb level-up animation
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the bloodweb level-up animation to be skipped.
- Fixed an issue that caused bloodweb errors to happen intermittently
- Fixed an issue that caused Attack on Titan charms to appear missing until the application was rebooted
- Fixed an issue that caused the Orange Glyph SFX to remain despite completing the requirements
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nightmare Clock that can’t be used in the Industrial map
- Fixed an issue that caused an invisible collision that allows Survivors to walk along a cage in Gideon map
- Fixed an issue that caused Killers to be slow down due to collision in the basement
- Fixed a facial animation bug during Cenobite’s mori
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive (Steam)
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 6.1.1
- Release date: July 26th 2022 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Add a score event when a perk or effect is disabled by a conspicuous action
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that prevented the main menu from playing when using a new account
- Fixed an issue that caused a visual glitch with the back button when backing out of the store
- Fixed an issue that caused all Prestige perk charms to display the Balanced Landing charm when inspected
- Fixed an issue that caused the Exposed icon from Hex: No One Escapes Death to disappear after the hex is transferred to the Hex: Undying totem
- Fixed an issue that caused the Supply Case and Rummage interactions to be affected by the Calm Spirit perk
- Fixed an issue that caused the white outline to be missing when getting hit while under the Endurance effect from the Mettle of Man perk
- Fixed an issue that caused the Spine Chill clock fill to fill in the wrong direction
- Fixed an issue that caused the head of the Demogorgon to be visible for spectators after traversing to the Upside Down
- Fixed an issue that caused the wrong scream to trigger after Madness increases from the Doctor’s Static Blast
- Fixed an issue that caused the aura of the Illusionary Doctor to flicker briefly in front of the killer’s camera
- Fixed an issue that caused the Shape and the Ghost Face to be able to stalk through the environment by rapidly moving the camera
- Fixed an issue that caused a players not to be able to interact with a Green Glyph on The Forsaken Boneyard
- Fixed a crash that occurred when Feng Min’s Warrior Goddess outfit was used. This outfit has been re-enabled for use
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive (Steam)
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 6.1.0 (Mid-Chapter)
- Release date: July 20th 2022 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- “Tome 12: DISCORDANCE” of The Archives (starts July 20th 11AM ET)
- Added 5 maze tiles to the pool in the McMillan Estate map
- Generators take 90 seconds for a single survivor to repair (was 80 seconds)
- Killers kicking a generator now immediately cause a 2.5% loss of progress in addition to starting regression
- Bloodlust trigger times have been reduced to 15 seconds for Tier 1, 25 seconds for Tier 2, and 35 seconds for Tier 3 (was 15 seconds, 30 seconds, and 45 seconds)
- The following Killer actions have been sped up by 10%:
- Time to kick a pallet or wall has been reduced to 2.34 seconds (was 2.6 seconds)
- Time to kick a generator has been reduced to 1.8 seconds (was 2 seconds)
- Cooldown time after a successful hit has been reduced to 2.7 seconds (was 3 seconds)
- Duration of the Survivor speed boost when hit has been reduced to 1.8 seconds (was 2 seconds)
- Survivors now have a modified version of Borrowed Time as a baseline ability, no perk required
- Unhooked Survivors now get a 7% movement speed bonus and Endurance for 5 seconds
- The speed bonus and Endurance effect are removed if the Survivor performs a Conspicuous Action
- New Term – Conspicuous Actions
- Includes: Repairing a Generator, healing yourself or others, cleansing or blessing a Totem, sabotaging a hook, unhooking a survivor, and opening an exit gate
- Added a new section and description to the Game Manual
- Endurance status effect is now cancelled by Conspicuous Actions
- Endurance does not prevent a Survivor from entering the dying state if they are inflicted with Deep Wound
Killer PerksBarbecue and Chili
- Removed Bloodpoint bonus
Corrupt Intervention
- Added: Corrupt Intervention deactivates when any Survivor enters the dying state
- Note: The perk still deactivates after 2 minutes if no Survivor has entered the dying state
- Added: Healing Skill Checks move 50% faster for Survivors under the effect of this perk
Dark Devotion
- Now triggers when a Survivor loses a health state by any means (was just basic attacks)
- Increased Generator reduction when a Survivor enters the dying state to 10% (was 6%)
- Increased duration of Incapacitated status effect to 15/20/25 seconds (was 12/14/16 seconds)
Hex: No One Escapes Death
- Added: Once the Hex’s effect is revealed to the Survivors, its Hex Totem’s aura is shown to the Survivors at a range of 4 meters. This range increases steadily over the next 30 seconds to 24 meters
Hex: Ruin
- Added: Once any Survivor is killed by any means, the Hex: Ruin Totem reverts to a Dull Totem.
- While a generator is not being repaired by a Survivor, it will immediately and automatically regress repair progress at
50%/75%/100%of the normal regression speed
- Removed the cooldown
Knock Out
- Added: Recovery speed is reduced by 25% for Survivors under the effect of this perk
Lethal Pursuer
- Added: Any time a Survivor’s aura is shown for a period of time, its duration is increased by
2 seconds.- Note: The new effect applies to the duration of the normal Lethal Pursuer effect, which means it effectively reveals survivors for 9/10/11 seconds at the start of the match
Monstrous Shrine
- Reworked – This perk is now Scourge Hook: Monstrous Shrine
- Scourge Hooks grant 10/15/20% faster Entity progression if the Killer is not within 24 meters. Basement hooks count as Scourge Hooks
- Added: After Overcharge is applied to a generator, its regression speed increases from 75% of normal to 200% of normal over the next 30 seconds
Pop Goes the Weasel
- Changed regression to be 20% of current progress (was 25% of total)
- Note: This is calculated after the new baseline regression when kicking a generator
Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain
- Increased Healing and Repairing speed penalty to 10/13/16% (was 7/8/9%)
Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance
- Removed scream effect on Survivors repairing the exploding generator, generator will spark to show regression
- Increased individual penalties for repairing, sabotaging, and Totem cleansing to 4.5/5/5.5% (was 4/4.5/5%)
- Increased maximum penalty to 18/20/22% (was 16/18/20%)
- Added: This effect can only be triggered once on each generator
Survivor PerksBorrowed Time
- Reworked to account for the baseline version of the effect
- Survivors you unhook keep their Endurance status effect for an extra 6/8/10 seconds and their movement speed bonus for an extra 10 seconds
Botany Knowledge
- Increased healing speed bonus to 30/40/50% (was 11/22/33%)
- Changed Medkit efficiency bonus to a -20% efficiency penalty (was +10/20/30%)
Calm Spirit
- Increased chance to avoid alerting crows to 100% (was 80/90/100%)
- Added: Allows you to open chests and cleanse/bless totems silently, but at 40/35/30% reduced speed
Dark Sense
- Reworked: Each time a generator is completed, Dark Sense activates. While Dark Sense is active, the Killer entering a 24-meter radius around you reveals their aura for 5/7/10 seconds. Once the aura’s duration expires, Dark Sense deactivates
- Note: The effect triggers if the Killer is already within 24 meters when the perk is activated
Dead Hard
- Removed the dash / dodge element of the perk.
- Activating Dead Hard now grants the Survivor Endurance for 0.5 seconds
- An animation plays when activated so Killers can see when the perk is used without the Survivor being hit
Decisive Strike
- Added: The perk and its effects are disabled if the exit gates are powered.
- The perk is now disabled when the Survivor performs a Conspicuous Action (Defined earlier in the patch notes under the Gameplay section)
- Stun duration is now 3s down from 5s
Déjà Vu
- Added: Gain a 5% repair speed bonus on the generators revealed by Déjà Vu
- Reduced the starting tokens to 3 (was 4)
- Removed stipulation preventing the perk from activating when in a Killer Trap
- Added: Regain a token for each 30 seconds spent inside the Killer’s Terror Radius. Distortion may not have more than 3 tokens
- Removed time limit
Inner Focus
- Removed the distance restriction on seeing the Scratch Marks of other Survivors (was 32 meters)
Iron Will
- Reduced the grunts of pain volume reduction to 25/50/75% (was 50/75/100%)
- Added: Does not function while Exhausted. Does not inflict Exhausted
- Increased reduction of scratch mark duration to 3/4/5 seconds (was 1/2/3 seconds)
- Added: Your scratch marks are spaced inconsistently
Lucky Break
- Added: For each 1 second spent healing another Survivor, increase Lucky Break’s duration by 1 second. Lucky Break’s duration cannot increase beyond its starting value
No One Left Behind
- Now triggers when the Exit Gates are powered (was triggered when an Exit Gate was opened)
- Added: When unhooking a Survivor, they gain a 7%movement bonus for 10 seconds
Off the Record
- Added: Once you are unhooked or escape from the hook, Off the Record activates for 60/70/80 seconds
- Added: Gain the Endurance status effect
- Added: Off The Record is disabled when the exit gates are powered
- Increased repair speed buff to 6/7/8% (was 4/5/6%)
- Added: This bonus is doubled if you cleanse an Hex totem
- Now guarantees an Emergency Med-Kit in every chest (was just the first chest opened), when injured
- Scourge Hooks now have a yellow aura when a Survivor is being carried
- Reduced the self heal speed to 25/30/35% (was 50%)
- Removed Med-Kit efficiency bonus
Sole Survivor
- Added: When you’re the last Survivor alive, gain 75% action speed when repairing generators and 50% action speed while opening an exit gate or the Hatch
Spine Chill
- Reworked: Get notified when the Killer within a 36-meter range. If the Killer is within range and is looking at you with a clear line of sight, your speed while repairing, sabotaging, healing, unhooking, cleansing, blessing, opening exit gates and unlocking is increased by 2%/4%/6%. The effects of Spine Chill linger for 0.5 seconds after the Killer looks away or is out of range. Spine Chill’s icon indicates the strength of the Killer’s Terror Radius
- Added: Grunts of pain while in the dying state have their volume reduced by 75%
We’re Gonna Live Forever
- Reworked: When healing another Survivor in the dying state, your healing speed is increased by 100%. Additionally, performing any of the following actions activates this perk’s secondary function: Perform a Safe Hook Rescue, Take a hit to protect a Survivor, Rescue a Survivor by stunning the Killer with a pallet, Rescue a Survivor by blinding the Killer with a Flashlight. When this perk’s secondary function is active, healing another Survivor out of the dying state grants them Endurance for 6/8/10 seconds and deactivates the secondary function
ProgressionThe Progression and Prestige systems have been reworked
IMPORTANT: No existing perks, items, or cosmetics will be lost if they are already unlocked on a character, even if having them would contradict the rules of the new system.- Global Bloodpoint soft-cap has been raised to 2,000,000 (was 1,000,000)
- Bloodpoint Categories maximum raised to 10,000 (was 8,000)
- Prestiging no longer removes any items, add-ons, offerings, perks, or perk slots
- Teachable Perks have been removed from the Bloodweb
- Level 51 in the Bloodweb requires the character to Prestige, costing 20,000 Bloodpoints
- Characters can now each be prestiged up to 100 times
- Prestige 1: The character’s perks are immediately unlocked for use on all other Killers / Survivors at Tier 1
- Prestige 2: The character’s perks are immediately unlocked for use on all other Killers / Survivors at Tier 2
- Prestige 3: The character’s perks are immediately unlocked for use on all other Killers / Survivors at Tier 3
- Prestige 4-6: Bloodied cosmetic items (when available for the specific character)
- Prestige 7-9: Perk Charms for the character’s perks
- Prestiging a character has the following rewards:
- Existing players will have their characters granted prestige levels in the new system based on the following:
- Example: A Prestige 1 character will receive +2 levels, resulting in being Prestige 3 in the new system+2 additional levels per existing Prestige level
- +1 level for 70-119 Perks
- +2 levels for 120-169 Perks
- +3 levels for 170-219 Perks
- +4 levels for 220-269 Perks
- +5 levels for 270-319 Perks
- +6 levels for 320+ PerksIf the character has 70 or more Perks unlocked (Counting each tier of a perk separately):
- Prestige 9 is the highest level a character can be when transferring to the new system, even if the above rules say they should be higher
- Existing unlocked Teachable Perks will immediately grant access to Tier 1 of that Perk on all characters if no other mechanic has already granted access to the Perk
- Added unique Prestige Crest artwork for each prestige level
- Characters who are already at Prestige 3 on the old system will unlock a Bloody Prestige Portrait on the character selection screen
- Can be toggled on / off in the Options menu
Shrine of Secrets
- Teachable Perks have been removed from the Shrine of Secrets
- Purchasing a Perk on the Shrine of Secrets now immediately unlocks that Perk on all Killers / Survivors at the displayed Tier level
- Tier 1 – 2,000 Iridescent Shards
- Tier 2 – 4,000 Iridescent Shards
- Tier 3 – 6,000 Iridescent Shards
- You must purchase Tier 1 before you can purchase Tier 2, and Tier 2 before Tier 3, unless you have already unlocked the Perk via the Prestige System
- Having the perk already available via the Prestige System discounts the price:
- Tier 1 via Prestige – 2,000 Iridescent Shards for Tier 2, 4,000 Iridescent Shards for Tier 3
- Tier 2 via Prestige – 2,000 Iridescent Shards for Tier 3
- The same Perk may be purchased multiple times on a single rotation of Shrine of Secrets
- Purchasing a Perk that you already have at Tier 3 will convert the Iridescent Shards to 100,000
- This can only be done once Shrine of Secrets rotation per Perk (maximum of 4 times on a single rotation, assuming you have all 4 Perks already at Tier 3)
Matchmaking Incentives
- Matchmaking Incentives have been added to the game
- Not available to players who have Cross-Play disabled
- When the Survivor:Killer ratio in the active Matchmaking queue drifts too far from optimal (4:1), players will receive BP bonuses to enter the queue as the needed role
- Note: Players can also expect queues with a large Incentive bonus to have faster queue times!
- Matchmaking Incentives will appear on the Main menu and in the Lobby next to the Ready button
- Made UI layout changes to accommodate the new Prestige Crest on multiple screens
- Character Info button has been moved to the side tabs in the Lobby UI
- Replaced Character Swap buttons/prompts with a Previous/Next button in the Lobby UI footer
- Optimized the Doctor’s performance
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive (Steam)
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 6.0.2
- Release date: June 27th 2022 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
ContentThe Dredge
- Decreased the maximum range that The Dredge is visible during Nightfall to 20 meters (was 24 meters)
- Increased the maximum range at which Survivors can see each other during Nightfall to 54 meters (was 24 meters)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused the game to crash when starting a tutorial bot match without having the game fully downloaded. (Consoles only)
- Fixed an issue that caused the DBD image on the intro screen to be off center and missing the Dead by Daylight logo on PS4. (PS4 only)
- Fixed an issue that caused the Pig’s Ambush Dash attack prompt to erroneously display the Calm Spirit perk description.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a performance drop when the Dredge teleported between lockers.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Survivors from being picked up by the Killer when downed while cleansing at a Pool of Devotion.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Dredge’s camera to be locked when getting stunned at the same time as teleporting to a locker.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Dredge’s camera to be locked after exiting from a locker.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Dredge’s smoke VFX to appear outside the locker when entered.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Dredge’s weapon to appear distorted during locker interrupts.
- Fixed an issue that caused some Killer add-ons to be missing parts of their descriptions in certain languages.
- Fixed an issue that could cause extreme environment/lighting flickering when playing against the Dredge during the Nightfall in the Autohaven Wreckers maps.
- Fixed an issue that caused parts of the Dredge’s model to clip into the camera when walking and looking up with the Very Rare Twisted Plaything outfit.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Anniversary confetti and SFX not to play upon generator completion on the small yellow generators in the Game and Raccoon City Police Department maps.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Trapper and the Wraith’s weapons to snap into the wrong position when moving.
- Fixed an issue that caused male Survivors animations to snap when breaking free from the Killers grasp by any means.
- Fixed an issue that caused flickering light against the Dredge’s nightfall.
- Fixed an issue that caused two hooks to spawn close together in the Coldwind Farm maps.
- Fixed an issue that caused a glyph to spawn too high in The Pale Rose.
- Fixed an issue that caused a glyph to be inaccessible in The Game map
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive (Steam)
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 6.0.1
- Release date: May 23rd 2022 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- “Twisted Masquerade” 6th Anniversary limited-time event start time has shifted (now starting June 16th 11:30AM ET)
Bug Fixes
- Tentatively fixed an issue that caused lag while navigating the loadout menu.
- Tentatively fixed an issue that could cause Survivors crawl speed to be higher than normal.
- Fixed an issue that could occasionally cause the game to crash when teleporting as The Dredge.
- Fixed an issue that could occasionally cause the game to crash when playing against the Huntress or the Trickster.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Dredge’s Very Rare Twisted Plaything outfit to stretch during its apparition in menus. (All platforms except Steam and Epic)
- Fixed an issue that allowed bloodpoint offerings to be displayed in custom game loadout presets.
- Fixed an issue that caused some tabs in the UI to display broken background images when the tab text was short.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Game Manual list of entries to scroll too slowly on some platforms.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the Cannibals Chainsaw to be silent for survivors.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to continue their injured grunt sfx when fully healed themselves using the Solidarity Perk.
- Fixed an issue that caused two impact SFXs to be heard when The Dredge is breaking a wall.
- Fixed an issue that caused an incorrect surface SFX to be played when a specific part of the Garden Of Joy hook is hit by a killer.
- Fixed an issue that caused the SFX and VFX Nightfall warning to be missing when the Killer injures a survivor right before the notification threshold.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Dredge’s smoke to be missing.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Dredge to be visible when teleporting to a locker.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Entity Spikes on blocked lockers to sometimes disappear when looking at them from higher ground.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to pop forward during the locker grab animation when the Dredge teleported to a locker with a Survivor inside.
- Fixed an issue that caused part of the Dredge to clip through the camera when exiting a locker immediately after teleporting to it.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Dredge’s vignette during nightfall to desaturate the Killer instinct and Loud Noise notifications.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Dredge to be blinded by blinding items (firecrackers, flashbangs, flashlights) while teleporting to a locker.
- Fixed an issue that caused the undetectable smoke VFX to be visible for a few seconds when the Dredge exits a locker during the Nightfall.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Blindness and Exhausted status effects from the Fearmonger perk to stay on Survivors after they stop repairing a generator.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors within 5 meters of a locker and in the dying state to trigger the Dredge’s Lavalier Microphone add-on.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to suffer from the Exposed status effect for the whole Nightfall duration if the last generator is repaired during the end of Nightfall with the Dredge’s Iridescent Wood Plan and Field Recorder add-ons.
- Fixed an issue that caused the From The Deep achievement (trophy on Sony platforms) to gain progress when the Dredge is hiding in a locker and the Survivor interacts with it.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Dredge to have no animation on the match result screen when the match ends while it was in a locker.
- Fixed an issue that caused the aspect ratio black bars to disappear when the Dredge is in a locker.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Survivors to get stuck when searching a locker as the Dredge is teleporting to it with high packet loss.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Survivors to get in a broken state inside a locker if the Killer is stunned by another Survivor using the Head On perk when searching a locker.
- Fixed an issue that allowed characters to get on top of some crates and buckets by dropping down from the second floor of the main building in Coal Tower.
- Fixed an issue that caused an invisible collision blocking the hole in the second floor in Badham Preschool maps.
- Fixed an issue that caused the old Ghost Face’s chase music to be played again.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Play With Your Food perk not to consume a token when injuring a Survivor using a Possessed Chain with the Cenobite’s Engineer’s Fang add-on.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive (Steam)
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 6.0.0 (Roots of Dread)
- Release date: June 7th 2022 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- New Killer – The Dredge
- New Perk: Dissolution
- 3 seconds after injuring a Survivor by any means, Dissolution activates for 12/16/20 second(s). While Dissolution is active, if a Survivor fast vaults over a pallet inside of your Terror Radius, the Entity will break the pallet at the end of the vault, and Dissolution deactivates.
- New Perk: Darkness Revealed
- When you open a locker, the auras of all Survivors within 8 meters of any lockers are revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds. This perk has a 30 second cooldown.
- New Perk: Septic Touch
- Whenever a Survivor performs the healing action within your Terror Radius, they suffer from Blindness and Exhaustion. These effects linger for 6/8/10 seconds after a healing action is interrupted by any means.
- New Survivor – Haddie Kaur
- New Perk: Inner Focus
- You can see other Survivors’ Scratch Marks within a 32 meters range of you. Whenever another Survivor loses a health state within a 32 meters range of you, the Killer’s aura is revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds.
- New Perk: Residual Manifest
- After a successful Killer Blind action, the Killer is affected by the Blindness status effect for 20/25/30 seconds. This perk grants the ability to rummage through an opened chest once per Trial and will guarantee a basic Flashlight.
- New Perk: Overzealous
- After cleansing any totem, this perk activates. Your generator repair speed is increased by 4%/5%/6%. This Perk deactivates when you lose a health state by any means.
- New General Killer Perk – Shattered Hope
- When you destroy a Boon Totem this way, the auras of all Survivors inside the Boon Totem range are revealed to you for 6/7/8 seconds.
- UI
- Layout change to the Main Menu – Allows more room to gaze longingly into the campfire.
- Menu movement when using a Controller has been removed across all screens.
- Presets – For Loadouts & Customizations
- The ability to save your favorite Loadout builds and Customizations has been added to the Loadout and Customizations menus respectively.
- The Ghost Face
- Reworked Add-on – Driver’s License
- When Marking a Survivor repairing a generator, the generator explodes and loses 20% progress. The affected generator becomes blocked for 15 seconds. When Marking multiple Survivors at the same time, the loss of progress only applies once.
- The Pig
- Added an extra Jigsaw Box to all matches
- Survivors are guaranteed to find the key for their Reverse Beartrap at a maximum of 4 boxes searched (It can still be found sooner, but you will never need to search more than 4 boxes)
- The box system has been adjusted to be more consistent overall and have a slightly higher average number of searches needed, from 2.5 to 3 (Yes, this is a buff)
Dev Note: Some Pig players have been camping out in front of the final Jigsaw Box, blocking a survivor from being able to get rid of their Reverse Beartrap. With these changes, this strategy will no longer work! We also tweaked the way box searches are determined to prevent extreme cases of very few searches / too many searches, as well as a small buff to the average number of searches required to escape the Reverse Beartrap. Overall, this should make the boxes more consistent and slightly more powerful for The Pig.
- Miscellaneous
- Changed the text for Entity Displeased on the tally screen. It now reads “The Entity Hungers…”
- Added a warning message in the Custom Games Lobby to indicate that matches do not count toward Achievements.
- Updated desktop icon.
- “Twisted Masquerade” 6th Anniversary limited-time event (starting June 16th 11AM ET)
- Archives
- Twisted Masquerade event tome (also starting June 16th 11AM ET)
- Fixed the localization of the Green Glyph challenge description text to better clarify the spawn rules and aura reveal information.
- Added a timer to the Main Menu indicating time remaining until the Rift closes.
- New Map: Garden of Joy
Bug Fixes
- Tentatively fixed an issue that could cause the Onryo’s power to sometimes not load properly at the start of a match.
- Tentatively fixed an issue that could cause the Oni to have the Demon Dash prompt when Blood Fury was inactive.
- Tentatively fixed an issue that could cause the Deathslinger to be unable to aim down sights or reload.
- Tentatively fixed an issue that could cause the screen to stay black after the Cenobite uses Summons of Pain.
- Tentatively fixed an issue that could cause Survivors’ items to not function properly when loading into a match.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the hook indicator not to update upon entering the struggle phase.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Hillbilly to be able to use his momentum to reach inaccessible areas.
- Fixed an issue that may cause killers not to be able to use their power for the duration of the trial.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to be misaligned when hooked after being picked up from a locker in the basement.
- Fixed an issue that caused the killer’s camera to become stuck after interrupting a survivor closing a white glyph.
- Fixed an issue where the Legion Chase music (and the addons mixtapes) was too loud.
- Fixed an issue where multiple assets in the Léry’s Memorial Institute maps have the wrong impact sfx.
- Fixed an issue that caused an inaccessible green glyph in a locker in the Midwich Elementary map.
- Fixed an issue that occasionally caused the daily rituals to show an incorrect amount of bloodpoints temporarily.
- Fixed the disabled states in the Tutorials menu so that it’s easier to understand when they are locked / disabled.
- Fixed a misaligned button in the Redeem Promo Code popup.
- Fixed an issue that caused Nemesis zombies to become stuck when climbing basement stairs.
- Fixed an issue which caused blocked generators to lose progression when the Eruption perk is triggered.
- Fixed an issue that caused the perk Kindred to remain active when the Survivor using it disconnected.
- Fixed an issue that caused a bush to disappear from distance in the Eyrie of Crow.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a totem to be unreachable at the top of the stairs in Midwich Elementary School
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors working on the side of the generator with the light pole not to be targeted by the Cenobite’s Chain Hunt.
- Fixed an issue that may prevent the killer from picking up survivors downed next to a fence in the Haddonfield map.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors unable to wake up using a clock on the second floor of the house in Haddonfield map.
- Fixed an issue that occasionally caused some players to appear disconnected even when they have not disconnected.
- Fixed an issue that caused lag while the game was saving for some players.
- Fixed an issue that caused bonus bloodpoints from Barbecue & Chilli to not appear in the tally match total.
- Tentatively fixed an issue that caused EAC error 10022 when launching the game.
- Fixed an issue that caused Dwight’s Bloodletting T-Shirt to not be added to the Steam inventory when redeemed. (Steam only)
- Fixed an issue that prevented some users from unlinking their Steam or EGS accounts. (Steam/EGS only)
- Fixed an issue caused custom games to start failing after several consecutive matches in the same lobby.
- Fixed an issue where the game partially softlocks when attempting to spectate at the same time as the last survivor reaches the tally screen.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Pig’s add-on Amanda’s Letter not to show survivor auras.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Botanist Extraordinaire archive challenge to not be completable in some cases.
- Fixed an issue that caused the White Glyph challenge to get completed without having performed the required actions.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to be seen passing through the ground when being moried by The Cenobite.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Spirit to be unable to use her power more than once in a Trial.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Blinding Legion mid lunge attack to not reset the Feral Frenzy combo.
- Fixed an issue that caused the perk No One Left Behind to not add bonus Bloodpoints.
- Fixed an issue that caused Onryo exiting a television via teleport to be easily blinded by a flashlight.
- Fixed an issue that caused the killer perk Save The Best For Last to have no effect on a successful basic attack cooldown.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Deathslinger to be able to avoid a chain breaking fatigue animation by pressing M2 at the end of the Chain Reel.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Artist to be unable to attack if a Survivor runs into Dire Crow when it is launched.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Deathslinger’s harpoon to bounce off survivors who are fast vaulting a pallet.
- Fixed an issue that caused Pallet Stuns to move a killer if they are on the same side of the pallet as the survivor.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 5.7.2
- Release date: May 10th 2022 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Added new chase music to The Ghost Face.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where James Sunderland was missing his normal and injured breathing.
- Fixed an issue where the embers and wood inside the braziers in the Eyrie of Crows map emit a metal SFX when struck.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Legions idle animation briefly not to play when Feral Frenzy ended.
- Fixed an issue where pressing “Enter” when entering a promo code closed the popup without submitting the code.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Rancor perk not to apply the exposed effect to the obsession after the exit gates are powered.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Bitter Murmur perk not to trigger when a generator is completed.
- Fixed an issue that caused the exposed status effect icon to remain displayed for survivors Evil Within tier 3 ends when playing as The Shape.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors being moried to be able to reveal the Ghost Face.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Ghost Face’s power icon to remain unchanged when activating Night Shroud.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Hemorrhage status effect not to refresh upon entering the Nightmare’s traps when equipped with the Cat Block add-on.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Fuming Mix Tape add-on effect to be cancelled when a survivor cleanses the Hex: Ruin totem during Feral Frenzy.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to gain stacks to Feral Slash when hitting a survivor as they are being unhooked.
- Fixed an issue that caused the mending interaction to continue after the deep wound effect is removed by the use of the Anti-Hemorrhagic Syringe.
- Fixed an issue that caused the archives ambiance to be cut in the Compendium.
- Fixed an issue that caused Killers to not being able to hit Survivors on top of stairs in Midwich Elementary School map.
- Fixed an issue that caused a noticeable seams in the frame of a vault in Lery’s Memorial Institute map.
- Fixed an issue that caused Victor to be not reachable and unable to be crushed by Survivors after pouncing behind the hole in the locker room in the RPD map.
- Fixed an issue that caused Victor to dissolve after pouncing on most of the stairways on Haddonfield map
- Fixed an issue that caused tutorial progression to appear to be carried over to a different account after switching accounts.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive (Steam)
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 5.7.1
- Release date: May 3rd 2022 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Bug Fixes
- Lowered the Ghost Face’s chase music. Please note this is a temporary fix while we work on a new chase track altogether.
- Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause Meg to be unable to vault in the Killer tutorial.
- Fixed an issue that caused a totem to spawn in a closed room on the second floor of the Strode House in Haddonfield.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to interrupt Survivors on a specific side of multiple generators in Haddonfield.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Legion’s power gauge not to refill when equipped with Julie’s Mix Tape add-on and stunned by the Head On perk.
- Fixed an issue that caused progress to regress after succeeding a difficult skill check triggered by the Blight’s Soul Chemical add-on.
- Fixed an issue that caused succeeding an unhook attempt right before transitioning to the struggle phase to be instantly sacrificed on a subsequent hooking.
- Fixed an issue that caused an interaction started by double clicking on the Stadia platform to continue without holding down the button without the Toggle Interaction option enabled.
- Fix an issue that caused the wrong lobby theme music to be played when the Little Red Gaming Fit outfit for Feng Min is equipped.
- Fixed an issue that caused the fifth entry in the House of the Arkham journal to be played in English instead of Japanese.
- Fixed an issue that caused the survivors to keep making injured noises when recovering to full while afflicted with Madness tier 3.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the selected survivor to not be saved upon restarting the game.
- Fixed an issue that prevented entering the game upon refusing consent for Nintendo Account usage. (Switch only)
- Fixed an issue that prevented Survivor using Dead Hard to be able to land on the luggage in Ormond Map.
- Fixed an issue that enabled the Killer to body block Survivor near one of the Gideon’s exit gate.
- Fixed an issue that caused an inaccessible Green Glyph on the Car Crusher tile in the Wrecker’s Yard map.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Nightmare from setting Dream Snares in the garage in the Gas Heaven map.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Killers to get onto the water tower from the hill in the Suffocation Pit map.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the Killer to not be able to pick up a Survivor at the bottom of the stairs of the basement.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Credits to appear as a placeholder string ID in all non-English languages. (PS5, Switch and Stadia only)
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive (Steam)
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 5.7.0 (Mid-Chapter)
- Release date: April 27th 2022 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
UI Update – Added an indicator to the Searching for Friends popup when loading data.
Visual Update for Haddonfield Map.
- Difficulty ratings for Survivors have been removed
- Difficulty ratings for Killers are now Easy, Moderate, Hard, or Very Hard
- Easy: These Killers are the easiest for a first-time player
- Moderate: Require the player to be comfortable with the basics of the role, though the Killers share common mechanics with those from the Easy category
- Hard: Use mechanics that are specific to the Killer and require more practice to be effective
- Very Hard: Require a high amount of practice and understanding, inexperienced players would likely find little success when using them
- Switch players should update to 14.1.0-1.0 firmware or newer to fix an issue with Auric Cell Purchases failing.
Dev Note: Since all Survivors have the same mechanics, they are no longer separated into different difficulty tiers. Killer difficulty is based on overall mechanical and strategic complexity, specifically for newer players.
Hemorrhage Rework
- New Effect: Survivors affected by the Hemorrhage Status Effect have their healing progression regress at a steady rate when not being healed
- Healing regresses at a rate of 7% per second (this means a 99% full heal would take 14 seconds to completely empty)
- Sloppy Butcher and The Nightmare’s “Z” Block Add-on have been modified to take the new effect into account (changes listed below)
Dev Note: Hemorrhage has had a reputation of being a “useless” status effect, so we reworked it to have a more meaningful impact on the core mechanic of survivor healing.
- Boil Over
- Increases struggling effects by 60/70/80% (was 50/75/100%)
Dev Note: Boil Over’s wiggle impact was causing some players to have significant issues navigating certain maps, beyond the intended impact of the perk. We are planning to look at wiggle impact more generally in a future patch, but for now we are toning down the impact from Boil Over to prevent particularly egregious cases.
- Boon: Circle of Healing
- Increases healing speed bonus by 40/45/50% (was 65/70/75%)
Dev Note: As it was foretold, so it has been delivered.
- Sloppy Butcher
- Modified to account for the Hemorrhage Rework
- Increases the rate at which healing progression is lost by 15/20/25%
Dev Note: On the PTB, all mentions of Sloppy Butcher increasing bleed frequency were removed, but the mechanic remained! The strings have been updated to clarify that increase bleed frequency is still present on Sloppy Butcher, in addition to the new effect.
The Nightmare
- Add-on – “Z” Block
- Modified to account for the Hemorrhage Rework
- Survivors interacting with a Dream Trap suffer from the Hemorrhage Status Effect for 90 seconds (was 60 seconds)
The Legion
- The Legion now has unique Terror Radius and Chase music, which can be modified by the Mix Tape add-ons
- New: Each successful hit with Feral Slash now increases The Legion’s movement speed by +0.2m/s for the remainder of Feral Frenzy
- New: After 4 successful hits with Feral Slash, the next Feral Slash will put the survivor into the dying state and end Feral Frenzy
- Removed the loss of power gauge on successful basic attacks
- When Feral Frenzy ends, the power gauge now starts charging immediately (Previously waited for the fatigue sequence to end)
- Fatigue after Feral Frenzy lasts for 3 seconds (was 4 seconds)
- Add-on – Mischief List
- Increases the Duration of Feral Frenzy by 2 seconds (was 1 second)
- Add-on – Scratched Ruler
- Decreases Feral Frenzy recharge time by 5 seconds (was 2 seconds)
- Add-on – Suzie’s Mix Tape
- Increases Killer Instinct detection range by 20 meters (was 16 meters)
- Add-on – Filthy Blade
- Increases time required for Survivors to mend by 4 seconds (was 2.5 seconds)
- Add-on – Iridescent Button
- Removed effect where Terror Radius extends to the entire map
- Reworked Add-on – Stab Wounds Study
- The auras of Survivors who self-mend a Deep Wound from Feral Frenzy are shown for 4 seconds afterwards
- Reworked Add-on – Friendship Bracelet
- Increases duration of lunges during Feral Frenzy by 0.3 seconds
- Reworked Add-on – Smiley Face Pin
- Survivors who self-mend a Deep Wound from Feral Frenzy are inflicted with Blindness for 60 seconds
- Reworked Add-on – Defaced Smiley Pin
- Survivors who self-mend a Deep Wound from Feral Frenzy are inflicted with Mangled
- Reworked Add-on – Etched Ruler
- Survivors hit by Feral Slash are inflicted with Oblivious for 60 seconds
- Reworked Add-on – Julie’s Mix Tape
- If The Legion is stunned during Feral Frenzy, the power gauge refills once the duration of the stun ends
- Reworked Add-on – Mural Sketch
- Increases Speed Boost per hit during Feral Frenzy to 0.3m/s
- Reworked Add-on – Never-sleep Pills
- The Legion’s base move speed during Feral Frenzy is 4.6/ms
- Increases the duration of Feral Frenzy by 10 seconds
- Gain 100 to 500 bonus Bloodpoints for each successive hit on a Survivor during Feral Frenzy
- Reworked Add-on – Joey’s Mix Tape
- Survivors who self-mend a Deep Wound from Feral Frenzy are inflicted with Hemorrhage until fully healed
- Reworked Add-on – Stolen Sketchbook
- During Feral Frenzy from the second chained hit onward, hit Survivors drop their item
- Reworked Add-on – The Legion Pin
- Survivors who self-mend a Deep Wound from Feral Frenzy are inflicted with Broken for 60 seconds
- Reworked Add-on – Frank’s Mix Tape
- While using Feral Frenzy: Damaging generators is 20% faster, breaking walls is 30% faster the power gauge pauses while performing these actions
- Reworked Add-on – Fuming Mix Tape
- While using Feral Frenzy: The repair progress of generators can be determined by the intensity of their auras, generators not being worked on regress
- Note: Regression effect does stack with Hex: Ruin or other regression effects
- New Add-on – Stylish Sunglasses
- Shows the auras of Survivors who are mending within a 24 meter radius
- New Add-on – BFFs
- Earn tokens for hitting Survivors during Feral Frenzy
- Second chained hit: 2 token
- Third chained hit: 3 tokens
- Fourth chained hit: 4 tokens
- Fifth chained hit: 5 tokens
- Once the gates are powered, if 15 or more tokens have been collected, gain a 4% movement speed boost when not using Feral Frenzy
- Removed Add-ons: Nasty Blade, Cold Dirt
Dev Note: This update for Legion leans into their signature – Running really fast with a knife! The stacking movement speed from Feral Strike gives a better reward from each hit, and they now have a way to down survivors at the end of a great chain. Add-ons have also seen a major overhaul to provide more variety of playstyles.
The Ghost Face
- The Ghost Face can no longer be revealed by Marked Survivors
- Marked now lasts for 60 seconds (was 45 seconds)
- The Ghost Face now has unique Terror Radius and Chase music
- Reviewed the technical implementation of the stalk and reveal mechanics
- Fixed an issue that could lead some player’s reveal to be ignored completely when multiple survivors are revealing at the same time
- Reveal progress will now regress over a short time when a survivor loses sight of Ghost Face and resume when revealing starts again (Previously, losing sight of Ghost Face for a single frame would cause all reveal progress to be lost)
- Added in differentiation of the sighting zone (the zone in your screen where the target must be to be revealed or stalked) for killers and survivors to better account for the differences between 1st and 3rd person cameras
- Made it possible to reveal Ghost Face / stalk Survivors when they are not in the center of the screen but still take up a large amount of the screen (eg when they are very close to you)
- Fixed some issues which caused the stalk / reveal sighting zone to scale incorrectly on non-16:9 resolutions
- Add-on – Cheap Cologne
- Increases Marked duration by 10 seconds (was 5 seconds)
- Add-on – Headline Cutouts
- Increases movement speed while stalking by 40% (was 10%)
- Add-on – Walleye’s Matchbook
- Decreases Night Shroud recovery time by 6 seconds (was 2 seconds)
- Add-on – Marked Map
- Increases duration of Killer Instinct after being revealed by 2 seconds (was 1 second)
- Add-on – Leather Knife Sheath
- Increases crouched movement speed by 10% (was 5.6%)
- Add-on – Outdoor Security Camera
- The auras of all Survivors are revealed for 7 seconds when a Marked Survivor is put into the dying state (was 4 seconds)
- Now applies to all survivors (was limited to Survivors inside the Terror Radius)
- Reworked Add-on – “Philly”
- Decreases time required to Mark a Survivor by 20%
- Reworked Add-on – Cinch Straps
- Night Shroud remains active after a failed basic attack
- Reworked Add-on – Olsen’s Address Book
- Survivors that are Marked reveal their auras for 5 seconds when performing rushed actions
- Reworked Add-on – Olsen’s Journal
- A Survivor that is Marked is inflicted with Oblivious until the Mark expires
- Reworked Add-on – Telephoto Lens
- A Survivor that reveals The Ghost Face is inflicted with Oblivious for 60 seconds
- Reworked Add-on – Chewed Pen
- Survivors that are in the dying state take 3 seconds to reveal The Ghost Face
- Reworked Add-on – Knife Belt Clip
- Reduces the Terror Radius by 8 meters when crouching
- Reworked Add-on – Lasting Perfume
- Survivors that are on a hook take 3 seconds to reveal The Ghost Face
- Reworked Add-on – Olsen’s Wallet
- Breaking a pallet or wall immediately recharges Night Shroud
- Reworked Add-on – Drop-Leg Knife Sheath
- The Ghost Face gains 10% movement speed for 5 seconds after Marking a Survivor
- Reworked Add-on – Night Vision Monocular
- A Survivor that reveals The Ghost Face is inflicted with Exhausted for 5 seconds
- Reworked Add-on – Victim’s Detailed Routine
- After being Marked, Survivors are inflicted with Exhausted for 5 seconds
- Reworked Add-on – “Ghost Face caught on Tape”
- Instantly recharges Night Shroud after a successful basic attack puts a Survivor into the dying state
Dev Note: Ghost Face was having a tough time generally, and his add-ons were particularly uninteresting overall. This change boosts the effectiveness of the Marked effect, and also overhauls his Add-on loadout for more interesting and powerful combinations. The reveal and stalking mechanics have also been tuned to be more predictable and intuitive.
Changes from PTB
- The Nightmare’s “Z” Block Add-on has had the bleed frequency modifier returned
- Hemorrhage no longer reduces healing progress when downed
- The Shape’s stalk and The Ghost Face’s stalk / reveal mechanics have had their values tuned to account for the technical rework to stalking / revealing
- The Legion
- Removed the loss of power gauge on successful basic attacks
- The following Add-ons have been adjusted from the PTB: Frank’s Mixtape, Julie’s Mixtape, Stolen Sketchbook, Stab Wounds Study, BFFs, and Etched Ruler
The Archives
- “Tome 11: DEVOTION” of The Archives (starts April 28th 11AM ET)
- The “Blood Debt” challenge in Tome 8: DELIVERANCE – Level 4 has had its completion goal reduced from 10 to 5.
- Changed instances of Roman numerals in Tome names to Arabic numerals in all related contexts
- Reworked the description texts of Glyph Challenges and Dual Role challenges to make them consistent and clearer
Engine Update And Download Size
- We continued to improve our patching process in an attempt to reduce download size during an update. However, due to an engine update, expect a bigger than usual download this time.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused the shower drain leak VFX to float slightly above the floor in the Léry showers.
- Fixed an issue that caused floating debris from breakable walls to be visible when one side has a noticeable slope in elevation.
- Fixed an issue that caused Ace’s Trilby hats to clip through his head on the killer side when in the dream world.
- Fixed an issue that caused the sleep VFX to flicker on Jake when wearing the Western Wrangler torso.
- Fixed an issue that caused the dream state outline to clip into Nea’s default torso in various animations.
- Fixed an issue that caused Yun-Jin’s ‘Lunar Hanbok’ torso customization to flicker when in the dream world.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Dream world sky on Coldwind Farm to have unusual lines in the grainy texture.
- Fixed an issue that caused some visual corruption in the sky on Haddonfield when in the Dream World.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Onryo’s legs to clip through the backside of the TV after projecting.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused subtitles for Ash to be displayed when selecting another survivor.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the survivor settings from the ‘Play as Survivor’ lobby to be carried over to the custom game lobby.
- Fixed an issue that caused custom game lobby warning messages to not be displayed.
- Fixed a hardlock when minimizing the Game during a Loading screen after a match.
- Fixed an incorrect formatting on tutorial messages when the screen resolution is lower than 100%.
- Fixed an issue with a wrong UI prompt “Scroll List” appearing in the Support menu.
- Fixed an issue with the controller “Pause” button not able to close the Pause/Overlay Menu.
- Fixed an issue where the report button was not disabled for a Custom Game in the Tally screen.
- Fixed an issue in the Archives Compendium section where the tooltip was not showing if an active node has been completed.
- Fixed an issue that caused projectiles passing through Thompson’s House windows when thrown from the inside of the building.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors dying in the Executioner’s Cage of Atonement to be considered killed instead of sacrificed, leading to various side effects.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Executioner’s Torment VFX to remain visible after killing a survivor by Mori or Final Judgement.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to be stuck in T-pose when Adrenaline triggers while in a Cage of Atonement.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to be momentarily shown as crawling after being rescued from a Cage of Atonement.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nightmare to be prevented from putting down another Dream Snare when standing on one.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Artists Crows to despawn immediately when spawned near the exit gates on the Léry’s Memorial Institute – Treatment Theatre map.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Cenobite’s chains to hit a collision over survivors in the dying state.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Wraith to appear invisible to survivors while uncloaked.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Wraith to be visible while cloaked after cancelling the damage generator interaction when equipped with the The Serpent – Soot add-on.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Cannibal’s Shop Lubricant add-on not to hide the aura of survivors downed with the chainsaw.
- Fixed an issue that caused Victor to be missing from the match results screen.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Hag’s traps not to be triggered for other survivors when a survivor in the dying state is on the trap.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Hag’s Disfigured Ear add-on not to deafen the survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused failing to unhook a survivor during the Struggle phase to reset their skill check progress.
- Fixed an issue that caused Dance with Me’s cooldown not to be shown on the perk’s icon.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Shape’s standing mori to not be usable against survivors using the Clairvoyance interaction.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Clairvoyance’s interaction not to end when put into the dying state.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Boil Over icon to be missing on the killer’s side when carrying a survivor equipped with the perk.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to pick up survivors put in the dying state in front of a locker in the Killer basement.
- Fixed an issue that caused the screaming animation to be played twice when passing from the injured to the dying state while screaming.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Modern Tale theme to keep playing when equipping cosmetics not in the collection.
- Fixed an issue that caused the weapon of the Plague to become invisible in the middle of a basic attack swing.
- Fixed an issue that occasionally caused survivor deafness at the start of a trial
- Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented the Demogorgon scream from triggering after a missed pounced.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to hear Ghost Face’s reveal sfx to play map-wide.
- Fixed an issue that caused visceral cankers to prevent sliding doors from opening.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the text “The Onryo” from being accepted in Crowd Choice.
- Fixed an issue that caused game to disconnect during Steam maintenance.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivor to go invisible when switching between lobby and store.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the purchasing of DLC characters and auric cells.
- Fixed an issue that caused mouse slow down after closing the game.
- Fixed an issue that gave incorrect disconnection penalty.
- Fixed an issue that caused friend list to not update properly.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Onryo’s TV SFX to still be heard after a survivor retrieved a tape and closed the TV.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Garage Door to have to wrong SFX when hit by the killer in the Gas Heaven Map.
- Fixed an issue that caused David’s breathing to be heard map wide.
- Fixed an issue that caused the ambiance music to stop in the Getting Started Menu when getting back from the Game’s Manual’s.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Ghost Face crouching SFX to still be heard when breaking a pallet or a breakable wall.
- Fixed an issue that caused the survivor to scream when healing to full while being afflicted with x duration Hemorrhage.
- Fixed an issue where the options in the setting menu disappear before the settings UI is fully closed after changing a setting.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes, the Bloodpoints score events disappear too fast in the Hud.
- Fixed an issue in the Tally screen where smashing buttons while also selecting the spectate option could bring you back to the Hud with a black screen.
- Fixed an issue that caused a misplaced collision on stair railing in the basement of the school.
- Fixed an issue where one generator in Pale Rose cannot be repaired from one side.
- Fixed an issue where the hooks on the second floor of the Library aren’t spawning in RPD map.
- Fixed an issue where a Survivor can climb on a speaker and a table using the cleanse or bless totem action at the Press room in RPD map.
- Fixed an issue where a Survivor can’t be picked up by the Killer between some assets on the first floor of Gideon Meat Plant.
- Fixed an issue that caused a gap that can be mistaken for a passable path behind the ramp of the Swamp maze.
- Fixed an issue that caused a fat shaming spot around the killer shack in Disturbed Ward.
- Fixed an issue where a Survivor can fall onto a rock near the big boat in Swamp Pale Rose when put into the dying state by the Killer.
- Fixed an issue that caused darker Dreamworld for the Survivor POV when entering a basement area.
- Fixed an issue that caused low FPS on the main menu. (Switch only)
- Fixed a visual glitch which could occur when toggling between the Killer lobby and main menu.
- Fixed an issue that caused an infinite loading screen after using ‘Instant on’ or ‘Instant sign in’ mode while in a match. (Xbox One only)
- Fixed an issue that caused Hex: Ruin to not regress generators after Hex: Undying is destroyed.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Nurse to instantly fully blink a second time when playing with high latency.
- Fixed an issue that caused all survivors to lose laceration when the Trickster attacks someone.
- Fixed an issue that caused the cooldown of the Cannibal’s successful chainsaw attack to be 3 seconds instead of 2.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the survivor to become invisible during the Cenobite’s mori.
- Fixed an issue that caused reversed skill checks not to be hit reliably on Stadia.
- Fixed an issue that caused the hand icon next to the interaction bar when Victor uses his power.
- Fixed an issue that caused dark lighting inside the houses in Haddonfield map.
- Fixed an issue that caused confusion on vaultable windows on the second floors in Haddonfield map.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 5.6.2
- Release date: March 23rd 2022 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused the Bloodletting, Vector Victory and Pulcinella cosmetics to be unlocked for free. (Epic Games Store only)
- Fixed an issue which sometimes allowed purchasing of the same perk multiple times in the Shrine of Secrets.
- Fixed an issue which prevented unlocking of Sadako Rising DLC achievements. (PS4 only)
- Fixed a crash which could occur when equipping the Boon: Dark Theory perk. (Switch only)
- Fixed an issue which prevented purchasing of discounted outfits using Shards.
- Fixed an issue that caused killer being able to block the ”Unhook” prompt with one of the hook in MacMillan Estate maps.
- Fixed an issue that preventing The Onryo sfx from playing when opening an empty locker.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented The Hillbilly’s chainsaw SFX from playing during a sprint.
- Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur when entering the perimeter of Yoichi Asakawa’s Boon: Dark Theory.
- Fixed an issue that prevented progress in the Triage achievement if the healed Survivor was unhooked.
- Fixed an issue that prevented The Onryo’s Condemned kills from counting towards the Tome 10 Execution challenge.
- Fixed an issue that caused an incorrect camera orientation while projecting as The Onryo to a nearby near TV.
- Fixed an issue that prevented a Survivor using perk Head On from killing The Nemesis’ zombies when dashing out of a locker.
- Fixed an issue that caused a generic icon to be shown when using a Killer power.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Nurse’s blink charge animation to loop when charging her power.
- Fixed an issue that prevented progress of The Demogorgon’s Daily Ritual.
- Fixed an issue that prevented The Nurse’s blink charge time from being increased when using Kavanagh’s Last Breath and Heavy Panting add-ons.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivor to instantly wiggle free when being downed while the Killer was carrying another Survivor with 90% or more wiggle progress.
- Fixed an issue that caused the makeup to be missing from Elodie’s 50’s Night Out outfit icon.
Known Issues
- Killer sound effects are missing when going from the Play as Killer menu to the Store. Swapping to a different Killer in the Store will fix the issue.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 5.6.1
- Release date: March 15th 2022 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Re-enabled the Wake Up perk after a bug fix.
- Re-enabled Object of Obsession perk after a bug fix.
Please note that these perks will be re-enabled only after the update is available on all platforms.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to be stuck between a hook and a locker in Silent Hill map.
- Fixed an issue that caused the killer not being able to pick up the survivor in the basement’s stairs.
- Fixed an issue that caused the previous killer’s theme to play in the Lobby of a custom game if the Survivor switches to Spectate mode.
- Fixed an issue that caused selected outfit customizations to revert to default in the store when selecting a new customization part.
- Fixed an issue that could sometimes prevent opening of the sliding doors on the Gideon Meat Plant map.
- Fixed an issue that caused already equipped charms to not appear on the killer customization preview screen.
- Fixed an issue that caused a long delay when hooking Meg in the tutorial. (PS4 only)
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused daily rituals to be generated for characters which are disabled.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Killer to crash when Survivors interacted with the exit switch with the Wake Up perk equipped.
- Fixed an issue that caused a crash when unhooking a Survivor using the perks Aftercare, Object of Obsession and Empathetic Connection.
- Fixed an issue that may cause a Merciless Storm skill check to appear after the generator has been completed.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Enduring perk to reduce the stun duration when a survivor is carried.
- Fixed an issue that caused the effect of the Boil Over perk to remain after a survivor disconnects while carried by the killer.
- Fixed an issue that may prevent survivors from wiggling free after being dropped by the killer and picked back up.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the wiggle progress to start at 25%.
- Fixed an issue that caused the survivors arm holding an item to bend backwards when screaming.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Ingest Corruption VFX to be offset when the Plague interacts with a corrupted fountain
- Fixed an issue that caused the Operation Theatre room to be less visible with the Onryo’s screen effect
- Fixed an issue that caused The Onryo’s Ring Drawing add-on not to spread Condemned stacks when healing a condemned survivor using an Anti-Hemorrhagic Syringe
- Fixed an issue that caused a VFX of The Onryo to be present in the background of the Tally screen
- Fixed an issue that caused the arrow indicator VFX to sometimes be missing from The Onryo’s televisions
- Fixed an issue that caused fewer televisions to spawn in Custom Games with less than 3 survivors
- Fixed an issue that caused hatch VFX to be incorrectly positioned when playing as The Onryo
- Fixed an issue that caused missing breakable walls in Badham Preschool.
- Fixed an issue that caused broken tiles in Yamaoka Estate maps.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 5.6.0 (Sadako Rising)
- Release date: March 8th 2022 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Added a new Killer – The Onryō
- Perks – Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage, Call of Brine, Merciless Storm
- Added a new Survivor – Yoichi Asakawa
- Perks – Parental Guidance, Empathic Connection, Boon: Dark Theory
- The Nurse is back in rotation after a bug fix
- Forum and support links now redirect based on your selected language when applicable.
- Added new custom SFX Intros to all Maps.
- Added an option to lock viewport aspect ratio to 16:9.
- Added subtitles in the Lobby.
- Improved detection of modified or corrupted game files.
- Daily Rituals will be reset the first time a player starts the game
Dev Note: The tracking system for Daily Rituals has been reworked, which requires all rituals to be reset with this patch
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that may cause valid skill checks to be rejected under high network latency.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse to be stuck and unable to move after a grab attempt after blinking is invalidated.
- Fixed an issue that caused the AI controlled Meg to fail to drop the pallet in the killer and survivor tutorials, making it impossible to complete them.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors’ positions not to be revealed if they are crouching when the Cenobite picks up the lament configuration.
- Fixed an issue that caused the camera to follow the survivor after a hit is invalidated because of a survivor using Dead Hard.
- Fixed an issue that may cause a desync to appear in the HUD if a survivor is picked up at the same moment as they bleed out.
- Fixed an issue in the Loadout panel that when hovering over an add-on from a past event, the message “No longer available” was showing if the associated item was equipped.
- Fixed an issue with killer loading tips not displaying randomly after playing a few matches.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Cenobite to remain stuck when interrupting a survivor at the same time as they get hit by a chain.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Spirit’s Husk not to be destroyed when stunned by the Head On perk.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to be able to destroy Victor while inside a locker.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Nemesis’ zombies to be attracted to survivor in the dying state.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Distortion perk to consume tokens when standing inside Boon: Shadow Step’s area.
- Fixed an issue that caused completed generators to be blocked by the Dead Man’s Switch perk.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Broken status icon not to appear when under the effect of the Renewal perk.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Haste status icon not to appear when under the effect of the Guardian perk.
- Fixed an issue that allowed users to unlink unbreakable outfits in the store.
- Fixed an issue that caused Dwight’s and the Trapper’s loadout to be reset after playing a tutorial bot match.
- Fixed an issue that caused some of the Trickster’s subtitles to disappear too early.
- Fixed an issue where pressing Alt+Tab in the keybinding menu would cause any further key remapping to not work properly. (Stadia only)
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused a wrong cosmetic to be displayed after switching a killer’s outfit in the store.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to keep breathing loudly when stopping to open a chest after running.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Chase Music for the Trapper to occasionally cut out during gameplay.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to play the game with Stretched Resolution to gain an unfair advantage.
- Tentatively fixed an issue that causes players to disconnect during Steam maintenance.
- Fixed an issue where the teachable Perks from Stranger Things characters displayed in the Store Character info page could be the one from the previous character selected.
- Fixed an issue in Custom Game spectate mode where a “None” prompt could appear under the Item of the spectated Survivor.
- Fixed an issue with Player names using Asian characters were no longer displayed correctly in-game.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Built to Last perk to continue to recharge items when a survivor is grabbed from the locker by the killer.
- Fixed an issue that allowed survivors to interaction with totems while inside lockers.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Overcome perk to trigger when the survivor has the Endurance status.
- Fixed an issue that caused generator auras to appear incorrectly when using the Hex: Ruin and Surveillance perks together.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Oppression skill check to remove progression.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the audio to be delayed on the opening trailer video. (Xbox One/XSX/Stadia only)
- Fixed an issue that caused certain purchased DLC-related cosmetics to not be unlocked. (EGS only)
- Fixed an issue that may cause a grade progress error message to appear at the end of a match.
- Tentatively fixed an issue that may cause survivors to receive a disconnection penalty when the killer disconnects from the match.
- Fixed an issue that caused the interaction icon not to switch to the hand icon after an item is depleted during an interaction.
- Fixed an issue that caused the arrow icon to disappear when consuming an item during an interaction when still affected by a positive speed effect.
- Fixed an issue that may cause friend list statuses to not update properly.
- Fixed a minor misalignment of the Main Menu.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Custom Game button on the Main Menu to flicker when hovered.
- Fixed a number of Loading Screen tips that had incorrect icons.
- Fixed an issue that caused the wiggle skill check sfx to trigger too soon after being pulled from a locker
- Fixed an issue that prevented spawning sfx from triggering when a survivor loads into a lobby
- Fixed an issue that caused the Undetectable VFX to move ahead when blinking as as the Nurse
- Fixed an issue that caused the Plague’s infection to remain when the pallet is dropped by an infected survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused the VFX to be visible in the Blight’s POV with his “Ferryman of the Underworld” outfit.
- Fixed an issue that caused the blood droplet to remain in the air when a survivor is removed from the Cage of Atonement
- Fixed an issue that caused the Artist’s Crow head to vanish during the spawning idle animation.
- Fixed an issue that caused the ink vfx to remain in the air when a hook in the Eyrie of Crows’s map is sabotaged
- Fixed an issue that caused hooked vfx to persist after being unhooked
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 5.5.2
- Release date: February 9th 2022 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Boil Over
- Changed to give 33% of current wiggle progress when falling from great heights (was a flat 25% increase)
Dev Note: This change prevents abuse of Boil Over in specific map locations where the killer has no choice but to drop from a height. It still stays relevant for longer walks and especially for basement access. At over 75% wiggle progress, it still results in an insta-drop.
- Changed “Rite of The Executioner” Daily Ritual to require sending 2 Survivors to Cages of Atonement (was 4)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused some players to encounter a Grade Reset after updating to patch 5.5.1. Note: This issue was only visual.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Wraiths Withering Vine cosmetic to erroneously be unlocked for all players.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Hillbilly’s Fable Acres Delivery torso cosmetic to clip into the camera when hooking a Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused the HUD score alerts to lose their formatting when using the Large Text setting.
- Fixed an issue that caused players with at least 1 game played but 0 pips to not receive any reward at the end of season.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nemesis’ tentacle strike recovery animation to be missing when too close to an asset.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse to not be able to lunge after a blink if the attack input is pressed before the end of the blink.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse’s second blink to be delayed and thus cover less distance.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse not to enter fatigue when having a grab validation fail after blinking.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse’s hand not to close properly when charging a chain blink.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse to be able to blink out of bounds past the exit threshold in the Springwood maps.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse to be able to blink out of bounds past the exit threshold in the Backwater Swamp maps.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Survivors to use ”Dead Hard” to jump on rocks near the Ferry Boat.
- Fixed an issue that caused Jonah’s tablet to be visible on the floor of the Vat room in The Game map.
- Fixed an issue that caused hooks in the Eyrie of Crows map to be missing the white glow from Scourge Hook perks.
- Fixed an issue that caused a small part of the Entity to stretch when a Survivor is sacrificed.
- Fixed an issue that caused the exit prompt to become unresponsive after adding a friend in the Friends List.
- Fixed an issue that may have caused the game to become stuck when joining an almost full survivor lobby
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 5.5.1
- Release date: February 2nd 2022 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Beta Feature
- Wiggle progress will no longer regress when not actively wiggling, with both the new and old wiggle interactions
- The Coldwind Farm – Fractured Cowshed map has been re-enabled.
- The Crotus Prenn Asylum – Father Campbell’s Chapel has been re-enabled.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused tooltips to linger in the Settings menu
- Fixed an issue that caused the Cannibal not to be able to break a pallet after hitting a survivor in the same chainsaw sweep.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Demogorgon’s Shred ability to sometimes not break pallets.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Eruption perk to go into cooldown when triggering on a completed generator.
- Fixed an issue that caused stuns triggered through the Power Struggle duration to be reduced more than intended when the killer is equipped with the Enduring perk.
- Fixed an issue that caused the blessing SFX to continue after a survivor is hit after an unvalidated interruption attempt.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Glyph and Red Envelope interactions not to be interruptible by the killer.
- Fixed an issue that caused the wrong animation to be played when using the Deathslinger’s Aim Down Sights right after interacting with a Red Envelope.
- Fixed an issue that caused the loud noise indicator not to appear when an AI player fails a skill check during the tutorial.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Nemesis’ tentacle to be invisible during recovery after hitting an object.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Expert Killer and Expert Survivor achievements to unlock when the grade threshold has not been met. (Steam only)
- Fixed an issue that occasionally caused an offering to appear out of place on the offerings loading screen
- Fixed an issue that caused the floating ink VFX to be missing in some of The Artist’s customization.
- Fixed an issue that caused the killer music to not change properly when switching roles from a Survivor wearing a ‘Modern Tales’ outfits.
- Fixed an issue that caused an inconsistent sound effect to play when hitting the fireplace in the chalet, in the Mount Ormond Resort map.
- Fixed an issue that caused the killer to be unable to use a hook when it spawns too close to a bush wall near the big house in Badham IV.
- Fixed an issue that caused the possibility to ”Dead Hard” from the balcony onto the shelves in the main hall of RPD.
- Fixed an issue that caused a lack of hooks in the library of the RPD map.
- Fixed an issue that caused the killer to become stuck beside a hatch in the main building in the Storehouse.
- Fixed an issue that caused a Glyph to spawn too high in the Yamaoka map.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Artist to not fall smoothly from the Thompson house vault.
- Fixed an issue that caused two pallets to spawn on the same tile in The MacMillan Estate.
- Fixed an issue that caused low quality shadows from the generator lights.
- Tentatively fixed an issue that caused Meg’s Deathgarden head cosmetic to not be available anymore.
- Tentatively fixed an issue that caused Jane’s Twitch shirt cosmetic to be available for all players.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 5.5.0 (Mid-Chapter)
- Release date: January 25th 2022 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Fixed some specific vulnerabilities that could be abused by cheaters
- Hit feedback has been adjusted to reduce the frequency of visual feedback in the case of a rejected hit (especially for instances of Dead Hard)
Dev Note: This won’t eliminate all instances of VFX / SFX feedback when landing a rejected hit, but it should reduce it for most cases where the players have a decent connection to the server.
- New Feature: Interaction Behavior – Hold / Toggle
- When set to Toggle, you no longer need to hold the interaction button for interaction (Fixing generators, healing, kicking generators, etc.)
- To end the interaction, you will need to press the interaction button a second time (or use the “Run to Cancel” option detailed below!)
- Located in the Options menu under “Controls”
- Available for both Survivor and Killer as separate settings
- New Feature: Run to Cancel – On / Off
- When enabled, survivor players can cancel an interaction by giving a run input (ie the run modifier and a direction to move)
- Located in the Options menu under “Controls”
- Only available for Survivors
Dev Note: Holding buttons for extended interactions isn’t always the most comfortable, so this feature aims to address that. When combined with the Run to Cancel, you can quickly disengage from fixing a generator once you spot Myers stalking you.
Beta Features
A new tab is available in the Options menu: Beta!
- New features will appear here so that we can gain feedback from all players on all platforms
- Turning a feature ON will grant a Bloodpoint bonus for the first 10 matches that you play with it
First Beta Feature: New Wiggle Interaction
- Survivor only
- Replaces the wiggle interaction with a new dual skill check style input
- Default binding for Keyboard: Space
- Default binding for Controller: LB/RB or L1/R1
- When playing on a controller, either button will work for either side of the skill check
- Secondary input can be rebound in the Key Bindings menu
- Bloodpoint Bonus for first 10 matches: 20,000
Dev Note: We’re excited to gather your feedback on the new Wiggle system, and we’ve put it in a Beta tab to allow console players to participate in the fun!
- “Lurking Stripes” Lunar New Year limited-time event (starts Jan 25th 2PM ET)
- “Tome X: SAW” of The Archives (starts Jan 26th 11AM ET)
Cosmetic Changes
- New voice for Lisa Garland legendary cosmetic
- New voice for Cybil Bennett legendary cosmetic
The Cenobite
- New Cenobite VO lines have been added.
The Blight
- Add-on – Adrenaline Vial
- Decreased the Rush Turn rate penalty to -0.5 degrees per second (was -0.8 degrees per second)
The Cannibal
- Add-on – Carburetor Tuning Guide
- Decreased the Chainsaw Sweep movement speed penalty to 2% (was 4%)
- Add-on – Depth Gauge Rake
- Decreased the Chainsaw Sweep movement speed penalty to 2% (was 4%)
- Add-on – Iridescent Flesh
- Decreased the maximum tantrum duration to 5 seconds (was 8 seconds)
- Add-on – Long Guide Bar
- Increased the chainsaw revving threshold to +2 seconds (was +1 second)
- Survivor masks have been removed from the game. Please refer to the developer update on our forums for more information.
The Clown
- Add-on – Robin Feather
- Increased bottle throw cooldown to 40% (was 30%)
- Add-on – Flask of Bleach
- Decreased Hindered penalty from Intoxication to 4% (was 5%)
- Add-on – Redhead’s Pinky Finger
- Now reduces bottle count by 2
The Pig
- Add-on – Amanda’s Letter
- Decreases available Bear Traps to 2 (was 1)
- Last Will
- Decreased time to charge Ambush Attack to +33% (was +66%)
The Twins
- Add-on – Iridescent Pendant
- Increased Exposed duration when crushing Victor to 45 seconds (was 30 seconds)
- Add-on – Baby Teeth
- Increased Blindness duration when crushing attached Victor to 30 seconds (was 15 seconds)
- Add-on – Madeleine’s Scarf
- Reduced Victor movement speed buff to 0.3m/s (was 0.4m/s)
- Add-on – Toy Sword
- Decreased Pounce charge time modifier to 0.2 seconds (was 0.25 seconds)
- Add-on – Stale Biscuit
- Decreased pounce cooldown modifier to 0.4 seconds (was 0.5 seconds)
The Nemesis
- Add-on – Iridescent Umbrella Badge
- Increased Exposed duration when using a vaccine to 60 seconds (was 30 seconds)
- Add-on – Shattered S.T.A.R.S. Badge
- Increased zombie movement speed bonus when a generator is repaired to 150% (was 100%)
- Text now lists the correct duration of 60 seconds (description text said 30 seconds, but the effect already lasted for 60 seconds)
- Add-on – Marvin’s Blood
- Decreased the mutation rate modifier on Tentacle Strike to 25% (was 33%)
- Add-on – Mikhail’s Eye
- Decreased the Zombie movement speed bonus to 35% (was 50%)
The Huntress
- Add-on – Wooden Fox
- Increased Undetectable duration after reloading to 30 seconds (was 15 seconds)
The Oni
- Add-on – Iridescent Family Crest
- Increased scream radius on missed attacks to 24 meters (was 12 meters)
Dev Notes: Almost all of these add-on changes are “numbers only” tweaks, where we’ve adjusted numerical values and nothing else. The nerfed add-ons were all over-performing and influencing kill rates vs. their baseline kill rates more than we’d like, so they’ve been adjusted downwards slightly. Likewise, the buffed add-ons were all under-performing, so we hope to make them more appealing with larger effects.
Survivor Perks
- Boil Over
- Increased wiggle strafe intensity to 50/75/100% (was 25/50/75%)
- Increased hook obscure radius to 16 meters (was 10/12/14 meters)
- New effect: You gain 25% wiggling progress when the killer drops from great heights.
- Distortion
- Increased the token count to 4 (was 3)
- Buckle Up
- Increased aura reveal duration to 6/8/10 seconds (was 4/5/6 seconds)
- Wake Up
- Increased Exit Gate speed boost to 15/20/25% (was 5/10/15%)
- Power Struggle
- Decreased the activation threshold to 25/20/15% wiggle progress (was 35/30/25%)
- Circle of Healing
- Decreased healing speed bonus to 65/70/75% (was 90/95/100%)
Dev Notes: We will continue to monitor the performance of Circle of Healing, and may adjust it again in the near future.
Killer Perks
- Gearhead – Reworked
- New Description: After a Survivor loses a health state, Gearhead activates. While Gearhead is active, the next time a Survivor completes a Great Skill Check while repairing, their Aura is revealed to you for 6/8/10 seconds. Gearhead then deactivates.
- Remember Me
- Trigger condition changed to the Obsession losing a health state (was triggered on basic attack only)
- Coup de Grace
- Increased lunge distance modifier to 70/75/80% (was 40/50/60%)
- Furtive Chase
- Effect Removed: “You lose all your tokens if the Obsession is sacrificed or killed.”
- Dead Man’s Switch
- Removed the Obsession mechanic, the perk now triggers when hooking any survivor.
Dev Notes: Gearhead was seeing very little use and was a bit too complicated to trigger reliably. The rework aims to make it simpler and more appealing in a wider variety of situations.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused a missing sfx for the Nemesis’s Zombie and Survivors when a Zombie hit a survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Trickster’s voice line to be missing when closing the hatch.
- Fixed an issue that caused some generators sfx to be muffled when repaired by Survivors in the Midwich Elementary School map.
- Fixed an issue that caused a loud noise SFX to be played when survivors disturb crows beyond the range of the Spies From The Shadows perk, when this perk is used by the Killer.
- Fixed an issue that caused Xbox controller prompts to be displayed when using a DualShock controller (Steam only).
- Fixed an issue that allowed the “Out isn’t an option” archives challenge to be completed by disconnecting from a trial.
- Fixed a rare issue that could sometimes make it impossible to spend bloodpoints in the bloodweb.
- Fixed an issue that caused the back button in the killer lobby to be disabled upon matchmaking failure.
- Fixed an issue that caused first match bonus player XP to be granted after every match.
- Fixed a global issue that caused The Nurse not being able to blink past multiple locations.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Survivor to be able to climb on top of a rock using a sand mound in The Eyrie of crows map.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Killer to be able to completely block a hook in The Eyrie of crows map.
- Fixed an issue that caused the players to get stuck when interacting with a totem at the top of the Coldwind Farm hills.
- Fixed an issue that caused a generator in Eyrie of crows to not be able to be repaired from one side.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Nightmare’s Dream World appearing too dark in Raccoon City map.
- Fixed an issue that caused one hook in front of the Rancid Abattoir can’t be sabotaged.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Ormond Map being darker.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Spirit’s hair to disappear before the rest of her body when she phase in and out.
- Fixed an issue that caused breakable wall’s debris to float when getting destroyed by Nemesis in Eerie of crows.
- Fixed an issue that caused a desync for the Trapper when dropping a survivor while stepping into a bear trap.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Grim Embrace perk not to block already blocked generators even if the block duration would be longer.
- Fixed an issue that caused the blessing sound to continue playing after a survivor is interrupted while blessing a totem.
- Fixed an issue that caused the dissolving SFX of Victor when dying or being crushed to sound muffled.
- Fixed an issue that caused the countdown for the Built to Last perk to deactivate when a different survivor exits a locker.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Premonition perk not to activate when looking in the direction of the killer.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Hex: Blood Favor perk to activate when a survivor is sacrificed or killed.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Cannibal’s power to recharge superfluously after reaching the maximum number of charges.
- Fixed an issue with the Loadout menu title appearing incorrectly as “Inventory”.
The Nurse
Several issues affected the Nurse’s power that required a large part of the code supporting her, especially the networking, to be re-done, which is what we did in this release. This allowed us to fix the following issues.
- Fixed an issue that rarely caused the Nurse not to be able to trigger a blink.
- Fixed an issue that may cause a blink started right when the charge is ready or when fatigue starts to be cancelled.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse’s vault to be slower than intended.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse to go into fatigue after the stun when stunned during a chain blink. Now she will only go through the stun.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Nurse to get stuck when blinking into a pallet dropped during the blink.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Nurse’s animations to briefly be static after interrupting a Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse to be unable to blink through some hills.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Nurse to sometimes fall out of world after blinking.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Nurse to become stuck when a Survivor disconnects while being interrupted.
- Fixed an issue that made it possible for the Nurse to use the Return Blink ability during fatigue when equipped with the Jenner’s Last Breath add-on.
- Fixed an issue that caused the blink charge sound to be heard even if no charge is added after hitting a Survivor after a blink when using the Spasmodic Breath add-on.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Nurse to be able to do a slash attack while charging a chain blink.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse to be able to climb on chests and small assets after blinking.
- Fixed an issue that caused an overlapping between the winding SFX and the Fatigue State SFX when the Nurse is Stunned by a Pallet after a Blink.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Nurse’s hand not to appear for spectators cycling through spectated players during a blink.
- Fixed an issue that caused a stutter during the Nurse’s post blink animation when turning the camera.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 5.4.2
- Release date: December 15th 2021 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Improved performance when The Artist uses all of the Dire Crows at once
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with the Resolution percent slider not changing the resolution on Low/Medium quality.
- Fixed a string not localized in the Character Info screen.
- Fixed an issue in the Settings screen where the language selection menu could overlap with Tabs.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Lament Configuration SFX and VFX to stop playing when the Cenobite interrupts or down a survivor holding the box.
- Fixed an issue that caused a one way collision at the top of the basement stairs in the main building of the Suffocation Pit.
- Fixed an issue that caused Killers to get stuck in a tree by falling onto it from a climbable rock in Eyrie of Crows.
- Fixed an issue that caused Killers not being able to kick a side of a generator next to a rock on Grim Pantry.
- Fixed an issue that caused crow swarms to spread to some Survivors incorrectly when The Artist used the Severed Hands add-on.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Prowler achievement to only track progress when playing The Artist.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Thrill of the Hunt not to regain a token when a cleansed Hex: Pentimento totem is rekindled.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Corrective Action perk to consume tokens when assisting survivors succeed skill checks.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Cenobite Mori to loop invisibly for female survivors.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nemesis’ footsteps to double-trigger while Tentacle Strike Charge.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Spirit’s new chase music from playing for Killers.
- Fixed an issue for Bone Chill event where Survivors could get stuck after interacting with specific Snowmen locations on the Raccoon City Police Station map.
- Fixed an issue that caused the remaining generators not to have the repaired lights and SFX after the generators required to power the exit gates have been repaired.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Hex: Ruin regression sparks to appear when a generator is actively being repaired.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Cannibal to gain tokens every time the chainsaw is revved when equipped with the Irridescent Flesh add-on.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 5.4.1
- Release date: December 7th 2021 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused the Crow Food archive challenge not to gain progress.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Sprint & Slash archive challenge not to gain progress.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Beast Awakens archive challenge not to gain progress.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to surpass the Blight turn rate limits by using frame rate limiting software.
- Fixed an issue that allowed survivors to complete the opening of the hatch when put into dying state
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the Oni and Spirit’s hair to disappear during the intro pan.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Artist’s Crows’ aura to remain visible after downing a Survivor who was repelling crows
- Fixed an issue that caused the damaging crows not to be counted as protective hits
- Fixed an issue that caused Corrective Action not to consume a token when another Survivor failed a skill check
- Fixed an issue that caused the New and Sale badges to not disappear after clicking the Store buttons.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the killer player from hearing a boon totem being blessed.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the boon totem blessing SFX from looping correctly.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Survivors to be picked up at a corner near the Exit Gates in Autohaven Wreckers.
- Fixed an issue that caused missing Thai accents and punctuation in the Subtitles Settings text.
- Fixed several texts exceeding the button size in the Game Manual in some languages
- Fixed an issue with the hook 3D model remaining visible in Play as Killer when switching from an empty charm slot to a Killer cosmetic slot in the Lobby.
- Fixed an issue that caused the spotlight to be delayed when fully repairing a short pole or yellow generator
- Fixed an issue that cause the black ink VFX to be missing from the survivor’s eyes and mouth when getting Mori’ed by the Artist.
- Fixed an issue that caused Coup de Grace to get too many tokens
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 5.4.0 (Portrait of a Murderer)
- Release date: November 30th 2021 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Added a new Killer – The Artist
- Perks – Grim Embrace, Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance, and Hex: Pentimento
- Added a new Survivor – Jonah Vasquez
- Perks – Overcome, Corrective Action, and Boon: Exponential
- Added a new map – Eyrie of Crows
- Loadout and Customization menus now have Page Markers
- Markers include the number of the page
- Markers can be directly selected to jump to the desired page
- Added a New/Sale badge to the Store
- Added Subtitles to the HUD
- Can be toggled in the options
- Only applies to in-game speech (just The Trickster at this time)
- Re-enabled location restriction when snuffing Boon totems
- Updated the character portraits for Meg, Dwight, Adam, and Laurie.
- Updated the character background images in the Character Info and Store menus for Quentin, Feng, Kate, David, Jake, Nea, Adam, Meg, and Dwight.
- Added input prompts for the Anti-Hemorrhagic Syringe, Styptic Agents, and Glass Beads add-ons
- The Store DLC Purchase Popup now specifies the character associated with exclusive items
Cenobite Addon Update
- Add-on – Liquified Gore
- Decreased solving time modifier to 1 second (was 2 seconds)
- Add-on – Torture Pillar
- Decreased Chain Hunt activation time to 5 seconds (was 10 seconds)
- Add-on – Larry’s Remains
- Decreased solving time modifier to 2 seconds (was 4 seconds)
- Add-on – Chatterer’s Tooth
- Increased Undetectable status to duration 25 seconds (was 12 seconds)
- Add-on – Engineer’s Fang
- Added effect: When hitting an injured Survivor with a possessed chain, only 1 additional chain will spawn
- Add-on – Iridescent Lament Configuration
- Increased range to 24 meters (was 16 meters)
Dev Note: The Cenobite has been overperforming since he came to DbD. These addon changes are intended to bring his five best performing addons more in line to reduce his overall power, accompanied with a buff to his worst performing addon.
- Optimized The Spirit’s performance
Dev Note: The Spirit has the largest impact on performance of any Killer, technically speaking. These performance optimizations should help alleviate that on all platforms.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the broken Game Manual tab on the Tutorial screen.
- Fixed an issue that allowed survivors to consume other survivor’s Clairvoyance perk.
- Fixed an issue that caused blessing a totem not to disable Decisive Strike.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Clairvoyance perk not to be deactivated when speared.
- Fixed an issue that caused Boon Totem vignettes to disappear when moving between overlapping Boon ranges.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Boon Totem vignette to linger when the survivor who applied a Boon leaves the match.
- Fixed an issue where skill checks would be absent when self-healing with the Self-Care or Boon: Circle of Healing.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the sound notification for the 4th generator completed not to trigger.
- Fixed an issue that may cause items, including medkits and toolboxes, with charge modifier add-ons to only apply 99% of their charge.
- Fixed an issue that caused a hitch to occur at the end of vaults with the Legion.
- Fixed an issue that caused Hag traps set in the Asylum’s entrance not to get triggered.
- Fixed an issue that let The Nightmare place Dream Snares which would not be seen from below on top of stairs.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Afterpiece Tonic gas not to match the affected area when the bottle explodes high above ground level.
- Fixed an issue that may cause survivors to be attacked by the Chain Hunt while they are solving the Lament Configuration.
- Fixed an issue that caused a placeholder icon to be seen when affected by another player’s Leader perk.
- Fixed an issue that caused a gun SFX to be heard when entering into the tally screen as The Deathslinger.
- Fixed an issue that caused non-lethal interruptions not to grant progress towards the Quick Draw achievement.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the camera in the Killer lobby to be off center.
- Fixed an issue that may cause a hitch to occur after vaulting when using the Lithe perk.
- Fixed an issue that may cause a hitch to occur when unhooking a survivor or entering a closet.
- Fixed an issue that may cause The Cannibal to lose the ability to use his power after getting stunned.
- Fixed an issue that caused clients de-synchronizations after running in the main buildings of various maps (Yamaoka, Macmillan, Ironwork of Misery, Coal Tower).
- Fixed an issue that caused archives progress to be shareable between different accounts by switching accounts in the main menu.
- Fixed an issue that caused the end game music to stop playing after using the Legion’s Feral Frenzy.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Mori music not to play for killers playing the Nemesis.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the wrong VFX and SFX to play when a Hex Totem was destroyed by a survivor.
- Fixed an issue that prevented a Gateway’s SFX from stopping after it is closed while playing against The Cenobite.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Chainsaw SFX from playing after The Cannibal’s Tantrum impacts an object.
- Fixed an issue that prevented repair sfx from playing when repairing generators in the Survivor tutorial.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Survivor to crawl into a corner near a totem to prevent being picked up by the Killer in the main building of Yamaoka Family Residence.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Survivor to get on top of some cars near the Azarov Office.
- Fixed an issue that caused a crouching Survivor get stuck near the stairs of one of the house in Dead Dawg Saloon.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors and Killers to climb on top of a cart near the gallows of Dead Dawg Saloon.
- Fixed an issue that caused Killers to be unable to walk through a doorway on RPD if the hatch spawned in that location.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Survivors to not interact with one of the Nightmare’s clocks in RPD map on XSX only.
- Fixed an issue that caused the “health line” visual in The Nemesis’s power effect behind the Survivor HUD portraits to disappear.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to remain stuck in the result screen after a game.
- Fixed an issue that caused a wireframe to be visible on Survivors on some platforms.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 5.3.2
- Release date: November 2nd 2021 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Boon Totems
- Disabled an animation restriction that caused many boon totems to be unsnuffable by the killer due to the placement of the totems
Dev Note: We intend to re-enable this in a future patch, once we have had time to locate and reposition all offending totems so that they play nice. This will result in some totems being snuffable through collision, but we are erring on the side of caution to ensure that all totems can be snuffed by the killer until then. Enjoy it while it lasts, Killer Mains!
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused the archive widget to appear without any challenge selected when there would be a challenge selected in the tome page.
- Fixed an issue that caused the purchased survivor to be unlocked and no Auric Cells to be spent after getting a “Purchase Failed” error in the store.
- Fixed an issue that caused the player to be able to level up two character Bloodwebs at the same time.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors using the Clairvoyance perk to be able to push other players.
- Fixed an issue that caused the interaction bar not to become red when blessing a hex totem.
- Fixed an issue that may cause reverse bear traps installed by the Pig’s Video Tape add-on not to kill survivors when the timer runs out.
- Fixed an issue that may cause survivors to be unable to move when a generator is completed when the Pig has the Video Tape add-on equipped.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Adrenaline perk not to trigger if the Survivor was not eligible to receive the effect when the exit gates are powered.
- Fixed an issue that caused the grass and foliage to become partially black as players walk through.
- Fixed a potential wrong active node state in the Archives.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors repeatedly scream when crouching while being puked on.
Switch only:
- Fixed a text overlapping issue in the Keybinding menu.
- Fixed a performance issue in docked state by deactivating the menu movement when moving the cursor.
- Fixed an issue that could cause an excessively long / infinite loading screen.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 5.3.1
- Release date: October 26th 2021 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Perk – Clairvoyance: Added the Hatch to the auras revealed. The Hatch aura is only visible after The Hatch has spawned.
- Perk – Dead Hard: Added hit validation
- The Midnight Grove Event – Selecting a Halloween challenge involving the event pumpkins will cause pumpkins to react to your presence.
Dev note: Previously, Dead Hard’s invulnerability was calculated on the Killer’s client, which led to survivors needing to anticipate the killer’s swing to an unreasonable degree in order for it to work. With hit validation, the server will decide if the hit would have landed and reject it if Dead Hard was active without relying on the Killer’s client.
Bug Fixes
- (Steam, Windows Store, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S|X) Tentatively fixed an issue which could cause players to get stuck in an infinite loading screen
- Fixed an issue that caused Halloween pumpkins not to rotate to face the player.
- Fixed an issue that caused Halloween pumpkins not to appear lit when a related challenge is active.
- Fixed an issue that caused Halloween hooks’ auras not to be orange when viewed by survivors.
- Fixed an issue that caused the haste timer not to function properly when having haste both from the Halloween pumpkins and from the Clown’s Afterpiece Antidote.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the game to crash when using the Boon: Circle of Healing perk.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Boon: Circle of Healing perk to give the Self Care prompt.
- Fixed an issue that caused the heal speed not to be adjusted when a medkit runs of charges when self healing with a medkit within the range of Boon: Circle of Healing.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Clairvoyance perk to remain activated when used while being healed and holding an item.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Spirit to be able to teleport to a destroyed husk when using the Wakizashi Saya add-on.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Life Giver archive challenge not to gain progress when gaining health from the Adrenaline, For the People, Resurgence, Second Wind, or Solidarity perks.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Appeal to Heal archive challenge not to gain progress when consuming a medkit by using the Styptic Agent or Anti-Hemorrhagic Syringe add-ons.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Power Struggle perk not to reliably stun the killer since the same side pallet stuns were removed.
- Fixed an issue in the cosmetic icons where Jonathan Byers’ head would appear distorted in his outfit and torso icons.
- Fixed an issue that caused users to be able to change a Daily Ritual multiple time by restarting the application after removing a Daily Ritual.
- Fixed an issue that caused Players to sometimes load into trials with little to no lighting.
- Fixed an issue that caused some hatch spawns on Midwitch Elementary can not be opened with a key.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Survivors can’t be picked up in crevasse on Lery’s Memorial Institute.
- Fixed an issue that caused the First to the Punch achievement not to gain progress when a survivor is downed other than by a basic attack. It now gains progress whenever a survivor is downed next to a pallet, no matter the reason.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Humanitarian achievement not to gain progress when unhooking a survivor with the Borrowed Time perk.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Cenobite to appear inside of the ground when teleporting to a survivor solving the Lament Configuration on the top level of the maze in the Pale Rose map.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Twins’ Drop of Perfume add-on’s oblivious range not to be affected by other add-ons affecting Victor’s Shriek radius.
- Fixed an issue that caused Victor’s alert range not to be affected by other add-ons affecting Victor’s Shriek radius.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to be able to use the Dead Hard and Balanced Landing perks at the same time.
- Fixed an issue that caused the 5th Killer Instinct VFX “tick” to not appear if a Survivor affected by Killer Instinct is behind an asset.
- Fixed an issue with various totem locations which caused the Killer to be unable to snuff them.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 5.3.0 (Hour of the Witch)
- Release date: October 19th 2021 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- System to support event content within The Archives
- Added a new Survivor: Mikaela Reid.
- Updated the Character Select portraits for several Survivors. (David, Jake, Nea, Kate, Quentin, and Feng)
- “The Midnight Grove” Halloween limited-time event (starts Oct. 21st 11AM ET)
- Tome IX of The Archives (starts Oct. 20th 11AM ET)
- Item and Add-on descriptions have been rewritten
- “Considerably” and other vague terms have been replaced with number values
- Added in reminder text for Status Effects: Any Add-ons that trigger status effect also include a brief description on the status effect
- The hatch will now only appear when one survivor is left alive
- Survivors can open the hatch after it has been kicked shut by using a key
- Key interaction takes 2.5 seconds, and does not lose progress when interrupted
- The achievement “Where Did They Go!?” has been changed to “The Key to Escaping”
Developer notes: The hatch change is effectively the much asked for Key nerf in disguise, preventing survivors from escaping a trial prematurely. It is also intended to reduce situations where survivors would camp the hatch, waiting for their teammates to die so they could escape.
The Trapper
- Base trap carrying capacity and starting traps increased to 2 (was 1)
- Trap aura color changed from red to white to be consistent with other killer object auras
- The number of traps spawned on a given map is now always 6 (was random 4-6)
- Add-on – Trapper Gloves: Setting speed bonus increased to 30% (was 20%)
- Add-on – Wax Brick: Trap escape modifier removed. Added effect: 33% increase to rescue and escape time. Rarity decreased to Uncommon (was Rare)
- Add-on – Trapper Bag: Reduced number of additional traps to 1 (was 2). Rarity increased to Rare (was Uncommon)
- Add-on – Secondary Coil: Increased trap disarm time to 50% (was 43%)
- Add-on – Fastening Tools: Trap escape modifier removed. Added effect: 25% increase to rescue and escape time. Rarity decreased to Rare (was Very Rare)
- Reworked Add-on – Oily Coil: When resetting a Bear Trap, reveal the aura of the most recent Survivor to disarm it for 5 seconds
- Reworked Add-on – Trapper Sack: Bear Traps are carried at the beginning of the trial instead of spawning on the map. Bear Traps cannot be picked up
- New Add-on – Bear Oil: Setting a Bear Trap is silent
- New Add-on – Makeshift Wrap: The Trapper cannot be caught by his Bear Traps. The Bear Trap will be disarmed if The Trapper steps on it
- New Add-on – Coffee Grinds: Gain a 5% Haste status effect for 5 seconds after setting a Bear Trap
- New Add-on – Lengthened Jaws: Bear Traps inflict Deep Wound on Survivors
- New Add-on – Tension Spring: The Bear Trap resets 2 seconds after a Survivor escapes from it
- The following add-ons have been removed: Strong Coil Spring, Trap Setters, Logwood Dye, Setting Tools, Stitched Bag
- New Bear Trap SFX when using Padded Jaws add-on
Developer notes: The Trapper is DbD’s oldest killer, and he needed some love to bring him up to our modern standard of play. Many of these changes are focused around bringing him into line with how the rest of our Killers behave. Traps have been balanced to provide more consistent game experiences, and his add-ons have been overhauled to give a greater variety of options.
The Wraith
- Uncloaking speed boost duration reduced to 1 seconds (was 1.25 seconds)
- Add-on – All Seeing: Blood: Aura reveal range decreased to 8 meters (was 12 meters)
Developer notes: Recent buffs to The Wraith have made him a wee bit over powered, so these changes are intended to adjust two of the most obviously overpowered elements. We’ll continue monitoring how he performs, and potentially have more changes for him in the future.
The Hillbilly
- Add-on – Death Engravings: Added effect: Decreases heat generated while charging by 14%
- Add-on – Doom Engravings: Added effect: Decreases heat generated while charging by 14%
- Add-on – Mother’s Helpers: Charge speed bonus after being stunned increased to 18% (was 12%)
- Add-on – Tuned Carburetor: Charge speed bonus increased to 25% (was 20%)
- Reworked Add-on – Black Grease: Increases Chainsaw charge speed by 18% for 30 seconds after being blinded
- Reworked Add-on – Pighouse Gloves: While overheated, increases action speed by 20% when breaking pallets or walls, or damaging generators. While overheated, decreases duration of pallet stuns by 50%
Developer notes: The engraving add-ons are very popular with players, but the increased charge time means he generates significantly more heat for a full charge with these add-ons than without. A heat reduction modifier has been added to keep the amount of heat produced for one full charge constant, and we’ve also improved some underperforming add-ons to make them more enticing.
The Nurse
- Add-on – Torn Bookmark: Removed line of sight restriction. Added effect: Increases Blink recharge time by 50%
Developer notes: The line of sight restriction on Torn Book wasn’t terribly fun to play with, so we’ve replaced that a new downside which we feel is more in line with what players would expect.
The Shape
- Add-on – Memorial Flower: Rarity decreased to Common (was Uncommon)
- Add-on – Vanity Mirror: Removed speed penalty
- Add-on – Judith’s Tombstone: Speed penalty now only applies to Evil Within III
Developer notes: The rarity change to Memorial Flower brings The Shape in line with all our other killers in terms of add-on rarity distribution. Additionally, we have removed the movement speed penalties that prevented two add-ons from realistically enabling their intended play styles. Our condolences to players who used these add-ons for comedic purposes.
The Hag
- Add-on – Waterlogged Shoe: Increased speed bonus to 4.5% (was 2%)
Developer notes: Waterlogged Show was The Hag’s worst performing add-on, so we’ve given it a buff to help make it more viable. It will now make The Hag move at regular killer speed, 4.6m/s.
The Pig
- Add-on – Bag of Gears: Increased Reverse Bear Trap setting speed bonus to 50% (was 20%)
- Add-on – Crate of Gears: Decreased Jigsaw Box search penalty to 33% (was 43%)
- Add-on – Tampered Timer: Decreased Reverse Bear Trap death timer modification to 20 seconds (was 30 seconds)
- Add-on – Rule Set N.2: Decreased rarity to Rare (was Ultra Rare)
- Add-on – Amanda’s Letter: Jigsaw Box reduction removed. Aura reveal range increased to 16 meters (was 12 meters)
- Reworked Add-on – John’s Medical File: Increases crouched move speed by 6%
- Reworked Add-on – Razor Wires: Failing a Jigsaw Box skill check while uninjured will injure the survivor
- Reworked Add-on – Workshop Grease: Increases Ambush attack charge speed by 50%. Decreases Ambush attack miss cooldown by 25%. Increased rarity to Uncommon (was Common)
- Reworked Add-on – Last Will: Increases Ambush attack movement speed by 6%. Increases time to charge Ambush attack by 66%
- Reworked Add-on – Interlocking Razor: Failing a Jigsaw Box skill check while injured will inflict Deep Wound on the Survivor
- Reworked Add-on – Jigsaw’s Annotated Plan: Increases available Reverse Bear Traps by 1. Increases Reverse Bear Trap death timer by 10 seconds. Whenever a generator is completed, 10 seconds is removed from the death timer of all active Reverse Bear Traps
- Reworked Add-on – Jigsaw’s Sketch: Increases available Reverse Bear Traps by 1. When a Survivor with a Reverse Bear Trap is working on a generator, that generator’s aura is revealed to you
- Reworked Add-on – Video Tape: Survivors begin the trial with Reverse Bear Traps installed. Rarity increased to Ultra Rare (was Uncommon)
Developer notes: We are happy to announce The Pig is getting an add-on balance pass! We have replaced a number of underperforming or unpopular add-ons with new effects and increased the values on others to make them more effective. On the other end, Tampered Timer and Crate of Gears could sometimes be too strong (especially when combined) so their values have been reduced. The end result should be an add-on set that is overall stronger, more diverse, and more fun to play.
The Spirit
- While phase walking Survivors within 24 meters of The Spirit (not the husk) hear a directional audio cue that gains volume with proximity
- Add-on – Juniper Bonsai: Added effect: Increases Passive Phasing duration by 50%
- Reworked Add-on – Dried Cherry Blossom: Survivors trigger Killer Instinct when they come within 4 meters of The Spirit while she is phasing. Scratch marks are no longer visible while using Yamaoka’s Haunting
- Reworked Add-on – Wakizashi Saya: During Yamaoka’s Haunting, use the Active Ability button to return to the husk and end the haunting
- New Add-on – Mother’s Glasses: Survivors trigger Killer Instinct when they come within 2 meters of the husk. Scratch marks are no longer visible while using Yamaoka’s Haunting
- New Add-on – Uchiwa: Instantly recharges Yamoka’s Haunting when stunned by a pallet
- New Add-on – Senko Hanabi: When Yamaoka’s Haunting ends, The Spirit’s husk explodes and any vaults within 4 meters are blocked for 5 seconds
- New Add-on – Furin: The phasing sound is heard by all Survivors
- New Add-on – Kintsugi Teacup: Instantly recharges Yamaoka’s Haunting after breaking a pallet or wall
- The following add-ons have been removed: Bloody Hair Brooch, Dirty Uwabaki, Katsumori Talisman, Prayer Beads Bracelet, Father’s Glasses
- New Terror Radius music
Developer notes: The Spirit’s phase walking mind-games have evolved into something of a Kobayashi Maru. By adding some audio cues, it should give sharp survivors a chance to figure out what she’s doing and react accordingly. Along with this, we’ve replaced some of her more problematic / boring add-ons with new ones that should provide more varied options for potential playstyles.
The Plague
- If the power button is released early, Vile Purge will continue charging to the minimum threshold instead of cancelling and entering cooldown
- Vile Purge cooldown move speed increased from 2.3m/s to 3.6m/s
- Base object infection time increased to 40 seconds (was 35 seconds)
- Interacting with infected objects generates 2x more sickness over time than interacting with non-infected objects
- Time to cleanse at a fountain increased to 8 seconds (was 6 seconds)
- Add-on – Limestone Seal: Object infection bonus increased to 20 seconds (was 5 seconds)
- Add-on – Emetic Potion: Increased Vile Purge effectiveness bonus to 30% (was 25%)
- Add-on – Hematite Seal: Object infection bonus increased to 30 seconds (was 10 seconds)
- Add-on – Infected Emetic: Decreased Vile Purge effectiveness bonus to 40% (was 50%)
- Add-on – Ashen Apple: Removed object infection duration modifier. Added effect: Increases the number of Pools of Devotion in the trial by 1
- Add-on – Rubbing Oil: Reduced Vile Purge charge speed bonus to 50% (was 100%)
- Add-on – Exorcism Amulet: Increased Corrupt Purge duration bonus to 10 seconds (was 6 seconds)
- Add-on – Devotees Amulet: Increased Corrupt Purge duration bonus to 20 seconds (was 8 seconds)
- Add-on – Black Incense: Decreased survivor aura reveal duration to 3 seconds (was 5 seconds)
- Add-on – Iridescent Seal: Removed speed penalty while holding Corrupt Purge
- Reworked Add-on – Prayer Tablet Fragment: Vile Purge no longer affects Survivors. Increases object infection duration by 40 seconds. Increases infection from infected objects by 100%. Increases Devious Bloodpoints by 100%
- Reworked Add-on – Olibanum Incense: Survivors who cleanse at fountains have their auras revealed for 4 seconds
- Reworked Add-on – Prophylactic Amulet: Decreases the number of Pools of Devotion in the trial by 2
- Reworked Add-on – Incensed Ointment: Ingesting the corruption at a Pool of Devotion causes all Survivors within The Plague’s Terror Radius to scream and reveal their locations
- Reworked Add-on – Vile Emetic: Increases velocity of vomit projectiles by 10%
Developer notes: These changes are intended to be a general buff and to enhance quality-of-life for The Plague. It was far too common for players to attempt a quick purge only to accidentally release the charge a fraction of a second too early and unintentionally end up in cooldown, so we’ve changed the behaviour of early releases to charge to a minimum threshold instead of going on cooldown. We have also buffed the options for focusing on infecting objects during the trial, with infected objects now increasing infection faster than non-infected ones.
The Deathslinger
- The Deathslinger must now wait for the Enter Aim animation to complete before being able to fire (0.4 seconds)
- The Deathslinger must now wait for the Exit Aim animation to complete before being able to attack (0.6 seconds)
- Increased movement speed when aiming down sights to 85% (was 75%)
- The cooldown when a survivor breaks free is now the same duration as a successful hit cooldown
- Increased terror radius to 32 meters (was 24 meters)
- Add-on – Gold Creek Whiskey: Removed movement speed penalty
- Add-on – Marshal’s Badge: Removed movement speed penalty
- Add-on – Iridescent Coin: Decreased range requirement to 12 meters (was 15 meters)
- Add-on – Wanted Poster: Decreased movement speed while aiming to 2.5% (was 10%)
- Add-on – Jaw Smasher: Decreased movement speed while aiming to 1% (was 5%)
- Reworked Add-on – Hellshire Iron: When a Survivor is speared, gain Undetectable. The effect persists for 10 seconds after the Survivor is no longer speared.
Developer notes: We were unhappy with how easy it was for players to “insta-scope” survivors, especially given how little counterplay this had for survivor players. To combat this, The Deathslinger now has minimum enter / exit times when aiming down sights before being able to shoot / attack normally. We have also adjusted the stun when survivors break free to be the same as a successful hit, giving players a choice to break the reel early in exchange for losing out on the damage / deep wound. Wanted Poster and Jaw Smasher are to account for his new base movement speed while aiming: When stacked The Deathslinger moves at ~3.9m/s, which is very close to Survivor move speed of 4.0 m/s.
The Ghost Face
- Night Shroud recovery time decreased to 24 seconds (was 30 seconds)
- Add-on – Walleye’s Matchbook: Decreased Night Shroud recovery modifier to 2 seconds (was 4 seconds)
- Add-on – Olson’s Address Book: Decreased Night Shroud recovery modifier to 3 seconds (was 6 seconds)
- Add-on – Chewed Pen: Decreased Night Shroud recovery modifier to 4 seconds (was 8 seconds)
Developer notes: Player feedback about Ghost Face’s add-ons was very clear: decreased recovery time was more appealing than any other option. In light of this, we have ‘baked in’ roughly half the effect of these add-ons to encourage a wider variety of selection.
The Blight
- Add-on – Adrenaline Vial: Increased rush token recharge bonus to 1 second (was 0.75 seconds). Added effect: Increases Rushing speed by 10%
- Add-on – Summoning Stone: Increased pallet blocking range to 16 meters (was 12 meters). Increased pallet blocking duration to 15 seconds (was 6 seconds)
Developer notes: The add-on Adrenaline Vial is supposed to enable an alternate “straight line dash” playstyle for players interested in novelty. While it’s still unlikely to be stronger than baseline Blight play, increased movement speed and token recharge should make the alternate playstyle a bit more viable. Additionally, the values on Summoning Stone have been increased to better reflect the perk it is referencing (Hex: Blood Favor).
The Oni
- Add-on – Scalped Topknot: Reduced Demon Dash activation reduction to 0.5 seconds (was 1 second)
Developer notes: Easy one here, Scalped Topknot was over performing when used, so it needed an adjustment to bring it in line.
The Trickster
- Add-on – Ji-Woon’s Autograph: Decreased the reduction of blades required to 1 (was 2)
Developer notes: There was an error that caused Ji-Woon’s Autograph and Fizz-Spin Soda to bother reduce the blades required by 2, so we’ve reduced the power of the more common add-on.
Survivor Perks
The following perks have become General Perks, and their names have changed:
- Babysitter is now Guardian
- Camaraderie is now Kinship
- Second Wind is now Renewal
- Better Together is now Situational Awareness
- Fixated is now Self-Aware
- Inner Strength is now Inner Healing
Perk Balancing
- Vigil: Recovery bonus increased to 20/25/30% (was 10/15/20%). Added Broken, Exposed, and Oblivious to the status effects modified by the perk
- Guardian (formerly Babysitter): Added a 7% Haste status effect for the rescued survivor. Removed the Killer seeing your aura. Killer aura visibility for you increased to 8 seconds (was 4 seconds)
- For the People: Reduced the duration of the Broken status effect to 80/70/60 seconds (was 110/100/90 seconds)
- Windows of Opportunity: Increased effective range to 24/28/32 meters (was 20 meters). Removed cooldown after vaulting / dropping a Pallet
- Repressed Alliance: Generator repair requirement reduced to 55/50/45 seconds (was 80/70/60 seconds)
- Built to Last – Reworked: After hiding inside a Locker for 14/13/12 seconds with a depleted item in hand, 99% of its charges are refilled. Each use of Built to Last reduces the amount of charges refilled by 33%. Added stinger audio when item charges are refilled
- Any Means Necessary: Added effect: You can see the auras of dropped pallets
- No Mither: Grunts of pain reduction increased to 25/50/75% (was 0/25/50%). Added effect: Your recovery speed is increased by 15/20/25%
Developer notes: All of these perks have a low usage rate, low success rate, or both. They have all seen buffs to make them more appealing and more effective.
Killer Perks
The following perks have become General Perks, and their names have changed:
- Surge is now Jolt
- Mindbreaker is now Fearmonger
- Cruel Limits is now Claustrophobia
Perk Balancing
- Hex: Retribution: Oblivious condition changed to trigger from interacting with any type of totem (was just cleansing hex totems): Increased aura reveal time to 15 seconds (was 10 seconds)
- Hex: Blood Favor: Pallet blocking effect now triggers off survivors losing a health state (was basic attacks). Pallet blocking radius increased to 32 meters (was 16 meters). Pallet blocking is now centered around the survivor losing health. Cooldown has been removed
- Hex: The Third Seal: Blindness effect now triggers off basic attacks and special attacks (was just basic attacks)
- Hex: Thrill of the Hunt: Survivor penalty now applies to both Cleansing and Blessing actions (was just Cleansing). Penalty stacks increased to 8/9/10% per stack (was 4/5/6%). Maximum penalty increased to 40/45/50% (was 30%). Loud noise notification has been removed
- Fearmonger (formerly Mindbreaker): Now applies Exhausted and Blindness to survivors (was just Exhausted)
Developer notes: Hex: Retribution and Hex: Thrill of the Hunt have been adjusted to take the new Boon Totem perks into account. The other perks have been generally unpopular, so some buffs are warranted to increase viability.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Cenobite’s Lament Configuration to get stuck underneath pallets.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Cenobite to be able to chain a survivor without teleporting when starting the teleport just as the survivor solves the Lament Configuration.
- Fixed an issue that may cause survivors to be unable to move if the Cenobite attempts to teleport just as the survivor solves the Lament Configuration.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to cleanse a totem next to a cabinet in the Treatment Theatre map.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to cleanse a totem between a barrel and a box of crates in The Underground Complex map.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to cleanse a totem behind a staircase and log pile in the Dead Dawg Saloon map.
- Fixed an issue that caused the collision of the hatch to appear before the hatch itself.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Clown’s gas to dissipate quickly in any house basement.
- Fixed an issue that may cause a status effect’s icon to remain indefinitely on screen.
- Fixed an issue that caused stalking progress to jump upon ending the stalk when the distance to the stalked survivor changes.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors’ faces to distort when being unhooked by a survivor of the opposite gender.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to recoil back when failing the second skill check while using the Brand New Part add-on.
- Fixed an issue that caused the carrying music to continue playing when a survivor disconnects while being picked up.
- Fixed an issue that caused killers to clip through the ground when walking in the Tally screen.
- Fixed an issue that caused the auras of carried survivors to be revealed when using the Aftercare, Situational Awareness (formerly Better Together) and No One Left Behind perks.
- Fixed an issue that caused the aura of the survivor sent to a Cage of Atonement to be revealed when using the Iridescent Seal of Metatron Pyramid Head add-on.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors Laceration meter to continue to decrease for other survivors after they escape the challenge.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Alert perk not to reveal the Nemesis Tentacle Strike pallet action.
- Fixed an issue that caused the interaction prompt button icons on the HUD to not be affected by the Large Text Setting.
- Fixed an issue with the Buff Icon missing from the HUD whenever the Clown steps into a Antidote Gas Cloud and gains Haste.
- Fixed a Back button disappearance in the Search for Friends screen in 4k resolution.
- Fixed an issue where holding the backspace key to clear the chat didn’t work anymore.
- Fixed an issue that caused some of Claudette’s head icons to appear darker.
- Fixed an issue that caused bots to sometimes enter lockers while in the killer’s view.
- Fixed an issue that caused an error to sometimes occur while linking accounts.
- Fixed an issue that caused an error to sometimes occur while unlinking an unified account.
- Fixed an issue that caused “” to be displayed in the public match and tally chats instead when entering blank text.
- Fixed an issue that caused a pallet that can’t be vaulted near the main building in Wretched Shop.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Executioner’s sfx to be delayed when he plants his blade into the ground.
- Fixed an issue that caused a missing sfx during the chains animation when wearing the Chatterer outfit.
- Fixed an issue that caused the splash SFX to be muffled when a survivor is hooked at certain locations in the Springwood map.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to be able to use the Dead Hard and Sprint Burst sprints at the same time.
- Fixed an issue that caused the survivor’s voice to keep playing after the Cenobite’s mori.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to be able to walk over bear traps next to a window vault by spamming the vault button.
- Fixed an issue that caused the mori music not to play for the survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused zombies not to react to bubble indicators.
- Fixed an issue that caused the bonfire sound effect to be played on the Offering screen.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Cenobite’s music to be played despite being back in the default main menu.
- Fixed an issue that caused the new Spirit’s chase music to not be played on the Killer side.
- Fixed an issue that caused the default killer theme to overlap with The Shape’s Halloween theme in the main menu.
- Fixed an issue that caused the terror radius to not always be played when affected by the Discipline add-on.
- Fixed an issue that caused the carrying music to continue playing when a survivor disconnects while being picked up by the Killer.
- Fixed an issue that caused a generator that can’t be kicked by the killer in Hospital Map and Treatment Theatre.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Killer not being able to pick up Survivor in a specific corner in Dead Dawg Saloon.
- Fixed an issue that caused the generator in one of Midwich’s classrooms that can’t be repaired from one side.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors can’t be picked up near the fences and bushes in Lampkin Lane.
- Fixed an issue that caused a generator near one of Lery’s exit gate from being kicked on one side.
- Fixed an issue that caused Victor to fall out of bounds in a hole near the Exit Gate in Midwich.
- Fixed an issue that caused two pallets to spawn very close to each other in Badham Preschool IV near the big house.
- Fixed an issue that caused a generator in Grim Pantry not being able to be damaged from one side.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Killer to stand in a weird place on Crotus Prenn Asylum.
- Fixed an issue that caused Reverse Bear Traps that survivors start with at the begin of the match when the pig uses the Video Tape add-on not to activate properly.
- Fixed an issue with the Progression Available button disappearing in the Tally after coming back from the Spectate mode
- Fixed an issue that caused the “Beginner Mode” Setting not to affect the Score Categories Tooltips visibility on the Tally screen
- Fixed an issue causing a softlock when changing the Language in the Settings menu and immediately restore the Settings to Default
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors not to be able to move for a short while after stopping the Cleansing or Blessing actions.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Killer not to be able to do the Snuff action on some totems.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Oni’s Renjiro’s Bloody Glove add-on to reveal survivors for the entire match.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Trapper’s attacks to be cancelled upon stepping on a bear trap with the Makeshift Wrap add-on equipped.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Trapper to have an extra bear trap during the tutorial.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Thrill of the Hunt perk to display a loud noise notification when a survivor cleanses or blesses a hex totem.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Mettle of Man perk not to activate.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to become invisible after switching role in the custom game lobby while on the charm selection menu as Killer.
- Fixed an issue when players could change a Daily Ritual multiple times by restarting the application after removing a Daily Ritual.
- Tentatively fixed an issue when players would lose all of their characters progress after a save game error.
- Tentatively fixed an issue when occasionally the ready button wouldn’t work after an error pop-up in a survivor lobby.
- Fixed an issue that could cause incorrect press detection on the Onboarding menu buttons.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Tutorial objectives keyboard prompt icons from increasing with the large text setting.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 5.2.2
- Release date: September 21st 2021 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Reverted the pallet to the old visuals. The updated pallet will return in a future update.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused several Cenobite scoring events to incorrectly count as Bonus BP
- Fixed an issue with the Nemesis’ move speed while charging Level 3 Tentacle Strike
- Fixed an issue that caused the Survivor models in a lobby to not always reflect what the other Survivors selected.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to not always receive disconnection penalties when leaving a match as Killer.
- Fixed an issue that may cause a loss of momentum when changing directions during a lunge attack when playing as the Cenobite.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Cenobite’s chase music not to restart after using Summons of Pain during a chase.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Cenobite’s Lament Guardian score event to be counted in an incorrect category.
- Fixed an issue that caused a grunt sound effect to be played when switching to the Cenobite when spectating a custom game.
- Fixed an issue that a “generator completed” sound notification to play when switching between Victor and Charlotte or when switching spectated players.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Engineer’s Guild archive quest not to progress.
- Fixed an issue that caused two hooks too close to one another at the east stairs in Resident Evil map.
- Fixed an issue that prevented one side of a pallet in Gideon Meat Plant from being destroyed by the killer,
- Fixed an issue where the Cenobite’s Gateway SFX continues to play after triggering the attack.
- Fixed an issue that caused the chain hunt start notification sound to trigger when switching to a survivor’s perspective while spectating.
- Fixed several misaligned banners in the Store.
- (PC only) Fixed an issue with 4K resolution being enabled by default for some players, sometimes resulting in performance drop
- Fixed a possible softlock when spamming the ESC key during the Loading screen
- Fixed an issue with the Grade Reset popup not opening if the date changed while the Game is still opened
- Fixed a crash in the Tally screen related to the Season End Grade Reset
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 5.2.1
- Release date: September 20th 2021 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Clusters of Chains targeting the Survivor carrying the Lament Configuration during Chain Hunt will respawn as soon as the interaction is stopped if the Survivor does not complete the Solve interaction.
- Teleport interaction will prioritize a location on the same level as the Survivor solving the puzzle box.
- The Dead Dawg Saloon and Raccoon City Police Station maps have been re-enabled.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused Steam Family Share to no longer share DLC.
- Fixed an issue that caused Cross Progression between Steam and Stadia to no longer share DLC.
- Fixed and issue that caused DLC to disappear on PS4 and PS5 accounts.
- Fixed an issue that caused all survivors to hear the Chain Hunt starting notification sound when it starts only for the survivor holding the Lament Configuration.
- Fixed an issue that may cause chains to hit the Cenobite when creating a gateway too close to himself.
- Fixed an issue that caused the “Remove Chains” text to appear in english in all languages.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Cenobite to gain bloodpoints when hitting a downed survivor with his chains.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Lament Configuration to clip with the survivor’s hand when performing the Remove Chains action.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Gateway screen effect to remain when spectating the Cenobite while opening a gateway and switching to a survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused the player name not to change properly when switching to spectating the Cenobite while he possesses a gateway.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to be able to stun the Nightmare with a Dream Pallet.
- Fixed an issue that caused the killer to be unable to pick up survivors downed while working on one of the short sides of a generator.
- Fixed an issue that caused the killer to be unable to pick up a survivor downed while trying to enter an occupied locker.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Locked & Found challenge not to track depleted keys.
- Fixed an issue that caused progress towards the Punch Drunk achievement not to be tracked.
- Fixed an issue that caused Feral Frenzy, Shadowborn and Monitor & Abuse not to change the player’s FOV.
- Fixed an issue that caused the vault block duration to be incorrect for tier 1 of the Hex: Crowd Control perk.
- Fixed an issue that caused the item lost SFX to play when performing some actions in the tutorial.
- Fixed an issue that caused the item lost SFX to play when the Trapper places a bear trap.
- Fixed an issue that caused a red wireframe to appear after the Nemesis uses his Tentacle Strike.
- Fixed an issue where survivors could be seen loading into public lobbies a second time when equipped with a Legendary Outfit.
- Fixed an issue where entering the store from the Play as Killer screen would cause the killer to revert to the default outfit if the user bought an outfit for another killer.
- Fixed an issue where the Plague’s Foul Gown cosmetic effects were clipping into the camera when vomiting.
- Fixed an issue where a completed generator’s lights disappeared at certain camera angles.
- Fixed an issue where the Oni’s Fire Moon Warrior pattern would remain red when not in Demon Mode.
- Fixed an issue where the Clown’s speed vignette was yellow instead of purple when using the VHS Porn AddOn.
- Fixed an issue where the Cenobite’s Bloody Hook and Chain still appeared in the menu.
- Fixed an issue where the Cenobite’s blue outline would stay on screen when spectating him and switching to a Survivor.
- Fixed an issue where survivors can get blocked by the collision of a rock at the stone structure in Red Forest.
- Fixed an issue where there’s an invisible collision blocking the flow of a chase at any drops from the 2nd floor in Ormond.
- Fixed an issue where a Plague’s fountain collision prevents going up a set of stairs in Hawkins National Laboratory.
- Fixed an issue where one of the main hall generators doesn’t count toward Raccoon City Recruit.
- Fixed an issue where the survivors can use dead hard to jump over garbage bags in Haddonfield.
- Fixed an issue where a hatch in RPD cannot be opened with a key.
- Fixed an issue where survivors could escape the Trial by forcing collision with a rail near the stairs while healing another Survivor in the helicopter area of RPD.
- Fixed an issue where survivor can’t interact with one of the Nightmare’s clocks in Raccoon City Police Station.
- Fixed an issue where the killers snap on top of a sink when kicking a generator in RPD.
- Fixed an issue where there is an invisible collision for survivor and killer when falling off one side of a Hill.
- Fixed an issue where Claudette’s Patrol cap sinks inside her head while repairing generators.
- Fixed an issue where the chase music stops abruptly when killer interrupts survivor fixing a generator.
- Fixed an issue where a drop item sound was playing incorrectly in the killer tutorial.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 5.2.0 (Hellraiser)
- Release date: September 7th 2021 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Added an new Killer – The Cenobite
- Match Results – When players leave a Trial with a Limited Item (Example: The Nemesis’s Vaccine) they will now be notified that they do not get to keep it. It has been consumed by The Entity.
- Large Text Settings – The players can enable this option to enlarge all texts in the HUD, increasing readability.
- Skill Based Matchmaking will be enabled separately on September 8th at 11:00AM EDT.
- Visual Update of the Pallet
Grades and Grade Rewards
- Grades are replacing Ranks
- Grades are broken up into five groupings: Ash, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Iridescent
- Each grouping has four sub-groupings: IV, III, II, I
- Current Ranks will be translated into their corresponding Grade
- Rank 20 = Ash IV, Rank 19 = Ash III, Rank 18 = Ash II, Rank 17 = Ash I, Rank 16 = Bronze IV, etc.
- Grade Resets will happen on the 13th of each month, and all players will be reset to Ash IV for both Killer and Survivor, regardless of their previous Grade
- Bloodpoint rewards are given out when the reset occurs, based on your previous Grade
- It is no longer possible to lose enough pips to lose a Grade
The Nemesis Update:
- Movement speed while charging Tentacle Strike Tier 3 increased to 4.0m/s (was 3.8m/s)
- Shattered S.T.A.R.S. Badge effect duration increased to 60 seconds (was 30 seconds)
- Iridescent Umbrella Badge effect duration increased to 30 seconds (was 15 seconds, but was erroneously displayed as 12 seconds)
- Ritual of The Nemesis reduced to reaching maximum Mutation Rate one time (was 4)
- Various bug fixes and improvements to address performance issues on the Family Residence, Sanctum of Wrath and Midwich Elementary School.
- Blood Lodge and The Game maps are re-enabled
- Updated a variety of survivors hair and facial hair cosmetics.
Dev note: The Nemesis came out in a good state, but has been underperforming slightly in higher skill brackets. These players tend to hit Mutation Rate 3 more often, so a buff here should give him a slight boost at that level of play. Additionally, we have buffed two addons that were underperforming to make them more viable, and made the associated ritual less of a pain to complete.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused killers not to hear several sounds for survivors not currently visible on screen. This includes, but is not limited to, footsteps when using the Spirit’s phase walk.
- Fixed an issue that may cause a hitch to occur when using the Dead Hard perk.
- Fixed an issue that may cause Dead Hard’s invulnerability not to coincide with the dash effect.
- Fixed an issue that rarely caused survivors to keep some status effects, such as Lithe’s speed boost, for the remainder of the trial. The icon may now remain, but the effect will not be applied.
- Fixed an issue that caused bubble indicators not to appear for the Doctor when survivors reach a new madness level, scream while in tier 3 Madness, or fail Snap Out of It skill checks.
- Fixed an issue that caused the exit gates to be permanently blocked after Victor is removed if he pounces on a Survivor near the exit gate.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors not to be revealed by Killer Instinct when performing actions near Victor.
- Fixed an issue that caused teachable perks to not be unlocked after being bought in the shrine.
- Fixed an issue that caused bots to not always heal each other when next to a generator.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused survivor bots to get stuck in front of a killer blocking a vault point.
- Fixed an issue that caused player names containing a ‘#’ to get truncated in game and on the tally screen.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a wrong benevolent emblem to be assigned.
- Fixed an issue that caused the unbreakable set to be breakable by the cosmetics previews in the store.
- Fixed an issue that caused purchases to fail when buying multiple items in a row in the store.
- Fixed an issue that caused frame hitches when a generator is repaired.
- Fixed an issue that caused frame hitches when a survivor is healed.
- Fixed an issue that caused the hook count and the generator count to overlap each other when spectating a custom game.
- Fixed an issue that caused the pause menu to open and close constantly when holding the Escape key.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Tricksters’ charge indicator to carry over to other Killers after completing a match.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Prove Thyself icon to be displayed more than once in the HUD
- Fixed an issue that caused one hatch in the Treatment Theatre that can’t be opened with keys
- Fixed an issue that caused one side of generator cannot be repaired from Hawkins tile
- Fixed an issue that caused a survivor can remain stuck near one of the building in Dead Dawg Saloon
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse and Cenobite to teleport out of bounds on top of the basement in the east wing
- Fixed an issue that caused survivor to clip into the stairs when cleansing a totem found under the stairs in some rooms in the Underground Complex
- Fixed an issue that caused survivor to clip into the stairs when cleansing a totem found near the gallows in Dead Dawg Saloon
- Fixed an issue that caused survivor not being able to interact with one of the Nightmare’s clocks in Resident Evil map
- Fixed an issue that caused survivor to get stuck when cleansing a specific totem in the Disturbed Ward
- Fixed an issue that caused the Cow tree in the Farm map to have no collision and makes looping difficult
- Fixed an issue that caused an invisible collision for survivor and killer when falling off one side of a Hill
- Fixed an issue that caused the color of the pallet to be less vibrant
- Fixed an issue that caused loss of progress. Additional issues are still under active investigation.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 5.1.1
- Release date: August 10th 2021 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
The Trickster:
- Increased time before Laceration decay to 15s (was 10s)
- Increased maximum throw speed bonus to 30% (was 25%)
The Trickster’s performance is still lower than we want him after the 5.1.0 release, so we decided to add a bit of power in a few places. Chase dynamics are more interesting now that he has a short delay before Laceration decays but it was a bit too easy for him to lose partial progress toward damaging a Survivor, meriting an increase to the delay.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused clipping between two shelves in one of the preschool’s classrooms in Springwood map
- Fixed an issue that caused a generator in Lery’s memorial Institute not being able to repaired from one side
- Fixed an issue where the killer and survivor are able to get on top of a coal wagon using a rock and a pallet in the Suffocation Pit map
- Fixed an issue where there was an invisible collision near the hill close to the main building in Ormond map
- Fixed an issue where the killers can completely block access to one of Gideon’s hook
- Fixed an issue with the EULA screen Layout
- Fixed an issue that prevent EULA from being displayed in the tally screen
- Fixed an issue with the Spectate mode where the power gauge of some Killers were hidden
- Fixed an issue with the tooltip for cosmetics overlapping with other buttons
- Fixed an issue with some Tutorial Hud elements still visible in a regular Trial
- Fixed an issue with wrong icons displayed in the Hud for a very short time
- Fixed an issue where the Killers’ projectiles can pass through one side of the bed covers in Treatment Theatre
- Fixed an issue that caused the Blight’s Lethal Rush ability to consume Play with Your Food tokens.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Blight to be unable to move during the recovery animation after performing an attack at the end of a Lethal Rush.
- Fixed an issue that may cause killers to be unable to use their power if a survivor disconnects during the into camera pan.
- Fixed an issue that may cause killers to use their power instead of grabbing survivors.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Trapper’s Logwood Dye and Tar Bottle add-ons not to darken traps.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Spirit to be able to phase inside of hooked survivors.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Trickster’s blades to hit survivors while they are being unhooked.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Trickster to be able to land multiple hits with one knife when using the Cut Thru U Single and Edge of Revival Album add-ons together. Now each knife can apply at most one hit to each survivor.
- Fixed an issue that may cause position desyncs in the shower tile of the Treatment Theatre map.
- Fixed an issue that caused the hit marker VFX to stay on the Trickster’s knife after hitting a survivor with the Cut Thru U Single add-on equipped.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Demogorgon not to animate during part of the exit portal animation.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Counterforce perk to still show totem auras while affected by the Blindness effect.
- Fixed an issue that caused the camera not to follow female survivors when being sacrificed on a hook.
- Fixed an issue that caused some effects to be missing when female survivors are sacrificed on a hook.
- Fixed an issue that caused the camera to remain static during the Shape’s mori.
- Fixed an issue that caused multiple disconnects between legs and torso of Dwight Fairfield.
- Fixed an issue that caused Jill Valentine’s face to be distorted
- Fixed an issue where Laurie Strode’s “October Cardigan” clips through leg customization items
- Fixed an issue that caused The Deathslinger’s chest customization ‘Fish Market Overalls’ has the hand bandages floating to the sides when grabbing a survivor
- Fixed an issue that caused Yun-Jin Lee’s leg customization ‘Magnum Opus Denims’ have charms clipping into it
- Fixed an issue that caused The Deathslinger’s left hand to not be visible in first person view for “Fishy Target” outfit.
- Fixed an issue that caused the physics of The Spirit’s “Oceanic Robe” to be too intense or not intense enough.
- Fixed an issue that caused Jane Romero’s head customizations ‘Windswept Wonder’ and ‘Bohemian Wonders’ to have the chokers clipping into her neck
- Fixed an issue about Nea’s Cropped Top torso has clipping issue when used with several legs
- Fixed an issue that caused The Executioner’s rear to be too flat
- Fixed an issue that caused The Nurse’s Lamenting Saw to have the wrong texture and icon
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors Beard textures appear miscoloured when the game quality setting is set to “Low”
- Fixed an issue that caused the Legacy outfits to be too intense
- Fixed an issue that caused The Deathslinger’s weapon cosmetic “Anchored Harpoon” to have a PSI Gauge blocking the Killer’s view when aiming down sight
- Fixed an issue that caused user is returned with a ‘Purchase Failed’ error after attempting to buy Auric Cells on PS5
- Fixed an issue that caused The Deathslinger’s Anchored Harpoon to not be sold with the Fishy Target outfit
- Fixed an issue that caused Auric Cell purchases are failing on Stadia
- Fixed an issue that caused the equip button not to work properly in the Store
- Fixed an issue that caused The Nurse’s “The Ashen Lady” outfit to not remove VFX when deselecting the outfit from the customization tab
- Fixed an issue that caused sparks in the Treatment Theatre to be very bright
- Fixed an issue when trying to join a crossplay party with crossplay disabled
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to equip an incorrect outfit
- Fixed an issue that caused equipped outfit to not save
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 5.1.0 (Mid-Chapter)
- Release date: July 27th 2021 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Features & Content
- Settings Menu – Players will now be able to toggle some of the HUD elements on/off. These include: player names, the killer hook count, and the score events.
- Settings Menu – Players can now reset each category tab individually.
- Lobby – Added a new tooltip for the Store button when the Beginner Mode Tooltips are enabled.
- Lighting and material improvements on Hospital Map
The Trickster Gameplay Update
- Maximum Laceration is now 6 (was 8).
- Faster Laceration decay (full meter depletes in 15 seconds, 20 seconds if running)
- Shorter delay before Laceration starts to decay (now 10 seconds, was 20 seconds)
- Laceration removed upon successful basic attack now 3 (was 4)
- Main Event starts throwing knives 1 second sooner
- 30 knife hits required to activate Main Event (was 20)
- 30 second window to activate Main Event (was 10)
- New knife hit indicators have been added to show when knives connect with Survivors.
- Melodious Murder: Moderately decreases knives’ reload time at lockers.
- Fizz-Spin Soda: Smaller effect (starts at 2 knives thrown instead of 3; balanced with smaller maximum Laceration)
- Iridescent Photocard: When a Survivor’s Laceration Meter is two or less Blade hits away from the maximum, they are inflicted with the Exposed status effect.
- Death Throes Compilation: When Main Event ends, The Trickster’s knives are replenished.
- Lucky Blade: Hitting a survivor with a Blade during Main Event slightly extends its duration. (0.2s)
- Waiting for You Watch: Hitting a survivor with a Blade during Main Event moderately extends its duration. (0.3s)
Changes from PTB to Live:
- Now starts with 44 knives (was 60)
- Maximum knife rate of fire bonus after throwing 8 knives is 25% (was 33%)
- Trick Pouch: Adds 4 knives to inventory (was 10)
- Bloody Boa: Adds 8 knives to inventory (was 15)
- Knife hit indicators reduced in size.
- No Way Out: After hooking a Survivor for the first time, No Way Out gains a token. Once the exit gates have been powered, No Way Out activates.
- When a Survivor interacts with an exit gate switch, you receive a loud noise notification. The Entity then blocks both exit gate switches for 12 seconds, plus an additional 6/9/12 seconds for each token in your possession.
- Hex: Crowd Control: Effect now lasts 14/17/20 seconds (was 10/12/14 seconds)
Technical Updates
- The unhooking interaction now has higher priority than the Self-Care interaction. If injured, the prompt for unhooking will no longer be replaced with a prompt to self heal.
- When a Killer attempts to grab a Survivor, but the request is refused by the server (usually because the Survivor has stopped performing the interaction) the Killer will now automatically transition into an attack instead. In addition, achievement and challenge progress will be granted at the beginning of the grab attempt, regardless of whether or not the attempt is successful.
- Stun validation has been added to the hit validator. If a Killer has a pending stun on the server, the server will reject the hit. This will be most noticeably in situations such as a Killer who is attacking at the same time a survivor is throwing a pallet, and it should reduce instances where survivors appear to take damage after stunning a Killer.
- Effects that improve a Killer’s hearing, such as the perk “Stridor” or the add-on “Swing Chains,” will only be heard from the Killer’s perspective. Survivors will no longer hear themselves as louder when the Killer is running such effects.
- Effects that modify sound are now multiplicative rather than additive. This means that sounds that are reduced to 0%, such as injured noises by the perk “Iron Will,” will no longer be increased by perks such as “Stridor” and will instead remain at 0.
Tutorial Updates
- Added new tutorials for both Survivor and Killer.
- Menus now have tooltips. This can be turned off in the settings.
Survivor Visual Updates
- Updated the original outfits of Dwight, Meg, Jake and Claudette.
- Updated textures and materials on all Prestige outfits.
- Updated the facial models and textures of Ace, Adam, Claudette, David, Dwight, Feng, Jake, Kate, Laurie, Meg, Nea, Quentin and Tapp.
- Updated various hair textures on Ace, Adam, Claudette, David, Dwight, Feng, Jake, Kate, Laurie, Meg, Nea, Quentin and Tapp.
- Updated a variety of characters outfits, textures and materials.
- Updated and fixed a variety of context specific facial animations.
- Minor changes to a variety of new Survivor models based on PTB feedback.
- Removed the ability for the Plague to infect breakable walls.
- Reduced Nemesis zombie network usage.
- Keys with zero charges no longer can open the Hatch.
- The map offering for Raccoon City Police Department has been re-enabled.
- Implemented changes to prevent players modifying some in-game files (such as models, textures and images).
- A new Tome and Rift will be added to the Archives in the next few days
Bug Fixes
Gameplay & Performance
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Nightmare from slowing down while charging the “set snare” interaction.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the Blight from using his power after being stunned by a pallet while attacking.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the Clown’s gas from applying the Hindered effect to running survivors.
- Fixed an issue that could cause frame rate stuttering when playing as or against The Nemesis.
- Fixed an issue that could cause frame rate stuttering when using the Huntress outfit “The Mordeo”.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the perk “Built to Last” to trigger when a med-kit is consumed by activating the add-ons “Anti-haemorrhagic Syringe” or “Styptic Agent.”
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Demogorgon’s add-on “Red Moss” from correctly applying its slowing effect to the portal exit animation.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent survivors from being affected by the Clown’s blurring VFX when playing as Steve Harrington.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent certain VFX from displaying on a totem when a hex is transferred by the perk “Hex: Undying.”
- Fixed an issue with bot pathing logic that could affect performance in tutorial bot matches.
- Fixed certain level issues which could affect performance in Lery’s Memorial Institute.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Victor to remain stuck blocking a locker if the survivor inside it disconnects.
- Fixed an issue that could cause survivors to become desynchronized if they are being healed at the same time as they are sent to a Cage of Atonement.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players using the Nurse to pitch the camera up or down during the fatigue animation.
- Fixed an issue that prevented zombies from disturbing grass.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the “Exposed” effect from the Clown’s “Red Head Pinky” add-on to last indefinitely if the survivor does not move.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent downed survivors from spawning bubble notifications when screaming due to madness.
- Fixed an issue that caused hospital hooks to emit a fleshy sound effect when struck.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a delay before displaying the blocker VFX from the Blight’s “Summoning Stone” add-on.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Killers to have to reposition themselves in order to retry damaging a generator from the narrow side.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the add-on “Plaid Flannel” to briefly display the location of the previous blink.
- Fixed an issue that could allow the perk “Fixated” to affect crawling speed.
- Fixed an issue that could cause tokens for the perk “Fast Track” to be consumed when using the toolbox add-on “Brand New Part”
- Fixed certain issues with the perks “Prove Thyself”, “Autodidact” and “For the People” that could affect performance
- Fixed a loading issue that could occur on the initial interaction screen and cause the framerate to drop.
- Fixed an issue that caused Nemesis’ Tentacle Strike to hit survivors through some of the barred windows at the killer shack and other main buildings.
- Fixed an issue that allowed killers players to see the generator aura from the perk “Blast Mine” when playing as Victor.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the Spirit’s husk from being destroyed by flashlights when aiming at its head.
- Fixed an issue with the perk “Starstruck” that could cause survivors to exit and re-enter the terror radius to lose their exposed status rather than reset it.
- Fixed an issue with the perk “Blood Warden” that could prevent the entity spikes from appearing unless in close proximity.
- Fixed an issue that could allow Pyramid Head to skip his power cooldown by attacking at a certain time.
Maps & Collisions
- Fixed an issue that could cause Survivors’ legs to clip through the East Office Vaults in the Raccoon City Police Department.
- Fixed an issue that caused the path to be blocked by The Nightmare’s clock near the stairs in the Raccoon City Police Department.
- Fixed an issue that could allow the Nurse to blink out bounds in the Raccoon City Police Department.
- Fixed an issue that caused the survivor and killer to get stuck between two rocks near the near the Yamaoka’s exit gate
- Fixed an issue that could prevent downed survivors from being picked up in a specific location in the Underground Complex map.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent projectile killer from passing through certain planks.
- Fixed an issue that could cause an invisible collision in the stairs in Coal Tower.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Nightmare to not being able to place a dream pallet at a specific location on Mother’s Dwelling.
- Fixed an issue that caused some environment flickering while moving around certain maps.
- Fixed an issue that allowed bear traps to be placed under the snow inside the chair lift in Ormond Resort.
Animations & Cosmetics
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Trapper mask “Bronze Visor” to appear silver in the trial.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Ashley J. Williams to float temporarily after escaping a Killer’s grasp with the Ashy Slashy cosmetic equipped.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Jill’s crawling animation to play incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Wraith’s weapon to be invisible in the tally screen after a trial has ended.
- Fixed an issue that could cause keys, maps, and flashlights to use placeholder textures during bot match.
- Fixed an issue that could cause pallet to appear jittering.
- Fixed an issue that could cause survivors to play the wrong animation for hook struggle failure.
- Fixed an issue that could cause killer masks to clip through the camera during the level intro.
- Fixed an issue that prevented exit gate switches from playing the correct sound effects when struck by a weapon.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the privacy policy pop ups to playing the correct SFX on first boot and after revoking consent
- Fixed an issue that could prevent player names in the HUD from exceeding 32 characters.
- Fixed an issue with a possible desynchronization between the actual item sorting and the “Sort by” description in the customization menu
- Fixed an issue where player only receives bloodpoints for completing a tutorial bot match after a reboot.
- Fixed an issue that caused keys, maps and flashlights to use placeholder textures during the tutorial matches with the bots when only the first Chunk installed.
- Fixed an issue that could cause sync errors when trying to complete the survivor tutorial.
- Tentatively fixed an issue that caused wrong pips and ranks to be displayed after a public match.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the blood splatters behind health state icons in the HUD to disappear or appear with a lower opacity than intended.
- Fixed an issue with the analog cursor that sometimes disappeared in the Menus after completing a Trial
- Fixed a lot of Hitches when loading some Hud icons during Gameplay
- Various crash fixes
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 5.0.2
- Release date: June 29th 2021 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Performance Issues
This update contains a few changes that should improve performance for many players. That said, some performance issues still remain. The team is still actively working on more fixes across multiple platforms, including consoles. We will be monitoring the changes made within this bugfix patch for stability.
We’re hoping this update will also help performance on the Raccoon City Police Station map, but we want to ensure it is stable enough to be reinstated for live games. We will be monitoring how the map is doing in custom games with these new changes and provide you all with an update soon.
Thank you for your patience as we continue to work on further improvements to the game’s performance!
Switch Performance
We have reduced the overall visual quality on Switch to help improve performance. The game may still crash when played on the Raccoon City Police Station map, but less frequently. Rest assured, we are still working on ensuring that the new map does not crash on this platform.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that could prevent The Nemesis’s tentacle from appearing in the menu during his idle animation.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent downed survivors from being picked up when near certain walls or corners.
- Fixed an issue that could display the wrong Dwight’s head icon in a Tutorial Hud if a legendary outfit was equipped before starting the Tutorial
- Fixed an issue where no Player Statuses were displaying in Spectate mode
- Fixed an issue with the analog cursor speed in the Onboarding menu
- Fixed an issue in the Customization menu where multiple customization could remain highlighted as selected
- Fixed an issue where a synchronization error would sometimes occur when completing a Survivor tutorial.
- Fixed an issue where players could load into a public match through a custom lobby.
- Fixed an issue that would sometimes occur where players get a server connection error when opening their friends list.
- Fixed an issue where the cursor pointer would change to gamepad mode too early.
- Fixed an issue where completing a tutorial match with bots would cause customization and perks to be unequipped for all characters.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Nemesis’s Tentacle strike to hit the Survivor through some of the windows and main buildings.
- Fixed an issue where the generator cannot be repaired on one side in the Pale Rose.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a global flicker in the environment while moving around the maps.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a Zombie getting stuck on a collision at the entrance of the foundry in the Ironworks of Misery.
- Fixed an issue where players could walk on a pallet in Yamaoka map by climbing a rock.
- Fixed an issue where a cleansed totem skulls remain floating at the back of the truck in the Junkyard map.
- Fixed an issue where the Survivors can’t be picked up by the killer near the logs next to the Mother’s Dwelling building and the corner of Gideon Meat Plant.
- Fixed an issue that could cause crashes due to OOM (out of memory) issue.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 5.0.1
- Release date: June 22nd 2021 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that could cause The Nemesis’s tentacle to flicker when quickly cancelling the Tentacle Strike charge.
- Fixed an issue that prevented The Nemesis from interrupting survivors who are unlocking a supply case.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the perk Bite the Bullet to stay active after being healed by two Survivors that have this perk at the same time.
- Fixed an issue that could cause an incorrect walking animation to play for The Nemesis when in Spectator Mode in a Custom Game.
- Fixed an issue that caused the “Contaminate Survivor” score event to grant objective points instead of deviousness points.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the auras of generators to show the entity claws after the effect of the perk “Corrupt Intervention” ends.
- Fixed an issue that could cause The Clown’s bottles to seemingly pass through survivors from the survivor’s perspective.
- Fixed an issue that could cause The Clown’s bottle smoke VFX to be visible during the intro camera pan.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the player’s camera to briefly clip out of world as The Demogorgon when tunneling through the Upside Down from certain locations.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the killer theme from playing when selecting The Shape or The Nightmare.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the killer to become frozen in place if a Survivor disconnects while being carried.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the “collect” prompt to be displayed in English rather than the correct language.
- Fixed an issue that could cause pallets to seemingly disappear when the user moves their camera at a certain angle.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the tentacle to be missing from The Nemesis’s left hand during the camera pan at the start of the trial.
- Fixed an issue that could cause survivors to briefly assume an a-pose animation when rescued from the Cage of Atonement.
- Fixed an issue that could cause an invisible collision blocking the projectiles above an asset in Gas Haven.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent a generator from being repaired on one side in Hawkins map.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a trap to clips into the roof in one of the Lampkin Lane houses.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a Zombie to land mid-air in the Chalet’s map.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a killer not being able to pick up a survivor near the Grim Pantry human cage.
- Fixed an issue that could cause The Hag to hide Phantasm Traps on any grounded Virus Entity.
- Fixed an issue that caused some new settings to not be saved properly when playing on consoles.
- Fixed an issue that could cause some unbreakable outfits to be breakable.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Onboarding menu buttons to be unresponsive when the player switches account to play the game
- Fixed some localized Strings not properly translated in Thai in the Onboarding menu
- Fixed an issue in the Store where the text indicating that a character was locked behind the new Onboarding was cut off in multiple languages.
- Fixed a stability performance issue by improving the memory usage on the killer Nemesis.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Jonathan Byer’s face to appear distorted in lower quality settings.
- Fixed an animation-related issue that could cause a crash in the tally screen.
- Fixed an issue that could allow players to load into a public match through a custom lobby.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Ace’s hair to become offset when he starts repairing a generator.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent survivors from properly aiming the flashlight while simultaneously injured, contaminated and crouching.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Halloween theme to be missing when selecting The Shape in Play as Killer
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Nightmare laugh to be missing when selected him in the Play as Killer section
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Blazing Bat weapon of the Trickster to be missing its SFX
- The Raccoon City Police Station map has been re-enabled for custom matches while we continue to investigate certain stability issues.
- The RPD Badge offering has been temporarily disabled. It can still be collected in blood webs but cannot be equipped for trials.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 5.0.0 (Resident Evil)
- Release date: June 15th 2021 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Added a new Killer – The Nemesis
- Added two new Survivors – Jill Valentine and Leon S. Kennedy
- Added a new map – Raccoon City Police Station
- Improved Tutorials:
- New flow to make it easier to get into the Tutorial for new players
- New rewards for completing the Tutorial
- Tutorials now include single-player Tutorial Bot Matches to help teach the basics before venturing online!
- New players to the game will see more descriptive tooltips in the lobby and match results screens. Veteran players will continue to see the simplified tooltips. This setting can be toggled on/off in the Settings menu General tab.
- Settings Menu Update – Settings are now grouped in separate category tabs to make them easier to find.
- Some Legendary Outfits now display customized portraits in the HUD and names in the Lobby.
- Trapper Visual Update: New Mesh and Textures for Circus Strongman Blast Furnace and Trapper Based outfits and their variants
- Support for 5th Anniversary Event (Live Date: July 1st 11AM ET – July 15th 11AM ET)
- New Anniversary Event popup will trigger with the start of the event, summarizing what players can expect.
- More details to come!
- Demogorgon add-on “Lifeguard Whistle” now reduces detection range from the portal by 1 meter.
- Demogorgon add-on “Barb’s Glasses” bonus reduced to 15% (from 20%).
- Demogorgon add-on “Black Heart” bonus reduced to 15% (from 20%).
- Demogorgon add-on “Vermillion Webcap” bonus undetectable duration increased to 3 seconds (from 1 second).
- Demogorgon add-on “Rat Tail” bonus increased to 35% (from 25%).
- The perk “Franklin’s Demise” will no longer destroy items. Instead, it will drain charge from items over time and leave them empty.
- Increased the duration of the perk “Lucky Break” to 40/50/60 seconds (up from 35/40/45).
- Readjusted maximum turn rate per frame during Blight’s rush at large look angles.
Bug Fixes
Perks & Powers
- Fixed an issue that could cause fully regressed generators to remain highlighted in yellow when using the perk Surveillance.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the perk Insidious from deactivating when using the Spirit’s phase walk.
- Fixed an issue that could allow survivors to use emotes or drop items to prevent the Shape’s standing mori.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the Shape’s terror radius from properly updating while in Evil Within tier 3.
- Fixed an issue that could cause inconsistent behaviour when using The Nightmare add-on “Black Box.”
- Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause the terror radius to be heard when the Killer is affected by the Undetectable status effect.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Ranger Med-Kit item from increasing the size of great skill check zones.
Maps & Collisions
- Fixed an issue that could prevent access to the stairs on Temple of Purgation.
- Fixed an issue that caused a rock to be climbable in front of the entrance of the Chalet in Ormond.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the hatch in Fathers Campbell’s Chapel from being opened with keys.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent survivors from being up when downed near the pillars in Mother’s Dwelling.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent survivors from being picked up in Springwood Elementary.
- Fixed an issue that could cause survivors to become stuck in the vat drop in the Gideon Meat Plant when downed by a hatchet after vaulting.
- Fixed an issue that allowed the Killer to completely block the basement stairs in certain Coldwind Farm maps.
- Fixed an issue that allowed the Killer to pass over a pallet in Ormond by climbing a rock.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the Killer from entering the basement in Coal Tower.
- Fixed an issue that could cause survivors to become stuck in a log in the Pale Rose.
- Fixed an issue that could display incorrect lighting on crows in Coldwind Farm maps.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent survivors from repairing one of the sides of a generator in Midwich’s locker room.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent survivors from repairing one of the sides of a generator in Lery’s Memorial Institute.
- Fixed an issue that could allow the Nurse to blink behind the rubble blocking basement entrances.
- Fixed an issue that prevent the Killer from going up the ramp in Crotus Prenn Asylum.
- Fixed an issue that could allow survivors to vault through a closed window on the second floor in Lery’s Memorial Institute.
Animations & Customizations
- Fixed an issue with David King’s ‘Hard Headlights’ and ‘My Body, My Rules’ customizations. They created a noticeable gap in his torso when worn together.
- Fixed an issue with Nemesis’s default outfit that could cause him to become invisible.
- Fixed an issue with The Oni’s Demon’s End outfit that could prevent him from playing some of his lobby animations.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the fire effects in certain Oni outfits from stopping properly when changing outfits.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Yun-Jin’s Midnight Fashionista torso to clip with other leg cosmetics.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Yun-Jin’s Midnight Fashionista pants to clip with other torso cosmetics.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Yun-Jin’s arms to bend unnaturally when using the cosmetic Seoul Socialite.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Ash’s eyes to become distorted.
- Fixed an issue with The Nurse’s “Fluid Nightingale” outfit that could cause stretched textures when blinking.
- Fixed an issue with The Legion’s “New Year Shoplifter” outfit that could cause clipping and bunching issues.
- Fixed an issue that could cause survivor items to clip into their bodies when affected by Vile Purge.
- Fixed an issue that could cause survivor items to clip into female survivors when running while injured.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Clown’s bow tie to display an incorrect color.
- Fixed an issue caused Quentin’s Urban Style and Bloody Style vests to stretch incorrectly.
- Fixed an that could cause some floating skulls to remain after cleansing a totem.
- Fixed an issue that could cause certain character’s accessories to become covered in blood VFX after the Legion’s mori.
- Fixed an issue that could cause survivors to play an incorrect animation when picking up an item that after being hit by a killer using the perk Franklin’s Demise.
- Fixed an issue that could cause survivors wearing certain legendary outfits to be offset when carried by certain killers.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Oni to become stuck in the Demon Strike pose after being stunned.
- Fixed an issue that could allow some killers to clip into hooked survivors
- Fixed an issue that could cause the tally screen audio to become muffled when completing a trial while the Trickster’s Main Event is active.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Victor’s pounce audio to be muffled when jumping on the wooden planks above the Killer basement in the Slaughterhouse.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent survivors from hearing The Cannibal’s chainsaw rev if were looking away and further than 5 meters from him.
- Fixed an issue with the challenge Spread The Sickness in Tome VII, now this challenge says “Injure a Survivor 6 time(s) with Vile Purge or Corrupt Purge as The Plague”
- Fixed an issue that could allow a custom game to be started with only one Killer and one spectator.
- Various crash fixes
Switch Only
- Fixed an issue where if a user disables cross-play they will be unable to load in the Springwood maps.
Windows Store Only
- Fixed an issue that caused multiple assets to flicker
Japan Only
- Fixed an issue with the information pop-up not showing up properly when Auric cells expired.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 4.7.2
- Release date: May 19th 2021 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue which prevented scoring events from firing while struggling on the hook.
- Fixed an issue which prevented survivors from being picked up in a corner of the gas station car pile.
- Fixed an issue which prevented survivors from being picked up if close to certain basement walls.
- Fixed an issue which caused one hatch in Grim Pantry spawns above the ground.
- Fixed an issue which allowed Killers to completely block access to some Coldwind Farm basements.
- Fixed an issue which could cause the hook struggle prompt to display an incorrect skill check keybinding.
- Fixed an issue which could allow changing the selected Killer while searching for a match.
- Fixed an issue which could prevent accessories from remaining properly attached to the Hag’s mud phantasm while wearing certain outfits.
- Fixed an issue which could cause a desync for Killer players if a survivor disconnected while being killed.
- Fixed an issue which could cause the Deathslinger to become stuck in the reeling animation if a survivor disconnected after being shot.
- Fixed an issue which could cause the exit gates to spawn too close together on Rancid Abattoir.
- Fixed an issue which could cause a crash when exiting the survivor tutorial.
- Fixed an issue which caused the icon for the perk “Soul Guard” to start the trial lit.
- Fixed an issue which could cause “no network connection” errors while in the trial.
- Fixed an issue which could cause the Legion to visibly clip into pallets while vaulting them.
- Fixed an issue which prevented the time required for the “Wake Up” action from increasing for each use.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 4.7.1
- Release date: May 11th 2021 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Added a maximum turn rate per frame to the Blight’s rush for very high sensitivity input.
- Increased controller sensitivity and controller maximum turn rate for the Blight’s rush.
- The Huntress add-on “Wooden Fox” now triggers undetectable at the beginning of the reload interaction and its duration has been increased to 15 seconds
- Huntress ammo count is now updated at the end of the reload interaction.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused characters being sold with temporary discounts to not be purchasable with shards anymore.
- Fixed an issue that would cause survivor characters to emote when pressing Numpad 1 or Numpad 2 even if not bound to those keys.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a survivor to be unreachable if downed while unhooking another survivor.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent accessories from remaining properly attached to the Hag’s mud phantasm while wearing certain outfits.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the interaction progress bar from properly resetting to 0 when cancelling the seal portal interaction on the Demogorgon’s portals (visual issue only).
- Fixed an issue that could cause the wrong first person animation to play when playing the Twins and taking control of Charlotte.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent progress towards “Getting the Hang of it” when ranking up.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent survivors from being hit by the Deathslinger’s projectile while using a key.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Hag’s phantasm trap to display the aura of the Hag when placed in front of a generator.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the Nightmare from seeing survivor’s sleep immunity timers.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent a survivor’s right arm from bending correctly when holding a firecracker.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Nightmare to become permanently invisible from the perspective of a survivor being killed with a “mori” interaction if the action is cancelled before the animation begins.
- Fixed an issue that could cause motion blur when rotating characters in the store
- Fixed issues with the Trapper masks Worn Gaze, Redox Eyes and Iron Chuckles that prevented them from displaying properly.
- Fixed an issue that could cause held medkits, toolboxes or keys to clip with injured female survivor models while running
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the Nurse from blinking through the silo’s cap on the map Torment Creek.
- Fixed an issue that could cause an unreachable bear trap to spawn inside the ground in the silo on the map Torment Creek.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent flashlights from blinding killers when used through the windows of Thompson’s House
- Fixed an issue that could cause incorrect collision on the second floor of Father Campbell’s Chapel.
- Fixed an issue that could cause incorrect collision when falling off a hill in Mount Ormond Resort
- Fixed an issue that could prevent downed survivors from being picked up next to a specific haystack on Coldwind Farm maps
- Fixed a collision issue on the harvester in Coldwind Farm maps that could prevent characters from reaching the haybales from the ramp
- Fixed an issue that could prevent a window vault location from displaying properly in Léry’s Memorial Institute
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 4.7.0 (Mid-Chapter)
- Release date: May 5th 2021 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Tome VII
- Tome VII for The Archives will start tomorrow, May 5th, at 11AM ET.
- Rift fragments for Level Completion rewards will now increase per Level.
- The required amount of Player XP per Rift fragment has been reduced to 500 XP (from 800XP) for faster Rift progression.
- Settings menu: Replaced all checkboxes with text based steppers (with choices “ON”/”OFF”) to be consistent with similar setting interactions.
- HUD – Visual improvements to Killer Power indicators behind Survivor portraits:
- General: Bottom of these indicators are no longer covered by the Survivor portraits.
- The Doctor: Madness levels now have a distinct visual for each level.
- The Plague: Improved Sickness meter texture colours for colourblind players.
- The Nightmare: Increased brightness of the Dream World indicator.
- The Ghostface: Increased contrast on the Stalking meter.
Visual Update
- Visual Update for all Coldwind Farm maps.
The Doctor VFX Update
- Optimized Doctor VFX to improve performance.
- Reduced the intensity of the glitch and madness screen effects.
The Twins Post-Release Update
With this update, we’ve tried to widen the window for counterplay when attempting to down multiple survivors with Victor. Also, the Ultra Rare addons were underperforming and have had their bonuses increased.
- Charlotte can now rotate while waking up.
- Victor’s successful Pounce cooldown is 5 seconds (was 3 seconds).
- Victor can now move during the successful Pounce cooldown.
- Silencing Cloth grants Undetectable for 20 seconds (was 12 seconds).
- Iridescent Pendant inflicts Exposed for 30 seconds (was 12 seconds).
The Demogorgon Gameplay Update
The Demogorgon’s portals have been adjusted to be usable more frequently, traverse distance faster, and grant a bit more stealth. The base move speed when charging Shred has also been increased, and the bonus from add-ons decreased. Some portal/traversal add-ons also had their values reduced in light of the base stat improvements. The end result should be as strong, or stronger. We will continue to monitor the performance of these addons and adjust them in future patches as needed.
- Traverse the Upside Down cooldown: 10 seconds (was 14 seconds).
- Normal Traverse the Upside Down velocity: 20 m/s (was 17 m/s).
- Undetectable lasts 3 seconds after Traversing the Upside Down (was 2 seconds).
- Movement speed while charging Shred increased from 3.68 m/s to 3.86 m/s.
- Black Heart: Reduces cooldown time after a successful Shred attack by 20%.
- Rat Liver: +3.5% movement speed while charging Shred (was 9% but end result is unchanged due to increased base move speed).
- Rat Tail: +25% action speed while opening a portal (was 50%).
- Rotten Pumpkin: When traversing the Upside Down, the portal you enter is destroyed, blood points earned.
- Barb’s Glasses: Slightly increases Shred recovery speed when breaking a pallet.
- Rotten Green Tripe: Increases Killer movement Speed while traversing the Upside Down by 15% (was 25%).
- Sticky Lining: increases the radius in which Survivors can be detected by Of the Abyss by 2.5m (was 1.5m).
- Brass Case Lighter: Inflicts 60 seconds of Blindness (was 45 seconds).
- Deer Lung: Increases Upside Down traversal speed by 40% (was 30%), now reduces portal count by 2.
- Eleven’s Soda: Shows yellow Auras for Generators being repaired while traversing the Upside Down.
- Thorny Vines: Seal time +10% (was 14%), detection radius 1m (was 1.5m).
- Lifeguard Whistle: Survivors near activated Portals are indicated by Killer Instinct without having to charge Of the Abyss.
- Unknown Egg: Reduces power recovery time after traversing the Upside Down by 1.5 seconds (was 2.5 seconds).
- Leprose Lichen: Survivor auras remain for 3 seconds after emerging from a portal.
- Red Moss: When traversing the Upside Down, The Demogorgon emerges from the target portal silently but more slowly.
The Nightmare Gameplay Update
The Nightmare has been overperforming for some time, and his game slowdown addons were still causing more frustration than we would like. These have been removed and replaced with new effects based on Survivor sounds in the Dream World. We’ve also made adjustments to penalize spamming snares in chase and reduced the total number of traps that can be active at once, but the expect the core gameplay experience to remain intact.
- Move speed now adjusted to 4.0 m/s while charging a Dream Snare.
- Dream Snare charges reduced to 5 (was 8).
- Dream Pallet charges reduced to 7 (was 10).
- Using a clock to wake up prevents falling asleep for 30 seconds; this includes when getting hit by Freddy.
- Added a new Killer Power visual behind the Survivor portraits to indicate the 30 second sleep immunity timer.
- Black Box: When a Gate is opened, the Entity blocks it for sleeping Survivors for 15 seconds.
- Jump Rope: While Survivors are in the Dream World, the sounds of their grunts of pain are 50% louder.
- Outdoor Rope: While Survivors are in the Dream World, the sounds of their generator repairs can be heard from 8 meters further away.
- Swing Chains: While Survivors are in the Dream World, the sounds of their footsteps are 50% louder.
The Huntress Addon Update
The Huntress was among the last of the older killers with incorrect add-on rarities, and this has now been fixed! Several addons have been altered to give more interesting effects and her most controversial addon has been adjusted so it no longer allows carrying more than one hatchet.
- Berus Toxin becomes Yellowed Cloth: +10% Hatchet flight speed.
- Coarse Stone: The grunts of pain from hit targets are increased by 50% until they are fully healed.
- Amanita Toxin: Hit target suffers from the Blindness status effect for 60 seconds (was 30 seconds).
- Deerskin Gloves: Now Rare.
- Fine Stone becomes Weighted Head: Hit target suffers from the Incapacitated status effect for 10 seconds.
- Yew Seed Brew is now Wooden Fox: Now Very Rare; grants the Undetectable status effect for 10 seconds after reloading.
- Yew Seed Concoction is now Rose Root: +20% Hatchet flight speed.
- Pungent Fiale is now Soldier’s Puttee: Now Ultra Rare; The Huntress moves 4.6 m/s when she has no Hatchets.
- Venomous Concoction: Inflicts Exhausted status for 5 seconds (was 90 seconds).
- Iridescent Head: Prevents carrying more than one Hatchet.
More Live Design
Apart from the killer updates, the most significant live design change in this update is the change to Survivor’s hook struggle inputs. One of the motivating factors behind this update is to reduce the number of inputs per second in order to make the game more accessible to those suffering from RSI. After the release of this mechanic for The Executioner’s Cages and its positive reception by the community, we felt confident of making this change more broadly for all Sacrifice struggles.
The new Object of Obsession design previewed on the dev stream has been completed with a few tweaks. We hope solo Survivors will enjoy Small Game’s new Totem-counting function, and Borrowed Time no longer triggers based on Terror Radius… it just works.
New hook struggle
- Struggling during the second stage on a hook is now a series of Skill Checks
- Failing to give any input for two successive Skill Checks will instantly complete the Sacrifice
- Missing a skill check will reduce the amount of time until the Entity claims the hooked Survivor
- Small Game: Gain tokens for each Totem any Survivor cleanses; tokens reduce cone width to increase accuracy; no longer triggers for the Totem you are currently cleansing.
- Lucky Break: Now hides scratch marks as well; duration reduced to 35/40/45 seconds.
- Soul Guard: Now has a 30 second cooldown between activations.
- Open-Handed: Increases aura reading range by 8/12/16 meters; Survivors may only be affected by one instance of Open-Handed.
- Zanshin Tactics: Now always active and range increased to 24/28/32 meters.
- Borrowed Time: No longer requires being in the Terror Radius to trigger; duration of Enduring status reduced to 8/10/12 seconds.
- Object of Obsession: This perk has been redesigned.
- Whenever your aura is revealed to the Killer, the Killer’s aura becomes visible to you and you gain a 2/4/6% bonus to healing, repairing and cleansing speed.
- If you are the Obsession, your aura is revealed to the killer for 3 seconds once every 30 seconds.
- Increases your chances of being the Obsession.
- Repairing while using a toolbox now increases the odds of getting Skill Checks by 5x (was 2x).
- When the Hatch is opened by a Key, it remains open for 10 seconds (was 30 seconds).
- Every trial will now start with an obsession, regardless of player loadouts.
- A new Tome and Rift will be added to the Archives in the next few days
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that could prevent pallets from stunning killers under certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue that could cause rare items to appear in chests more often than intended.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent hooks from respawning if broken with the perk “Breakdown.”
- Fixed an issue that caused the fatigue decreasing effect from the Nurse’s add-on “Wooden Horse” to apply on successful hits.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent survivors from screaming when hit directly with the Clown’s antidote bottle during certain interactions.
- Fixed an issue that could allow survivors to climb to inaccessible areas after being downed on certain rocks, benches or similar props.
- Fixed an issue that prevented bell sounds from the “Mr Elf” outfit from playing when rotating the character in the store.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Victor to pounce through window vault locations (pouncing over them is fine).
- Fixed an issue that would cause survivors to have default outfits when switching characters in the lobby.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a desync in the Trickster’s knife reloading animation when using the perk “Iron Maiden.”
- Fixed an issue that could sometimes prevent Dream Pallets from having collision while in the “up” position.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the Blight’s prestige cosmetic skins from showing their dripping effects.
- Fixed an issue which caused the watch to be floating when equipping the David King’s Harrington Jacket cosmetic.
- Fixed an issue which sometimes caused a soft-lock when spamming the Escape Key while transitioning to the Tally Screen.
- Changed the way characters are displayed in the menus so they don’t seem to be floating above the ground.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a survivor to become stuck in Pyramid Head’s Cage of Atonement if they were in the exact location the cage spawns
- Fixed an issue that could allow survivors to position themselves between the exit spikes and the exit trigger volume and avoid the killer’s attacks in all maps.
- Fixed an issue where the application would soft-lock when unlocking rift levels at a high speed.
- Miscellaneous crash fixes
- Fixed an issue which caused a fat shaming spot between two rocks of the Sanctum of Wrath
Switch only:
- Fixed an issue where the lobby privacy settings would not be applied correctly when taking over a lobby.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 4.6.1
- Release date: April 14th 2021 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
The Trickster
- Increased movement speed while in the throw state and while actively throwing Blades
- Decreased the recoil intensity and angle variation while throwing Blades
- Removed the spread while throwing Blades
- Decreased the Blade wind up time
- Increased the Blade wind down time
- Increased the time before the Laceration Meter begins decaying
- Increased Main Event movement speed
- Decreased Showstopper’s cooldown after Main Event has ended
- Modified the Trickster’s Laceration meter artwork so that it is more clear when the meter is full vs partially full.
The Trickster add-ons
- Decreased the effects of movement speed addons to account for the baseline movement speed increases in the above section:
- Killing Part Chords from 0.054 m/s to 0.04 m/s
- Caged Heart Shoes from 0.13 m/s to 0.1 m/s
- Iridescent Photocard will now injure survivors at maximum laceration
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that could prevent pallets from stunning killers under certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue that could cause pallets broken with the perk Spirit Fury to leave a collision zone behind.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Trickster from earning brutality points when injuring or downing survivors with blades.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Trickster to earn Chaser Emblem points when injuring or downing survivors with blades.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the add-ons Inferno Wires and Tequila Moonrock from increasing the duration of Main Event.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a small delay in the activation of the Wraith’s post-uncloak speed boost.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent Decisive Strike from deactivating when a survivor unhooks another survivor once the generators are powered or the endgame collapse has started
- Fixed an issue that could cause Pyramid Head’s power cancel animation to play while charging Rites of Judgement if the charge is quickly cancelled and restarted
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Oni to have incorrect rotation speed after hitting a survivor with a demon strike attack or after a demon dash.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent survivors from hearing the sound of the Blight’s slam
- Fixed an issue that could prevent progress towards “Healthy Obsession” when healing the obsession.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent “Nerves of Steel” from properly tracking successful skill checks
- Fixed an issue that could prevent progress towards “Near Death Experience” if multiple survivors were downed during the match
- Fixed an issue where rank and pip changes in a public match are not correctly displayed in the Scoreboard if the user quits the Game.
- Fixed an issue that caused invisible collisions to block players on the side of exit gates in Red Forest maps.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Swamp maps to appears darker.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Survivor to be stuck between rocks after being hit by the Killer.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Survivor to be able to climb on a rock in Yamaoka Estate by using Dead Hard.
- Fixed an issue that caused Victor to pounce outside the map when facing the wall.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to have a full lobby when the Party Privacy is set to ‘Public’ or ‘Friends Only.
- Fixed an issue where results screens sometimes do not correctly display rank and pip changes when a player quits a public match.
- Fixed an issue where a non-friend user that joined in a public lobby can then join the private lobby if both users have not backed out to the main menu.
- Fixed an issue with the “recently played with” feature which was not displaying players encountered during a trial.
- Fixed an issue that could cancel the Trickster’s Main Event when activated with 0 blades remaining.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Haste status effect’s timer from displaying correctly when triggered by the perk Smash Hit.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the icon for the perk Smash Hit from displaying its activation state correctly
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Blight to collide with the lid of the hatch when visible and open.
- Fixed an issue that could cause survivors to become stuck in lockers when facing the Twins if hit by Charlotte when leaving a locker held closed by Victor.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Trickster to remain stuck in the Main Event pose when performing certain actions just before entering the Main Event cooldown.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Victor to be able to pounce through vaults (pouncing over them is fine!).
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the Tricker’s main event from ending correctly if the Aim Blade input is held.
- Fixed an issue that could allow players controlling Victor to see activated survivor glyphs.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent The Nurse from being slowed during her fatigue if stunned after or during a blink attack.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent Hex: Ruin from activating when a generator is no longer being repaired if one survivor is grabbed while another is repairing
- Fixed an issue that could cause the camera pan at the beginning of the trial to last too long
- Various crash fixes
- Fixed an issue that could cause the killer to not be able to pick up downed survivor on the basement stairs
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Trapper traps to clip in multiples places inside the Chapel stairs
- Fixed an issue that could cause the hatch to not open in the Gas Heaven’s garage
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 4.6.0 (All-Kill)
- Release date: March 30th 2021 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Added a new Killer – The Trickster
- Added a new Survivor – Yun-Jin Lee
- Added Party Privacy options – You can now set your party privacy to automatically block join requests from strangers, allow friends to join without approval, etc.
- Added the Chat Filter feature
- Added an error message when a user fails to add a friend because he has too many friends
The Blight
- Adjusted his first person animations and camera position to be higher up
- Reworked the collision detection for his power. It should now be consistent with basic attack obstruction and no longer result in sliding off various surfaces.
The Wraith
- Increased his cloaked move speed
- Decreased his move speed while uncloaking
- Reduced the Windstorm addon move speed bonuses to compensate for the above speed changes
- Removed the uncloaking move speed penalties from the Windstorm addons
- Colorblind modes have been added and can be accessed VIA the Options menu.
- Decisive Strike – Now deactivates when performing certain actions that are not part of evading the Killer
- Increased the visibility and size of the negative status effect timer fill.
- Made adjustments to the player status timer bar to be more accurate and added back the glows to indicate when the timer bar is paused or requires attention.
- Improved performance.
- Updated the accept and cancel buttons on Friend and Group requests to have a greater visual difference.
- The warning and max stingers for Laceration Meter (from Killer’s perspective) have been changed
- The bat swing attenuation was reduced for Survivors
- The 2D scream on the Mori was fixed
- Main Event cooldown now has SFX support
- New VO for The Trickster while in Chase mode
Visual Update
- Visual Update for the main Lobby, Store, and Tally
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash in the initial interaction screen.
- Fixed a crash in the Play as Killer lobby that could occur when repeatedly holding the Ready button to cancel the search.
- Fixed an issue that could cause lockers to play loud noise notifications when slowly entered
- Fixed an issue that prevented Killers to drop on top of the chairs in Ormond’s chalet.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when using Victor to pounce on a survivor as they exit the trial.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Victor to stay stuck inside the hills unique to the Red Forest maps.
- Fixed an issue that caused the infected VFX behind the survivor icon to not be fully completed when the Survivor is affected by Broken status effect.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Survivors to remain standing until they move when downed from a Deep Wound status.
- Fixed an issue that caused Killers and Survivors to be seen floating in certain spots on hills in Asylum maps.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Survivor’s health bar to no longer flash when the timer is paused.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Trail of Punishment of the Damned sound effect to keep playing even if no trails were left behind.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivor to not stay on the ground after dying status animation has occurred
- Fixed an issue that could cause players to spawn inside a collision (therefore not being able to move) when loading into the Dead Dawg Saloon map
- Fixed an issue that could prevent repairing a generator from the light post side in Grim Pantry
- Fixed an issue that could prevent Survivor health bars from being visually accurate (bar would appear empty before Survivor dies).
- Fixed an issue that caused the item’s icon on the ground to overlap with the progress bar when equipped with some specific items (only if the In-Game HUD scale is 85% or lower).
- Fixed an issue that would rarely cause the in-game UI to appear when entering spectator mode while the last survivor reaches the tally screen
- Fixed an issue that caused the Trapper’s bear trap to clip into doors
- Fixed an issue that caused a collision between statue and a hill on Sanctum of Wrath map
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse to blink out of bound in the killer shack
- Fixed perks appearing as Tier 1 in the Match result screen of a Custom Game
- Fixed an issue in Spectate mode where the player could see the remaining generators left instead of the Exit Gate objective when the hatch is closed
- Fixed an issue where a player could lose pips when leaving during loading
- Fixed an issue that could cause the server to crash If multiple Survivors spam the heal interaction while crouching
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the Killer from picking up Survivors along the edge of the Exit Gate
- Fixed an issue that could cause disconnected players not to count towards progress on the Devout emblem
- Fixed an issue that could cause lockers to become horizontal
- Fixed an issue that could cause two survivors to swap positions if they quickly took turns attempting to unhook the same survivor
- Fixed an issue that prevented Hex: Blood Favor from showing survivors the “cursed’ status when activated
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Legion’s Feral Frenzy power to end incorrectly after hitting a second survivor
- Fixed an issue that could cause survivors hands to become misaligned when using the exit gate switch
- Fixed an issue that could cause survivors to gain interaction progress when successfully hitting a skill check from the perk Oppression
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Blight and the Demogorgon to stop moving while dashing if the menu is opened
- Fixed an issue that could cause hooked Survivors to float off the hook if the Killer downs an injured survivor attempting to unhook them.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Victor to remain suspended in the air if a Survivor disconnected while Victor was attached
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Blight’s rush to hit an invisible collision where a Hatch could later spawn
- Fixed an issue that could cause camera snapping when quickly starting and stopping generator repairs
- Fixed an issue that could cause the perk Tinkerer to activate when the last generator is completed
- Fixed an issue that could cause survivors to become stuck in lockers in network conditions with high packet loss
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Killer to completely block the access to a specific hook on Disturbed Ward, Lery’s Memorial Institute and Gideon maps.
Switch only:
- Fixed an issue where selecting an Archive cinematic would briefly play a few frames of the last previously viewed cinematic.
- Fixed a crash that may occur when holding both buttons to switch between Survivors in Spectator Mode.
- Fixed an issue where the HUD could display the same buff icon twice
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 4.5.2
- Release date: February 23rd 2021 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Raised camera to original position when crawling
- Changed transition animations in Survivor Locomotion to make the controls feel more responsive.
HUD Layout Changes:
- Moved the objectives from the top center of the screen to the bottom left corner and removed the additional text. Objectives are now icon based.
- Increased the size of the objectives icons and added background shading to help improve their visibility when viewed on bright environments.
- Increased the font size of the generator count number.
- Reduced the size of the Killer’s hook count widget to be more in line with the other objectives.
- Lowered the stack of player status widgets from the top left corner to the lower left corner. They now sit just above the new objectives location and expand upwards.
- Increased the width and height of the timer bar under the player names in the player status widget.
- Added a new setting in the Settings menu to control the size of the Skill Check independently of the HUD scale setting.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Killers to appear further away than they actually were on Survivor screens (This was the primary cause of the hit registration (hitbox) issues seen since 4.5.0)
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to crawl faster than intended.
- Fixed an issue that prevented event bloodpoints from being awarded from certain indoor generator types used on maps including Midwich Elementary and Lery’s Memorial Hospital.
- Fixed an issue with survivor camera-based interaction priority that could make it impossible to prioritize interactable objects on the ground (such as bear traps near pallets).
- Fixed an issue that could cause survivors with the perk Calm Spirit to scream when caught in a bear trap.
- Fixed an issue with Hex: The Third Seal and Hex: Undying that could cause the hexed players and hexed player count to be incorrectly reset when the Third Seal’s totem is destroyed and Undying is still active.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the haste status effect icon not to show when using Refined Serum.
- Fixed an issue that could allow the nurse to attack during the first few frames of fatigue after a blink, and skip the fatigue.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the add-ons Black Heart and Mew’s Guts from increasing the Demogorgon’s recovery speed.
- Fixed an issue that caused the survivor’s portrait become highlighted any time infection from the Plague was increasing. It should only highlight to indicate when a survivor has reached maximum sickness.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the speed boost from uncloaking with the Wraith add-on The Serpent to trigger too early to be of use.
- Fixed an in issue that could cause incorrect values for the Unbroken emblem.
- Fixed an issue that could cause players to end up on the wrong side of pallets when stunning a killer.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the proper indicators from displaying for the Doctor when using Shock Therapy, Static Blast, or missed Snap Out Of It skill checks.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to keep the default outfit between the lobby and the loading screen to the trial when playing a Custom Game.
- Fixed an issue where old event items would sometimes appear in bloodwebs.
- Fixed an issue where the UI can show a healthy survivor as injured when healed for two health states very quickly.
- Fixed various collision-related issues Crotus Penn Asylum.
- Fixed an issue that would cause charms on hooks to not be visible to Killers.
- Fixed an issue that would cause the game to get stuck on the tally screen when entering spectator mode at the same time last Survivor reaches the tally screen.
BUG FIXES MISSING FROM 4.5.1 AND 4.5.0 PATCH NOTESFollowing bugs were fixed, but not mentioned in previous Patch notes.
- Fixed an issue that could cause injured survivor sounds be louder than intended after rush-entering a locker (they should be audible, but muffled) (missing note from patch 4.5.1)
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the Plague from being able to infect window vaults with Vile Purge (missing note from patch 4.5.1)
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the Shape from playing recoil animations or sound effects when hitting an obstruction in Evil Within III (missing note from patch 4.5.1)
- Fixed an issue that could reduce the Legion’s acceleration while attacking with Feral Frenzy (missing note from patch 4.5.1)
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the Huntress from hearing audio feedback on a long-range hatchet hit (missing note from patch 4.5.0)
- Fixed an issue with the perk Deception that could cause a “Hide” prompt to appear but not be usable (missing note from patch 4.5.0)
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive (Steam)
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 4.5.1
- Release date: February 16th 2021 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to be floating in the lobby.
- Fixed an issue that caused various error messages to occur in a lobby or after a trial after specific conditions were met.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Auris in the Observer’s hand to be missing when accessing the Archives from the widget.
- Fixed an issue that caused Meg’s Golden Summer Outfit Icon to not appear.
- Fixed an issue where a spectator could be sometimes locked in the spectator screen when entering in spectator mode while the last Survivor reaches the tally screen.
- Fixed an issue where unbreakable sets could be broken.
- Fixed an issue where some UI texts show incorrect characters in Thai language on Steam.
- Fixed the opacity on Victor’s incapacitated effect on the player status widget to be more visible.
- Fixed a missing character in Archive challenge text when the language is set to French.
- Fixed an issue where the audio is muted when spectating an other player
- Fixed an issue where there was no SFX on button prompts in the Tutorials
- Archives: Fixed Glyph placement issues in Gideon Meat Plant, Sanctum of Wrath, The Pale Rose, Midwich Elementary School, and both Asylum maps
- Fixed an issue where pips lost or gained in a Custom Match would be added to the pips lost or gained in the following Public Match
- Fixed various collision-related issues in Autohaven Wreckers and Crotus Penn Asylum. These maps have been re-enabled.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 4.5.0 (Mid-Chapter)
- Release date: February 9th 2021 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Tome VI & The Gilded Stampede Event
- Tome VI for The Archives will start tomorrow on Feb. 10th at 11AM ET
- The Gilded Stampede event will start the day after on Feb. 11th at 11AM ET
New HUD Layout – Several HUD elements have been moved or updated
- The player status widget (player names, health states etc.) has been redesigned. Along with a number of graphical improvements to animations, the player status widget is now positioned on the left side of the screen. While this change was not made lightly, it was necessary in order to make the player names readable across all platforms and resolutions as well as make room for new HUD elements like the Hook Count.
- The objectives have been moved to the top center of the screen to give us more room to display detailed instructions.
- Score events and status effect alerts have been moved to the right side of the screen. This was primarily to bring the status effect alerts closer to the status effect indicators they reference.
- The number of visible score events has been increased when multiple events are triggered at the same time.
New HUD Element – Hook Counts
- Killers see a new widget which displays how many hooks they’ve earned during the match out of the possible total hooks. This is only visible to the Killer.
- Survivors see a new set of markers above each of the Survivor player’s names. This lets the Survivor players know how many times each Survivor has been hooked. This is only visible to the Survivors.
New HUD Element – Survivor Portraits
- The healthy and injured health state icons have been replaced with each character’s portrait.
- The Injured state has been improved from the PTB to be more obvious, especially for colorblind players.
UI Scale Sliders
- The Settings menu has been updated with two new slider settings that allow players to adjust the size of their UI. Players may adjust the size of the menus and HUD separately. This replaces the previous maximum scale value used in previous releases.
Visual Update:
- Visual updates to maps in Gideon Meat Plant and Asylum.
- Updated model and textures on 4 Nurse outfits.
- Update model, texture on the Clown base outfit and updated his VFX.
Updated Survivor Locomotion
- Updated the posing for all Survivor locomotion animations.
- Added Start/Stop transition animations and quick turn animations.
- Added ability to use Flashlight while crouching.
- Updated crawling turn speed and added animation feedback for recovering.
New from PTB:
- Added new animation when entering the hatch while crawling.
- Updated Self-Heal fail animation.
- Slightly raised the camera when crawling.
The Clown:
- Clown now has two types of bottles: Tonic and Antidote.
- Tap Secondary Power to switch which will be thrown
- Hold Secondary Power to reload bottles
- Reload time is now 3 seconds (down from 5 seconds)
Antidote bottles:
- Release a gray cloud that activates and turns yellow after 2.5 seconds
- Antidote clouds last a total of 7.5 seconds and are smaller than Tonic clouds
- Overlapping Antidote and Tonic clouds causes both to disappear
- Survivors and The Clown gain the “Invigorated” status effect when they touch the Antidote cloud
- Invigorated grants 10% movement speed bonus for 5 seconds
- An Intoxicated Survivor touching a yellow Antidote cloud is no longer intoxicated
- Tonic clouds remain unchanged
- Party Bottle: Thrown bottles emit confetti when shattering (was Ether 5 Vol%)
- Fingerless Parade Gloves: Bottles are thrown with a different arc that doesn’t go as high but goes further
- Smelly Inner Soles: Greater move speed bonus when reloading (was Common, now Rare)
- Solvent Jug: Moderately increases the Invigorated effect duration
- Thick Cork Stopper: Smaller reload time reduction
- Spirit of Hartshorn: Moderately expands The Antidote cloud area (was Ether 10 Vol%)
- VHS Porn: Swaps yellow and purple color of Antidote and Tonic effects (was Rare, now is Common)
- Cigar Box: When any player becomes Invigorated, they see all other players’ auras within a 16m radius
- Garish Makeup Kit: Considerably increases Invigorated Effect duration
- Tattoo’s Middle Finger: Auras of Intoxicated or Invigorated survivors are revealed to you for 6 seconds
- The Clown now has his own Terror Radius & Chase music.
The Trapper:
- Escaping from a Bear Trap now has a 1/6 (16.6%) chance of succeeding on each attempt, but is capped at a maximum of 6 attempts
- Addons that reduce the chance of escape increase the maximum number of attempts as well as reducing the chance per attempt
The Wraith:
- While cloaked, the Wraith is completely invisible (no shimmer) to Survivors when more than 20m away
- Increased the duration of the uncloak speed boost from 1.0s to 1.25s
- Restored a missing bone-rattle sound cue at the beginning of the Wraith’s cloaking animation (sometimes referred to as “bell tech”)
- Fixed an issue where the Wraith would appear to uncloak completely while kicking a generator or breaking a pallet or wall while cloaked. The Wraith now only uncloaks the necessary bits.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Wraith’s add-on “The Serpent” to reset the uncloaking progress after completing an interaction. It will now leave the Wraith completely uncloaked and able to attack, and trigger an uncloak speed boost, after damaging a generator or breaking a pallet or wall.
Hex: Undying:
- While Hex: Undying is active, Survivors within 2/3/4 meters of any Dull Totem have their Aura revealed.
- When another Hex Totem is cleansed, that Totem’s Hex transfers to the Hex: Undying Totem, deactivating Hex: Undying. Any tokens the transferred Hex had are transferred as well
Misc. Perks:
- Fixated: Now works while injured
- Iron Maiden: Effect lasts 30 seconds
- Second Wind: Durations now 28/24/20 seconds
PebbleDiversion: Now charges in 40/35/30 seconds. Distance thrown now 20 meters at all tiers.Deep Wound:
- Now always has a 20-second timer
- Frank’s Mixtape and Stab Wound Study adjusted to have the same proportional impact on Survivors’ Deep Wound timers
- Borrowed Time’s tier adjustments are now the duration of the Endurance status effect at 10/12/15 seconds
- Mangled status effect always lasts until fully healed
- Vigil no longer affects Mangled
- Begrimed Head: Removed repair speed debuff, added Hemorrhage status effect
- Rusty Attachments: Only applies Mangled to injured Survivors
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a hitch occurring in the Loadout Panel when selecting an item
- Fixed a hitch when opening the Bloodweb after a certain level
- Fixed an issue that could cause some survivors passively falling asleep to not count towards the “Dream Master” achievement
- Fixed some issues regarding user impersonation
- Fixed a crash that could occur on the initial interaction screen
- Fixed an issue that occurred occasionally after the killer disconnects from a match where the Player Level would display incorrect Level and Devotion values
- Fixed an issue where the Survivor could get stuck and not be able to be picked up if downed while repairing a generator.
- Fixed an issue where the Flashlight cone would not expand after successfully blinding the Killer
- Fixed an issue where the 1st generator piston would move abnormally fast.
- Fixed an issue with Steve’s lips while gesturing.
- Fixed an issue with the camera when the Nurse would carry a Survivor and attack.
- Fixed an issue where Jane and Kate chest physics would not work properly.
- Fixed an issue where the Oni’s armor would be floating.
- Fixed an issue where the Clown’s hair would be floating.
- Fixed an issue where Totems located next to the Combine Harvester’s wheel on Coldwind Farm couldn’t be cleansed.
- Fixed an issue where Elodie is screaming louder than other survivors.
- Fixed various surface tags for footsteps and impacts
- Fixed an issue where Doctor static attack doesn’t play his sound.
- Fixed an issue with some locomotion survivor animations
- Fixed an issue with Legion customization “Hooded Leather Jacket”
Switch only:
- Fixed an issue where multiple sound effects weren’t echoed on Nintendo Switch
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 4.4.2
- Release date: December 16th 2020 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Victor can now be recalled after being detached from Charlotte for 30 seconds (down from 45).
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the store UI would not update properly when Outfit sales are active
- Fixed an issue on multiple maps, where there are tiles with extremely bright lighting in various colors.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Flashlight to work inconsistently over pallets and other objects in the environment.
- Fixed an issue that caused Barbecue & Chili’s bonus bloodpoints not to be granted when controlling Victor when the game ends.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Twins not to recover their add-ons when using the Black Ward offering and controlling Victor when the game ends.
- Fixed an issue that caused Victor to always count as being in close hook proximity for Chaser emblem scoring.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors sacrificed while controlling Victor not to count for Devout emblem scoring.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Oblivious effect inflicted by the Twins Drop of Perfume add-on to disappear if the survivor stops moving.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Undetectable effect granted by the Twins Silencing Cloth add-on to only trigger when manually returning to Charlotte.
- Fixed an issue that caused the music to change when switching between Victor and Charlotte.
- Fixed an issue that caused Charlotte to be unable to move during the wake up animation when returning from Victor for the first time in a game.
- Fixed an issue that caused the camera to become tilted after switching to Victor.
- Fixed an issue that caused the cooldown animation to loop after returning to Charlotte.
- Fixed an issue that caused Victor to float off Charlotte’s body after respawning.
- Fixed an issue that caused Victor and Charlotte to be able to block off exit gate by standing in front of it.
- Fixed an issue that caused the exit gate blockers to be visible to all survivors when Victor is attached to one of them.
- Fixed an issue that caused the exit gate blockers to disappear for the killer after Charlotte downs a survivor with Victor on their back.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to be revealed by Killer Instinct as when close to Victor in various situations.
- Fixed an issue that may have caused Victor to be briefly misaligned after pouncing on survivors.
- Fixed an issue that may have caused Charlotte’s movement to become jittery after being stunned during the release interaction.
- Fixed an issue that caused Victor not to see the aura of a hook with a hooked survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused Victor’s glow after missing a pounce to not match the actual duration of his vulnerability.
- Fixed an issue that caused no prestige reward message to be shown when progressing past level 50 in the bloodweb as Élodie Rakoto, The Twins, and Felix Richter.
- Fixed an issue that may have caused a survivor to be teleported to the wrong side of the pallet after stunning the killer with the Power Struggle perk.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Power Struggle not to be usable when actively wiggling.
- Fixed an issue that may have caused the Hoarder notifications not to work when the survivor is in the basement.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Oppression perk not to affect blocked generators.
- Fixed an issue that allowed a locker in the Deception perk’s fake enter animation to be entered. Notably, this would cause the survivor to enter the locker right after using the perk when pressing the key more than once.
- Fixed an issue that may cause survivors using the Deception perk to become stuck in the locker.
- Fixed an issue that may have caused the Hillbillly’s chainsaw to keep generating heat after using it.
- Fixed an issue that prevented some hatches from being opened with a key.
- Fixed an issue that prevented killers to place traps in the basement on the Autohaven Wreckers maps.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Trapper’s Krampus outfit to have a line stretching out.
- Fixed an issue that made it possible for Survivors to navigate through a wall in the gas station on the Gas Heaven map
- Addressed “deadzone” reports in Autohaven Wreckers maps by promoting certain tiles to spawn more frequently than others.
- Updated the functionality of the Deception perk icon. It will now display the activation and cooldown times, and be lit up otherwise.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 4.4.1
- Release date: December 8th 2021 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
4.4.0 Patch Notes Addendum:
- Technical Flashlight Rework and optimization
- Updated Flashlight VFX and animations
- Added audio feedback when using the Flashlight against Killers.
- Increased default Flashlight accuracy back to normal
- Appraisal now only allows Survivors to rummage through the same chest once
- Ebony and Ivory Memento Moris now require the targeted survivor to have reached the second hook phase
- Victor can now search lockers, if a Survivor is found inside, the player will be send back to control Charlotte while Victor will block the Survivor in the locker for up to 10 sec.
- Hoarder: Increased the distance at which Survivor locations are revealed from 24/36/48 meters to 32/48/64 meters
- Hoarder: Removed the stipulation that it decreases the rarity of items found in chests
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that allowed Victor to pounce on Survivors inside lockers
- Fixed an issue that could cause Unbreakable to grant too much recovery when spam clicking
- Fixed an issue that caused the Flashlight beam to stay narrow after successfully blinding the Killer.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Hoarder from spawning extra chests
- Fixed an issue where Victor was misaligned during the Twins mori
- Fixed a terminology issue in Hoarder’s perk description
- Fixed an issue that caused cross-platform friends to no longer appear in the friends list after linking accounts
- Fixed an issue that caused the text in the redeem code box to be deletable
- Fixed an issue where Victor was misaligned in the lobby for The Twins
- Fixed an issue that caused the rain to be heard while the Temple of Purgation’s basement.
- Fixed an issue that caused Victor to get stuck in the ground when released at certain locations.
- Fixed an issue that caused Victor to appear to fall through the ground from survivor’s perspectives when released.
- Fixed an issue that may prevent releasing Victor after being stunned during the release interaction.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the screen to remain black after manually changing from Victor to Charlotte.
- Fixed an issue that caused the blinding effect to carry over when switching from Victor to Charlotte.
- Fixed an issue that caused the animation to continue when cancelling the Twins mori.
- Fixed an issue that caused Victor to remain on a survivor killed by the end game collapse.
- Fixed an issue that caused Victor to see blocked generator auras red instead of white.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Twins power to become unusable under poor network conditions.
- Fixed an issue that allowed survivors to crawl out of the exit gate after being hit while having Victor on their back.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors’ hands to jitter when holding a lit flashlight.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to bounce when destroying Victor when standing on obstacles.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Lightborn perk icon not to appear for survivors when attempting to blind the killer with firecrackers.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Lightborn perk icon not to appear for survivors when blinding a killer that was already being blinded by another survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Oni not to absorb blood orbs during his successful hit animation.
- Fixed an issue that caused the survivors to continue searching the chest after the progress bar is full when using the Appraisal perk.
- Fixed an issue that caused searching an open chest with the Appraisal perk to grant the Unlocked Chest score.
- Fixed an issue that caused the FOV of the Legion not to increase while running during Feral Frenzy.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 4.4.0 (A Binding of Kin)
- Release date: December 2nd 2020 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Features & Content
New Chapter: A Binding of Kin
- Added A New Killer – The Twins
- Added a New Survivor – Élodie Rakoto
Live Updates
- The Nightmare on Elm Street DLC is now available through the in-game store on the Nintendo Switch, Windows Store, Stadia, Playstation 5, and Xbox Series X|S. The full DLC will start to appear on each platform’s respective store shortly.
- Rite of The Ghost Face Daily Ritual has been simplified: “Mark 4 Survivors”.
- All Daily Rituals that were worth less then 30k bloodpoints are now worth 30k bloodpoints.
- Sabotage Ritual now requires 4 Hooks to be sabotaged.
- Blight’s Adrenaline Vial addon now makes Rush Tokens regenerate faster than in the previous release.
- Blight’s Soul Chemical addon has a new function: During a rush, the moment you enter the 16 meter radius around a Survivor who is repairing or healing, trigger a tremendously difficult Skill Check for that Survivor. Can activate once per Survivor per Rush. Does not trigger for a Rush starting within 16 meters of the Survivor.
Visual Update:
- Visual updates to maps in Ormond and Junkyard.
- Visual update to the Hatch and Totem.
- Visual update on the Twins Lobby.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused the player Cloud ID to be missing from the ban message.
- Fixed an issue that caused daily rituals to be consumed even if the claim of bloodpoints for a completed daily ritual failed.
- Fixed an issue that caused unavailable Archives cosmetics to appear on the Feature Store section if all the cosmetics were already purchased.
- Fixed an issue that caused a short freeze when opening a chest.
- Fixed an issue that prevented survivors from being able to start unlocking a chest from its side.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to be able to steal items from chests opened by other survivors.
- Fixed an issue that caused the animation of mending another survivor to be missing.
- Fixed an issue that caused the animation of waking up another survivor to be missing.
- Fixed an issue that caused firecrackers not to destroy Hag traps.
- Fixed an issue that caused Hag traps auras not to be visible while they are being burned by a flashlight.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to be able to see through walls when using a flashlight and hugging the wall.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused killers to be stuck inside a generator after damaging it.
- Fixed an issue that allowed survivors to sabotage hooks through walls.
- Fixed an issue that allowed survivors to complete a sixth generator when failing a skill check while the fifth generator is completed.
- Fixed an issue that prevented killers from damaging a breakable wall after getting stunned while breaking the wall.
- Fixed an issue that caused notifications bubble not to appear when completing a generator inside a building in Badham Preschool.
- Fixed an issue that caused Nurse blinks to be unreliable around the Blood Lodge.
- Fixed an issue that caused the corrupted Pool of Devotion sound effect to be heard in the beginning of a match against the Plague.
- Fixed an issue that caused the camera to pan left before panning right when entering the title screen.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Hillbilly’s chainsaw to disappear during the pallet stun animation.
- Fixed an issue in windowed mode which made it sometimes possible to resize the window when rotating the camera while holding M1
- Fixed an issue which made exclusive cosmetics available to all
- Fixed an issue on various maps which showed extremely bright lighting in various colors
- Fixed an issue that may cause The Legion not to down survivors when hitting them while in Feral Frenzy when equipped with the Frank’s Mixtape add on
- Fixed an issue that caused the confetti of forth anniversary items to trigger in the tally screen
- Fixed an issue that caused invisible collisions on the stairs leading to the Killer Basement on the Hawkins National Laboratory map
- Fixed an issue that caused The Spirit to see flashlight beams during Yamaoka’s Haunting
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors’ camera to clip through the generator pole when repairing a generator
Switch only:
- Fixed an issue where the players would run at a slower speed when looking in certain directions
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 4.3.2
- Release date: November 3rd 2020 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Perk Updates:
- Discordance: Updated range from 32/64/96 meters to 64/96/128 meters and decreased the aura duration after survivors have left the generator from 8 seconds to 4 seconds.
- Updated Blood Favor’s text to indicate that it only works with basic attacks; note that the function of the perk remains unchanged.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused Traps, Phantasm and Snares not to be placed properly in specific places (exit gates, Shelter Woods’ Unique Tree etc.) in Macmillan Estate’s maps
- Fixed an issue that caused The Spirit’s breathing to be heard while she was phasing
- Fixed an issue that caused two uncleansable Totems on Rotten Fields and Coal Tower
- Fixed an issue that caused the visual effect of the fog on Switch™ to appear unrealistic
- Fixed an issue that caused Halloween Event generators not to spawn in the Midwich Elementary School map
- Fixed Jake’s beard not appearing in the Orbital Captain head cosmetic
- Fixed gaps in Yui’s Miss Speedway outfit when mixing with other outfit’s cosmetic pieces
- Fixed an issue that caused The Blight’s “Alchemist Ring” add-on to grant a bonus to rush token recharge time
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 4.3.1
- Release date: October 8th 2020 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that might prevent medkits with 32 charges to completely heal the second health state.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors auras not to be shown if a killer equipped with the Discordance perk enters the activation range after the survivors have started repairing a generator.
- Fixed an issue that caused killers to have their first person view posture during the intro.
- Fixed an issue that caused Halloween event hook auras to display a base.
- Fixed an issue that cause the Nightmare not to dissolve at the end of his mori animation.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Demogorgon not to have an animation when using the Shred ability.
- Fixed an issue that may allow the killer to use its power before Blighted Rush after they hook a survivor while equipped with the Blighted Serum.
- Fixed an issue that caused a Visceral Canker to appear if a killer is the only user equipped with a quest that would cause a canker to spawn.
- Fixed an issue that caused a survivor’s model to remain in a Cage of Atonement when disconnecting.
- Fixed an issue that caused Madness audio levels to be incorrect when switching spectated survivors.
- Fixed an issue that caused the killer’s music theme to be heard as a spectator in a custom game lobby.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 4.3.0 (Mid-Chapter)
- Release date: May 23rd 2022 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
At the moment, the cost of missing a Punishment of the Damned attack is too high, and it’s too easy to fake Rites of Judgement into a basic attack. The following adjustments address these issues.
- After cancelling Rites of Judgement:
- Movement speed is 3.68 m/s for 1 second
- Further attacks cannot be made for 1 second
- Cooldown before further attacks after Punishment of the Damned reduced from 2.75 seconds to 2.25 seconds
- Trail of Torment: Undetectable now lasts until the affected Generator stops regressing or a Survivor is injured or put into the dying state by any means
- Forced Penance: Broken Status effect lasts 60/70/80 seconds
- Blood Pact: Haste bonus is now 5%/6%/7%, and lasts until the Survivors are no longer within 16 meters of each other
Perk Updates:
- Any Means Necessary now awards Bloodpoints when used, and its cooldown has been reduced to 100/80/60 seconds
- For the People now awards Bloodpoints when used
- Thanataphobia no longer affects healing speed, and its penalties have been increased to 4%/4.5%/5%
- Mindbreaker’s effect now lasts 3/4/5 seconds
- Cruel Limits’s range has been increased to 32 meters
- Slippery Meat no longer affects Bear Trap escapes, and now increases hook escape attempt probabilities by 2%/3%/4%. These escape attempt percentages are additive, i.e. with this perk the chance of escaping the hook is now 6%/7%/8%
- Discordance now has limited range of 32/64/96 meters. It triggers one loud noise for a Generator when it’s first marked. The aura of the Generator remains visible as long as the conditions are fulfilled. From the time the conditions are no longer fulfilled, the aura remains for another 8 seconds
- Hex: Huntress Lullaby now only affects healing and repairing skill checks
- Technician now prevents all Generator explosions from missed skill checks. The Generator loses and additional 5%/4%/3% progress for missed skill checks
- Pop Goes the Weasel now lasts 35/40/45 seconds
- We’re Gonna Live Forever now increases healing speed by 100% when healing a Survivor in the dying state. Players now gain a token when rescuing a Survivor by stunning the Killer with a pallet or blinding them with a flashlight
Generator Terminology changes and clarifications:
- A Generator losing progress over time is “regressing”
- Putting a Generator into the regressing state is “damaging the Generator”
- If a Generator loses some of its progress immediately, this is “losing progress”
- A blocked Generator cannot change its progress
- A blocked Generator retains its regression state, but no progress is lost until it is no longer blocked
- A regressing Generator can lose progress due to other effects
- e.g. a Generator affected by Ruin can still lose progress due to Surge
- Surge, Pop Goes the Weasel, and Overcharge have had their text updated to reflect these changes
Visual Update:
- Visual updates to maps in The MacMillan Estates Realm.
- Visual update to Lockers.
- Added Footstep VFX.
- Visual update to all Blood VFX. On Screen Blood, Blood squirt on hit, Blood pool decals.
- Updated VFX for Trapper, Wraith and Hillbilly.
- Updated dissolve VFX in-game and in-lobbies.
Perk rarity:
All perks now have the same rarity:
- Tier 1: Uncommon
- Tier 2: Rare
- Tier 3: Very Rare
- Disabled daily rituals screen and claiming while in Custom Game
- Disabled audio sounds while being in the platform’s store after proceeding from the In-game Store
- Added the player Cloud ID in the soft ban pop-up
- Fixed an issue that might cause a survivor to remain in the being carried position after being hooked
- Fixed an issue that might cause players to have less control on their character after being unhooked
- Fixed an issue that caused the Cursed effect to appear before any token is earned on the perk Hex: Huntress Lullaby
- Fixed an issue that might cause Hex totems to appear as dull totems for some players
- Fixed an issue that caused the Make Your Choice perk to override a survivor’s Calm Spirit while unhooking
- Fixed an issue that caused failed skill check animations to continue after a player lets go of the interaction button
- Fixed an issue that caused the survivor to hold the Deathslinger’s chain with one hand after holding and dropping an item
- Fixed an issue that might cause players to receive the Torment effect at random times when playing against The Executioner
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors in the Cage of Atonement not to cause instant death if the remaining survivors are in the struggle phase
- Fixed an issue that caused The Oni’s Blood Orbs to spawn too far from survivors
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 4.2.2
- Release date: September 24th 2020 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Features & Content
The Blight
- The Blight can now break pallets and breakable walls by attacking during a Lethal Dash
- The Blight add-on “Compound 21” has been adjusted, changing the reveal range from 16 meters to 8 meters and the duration of the effect is reduced from 6 seconds to 3 seconds
Bug Fixes
- Add an Auric Cell expiration message for Japanese promo code users
- Switch only: Fixed an issue with the blue light on top of the police car in Haddonfield
- Fixed an issue that may cause hooking survivors, breaking pallets and damaging generators to stop shortly after pressing the input
- Fixed an issue that may cause movement stutters due to network latency
- Fixed an issue that caused stun durations to be inconsistent across killers
- Fixed an issue where some instances of the Blight’s injection sequence would allow players to control the pitch of the camera
- Fixed an issue that caused grabbing survivors out of lockers to be accelerated when using the perk Iron Maiden
- Fixed an issue that may cause a survivor to be stuck on the hook without being able to do anything
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 4.2.1
- Release date: September 17th 2020 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused the “heartbeat” sound played for Survivors in the Terror Radius to be much quieter than intended.
- Fixed a number of issues that caused the Huntress’ hatchets to have incorrect behavior when server-side hit validation is enabled.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors hooked in the basement to appear floating in the air in the floor above the basement.
- Fixed an issue that allowed PC/console players to add mobile players as friends.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Survivor screams triggered by the perk Dragon’s Grip not being properly audible to the Killer.
- Fixed an issue that caused an FPS drop when looking at an activated generator.
- Fixed a post-process effect bug that was causing an FPS drop for some users.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 4.2.0 (Descend Beyond)
- Release date: September 8th 2020 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
New Chapter
Unleash The Blight, an alchemist consumed by his research. Ambition brought him to the Entity’s realm but his hunger for power destroyed him. Mutated and mad, his power, Blighted Corruption, provides him with unnatural abilities to quickly pursue and ambush Survivors.
Plan your escape with Felix Richter, a successful architect who was torn away from his lavish lifestyle. Resourceful and bold, he has clever methods to stand against the oncoming evil and plan out the one thing that matters to him most—returning home.
- Added a new Killer – The Blight.
- Added a new Survivor – Felix Richter.
- Added a new Rare Offering for Killers and Survivors – Sacrificial Ward – cancels other offerings that would send you to a specific realm.
- Added a new Common Offering for Killers and Survivors – Bloodied Blueprint – reveals the aura of basement hooks to you for 20 seconds at the start of the trial. If the map has a Killer Shack, this offering increases the chance that the basement will spawn below it.
- Added a new Common Offering for Killers and Survivors – Torn Blueprint – reveals the aura of basement hooks to you for 20 seconds at the start of the trial. If the map has a main building, this offering increases the chance that the basement will spawn below it.
- Added a new Common Offering for Killers and Survivors – Annotated Blueprint – If the map has a Killer Shack, this offering increases the chance that the Hatch will spawn within it.
- Added a new Common Offering for Killers and Survivors – Vigo’s Blueprint – If the map has a main building, this offering increases the chance that the Hatch will spawn within it.
Features & Content
Many in-game objects in Dead By Daylight haven’t been changed significantly since the game’s launch. As part of our ongoing effort to enhance the game’s visuals, many of these objects got visual updates in this patch to bring them closer to our long-term vision for the appearance of the game. Some realms also got visual updates, with more coming later in future patches.
- Visual updates of several common in-game objects:
- Visual update of the Generators, including changes to models, animations and VFX. The Survivor repairing animations and VFX were also updated.
- Visual update of the Pallets, including models and VFX.
- Visual update of the Lockers.
- Visual update of the Chests, including the model and changes to the Survivor’s interaction. This Survivor interaction has been updated
- Visual updates to some maps, including additions of breakable walls:
- Springwood – Updated Badham Preschool Maps I – V
- Yamaoka Estate – Updated Family Residence and Sanctum of Wrath
- Update aiming when using the flashlight. Up to 4.1.0, the flashlight would aim up and to the right of the center of the screen. In 4.1.0, the aiming animation was updated, which caused the flashlight to aim more towards right of center. Now, the aim should be squarely in the center.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors not to be stunned when shot by the Deathslinger.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Hillbilly’s carry and lunge speed to be reduced when equipped with the Tuned Carburetor add on.
- Fixed an issue that caused all Legion characters to use Julie’s animation when the ‘Empty Stare’ mask was equipped.
- Fixed an issue that may cause the Oni to lose the ability to enter Blood Fury.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Oni’s blood orbs to sometimes flicker in and out of visibility.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Plague’s Vile Purge to arc higher than previously.
- Fixed an issue that cause the Shape not to change stances while in Tier 3 Evil Within.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Trapper’s bear trap aura not to appear during the tutorial.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to be stuck at the bottom of the Hill on various maps.
- Fixed several issues that may cause survivors to be misaligned during Moris.
- Fixed an issue that caused a regressing generator not to turn red once reaching 0 progress when using the Surveillance perk.
- Fixed an issue that caused the “Pull Down” prompt to be replaced for Survivors standing next to a pallet while injured and with the Self-Care perk equipped.
- Fixed an issue that caused survivors to see the auras of breakable walls when equipped with the Windows of Opportunity perk and suffering from the Blind effect.
- Fixed a crash that would sometimes happen when selecting the Low or Medium Graphics Quality from Medium and above.
- Reduced rank update errors.
- HTML markup in player names during social notifications (toast invites) are now handled properly.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 4.1.2
- Release date: August 12th 2020 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
The Hillbilly
The Overheat mechanic was added to limit The Hillbilly’s ability to always use his chainsaw. With the previous increase in heat dissipation (up to -5 charges/second), and the fact that heat dissipates during various cooldown phases, the Chainsaw’s heat meter rarely became relevant. With this change, we hope to that heat generation will reach thresholds where players have to manage the heat meter more than with our previous iteration.
- Decreased the base heat dissipation rate from -5 charges/second to -3.5 charges/second
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the Hillbilly’s chainsaw charge would not be fully reset properly after being stunned, leading to the Hillbilly having the ability to use the chainsaw too quickly after a stun.
- Fixed an issue where the Hillbilly would sometimes lunge at extremely high speeds after being stunned.
- Fixed an issue where the Nurse could sometimes blink inside hills and get stuck.
- Fixed an issue causing Killers to be stuck mid-animation after falling from a significant height.
- Reduce the occurrence of Sync Error code 111 on the Tally screen
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 4.1.1
- Release date: August 12th 2020 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Updated Auras: Patch 4.1.0 introduced a brand new aura system with new aura visuals. While we received positive feedback regarding their style, the consensus seems to be that they were not sufficiently visible, especially for small objects, at long range or in bright environments. In light of this, we have temporarily replaced the new aura visuals with a different type that should be much easier to see. Expect further aura improvements in future releases.
Following the 4.1.0 PTB, it became clear that some of the add-ons for both The Cannibal and The Hillbilly needed further reworking. In this update, we address those addons, as well as pull back on some rebalancing changes that were too aggressive. (We’re looking at you, Engravings.)
The Cannibal
Initially, the Primer Bulb and Spark Plug add-ons sought to introduce a playstyle that revolved around going into tantrum and using a speed increase to catch up unsuspecting Survivors. In practice. the speed increase was too low for that playstyle to be worthwhile.
Now the Primer Bulb and Spark Plug add-ons will now increase rate at which Chainsaw charges replenish, providing a clearer advantage.
Spark Plug:
- Slightly increases the rate at which charges replenish
Primer Bulb:
- Moderately increases the rate at which charges replenish
Long Guide Bar and The Grease add-ons to increase the maximum rev before triggering a tantrum. This means you have more maneuverability around loops while revving your chainsaw.
Long Guide Bar:
- Slightly increase the amount of revving available before triggering a tantrum
- Updated rarity to Uncommon (from Common)
The Grease:
- Moderately increase the amount of revving available before triggering a tantrum
Furthermore, we’ve reassessed our previous nerf of the Knife Scratches and Beast’s Marks add-ons. They were significantly nerfed because of The Cannibal’s changes, but we might have been too hard on them – especially considering the Tantrum meter builds up while revving. This meant you’d almost always be 99% tantrum and the slightest mistake forced you to go through the tantrum.
Knife Scratches:
- Reverted the charge time penalty to -12%
- Increased the movement speed bonus to +2%
Beast’s Marks:
- Reverted the charge time penalty to -12%
- Increased the movement speed bonus to 3%
Next on this list are two add-ons that were given unnecessary downsides. Hopefully removing them will make the add-ons worthy of their rarity and will make them more useful.
Light Chassis:
- Removed the speed decrease while revving
Carburetor Tuning Guide:
- Remove the increased recharge rate on Chainsaw charges
Finally, we’ve updated Speed Limiter to grant you even more bloodpoints on Chainsaw hits and we’ve lowered its rarity so it can be available more often.
Speed Limiter:
- Get 100% more points for Chainsaw score events.
- Updated rarity to Common (from Uncommon)
The Hillbilly
With this update, we tried making add-ons with new and interesting effects. However, during the PTB, it became clear we needed to revisit some of these add-ons to better accomplish our goals.
Black Grease:
Black Grease was inspired by The Hillbilly’s perk Enduring. It used to increase immunity to Blindness after being stunned by a pallet. We weren’t happy with how it turned out, and have come up with a brand new effect inspired by Lightborn which should provide an obvious advantage that fits right in with the new Overheat mechanic.
- Moderately increases the Chainsaw’s rate of cooling when a flashlight is shining on you. (-5 charges/second for those of you who love numbers)
Mother’s Helpers:
Mother’s Helpers was inspired by The Hillbilly’s perk Lightborn. It used to increase your movement speed while a flashlight was shining on you. Unfortunately, flashlighting most often occurs while locked into animation, so players would usually not be able to make use of this speed boost. This new version is inspired by Enduring and should be interesting for fans of the old charge speed bonus add-ons.
- Slightly decreases chainsaw charge time for 30 seconds after being stunned by a pallet. (12% – the same as the old Spark Plug)
Next in line, we have various add-ons that needed some tweaks or that needed to be reverted (Engravings). Here they are:
Lo Pro Chains:
Lo Pro Chains shared the downside from Speed Limiter, but the upside wasn’t enough to justify its rarity. We’ve updated it so it only deals a single health state for a short period after breaking a pallet or wall. We’ve also changed its rarity from Ultra Rare to Very Rare.
- Survivors hit with the Chainsaw within 5 seconds of breaking a pallet or a wall are damaged for a single health state.
- Updated rarity to Very Rare (from Ultra Rare)
Apex Muffler:
The Apex Muffler can enable some very strong builds. Because of that, we’re increasing its rarity to Ultra Rare. We will continue to monitor this add-on closely.
- Updated rarity to Ultra Rare (from Very Rare)
Dad’s Boots:
- Updated rarity to Uncommon (from Common)
Death Engravings:
The initial nerf to both Engravings add-ons was an unfortunate mistake. Additionally, seeing the Overheat mechanic in action, the Engravings add-ons were much too punishing. We have reverted them to their previous versions. We will continue to monitor these add-ons closely.
- Reverted the charge time penalty to -12%
- Reverted the movement speed increase to +15%
Doom Engravings:
- Reverted the charge time penalty to -12%
- Reverted the movement speed increase to +20%
Heavy Clutch:
This add-on had a downside which limited its use a bit too strictly. It has been removed. Hopefully by mixing it with other add-ons, we’ll see new Billy sprints that aren’t possible without the add-on.
- Removed the Chainsaw sprint steering downside
Iridescent Brick:
The Iridescent Brick used to start the Undetectable status effect timer after 5 seconds of a Chainsaw sprint. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean that you were Undetectable after 5 seconds, it meant the transition to being Undetectable started. This took away the add-on’s value and made it unworthy of being an Ultra Rare. We’ve lowered the time required to transition to becoming Undetectable. We will continue to monitor this add-on closely.
- After maintaining a Chainsaw Sprint for 2 seconds, gain the Undetectable status effect until you stop sprinting.
Tuned Carburetor:
The downside of moving at 4.4 m/s requires something fairly strong to make up for it. In that sense, the previous decrease in charge time was barely noticeable. We’ve increased it to make this add-on more appealing.
- Moderately decrease Chainsaw charge time (20% up from 12%)
Speed Limiter:
Like The Cannibal’s Speed Limiter, we’ve increased the bloodpoint bonus and changed its rarity.
- Get 100% more points for Chainsaw score events
- Updated rarity to Common (from Uncommon)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issues with overly bright lights on some interior maps.
- Fixed an issue causing blood droplets to sometimes remain in the air when the Executioner’s Cage of Atonement moves.
- Fixed an issue causing the Demogorgon to sometimes miss Survivors when using the shred ability and landing exactly on the Survivor.
- Fixed an issue causing the Demogorgon to sometimes briefly enter a chase with Survivors while traversing the Upside Down.
- Fixed an issue causing some items to be depleted just before they run out of charges.
- Fixed an issue causing Nancy Wheeler’s facial animations to not play correctly.
- Fixed an issue causing offerings to be consumed when the player switches characters in an online lobby.
- Fixed an issue causing the Wraith’s Blind Warrior – Mud add-on to not inflict blindness.
- Fixed an issue causing Hillbilly’s chainsaw to hit through a counter on the Treatment Theatre map.
- Fixed an issue causing various problems with the Cannibal’s tantrum under poor network conditions.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 4.1.0 (Mid-Chapter)
- Release date: May 23rd 2022 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Aura Rework – Refactored the Aura System on a technical level to make sure the system is easier to maintain and less prone to bugs in the future. Visuals for the Refactor were changed to support the new refactor. Functionally the system has not been significantly changed, however the appearance of auras is noticeably different.
- Added a Promo Code System to the Store – Keep your eyes on our forums / social media for promotional codes that you can use in-game in the future.
- Killer Selection – Killers can no longer change characters while searching for a match / in a lobby (excluding custom matches). This will soon be used by the new matchmaking system to provide better match balance based on your skill with each killer individually, instead of a global killer rating.
The Cannibal was one of our less-popular Killers, so we are pushing to lessen some of the character’s weaknesses while chasing Survivors. Cannibal players will see a higher skill ceiling and new ways to master the power. His add-ons were changed to match our rarity composition requirements, remove overlap with the Hillbilly’s add-ons, and open up more builds.
Power Changes
Added Chainsaw Sweep charges. Using the Chainsaw will consume a charge and trigger a Chainsaw Sweep. During this time, The Cannibal can extend the Chainsaw Sweep by pressing the power button before the power bar fully depletes. The more charges are used, the longer the miss cooldown / tantrum (if colliding with obstacles).
The numbers:
- The Cannibal starts with 3 charges
- Triggering the chainsaw will start a Chainsaw Sweep that lasts 2 seconds
- During the Sweep, each charge used after that will reset the Chainsaw Sweep timer back to 2 seconds
- Each additional charge used increases the missed chainsaw attack cooldown / tantrum duration by 1 second
- Charges refill at a rate of 1 charge every 4 seconds when the chainsaw is not being used
- The Cannibal’s maximum speed during a Chainsaw Sweep has increased to 5.29 m/s from 5.06 m/s
Furthermore, if The Cannibal revs the chainsaw for too long, a tantrum is automatically triggered for the base duration of 5 seconds.
When a tantrum is triggered, all remaining charges are consumed.
The tantrum meter will pause as soon as the power button is released and will start going down when the chainsaw is put away.
Add-ons: Updated most of his add-ons.
Common add-ons:
Chainsaw File:
Old effect: Slightly reduces the noise made by the chainsaw
New effect: Slightly reduces the tantrum duration
Long Guide Bar:
Old effect: Slightly increase the reach of the chainsaw attack
New effect: Moderately increase the rate at which charges replenish
Spark Plug:
Old effect: Slightly decreases the chainsaw charge time
New effect: Slightly increases movement speed during the tantrum
Vegetable Oil:
Same effect: Slightly decreases the chainsaw cooldown
Uncommon add-ons:
Old effect: Moderately increases acceleration when using the chainsaw
New effect: Slightly increase dash duration when a token is consumed. Slightly increase the additional chainsaw swing window.
Homemade Muffler:
Old effect: Moderately reduces the noise made by the chainsaw
New effect: Moderately decreases the tantrum duration
Knife Scratches:
Same effect: Slightly increase chainsaw movement speed. Slightly increase charge time
Primer Bulb:
Old effect: Moderately decreases the chainsaw charge time
New effect: Moderately increases movement speed during the tantrum
Speed Limiter:
Same effect: Chainsaw does not automatically trigger the dying state. Get 50% more bloodpoints for chainsaw hit score events.
Rare add-ons:
Begrimed Chains (Carburetor Tuning Guide):
Old effect: Moderately decreases the chainsaw charge time. Slightly decreases the chainsaw cooldown. Slightly reduces the time penalty when bumping in objects. Slightly reduces the noise made by the chainsaw.
New effect: Chainsaw hits cause survivors to drop their items.
Grisly Chains:
Old effect: Moderately decreases the repair speed of survivors injured by the chainsaw for 90 seconds.
New effect: Hit target suffers from the mangled status effect for 90 seconds.
Shop Lubricant:
Old effect: Moderately decreases the chainsaw cooldown
New effect: Downing a survivor with a chainsaw hit while no other survivors are in your terror radius will hide the survivor’s aura for 20 seconds.
The Beast’s Marks:
Same effect: Moderately increases chainsaw movement speed. Slightly increases charge time.
The Grease:
Old effect: Considerably decreases the chainsaw cooldown. Slightly decreases the chainsaw charge time.
New effect: Moderately increase movement speed during the tantrum. Slightly increase the duration of the tantrum.
Very Rare add-ons:
Award-Winning Chili:
Old effect: Tremendously increases acceleration when using the chainsaw. Considerably increases the time penalty when bumping in objects.
New effect: Moderately increase dash duration when a token is consumed. Moderately increase the additional chainsaw swing window.
Depth Gauge Rake:
Old effect: Moderately reduces the time penalty when bumping in objects.
New effect: Increases the amount of charges available. Slightly increase charge time. Slightly decrease the chainsaw sweep’s maximum speed.
Light Chassis:
Old effect: Slightly reduces the reach of the chainsaw attack. Considerably reduces the time penalty when bumping in objects.
New effect: While revving, see the auras of survivors within 8 meters. Slightly reduces movement speed while revving.
Rusted Chains:
Old effect: Targets hit with a chainsaw attack suffer considerably from the mangled status effect for 120 seconds.
New effect: Targets hit with a chainsaw attack suffer from the Broken status effect for 90 seconds.
Ultra Rare add-ons:
Carburetor Tuning Guide (Begrimed Chains):
Old effect: Moderately decreases the repair speed of survivors injured by the chainsaw for 120 seconds. Hit target suffers considerably from the Mangled status effect for 120 seconds.
New effect: Automatically consume all charges when triggering a chainsaw dash. Slightly increase the chainsaw dash duration. Slightly decrease the chainsaw sweep’s maximum speed. Slightly decrease the tokens’ recharge rate.
Iridescent Flesh:
New effect: Hitting a Survivor with the Chainsaw replenishes its charges.
The Hillbilly has a versatile kit with traversal and double-damage effects as a part of his base power, leading this character to overperform compared to other Killers. These changes introduce a resource management aspect to place some limitations on access to his tools.
Power Changes
Added the overheat mechanic. Using the chainsaw will now build up heat. When reaching the maximum amount of heat, the chainsaw overheats and cannot be used until it has cooled off.
The numbers:
- The chainsaw heat meter starts at 0.
- Starting a rev adds 5 charges.
- Actively revving adds 8 charges per second
- Actively sprinting adds 2 charges per second
- When not using the chainsaw, the heat meter dissipates at a rate of -5 charges per second
- When the chainsaw overheats, the heat meter dissipates at a rate of -6.6 charges per second
If the heat meter reaches 100 charges, the chainsaw overheats.
If the chainsaw overheats during a chainsaw sprint:
- The sprint is not interrupted
- The chainsaw goes through the cooldown phase after the sprint has ended
The heat meter will pause as soon as the power button is released and will start going down when the chainsaw is put away. Furthermore, the heat meter does not progress during The Hillbilly’s various cooldown phases. This includes a chainsaw miss, a chainsaw hit and colliding with an obstacle.
Add-ons: Updated most of his add-ons.
Common add-ons:
Dad’s boots (Spiked Boots):
Same effect: Moderately increases steering while using the chainsaw.
Heavy Clutch (Long Guide Bar):
Old effect: Slightly increases the reach of the chainsaw attack.
New effect: Reduce the width of the chainsaw sprint’s collision box. Moderately reduces steering during the chainsaw sprint.
Junkyard Air Filter (Spark Plug):
Old effect: Slightly decreases the chainsaw charge time.
New effect: Slightly increase the chainsaw overheat limit.
Steel Toe Boots (Vegetable Oil):
Old effect: Slightly decreases the chainsaw cooldown
New effect: Slightly reduces the time penalty when bumping into obstacles
Uncommon add-ons:
Big Buckle (Depth Gauge Rake):
Old effect: Moderately reduces the time penalty when bumping into objects.
New effect: While the chainsaw is overheating, decrease your Terror Radius by 8 meters.
Death Engravings:
Same effect: Slightly increases chainsaw movement speed. Slightly increases charge time.
Off-Brand Motor Oil (Chainsaw file):
Same effect: Slightly reduces the noise made by the chainsaw
Punctured Muffler (Primer Bulb):
Old effect: Moderately decreases the chainsaw charge time.
New effect: Slightly increase the heat dissipation rate.
Speed limiter:
Same effect: Chainsaw does not automatically trigger the dying state. Get 50% more bloodpoints for chainsaw score events.
Rare add-ons:
Black Grease (Shop Lubricant):
Old effect: Moderately decreases the chainsaw cooldown.
New effect: After being stunned by a pallet, increase resistance to blinds by 50% for 10 seconds.
Doom Engravings:
Same effect: Moderately increases the chainsaw movement speed. Slightly increases the chainsaw charge time.
Leafy Mash (Grisly Chains):
Old effect: Moderately decreases the repair speed of survivors injured by the chainsaw.
New effect: After landing a chainsaw hit, gain the Undetectable status effect for 15 seconds.
Low Kickback Chains (Light Chassis):
Old effect: Slightly reduces the reach of the chainsaw attack. Considerably reduces the time penalty when bumping in objects.
New effect: Considerably reduces the time penalty when bumping into objects.
Mother’s Helpers (Rusted Chains):
Old effect: Survivors injured by the chainsaw suffer considerably from the mangled status effect.
New effect: Move 0.2 m/s faster while a flashlight in shining on you.
Very Rare add-ons:
Apex Muffler (Homemade Muffler):
Old effect: Moderately reduces the noise made by the chainsaw.
New effect: Chainsaw is silent for survivors outside the terror radius.
Pighouse Gloves (The Thompson’s Mix):
Old effect: Considerably decreases the chainsaw cooldown. Slightly decreases the chainsaw charge time.
New effect: Moderately decrease the chainsaw’s heat generation when starting a rev.
Spiked Boots (Thompson’s Moonshine):
Same effect: Tremendously increases steering while using the chainsaw. Considerably increases the time penalty when bumping in objects.
Tuned Carburetor (Carburetor Tuning Guide):
Old effect: Moderately decreases the chainsaw charge time. Slightly decreases the chainsaw cooldown. Slightly reduces the time penalty when bumping in objects. Slightly reduces the noise made by the chainsaw.
New effect: Moderately decrease the chainsaw charge time. Reduce base movement speed to 4.4 m/s.
Ultra Rare add-ons:
Lo Pro Chains (Begrimed Chains):
Old effect: Moderately decreases the repair speed of survivors injured by the chainsaw. Survivors injured by the chainsaw suffer considerably from the mangled status effect.
New effect: Breaking a pallet does not stop the chainsaw sprint. Chainsaw hits do not automatically trigger the dying state.
Iridescent Brick:
New effect: After maintaining a chainsaw sprint for 5 seconds, gain the Undetectable status effect until the end of the chainsaw sprint.
Franklin’s Demise
The changes to Franklin’s Demise add a risk factor for Survivors so they need to balance the risk/reward of going after the dropped item within the time limit.
- Franklin’s Demise: Instead of the item losing charges when dropped, the Entity will consume the item after 150/120/90 seconds if it is not picked up. Additionally, Franklin’s Demise will reveal the aura of items on the ground within 32/32/32 meters.
Knock Out
Knock Out has been underperforming and is underpicked by Killers. Adding the temporary slowdown to “crawling” fits the flavor of the perk while giving it another gameplay dimension.
- Knock Out: Now triggers on basic attacks only. Additionally, Survivors put in the dying state by your basic attacks will crawl 50/50/50% slower for 15/15/15 seconds. During this time, they are affected by the Blindness status effect.
Lightborn’s effect only partially resisted Blind effects in the past, but this often wasn’t worth a full perk slot for a Killer and led to this perk being underutilized. These changes make it a more attractive option for Killers who want this effect.
- Lightborn: Grants immunity to blindness caused by flashlights and firecrackers. Survivors that attempt blinding you have their aura revealed for 6/8/10 seconds.
Tinkerer has a useful effect but it was hard to get the full benefit of it due to the high repair progress threshold. Lowering that threshold and increasing the Undetectable duration makes it easier to use its benefits as a Killer.
- Tinkerer: Now triggers at 70/70/70% (down from 85%) and grants the Undetectable status effect for 12/14/16 seconds (up from 8/10/12)
- The Cannibal: Fixed an issue that caused the chainsaw SFX to continue playing when stunned while performing a chainsaw sweep.
- The Doctor: Fixed an issue that caused Survivors outside of the Terror Radius to not hear the audio cue when charging the Static Blast ability.
- The Hillbilly: Fixed an issue that caused the Hillbilly to not go into stun animation when letting go of the chainsaw sprint button at the same time as hitting a wall.
- The Nurse: Fixed an issue that caused Jane Romero’s hand to clip through her chest after the Nurse’s Mori.
- The Oni: Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to drop twice the amount of Blood Orbs when performing actions while injured.
- The Oni: Fixed an issue that prevented entering Blood Fury if the power meter was filled while carrying a Survivor.
- The Plague: Fixed an issue that activated Corruption mode instantly after a Survivor cleanses with the last Pool of Devotion instead of 5 seconds after a Survivor cleanses with the last Pool of Devotion.
- The Plague: Fixed an issue that caused the Plague to briefly stagger and not return smoothly to her idle animation after falling from high ground.
- Fixed an issue that caused injured Survivors to sometimes make no sound after certain actions.
- Fixed an issue that allowed loading into a Public Match while in Custom Games.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to get stuck together after healing a downed Survivor while against a wall in several locations.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors’ screams to be muffled and low volume when found in a locker.
- Fixed an issue that could make it impossible for male survivors to aim a flashlight if they were previously holding a different item.
- Fixed a missing texture when pulling David King from a locker.
- Fixed an issue that caused the camera to not focus on the Survivor when being rescued from a Cage of Atonement.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused survivors to stand up and puke when being interrupted when cleansing themselves at a Pool of Devotion.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a Survivor to get stuck after interacting with a Pool of Devotion that spawned on dirt mounds.
- Sole Survivor: Fixed an issue that caused the perk to not always receive a token when other Survivors are sacrificed.
- Devour Hope: Fixed an issue that displayed the speed buff as active for a duration of 10 seconds when hooking a Survivor instead of starting 10 seconds after having hooked a Survivor. The effect remains unchanged.
- Make Your Choice: Now mentions in the perk description that the Survivor screams when unhooking another Survivor.
- Plunderer’s Instinct: Fixed the aura outline to remain displayed on chests even if there are no obstacles.
- Kindred: Fixed an issue that displayed the Killer’s aura outline even if there are no obstacles.
- Wake Up: Fixed the aura outline which remained displayed on the Exit Gates even if there are no obstacles.
- Backwater Swamp: Fixed an invisible collision that can be walked on in Maze tiles.
- Badham Preschool: Fixed a visible seam next to the killer shack.
- Badham Preschool II: Fixed a Generator that couldn’t be accessed from its right side.
- Dead Dawg Saloon: Fixed an issue that caused tumbleweeds to appear abruptly and disappear by passing through the floor.
- Family Residence: Fixed a visible seam on the floor.
- Father Campbell’s Chapel: Fixed the horse’s legs which were clipping through the ground.
- Grim Pantry: Fixed an issue that allowed a tree to spawn at the Exit Gate.
- Haddonfield: Fixed placeholder textures on the ceilings in certain houses.
- Haddonfield: Fixed a visible gap under exterior windows.
- Ironworks of Misery: Fixed missing collision on one of the foundry’s entrances.
- Midwich Elementary School: Fixed an issue that caused Crows to be seen going through ceilings once triggered.
- Midwich Elementary School: Fixed multiple book piles where the Survivors could clip trough.
- Midwich Elementary School: Fixed very bright textures on desks in the reception area.
- Mother’s Dwelling: Fixed a superfluous texture displayed on a Hay Pile in Mother’s Dwelling map.
- Mount Ormond Resort: Fixed an invisible collision outside the cottage.
- Sanctum of Wrath: Fixed an issue that prevented blinking on the stone steps with the Nurse.
- The Underground Complex: Fixed an issue that allowed climbing on a specific box.
- Reverted the UI Scale back to the pre-4.0.0 size for players playing in 1440p and below as this was adversely affecting players in 1440p. The increased UI Scale now only affects players using 4k resolutions.
- Added more feedback information on some error messages.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 4.0.3
- Release date: June 25th 2020 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Removed the ability for The Executioner to see the aura of the Cage of Atonement and survivors inside them
- Added a system that will despawn the Cage of Atonement if The Executioner near it for too long. The Cage of Atonement (and the survivor inside it) will respawn in a new location.
- Adjusted the spawn rate of event items in the bloodweb.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused the Healthy Obsession achievement to not earn any progress when healing a Survivor marked as the Obsession,
- Fixed an issue that caused the perk Kindred to activate when being sent to a Cage of Atonement.
- Midwich Elementary School: Fixed an issue that caused the entity blockers created by the Blood Warden perk to not prevent the Survivors from escaping.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the profile from showing up when selecting another players profile while on the tally screen.
- Fixed an issue that would trigger the Midwich siren when Spectating another Survivor opening the Exit gates on different maps.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Forced Penance perk to trigger a placeholder string when hitting a Survivor that is taking a protection hit.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Executioner to turn while performing his ranged attack, causing the ranged attack to go off in a direction he is no longer facing in.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Adrenaline perk to trigger and provide a haste buff while the Survivor is still locked in a Cage of Atonement.
- Fixed missing audio when a Survivor is rescued from a Cage of Atonement.
- Fixed an issue that caused the face of David King to look distorted to various degrees when playing.
- Fixed an issue that caused the a placeholder string to show up when rescuing a Survivor from a Cage of Atonement.
- Fixed an issue that cause a loss of the Bloodpoints when purchased from the Shrine of Secrets while in a Custom Game Lobby.
- Midwich Elementary School: Fixed missing texture on top of a table.
- Midwich Elementary School: Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse to be able to Blink out of world.
- Midwich Elementary School: Fixed an invisible collision for the Killer next to the Gore Pile on top of the stair case.
- Gideon Meat Plant: Fixed an issue that caused survivors to be able to reach a safe spot after vaulting from the balcony.
- Midwich Elementary School: Fixed an issue that caused the Killer to be unable to break pallets from one side.
- The Executioner: Fixed an issue that caused the trail to rise above certain collisions instead of going through.
- The Legion: Fixed an issue that caused the Party Crasher outfits to look extremely bright.
- Thompson House: Fixed an issue that caused traps placed on the stairs to not activate when a Survivor walked or ran near it.
- Fixed an issue that would sometimes show the Survivors floating above the hook.
- Fixed an issue that caused kills from a Cage of Atonement to fail to award progress for Archive challenges which required to kill by any means.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Killer stain to not be visible on certain surfaces.
- The Executioner: Fixed an issue that failed to trigger a noise indicator when a Survivor is rescued from a Cage of Atonement.
- Fixed an issue that someimes cause the Exit Gate to appear closed after it has been opened by the Killer.
- Midwich Elementary School: Fixed an issue that allowed the Killer to stalk a Survivor hidden behind an opened school locker door.
- Fixed the animation of the Survivor in a Cage of Atonement when the rescuer is being interrupted by the Killer.
- Midwich Elementary School: Fixed an issue that caused Bear traps to be triggered when walking underneath them.
- The Executioner: Fixed an issue that caused the weapon to clip through windows when vaulting.
- Badham Preschool: Fixed an issue that prevented Killers to pick up Survivors in a corner of the boiler room.
- Mount Ormond Resort: Fixed a totem on the second floor that couldn’t be cleansed.
- Midwich Elementary School: Fixed missing audio of walking footsteps.
- The Oni: Fixed an issue that prevented Blood Fury from activating if the power meter was filled up while carrying a Survivor.
- The Executioner: Fixed an issue that would sometimes allow the Executioner to avoid a pallet stun by cancelling the Rites of Judgment into an attack.
- Fixed an issue that caused the perk Spies from the Shadow to have no cooldown.
- Added additional instructions to the customization and store tooltips to clarify that Outfit Sets cannot be mixed with other cosmetic pieces.
- Midwich Elementary School: Fixed an issue that could spawn the hatch under a gore pile.
- The Underground Complex: Fixed an invisible collision between the scaffolding in the storage room.
- The Nightmare: Fixed an issue that caused Dream Snares to not Hinder Survivors who walk on it.
- Midwich Elementary School: Fixed a vaulting asset that could be walked on by falling from the second floor.
- Fixed an issue that allowed the Executioner to stand in front of a Cage of Atonement, preventing any possible rescue.
- The Executioner: Fixed the walking animation in order to correspond with his movement speed.
- Fixed an display issue that wouldn’t show the barbed wire vignette to spectators when a Survivor is afflicted with Agony.
- The Hillbilly: Fixed the chainsaw audio loops.
- The Hillbilly: Fixed an issue that caused the chainsaw to sometimes miss the hit detection.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Konami Code to not work on Console.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Ghastly Gateau to incorrectly award 140% instead of 104%.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Ghastly Gateau to not stack the bonus bloodpoints with other Bonuses.
- Fixed an issue that would prevent some players from earning the Anniversary Crowns despite escaping with the Crown.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 4.0.0 (Silent Hill)
- Release date: June 16th 2020 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Features & Content
- Added Sets (2 or more linked Customization pieces that are always equipped together)
- Added a new Rarity for Customizations – Legendary.
- Added A New Killer – The Executioner
- Added a New Survivor – Cheryl Mason
- Added a New Map – Midwich Elementary School
- Added the ability to sort a character’s Customization Inventory by rarity, outfit, or item name.
- Adjusted the user interface layout scaling to better accommodate 4k resolution screens.
- Added Block feature to Tally Screen, allowing to prevent someone from sending friends invite.
- Clown: No longer slowed when throwing bottles.
- The Shape’s Evil Within extending add-ons only increase the required stalking amount on the first activation of Evil Within III. The text of these addons has be adjusted to describe this behavior correctly.
Bug Fixes
- Badham Preschool: Fixed an issue that caused various assets to appear offset, leaving a gap behind them.
- Macmillan Estate: Fixed an issue that caused some ground textures to flicker.
- Dead Dawg Saloon: Fixed an issue that caused 2 Survivors to be stuck when standing close to each other on the Hangman’s Trapdoor as the Generator completes.
- Dead Dawg Saloon: Fixed an area where Killers couldn’t follow Survivors. between a wall and a Cactus.
- Dead Dawg Saloon: Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to get stuck when crouch walking towards a building.
- Red Forest: Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to get stuck when crouch walking behind a tree.
- Haddonfield: Fixed an issue that displayed floating thrashbags in one of the houses’s garage.
- Haddonfield: Fixed a missing collision in the street that could cause users to fall out of world.
- Haddonfield: Fixed a missing collision above cars and trees that allowed players to land on them.
- Torment Creek: Fixed a superfluous collision preventing the users from getting up the basement stair when hugging the left wall in the Silo.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Killer to respawn in place when equipping loadout pieces such as a perk, an offering, or an add-on.
- The Shape / The Hillbilly: Fixed an issue that caused the Killer to briefly flicker when stunned by having the Survivor wiggle off or when holding a Survivor.
- The Nightmare: Fixed the interrupt animation.
- Fixed an issue that displayed black bars under the Survivors’ names in lobbies.
- Fixed an issue that caused users to receive an error stating that a player from their blocked list is preventing the party from being joined when trying to invite two people to a custom lobby.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to briefly appear offset from the hook and then snap back to it.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Doctor’s Static Blast to not be translated in other languages.
- Fixed an issue that caused downed survivors to make no sound.
- The Ghost Face: Fixed an issue that could cause the Reveal to not work.
- Temple of Purgation: Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse to be unable to blink in the main building.
- Temple of Purgation: Fixed a hole on the side of the main building that prevented the Killer from walking through.
- Family Residence: Fixed an issue that prevented the Plague from Ingesting Corruption from a specific fountain.
- Treatment Theatre: Fixed an issue that prevented the Plague from Ingesting Corruption from a specific fountain.
- Gideon Meat Plant: Fixed an issue that allowed Survivors to jump through a vault point by walking against the edge of a hole and falling further than intended.
- The Clown: Fixed an issue that caused the bottles to disappear a moment early after reloading.
- The Clown: Fixed an issue that caused the Clown to get a very large speed boost when reloading while using both the VHS Porn and Smeely Inner Soles add-ons.
- Fixed an issue that caused the perk For The People to activate when performing a heal skillcheck if it is bound to the same key as the skillcheck action.
- The Deathsligner: Fixed the German description for the Deathslinger achievements.
- The Wraith: Fixed an issue with The Serpent Soot to not reveal the Wraith when breaking a breakable wall.
- Mount Ormond Resort: Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to get stuck between a Jigsaw Box and a hill.
- Treatment Theatre: Fixed an issue that allowed Survivors to land on top of a desk once they sprint vaulted a window on the second floor.
- Treatment Theatre: Fixed a specific totem that was unable to be cleansed.
- Treatment Theatre: Fixed an issue that caused the Killer’s projectiles to hit an invisible collision in the middle in the middle of the map.
- Distortion Perk: Edited the description of the perk to better reflect it’s effect.
- Fixed an issue that caused users to be stuck when hooking or unhooking a Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused Female Survivors to not scream when transitioning to the struggle phase on hook.
- The Wraith: Fixed an issue that caused the uncloak animation to not cancel when canceling the uncloak action.
- The Nightmare: Fixed an issue that caused the top part of the power description tooltip to be slightly cut off in windowed mode.
- The Legion: Fixed an issue that displayed the Susie model holding the weapon incorrectly in the lobby.
- The Legion: Fixed an issue that caused the Legion to be unable to vault windows which lead to a drop when Frenzied.
- Yui Kimura: Fixed an issue that caused Yui to briefly apeear cross-eyed during her idle animation.
- The Underground Complex: Fixed an issue that caused the some doorways to lack collision and allowing players to see through the walls.
- Fixed an issue that prevented crows from spawning when spamming gestures like pointing.
- The Clown: Fixed an issue that caused the Clown’s tailcoat cosmetics to clip into his right calf.
- Yui Kimura’s Sakura Happi: fixed clipping issues with the sleeves.
- Zarina Kassir’s Draped Cardigan: Fixed clipping issues with the sleeves and neck
- The Doctor’s Dr. Vivisection: Fixed a visible gap between the neck and shirt.
- Nea Karlson’s Summit Jacket: Fixed clipping issues on the neck
- David King’s Hard Headlights: Fixed visible seams during various actions.
- Feng Min’s Mad World: Fixed a visible hole on the sleeve of the Torso.
- Dwight’s Office Slacks and Watermelon Pants: Fixed an issue that caused Dwight’s leg to be deformed when wearing the Everyday Office Slacks.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 3.7.2
- Release date: May 12th 2020 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Fixed an issue that caused Killers or Survivors to be stuck in a dropped pallet location.
- Fixed an issue that caused the user to be stuck when hooking or unhooking a Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused Meg to fly off the hook after being hooked a second time in the Tutorial.
- The Cannibal: Fixed an issue that caused the chainsaw SFX to stay active after destroying a pallet.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Entity Blockers to be invisible and have no smoke VFX after vaulting through a window 3 times.
- The Nurse: Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse to be unable to blink in most of the Chapel.
- Fixed an issue that caused the animation of the Hillbilly’s chainsaw attack to display incorrectly when hitting a wall.
- Fixed an issue that caused Stalking as Ghost Face and revealing Ghost Face as a Survivor to be difficult when hiding in tall grass.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Undetectable status to trigger as soon as the Killer stopped moving when using the perk Insidious.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Offerings on the offering screen to be displayed smaller.
- Fixed an issue that caused some generators to be unable to be damaged by the Killer from certain angles.
- The Nightmare: Fixed an issue that caused Pallet remains to not be cleared when the Nightmare puts down a Dream Pallet.
- Fixed an issue that caused the perk Head-On to deactivate if another Survivor is grabbed from a locker.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Huntress’ hatchets’ addon on-hit effects to not work.
- Fixed an issue that caused the end of match music to persist between trials.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 3.7.1
- Release date: May 6th 2022 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that could cause Survivors to fall out of world when escaping a trial and transitioning to the match result screen.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Survivors to vault while staggered after falling.
- The Oni: Fixed an issue that caused the grab animation to trigger twice when picking up a survivor in Blood Fuiry mode.
- The Huntress: Fixed an issue that caused the camera to reset incorrectly when putting away a hatchet.
- The Huntress: Fixed an issue that failed to award bonus Deviousness points when hitting a Survivor with a hatchet.
- The Oni: Fixed an issue that caused the Oni’s Kanobo to float briefly when he transitions to Demon Mode.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Killer to hang when the match start timer reaches zero.
- Fixed an animation issue that caused the Killer to be offset when performing a Mori on a Survivor that is quickly spinning.
- Thompson House: Fixed invisible collisions in the Farmhouse.
- Fixed an issue that failed to award the Unlimited Entity-Wide charm.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Insidious perk icon to not be dimmed when the effect is inactive.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a Survivor to crash when being sacrificed while using the perk Sole Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that failed to display the EULA website after confirming that the user is older than 18.
- Coldwind Farm: Fixed an issue that caused the Killer stain to be blocked by the corn, causing odd geometrical shapes to appear.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Trapper’s Neptune Failure body customization to clip through the camera while the trap collecting animation is playing.
- Fixed an issue that caused Auras to be visible through certain Survivor’s hair or outfits.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Background music to stop playing for the Killer once all generators have been powered up.
- Fixed an issue that caused the offering description to be displayed in the bottom right of the screen when hovering the cursor over this area just before they are flipped over in the middle of the screen.
- The Shape: Fixed some issues that could cause the Stalking powers to either not give any stalk progress or cause the stalking to continue once the Survivor walks past the field of view.
- The Spirit’s Prayer Beads add-on: Fixed an issue that caused the phase shifting SFX to be silent outside the Spirit’s terror radius if she starts phase shifting while inside the terror radius and then move farther away.
- Dead Dawg Saloon: Fixed an issue that caused the lantern’s lights to flicker.
- Lampkin Lane: Fixed a one sided texture wall and floating grass above the stairs of the basement.
- The Hag: Fixed an issue that caused the Red Stain of the Hag to change when teleporting to a triggered trap.
- Fixed an issue that could sometimes kick a user from a party lobby back to the main menu with an unknown error.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 3.7.0 (Mid-Chapter)
- Release date: April 28th 2020 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- When all remaining Survivors in a trial hit the Struggle phase on the hook, the Entity will instantly drain their remaining life bar.
- The repair speed Efficiency Debuff for each Survivor working on a generator has been increased to 15% (up from 10%).
- Great Skill Checks while repairing now give 1% bonus progression (down from 2%).
- Great skill Checks while repairing now give to 300 Bloodpoints (up from 150).
- Memento Mori interaction adjustment: Mori animations only begin playing at the end of the interaction charge.
- The Legion Feral Frenzy adjustment: Restored The Legion’s ability to see scratch marks and pools of blood at the beginning of the fatigue (when Feral Frenzy expires).
- The Emblem System: Adjusted the Benevolent Emblem progression thresholds.
- Added additional player feedback when Survivors attempt to escape a hook by themselves.
- Improved the Controller sensitivity range in Options.
- Added score events for interrupting Survivors that are sabotaging a hook, cleansing a totem or digging around in a Jigsaw box for a key.
- Updated the Party Management visuals – silhouette
- The Archives New Content: Tome 03
- Added a Details Screen to provide a full list of content available in the current Rift (Free + Premium tracks).
- On the offering screen, the description of the offerings now appear at the same time as the offering is revealed.
Coldwind Farm
- Torment Creek: Reduced the safety of the window in the silo.
- Rancid Abattoir: Reduced the safety of the window in the slaughterhouse.
- Fractured Cowshed: Reduced the safety of the window in the cowshed.
- Thompson House: Added a drop down from the second floor and added a window vault.
- Added safety to the combine harvesters vault preventing a strong alternative path.
MacMillan Estate
- Coal Tower: Removed the window on the first floor of the tower
- Groaning Storehouse: Removed the window in the storehouse.
- Ironworks of Misery: Reduced the safety of the window in the foundry.
Autohaven Wreckers
- Wretched Shop: Removed the RNG window spawn logic in the garage and reduced window safety.
Backwater Swamp
- Grim Pantry: Reduced the safety of the window under the shack.
Level Design QoL Fixes:
- Haddonfield corner fence vaults: Removed.
- Suffocation Pit: Removed the randomly generated window spawn logic and reduced the safety of the window loop in the mine.
- Disturbed Ward Pallet logic reduced to 2 pallets.
- Badham Preschool fence loop: shortened.
- Dead Dawg Saloon: Added breakable walls to the saloon.
Layout Tweaks: Updated tile-type spacing and or map size.
- Rotten Fields Reduced the size of the map and added more distance between Maze tiles.
- Wretched Shop: Added more distance between Maze tiles.
- Fractured Cowshed: Reduced the size of the map and added more distance between Maze tiles.
- Thompson House: Reduced the size of the map and added more distance between Maze tiles.
- Wrecker’s Yard: Reduced the size of the map and added more distance between Maze tiles.
- The Temple of Purgation: Reduced the size of the map and added more distance between Maze tiles.
- Mother’s Dwelling: Added more distance between Maze tiles.
- Mount Ormond Resort: Added more distance between Maze tiles.
For more info click here: Dev Update April 2020
- Head-On: added visual feedback to clearly indicate how soon the perk will be ready for use.
- Prove Thyself: Now adds 15% repair speed for each Survivor working on the same generator (up from 10%)
- Stake Out: Now adds an additional 1% bonus progression for Great skill checks.
- Play with your food: rewrote the description of the Perk. The effect remains unchanged.
- Sole Survivor: now lights up as soon as 1 token is acquired.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Invite notifications to show during a game.
- Fixed an issue that failed to award a Protection Score Event when taking a hit while the Killer is carrying a Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused all players to be kicked out of the trial when a Killer attempted to pick up a Survivor while that Survivor is being healed.
- Fixed an issue that caused the perk Decisive Strike to not activate when being interrupted by a Nurse’s blink grab.
- Fixed an issue that caused the perk Franklin’s Demise to not reduce the item charges.
- The Underground Complex: Fixed a clipping issue on the Survivors’ right arm when entering and leaving a locker.
- Disturbed Ward: Fixed an issue that could cause the Killer and the Survivor to be unable to vault through a specific window.
- Treatment Theatre: Fixed an issue that caused the camera to clip through the wall of the 2nd floor near the stairs.
- Treatment Theatre: Fixed some lights that were too bright.
- Treatment Theatre: Fixed an issue that caused survivors to clip through the iron gate near the staircase of the second floor.
- Dead Dawg Saloon: Fixed the collision on certain rocks that could be climbed on.
- Torment Creek: Fixed a camera issue that allowed a Survivor to see out of world.
- Coal Tower: Fixed an issue that allowed survivors to reach a location where the killer couldn’t pick them up.
- Rancid Abattoir: Fixed a Texture seam on the ground tile of the main building.
- Temple of Purgation: Fixed an issue that caused the Survivor to be misplaced when entering and exiting a specific locker.
- Thompson House: Fixed an invisible collision near a door frame on the second floor of the building.
- Thompson House: Fixed missing collision on the second floor of the building.
- Ironworks of Misery: Fixed an issue that prevented Survivors from cleansing a specific totem from certain angles.
- Mother’s Dwelling: Fixed an issue that allowed a hill to be climbed on from its side.
- Backwater Swamp. Fixed a ground collision issue that caused players to fall out of world.
- The Hillbilly: Fixed the blood VFX when performing a Mori.
- The Hillbilly: Fixed an issue that caused the Hillbilly to be stuck in an animation when being stunned by a pallet while charging forward with the chainsaw.
- The Hag: Fixed the interrupt animation from the Survivor’s point of view.
- The Hag: Fixed an issue that caused the red stain of a triggered Phantasm Trap to still be visible from the Survivor point of view, when the Hag has the Add-on Rusty Shackles equipped.
- The Deathslinger: Fixed a clipping issue when aiming down sights with the default head customization.
- The Nightmare: Fixed an issue that caused the Snares to appear black to a survivor if the snare was placed while the survivor was awake.
- The Cannibal: Fixed an issue that caused the Killer to be unable to press the attack button to cancel his chainsaw if the charge bar is full.
- The Oni: Fixed an issue that caused the grab animation to trigger twice when picking up a survivor in Blood Fury mode.
- Fixed an issue that caused female Survivors to appear offset when being grabbed while vaulting away from the Spirit.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Flashlight’s beam to pass through assets and walls.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors with the Red Herring perk to still see the aura of the last repaired generator while being affected by the Blindness status effect.
- The Demogorgon: Fixed an issue that caused a particle emitter to remain present when a Survivor destroys a portal.
- The Shape: Fixed an issue that caused the arms to stretch when performing a Mori.
- Fixed an issue that caused the heads of the Legion and the Deathslinger to snap back when finding a survivor in a locker.
- The Nightmare: Fixed an issue that caused most of the shadows generated in the Dream State to be misplaced and stretched.
- The Oni: Fixed an issue that allowed the Oni to turn faster when using a controller.
- The Wraith: Fixed an issue that caused the Wraith to not see his arm when stunned while carrying a Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused the perk Pop Goes the Weasel to go on cooldown if a generator regresses due to the perk Surge activating.
- Mount Ormond Resort: Fixed various flickering snow textures.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors who are infected by the Plague have no falling animation.
- Fixed an issue that caused most male Survivors have wide open eyes when using a flashlight.
- Fixed an issue that caused the perk Kindred reveals a killer using the perk Insidious.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to be stuck in the environment when sabotaging a hook from a certain angle on hill tiles in multiple maps.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors with Kindred to briefly see The Nightmare when he teleports to a generator while Kindred is active.
- Fixed an issue that caused the transitioning animation to the struggle phase to not play smoothly when being hooked as a female character.
- Fixed an issue that caused the perk Sole Survivor to only light up when the Survivor’s aura is being hidden.
- Polished the animation of the Legion’s vaults during Feral Frenzy.
- Fixed an issue that caused the perk Technician to nullify the effect of the noise-reduction from the Spring Clamp add-on.
- The Hillbilly: Fixed an issue that triggered the basic attack sound after revving the chainsaw and after attacking with the chainsaw.
- The Underground Complex: fixed the audio on some plastic boxes when striking them with a basic attack.
- The Huntress: Muted the lullaby for the Killer and the Survivor when in chase.
- The Huntress: Fixed an issue that caused the breathing sound to play over the lullaby and other sounds.
- Fixed a missing SFX when a Survivor wiggles out of the Killer’s grasp.
Fixes & Changes from PTB
- Ironworks of Misery: Added a few boxes to extend the loop of the stronger window in the foundry.
- Dead Dawg Saloon: Added more breakable walls to the saloon.
- Thompson House: Added a locker back to the farmhouse upper floor.
- Fixed an issue that failed to award a Protection Score Event when taking a hit while the Killer is carrying a Survivor.
- The Cannibal: Polished the prestige weapon skin.
- Fixed various clipping issues
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 3.6.2
- Release date: March 30th 2020 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Bug Fixes
- The Deathslinger: Fixed an issue that caused the Deathslinger’s chain winch to not break after shooting.
- The Trapper: Fixed an issue that wouldn’t award any score event when resetting a bear trap.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors with the perk Saboteur to see the hook auras while being in a locker.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to be unable to be healed to full health when using the perks Solidarity, Autodidact and For the People on other Survivors.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 3.6.1
- Release date: March 17th 2020 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Balance and Bug fixes
- Dead Dawg Saloon: Repositioned some vultures.
- Dead Dawg Saloon: Repositioned the generator on the second floor of the saloon.
- Dead Dawg Saloon: Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse to see out of world when blinking in the basement.
- Family Residence: Fixed an issue that caused a Bear Trap to spawn inside a rock.
- Fixed an issue that prevented The Nurse from blinking through the exit gates.
- Fixed a heavy frame drop when walking on multiple Hag traps.
- Fixed an issue that would award a Protection score event to a Survivor for breaking free from the Redeemer’s spear near an injured Survivor.
- The Hillbilly: Polished the animation when breaking pallets and breakable walls with the Chainsaw.
- The Hag: Fixed an issue that caused The Hag lunge speed after teleporting to be slower than it should be.
- The Deathslinger: Adjusted the sensitivity when aiming down sights when using a controller.
- Fixed an issue that would incorrectly display a connection lost error prompt when leaving the Tally screen in a Custom Game.
- Fixed an issue that caused Killers using the Perk Hangman’s Trick to see Survivor auras until the end of the hooking or dropping animation instead of at the beginning.
- Fixed an issue that would cause the perk Boil Over to be active for Survivors that do not have it equipped during the trial if at least one Survivor has the perk equipped.
- Fixed the translation of the Perk category text in Thai.
- Updated the description of the perk Gearhead.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 3.6.0 (Chains of Hate)
- Release date: March 10th 2020 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Features & Content
- Content – Added a new Survivor (Zarina Kassir)
- Content – Added a new Killer (The Deathslinger)
- Content – Added a new map (Dead Dawg Saloon – Grave of Glenvale)
- Content – Added a high-ping indicator to the HUD, displayed when the local ping to the server is above a certain threshold (white icon for 150ms, red icon for 300ms).
Hooks and Sabotage
- Removed skill checks for Hook sabotage.
- Survivors will no longer be able to sabotage a Bear Trap with a Toolbox or the Perk Saboteur.
- Killers may not hook a Survivor on a hook that is currently being sabotaged.
- Dropping a Survivor now increases the Wiggle progression by 25% (down from 33%).
Toolboxes, items and add-ons
- Survivors will no longer be able to sabotage a Bear Trap with a Toolbox.
- Toolboxes now repair fewer charges of a generator, but have a greater speed boost.
- Doubled the chance to trigger a skill check when repairing a Generator with a Toolbox.
- When a Survivor item reaches zero charges, they may keep it. If they escape with that item, it will be automatically refilled for the next trial.
- Dropped items with zero charge behave the same way as items with charges; they can be picked up again later.
- When a Survivor escapes a trial with an item, that item loses its addons.
- Removed the possibility for all Splinter Offerings to spawn in the Bloodweb.
- Disabled all Splinter Offerings.
Killer Changes
- The Plague now starts with one Corrupted Fountain.
- The Trapper’s Bear Traps can no longer be sabotaged.
- The Trapper’s Bear Traps can now be reset without needing to pick them up first.
The Doctor Changes
With the update The Doctor received in the last mid-chapter, there are now two ways to inflict Madness: Shock Therapy, and Static Blast. To make it clearer what is required to increase a Survivor’s Madness level, we are making the following changes:
- Madness no longer decays passively over time.
- Shock Therapy will add half of a Madness level to any Survivors hit.
- Static Blast will add a full Madness level to any Survivors hit.
- Reverse skill checks now happen 2/3 of the time an insane skill check is triggered by default.
In numbers:
Previously, the thresholds for madness tier 1, 2 and 3 were 5, 55, and 105 points respectively.
Shock therapy granted 30 points of madness and static blast granted 50.
While outside the terror radius, madness would decay by 0.5 points per second.
These thresholds were based on how much passive madness gain the Doctor used to have. Without that mechanic, the madness thresholds can be simplified.
The new tiers for madness 1, 2 and 3 are 1, 2 and 3 points respectively.
Shock therapy grants 0.5 points of madness and static blast grants 1
There is no passive madness decay. The only way to reduce madness is to Snap Out Of It.
Previously, the “Order” add-ons increased the amount of madness inflicted by Static blast. They now reduce Static Blast’s cooldown instead.
Previously, the “Discipline” add-ons increased the amount of madness inflicted by Shock Therapy. They now reduce the detonation delay of Shock Therapy instead.
Further add-on changes:
The Doctor’s madness can be customized by using his “Affliction” add-ons: Order, Discipline, Calm, Restraint and Obedience. Add-ons of the same type granted similar debuffs, but each one varied slightly in magnitude or madness threshold. The end result was that it was often unclear which add-on did what, and the lower rarity add-ons often seemed very unappealing in comparison to the higher rarity ones.
The “Afflictions” have now been standardized to be the same across all rarities. Only the passive bonus is different.
Order (Illusionary Pallets)
- Order – Class 1/2/3: Reduces the cooldown of Static Blast by 2/4/6 seconds
The Affliction of Order used to vary in terms of what madness tier was required to show pallets, and how far away from the doctor pallets could spawn. These variables are now the same across Order – Class 1, Order – Class 2 and Order – Carter’s Notes
Survivors with Madness suffer from the Affliction of Order:
- Broken pallets may appear to be replaced with Illusionary Pallets that persist until approached.
- A new Illusionary Pallet is generated at the location of a random broken pallet very 20 seconds.
- The Doctor shares in his patients’ Madness in order to read the auras of Illusionary Pallets.
Discipline (Illusionary Killer Stain):
- Discipline – Class 1/2/3: Now reduces the detonation delay of Shock Therapy by -0.1 seconds, -0.2 seconds and -0.3 seconds.
The Affliction of Discipline used to vary in terms of how long the effect would stay active and whether they required a chase to activate. These variables are now the same across Discipline – Class 2, Discipline – Class 3 and Discipline – Carter’s Notes
Survivors with Madness suffer from the Affliction of Discipline:
- Madness II: While in a chase, survivors perceive an Illusionary Red Stain and Terror Radius as though The Doctor were right behind them. This effect persists for 6 seconds after the chase ends.
- Madness III: Illusionary Red Stain and Terror Radius are constantly active.
- The Doctor shares in his patients’ Madness in order to see the Illusionary Red Stain.
Restraint (Illusionary Doctor):
- Restraint – Class 1,2,3: Now reveals Survivors’ auras for 1/2/3 seconds.
The Affliction of Restraint used to vary in terms of how much extra duration would be granted to illusionary doctor hallucinations. These variables are now the same across Restraint – Class 2, Restraint – Class 3 and Restraint – Carter’s Notes.
The passive bonuses of the restraint add-ons have not been changed.
Survivors with Madness suffer from the Affliction of Restraint:
- Increased Illusionary Doctor duration to 8 seconds (These hallucinations normally last 1 second)
- The Doctor shares in his patients’ Madness in order to read the Auras of Illusionary Doctors at any level. (This effect is normally only active in madness 3)
Calm (Illusionary Terror Radius)
- Calm – Class 1,2,3: Terror radius increased/decreased by 4/6/8 meters
Additive modifiers for Terror Radius are clearer and the result of stacking multiple modifiers is simpler to calculate. This is a slight increase in the effect for Class 1 and 2, and Carter’s Notes are equivalent (25% of 32 is 8)
The Affliction of Calm used to vary in terms of what madness tier was required to activate it, how long it stayed active, and how long it took between activations. These variables are now the same across Calm – Class 1, Calm – Class 2 and Calm – Carter’s Notes
Survivors with Madness suffer from the Affliction of Calm:
- Madness II: Intermittently causes survivors to hear a distant illusionary Heartbeat (10-15 seconds active, 30-45 seconds inactive)
- Madness III: Constantly causes survivors to hear a distant illusionary Heartbeat
Obedience (Reverse Skill Checks)
Obedience broke the pattern of affliction add-ons and has been removed. Reverse skill checks have been integrated into the Doctor’s base ability.
When afflicted by a Madness Skill Check, there is a 33% chance of an off-center skill check, a 33% chance of a reverse skill check, and a 33% chance of a reverse off-center skill check. This is baseline and requires no add-ons.
Scrapped Tape, which was previously removed, has returned to take Obedience – Class III’s place.
Iridescent King
Previously, this add-on would inflict a random affliction on a survivor every time they were shocked. These afflictions would stack, until a survivor had all 5 afflictions after 5 shocks. However, this was mostly unnecessary, as these afflictions still had the same madness thresholds for activation. In light of the changes to the afflictions, Iridescent King has been simplified and the need to shock survivors to inflict afflictions has been removed:
Survivors with Madness suffer from the Afflictions of Calm, Discipline, Order, and Restraint:
- Intermittently causes survivors to hear a distant illusionary Heartbeat.
- While in a chase, survivors perceive an Illusionary Red Stain and Terror Radius as though The Doctor were right behind them. This effect persists for 6 seconds after the chase ends and is constantly active in Madness III.
- Broken pallets may appear to be replaced with Illusionary Pallets that persist until approached. A new Ilusionary Pallet is generated at the location of a random broken pallet every 20 seconds.
- Increases Illusionary Doctor duration to 8 seconds and grants the ability to read their auras at any level of madness.
The electrode add-ons increased shock therapy range by a percentage at the cost of a small penalty to shock therapy charge speed. This has been changed to grant extra range (in meters) with no penalty.
(The base range of Shock Therapy is 10 meters)
Mouldy Electrode: Increases the range of Shock Therapy by 2 meters (previously +15% range, -5% charge speed)
Polished Electrode: Increases the range of Shock Therapy by 3 meters (previously +25% range, -10% charge speed)
High-Stimulus Electrode: Increases the range of Shock Therapy 4 meters (previously +35% range, -15% charge speed)
Interview Tape: Range increased from 20 meters to 24 meters
Survivor Perks
- Saboteur: See Hook auras in a 56 meters radius from the pickup spot if a Survivor is being carried. Sabotaging a Hook without a toolbox takes 2.5 seconds. The Sabotage action has a 60 seconds cooldown.
- The Perk Ace in the Hole now adds the ability to keep the addons when escaping a trial with an item.
Killer Perks
- Hangman’s Trick: Reduce the Perk range to 2, 4 and 6 meters.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that would notify the Survivors of the Hex: No One Escapes Death when certain Killers use their power while the exit gates are powered.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to be hit by projectiles that visually appear to pass over their head while performing various interaction’s animations.
- Fixed an issue that wouldn’t award Malicious and Devout emblem progress when a Survivor disconnects.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Chaser emblem to not acquire any points when catching a Survivor in a Trapper trap (in or out of chase).
- Fixed an issue that wouldn’t grant a Coop Action score event when mending or sealing a Demogorgon’s portal with another Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse’s Spasmodic breath to infinitely increases base movement speed if the killer lunges as the timer runs out.
- Fixed an issue that would sometimes fail to award a protection hit score event to a Survivor when another healthy Survivor is near the injured Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused a Spectator to be unable to switch Role if at least one user is ready in a Custom Game Lobby.
- Fixed an issue that prevented starting a match in Custom Game when there is
havinga spectator.- Fixed an issue that caused the Doctor to have his view partially blocked by the Survivor’s body for a brief moment when performing an attack while carrying a Survivor.
- Fixed the Doctor view partially blocked by the Survivor’s body performing an attack while carrying a Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to be unable to select the ‘Ready’ option when returning to the Custom Game Lobby.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Blood drops from failing a healing skillcheck while asleep pass through certain ground tiles and any elevated tile.
- Fixed the Blood drops from failing a healing skillcheck while asleep pass through certain ground tiles and any elevated tile.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Blood VFX to be missing from the screen when a survivor is affected by Deep Wounds from Borrowed time.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Prompt text to be missing upon leveling up in the Bloodweb Menu.
- Fixed an issue that caused other Survivors to have the Ready button grayed out in a Custom Game Lobby when a Survivor comes back to the Lobby after having closed the application during the Loading Screen.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Trials to start in public matches with an incomplete Lobby.
- Fixed an issue that caused various killers animations to be corrupted or misalinged when performing a Mori.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Killers to break a pallet while a survivor is resetting the pallet from the same side.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to be unable to click the unlock tiers button in The Rift if the current tier reward unlock overlaps with the button.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to be unable to gain token with the perk Autodidact.
- Fixed an issue that caused parts of the Oni’s sound effect when absorbing blood orbs to loop when stunned after striking a Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that briefly caused the Shape’s unique music to trigger upon exiting the Archives to the Main Menu.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Boil Over Perk to not immediately hide hook auras when the pickup animation begins.
- Fixed an issue that caused Hex: Huntress Lullaby to fail to apply to Brand New Part installations when 5 tokens are earned.
- Fixed an issue that caused the extra points awarded for healing a survivor with No One Left Behind to not properly show in the score event.
- Fixed the Hag’s post-wiggle animation when a Survivor wiggles out.
- Fixed an issue that caused the previously changed controls to return to the default button layout after exiting the application.
Map Specific
- Treatment Theatre: Fixed an issue in Lery’s long shower room that caused a hatch to not allow Survivors to open it with a Key
- Treatment Theatre: Fixed an issue that displayed a floating book next to a Desk.
- Treatment Theatre: Fixed missing collision issues on various assets and ceiling.
- Fixed the SFX on some tall grass when walking on them inside The Backwater Swamp theme.
- Autohaven Wreckers: Fixed an issue that allowed Survivors to use Dead Hard to get onto tires near a crane
- Gas Heaven: Fixed an issue that allowed survivors to go through the ground near the gas pumps.
- Gas Heaven: Fixed an issue that displayed a seam near the Gas Station.
- Disturbed Ward: Fixed an issue that caused the LOD to be seen updating on the second floor of the Asylum.
- Mount Ormond Resort: Fixed a collision issue that blocked the movement of both Survivors and Killer near a broken lift.
- Mount Ormond Resort: Fixed an issue that caused Killers to get stuck on a vault point in Mount Ormond Resort after increasing their vault speed.
- Mount Ormond Resort: Fixed an issue that caused Survivors and Killers to be unable to move freely when walking at a specific corner exterior of the main building.
- Mount Ormond Resort: Fixed the collision on the railing on the second floor of the main building.
- The Thompson House: Fixed an issue that caused A survivor to get stuck when collecting the item in a chest that spawns close to the combine harvester.
- Sanctum of Wrath: Fixed an issue that caused Killers to be unable to chase Survivors between Buddha statues and a rock.
- Fractured Cowshed: Fixed an issue that displayed a seam on the ground when walking around the map.
- Mother’s Dwelling: Fixed a Lighting issue that caused a wall to appear completely shadowed and then brightens when approached.
- Fixed the collision on several hill tiles that could cause the Survivor or the Killer to bounce up and down repeatedly when near a rock formation.
- Yamaoka Estate: Fixed a texture at any exit gate to disappear as the Survivor or the Killer walks away.
- Yamaoka Estate: Fixed a missing collision at the bottom of the stairs of the Family Residence.
- Coldwind Farm: Fixed an issue that could cause a Survivor to get stuck when collecting the item in a chest that spawns close to the combine harvester.
- Spirit: Added a texture to the Spirit’s bandages on her left leg on the Cursed Silk Kimono from the Tattered Tradition Outfit.
- Fixed the textures on the Doctor’s Metal Therapy Bat
- Fixed the Doctor’s “Metal Therapy Bat” texture
- Fixed a display issue when viewing the Huntress wearing the Hunting Hitatare Torso.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when viewing a Huntress wearing the Winter Hearth Torso.
- Fixed an issue that caused various Huntress Masks to clip through her neck.
- Fixed an issue that displayed distorted legs when viewing the Doctor’s Ladykiller Frock Coat from a distance.
- Fixed an issue that caused the hanging piece of cloth on the Doctor’s Straight Jacket Torso to be clipping through his body.
- Fixed a clipping issue when viewing all of Nea’s shirt models.
- Fixed a graphic issue when viewing The Clown’s “Mr. Puddles’ Disembodied Head” on the tally screen.
- Fixed a graphic issue when viewing the Trapper’s Neptune’s Failure Torso on the tally screen.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Wraith’s Glowing Vigil head customization to clip through the Evening Wear Body customization.
- Fixed multiple clipping and lighting issues with David King’s Hard Headlight Torso customization.
Audio & Loc
- Fixed an issue that caused the wrong language to be displayed when viewing the result screen in Brazilian Portuguese after a match.
- Fixed an issue that caused a superfluous grunt when a survivor lands after falling from any height.
- Fixed an issue that caused the font color and size of the Head On Perk to be different than usual when viewed with the game language set to Spanish.
- Polished The Trapper’s Mori SFX.
- Polished The Hag’s Mori SFX.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors carrying a toolbox when injured while running to make the Survivors’ footsteps play more often.
- The Underground Complex: Fixed some floors that would trigger a wet footprint sound.
- Father Campbell’s Chapel: Polished the audio when inside the chapel.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 3.5.2
- Release date: February 28th 2020 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Added “Gates Closed” for the Gatekeeper Emblem bonus when ending the trial with the gates closed.
- Removed the “Generators Remaining” stipulation from the Gatekeeper Emblem
- Treatment Theatre: Reworked the Totems spawn location to hide them better.
Bug Fixes
- Treatment Theatre: Fixed an issue that caused the Survivors to be unable to unhook their teammate if the Killer is “facecamping” on a specific hook
- Fixed the display of the “Sealed Shut” Archive challenge which erroneously read “Survivor Master Challenge”
- Fixed an issue that caused the Rift progress bar to disappear from the widget when no challenges are available.
- Fixed an issue that caused an infinite loading when opening various Overlay menus as the Lobby timer ends.
- Adjusted the lighting in The Rift.
- Fixed an issue in Hawkins Lab where the user’s screen would go dark when their camera is placed on a certain way.
- Fixed an issue that caused an influx of Player Level update error
- Fixed an issue that caused the Archives level 4 to open when fully completing level 1 of Tome 2.
- Treatment Theatre: Fixed an issue that could push Survivors out of world after destroying a specific totem.
- Treatment Theatre: Adjusted the collision on two stairway walls.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Hag’s Red Stain to change when teleporting to a triggered trap.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to avoid getting trapped by a Bear Trap while performing an interaction.
- Fixed in issue In The Rift when selecting any Cosmetic causing not to display a preview instantly.
- Fixed an issue in The Rift when selecting any Charms or any Cosmetic causing to display a preview that looks faded which is inconsistent with other areas of the application.
- Fixed an issue with The Spirit’s Headband cosmetic hair models behave erratically once Yamaoka’s Haunting has been channeled.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 3.5.1
- Release date: ??? (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Treatment Theatre map changes
The following changes were done based on PTB feedback where it was found that some window vaults were too strong in the large rectangle rooms so we reduced the strength of those window loops and increased the strength of the pallet loops in those rooms to compensate:
- Tile Rec_Bath_1P_01: Reduced window loop safety, increased pallet loop safety to 80+.
- Tile Rec_Bath_1P_02: Reduced window loop safety, increased pallet loop safety to 82.
- Tile Rec_Bed_2P_01: Reduced window loop safety, increased pallet loop safety to 82.
- Tile Rec_Wait_1P_01: Reduced window loop safety, increased pallet loop safety to 80+.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused the movement extrapolation system (tested during the 3.5.0 PTB) to have a slight effect on Survivors movement (although it was meant to be fully disabled).
- Fixed an issue causing the Alpine Ski Vest Meg cosmetic to be automatically granted to all players. The cosmetic will now be granted after reaching level 35 in The Reckoning’s Rift.
- Fixed an issue that caused Nea’s prestige torso to be missing the effects on her arms.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Plague’s vomit splashes to be very loud.
- Adjusted the distance and intensity at which players would hear the fireworks SFX from hooks and generators.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Legion’s Fairview Varsity Jacket (Graffiti) to play the wrong audio if a Julie or Suzie body cosmetic was previously selected.
- Tentatively fixed multiple crashes relating to the Archives The Doctor changes.
- Partially fixed an issue that caused The Doctor’s Iridescent Queen add-on VFX to be displaced in front of the Survivor if they were moving. The VFX is still displaced when turning.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors not to see illusionary pallets created by The Doctor’s “Order” – Cater’s Notes add-on.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Decisive Strike perk not to work against The Doctor if the Survivor has an insane skill check.
- Fixed an issue that caused succeeding a Snap Out Of It skill check to grant extra progress.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Hag’s red stain to change brightness when teleporting to a trap.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Nightmare’s Dream Snare placement animation to be slower.
- Fixed an issue that caused an impassable gap between a hooked Survivor and a hospital bed in one of the hallways in the Treatment Theatre map.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to get temporarily stuck when cleansing a specific totem in a bathroom in the Treatment Theatre map.
- Fixed multiple collision issues on the second floor of the Shock room in the Treatment Theatre map.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Entity VFX to be missing on a specific hook in the Treatment Theatre map.
- Fixed an issue that caused multiple unreachable totems and pick up spots in the Springwood maps. Shortly after the 3.5.0 update, the maps were removed from the rotation because of these unfair and exploiting issues. With this bug fix in 3.5.1, the maps have now been re-enabled.
- Fixed an issue that caused an invisible collision on the right side of the basement stairs when exiting the basement in The Underground Complex map.
- Fixed an issue that could cause party members to see a corrupted lobby briefly after the Offering burn sequence.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Distortion perk not to lose any tokens.
- Fixed an issue that caused hook auras not to fully display on the hooks in the Treatment Theatre map.
- Fixed an issue that caused some of The Doctor’s head cosmetics to clip through the camera when performing the Shock Therapy or Static Blast actions while looking up.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Doctor’s Maple Knight add-on not to indicate the area of effect for the Interview Tape add-on.
- Fixed an issue that caused female Survivors not to play an open mouth scream animation when shocked by The Doctors Shock Therapy or Static Blast.
- Misc optimizations in the Treatment Theatre map to improve frame rate.
- Fixed an issue that caused the “Killer” text to be missing in the camera sensitivity controls settings menu.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Hex: Ruin perk not to apply to the host of a Custom Game lobby if they switched roles to be a Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to vault the windows of the Doctor’s office tile in the Treatment Theatre map.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to be able to walk into hooked Survivors when the hooked Survivor spammed the Attempt to Escape action.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Doctors arm to play the Static Blast or Shock Therapy animations when immediately vaulting after completing the action.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Ghost Face’s pallet break SFX to be out of sync with the animation.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors afflicted by the Oblivious status effect not to be affected by The Doctors Static Blast.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Shape’s camera to become slanted when canceling the Kill action.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Doctor’s Iridescent Queen add-on to apply Static Charge while the Survivor with it was in a locker.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Killers from interrupting Survivors on two chests in the Treatment Theatre map.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Doctor’s Shock Therapy not to play if Static Blasts cooldown ended at the same time.
- Fixed an issue that caused the beam length from The Doctor’s Interview Tape add-on not to affect the range increasing add-ons.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to achieve the Dead Hardy Challenge in level 1 of the Archives.
- Fixed an issue that caused multiple vault points in the Treatment Theatre map not to become contaminated by The Plague’s Vile Purge.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Trappers bear trap auras to be blocked by multiple assets in most maps.
- Potentially fixed an issue that could caused Killers to get permanently blinded by the flashlight. Added addition logging to help identify the issue.
- Fixed an issue that caused multiple Killer belongings to be offset or floating when spawned on the watch tower in the Mount Ormond Resort map.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Legion to perform a basic attack on the first hit of Feral Frenzy if activated while being blinded.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Legion to instantly down a Survivor with Feral Frenzy if blinded after activating it.
- Misc cosmetic improvements.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 3.5.0 (Mid-Chapter)
- Release date: ??? (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Features & Content
- Feature – Added a Compendium page in the Archives. This page allows users to go back to previous Tomes and complete challenges. Completing challenges from a previous Tome will not give the user Rift Fragments.
- Feature – Added a new Rift and Challenges for Tome II in the Archives.
- Feature – Removed the invert camera in-game keybinding and from the Controls menu. This option is still available in the Settings menu.
- Content – Updated the Treatment Theatre map (see details below in the BALANCE section).
- Content – Removed Twitch Challenges feature.
- Content – Disabled the Cursed Legacy thematic lobby.
- Gatekeeper Emblem: Flattened score value of all remaining generators so now all generators are worth the same amount (1 point per minute) regardless of the duration that they remain in the match. Also added an additional score for both gate remaining unopened at the end of the match.
- Hex: Ruin redesigned: All generators are affected by Hex: Ruin; if a generator is not being worked on, it regresses at 100/150/200% the normal regression rate. The Hex effect persists as long as the related Hex totem is standing.
- The Oni: Removed turn speed limitation on Demon Strike. Implemented a hard cap on the turn angle during Demon Strike.
The Doctor changes
- Updated the illusionary Doctor animation to play The Doctor’s in-game idle animation instead of the menu idle animation.
- Removed Treatment Mode and the Static Field VFX. The Doctor will no longer need to switch stances to use Shock Therapy, or to use a regular attack.
- Added Doctor-specific chase music.
- Added a new special ability, Static Blast, as the secondary power (see below for more information).
- Set the cooldown of Shock Therapy to 1.5 seconds. This means it will take 1.5 seconds before The Doctor can hit with his primary weapon, use Shock Therapy or use Static Blast.
- Increased the base range of Shock Therapy by 10%.
- Range increasing add-ons no longer increase the width of the Shock Therapy, only the length. See the add-on changes below for more information.
- Reduce charging move speed to 67% normal from 70% normal to keep the speed the same at 3.08 m/s.
- Madness regresses while outside the Terror Radius, and does not regress while inside it.
- “Order” – Class I add-on: Slightly increases the Madness inflicted by Static Blast.
- “Order” – Class II add-on: Moderately increases the Madness inflicted by Static Blast.
- “Order” – Carter’s Notes add-on: Considerably increases the Madness inflicted by Static Blast.
- “Calm” – Class I add-on: Slightly increases terror radius while Static Blast is ready. Slightly decreases terror radius while Static Blast is on cooldown.
- “Calm” – Class II add-on: Moderately increases terror radius while Static Blast is ready. Moderately decreases terror radius while Static Blast is on cooldown.
- “Calm” – Carter’s Notes add-on: Considerably increases terror radius while Static Blast is ready. Considerably decreases terror radius while Static Blast is on cooldown.
- Moldy Electrode add-on: Slightly increases charge time and attack range of Shock Therapy.
- Polished Electrode add-on: Moderately increases charge time and attack range of Shock Therapy.
- High-Stimulus add-on: Considerably increases charge time and attack range of Shock Therapy.
- Interview Tape add-on: Rarity changed from Uncommon to Rare.
- “Obedience” – Carter’s Notes add-on: Rarity changed from Very Rare to Rare. Skill checks have a considerable chance to turn counter-clockwise for Survivors with Madness 2/3.
- Scrapped Tape: Name changed to Iridescent Queen. Rarity changed from Uncommon to Ultra Rare. Survivors hit with Shock Therapy or Static Blast acquire a lingering Static Charge. If a Survivor with Static Charge is within 4 meters of another Survivor, the Survivor receives a shock with identical effects as the Shock Therapy and Static Blast.
- Iridescent King add-on: Shock Therapy and Static Blast cause the Survivor to gain a random Madness affliction.
- Renamed the Shock Therapy score event to Pacified.
- Added a score event for hitting Survivors with Static Blast (Tranquilized – 300 Bloodpoints).
Static Blast
Static Blast is a new mechanic for The Doctor. We removed the Treatment Mode and the ability to switch between modes. The Doctor will always be able to hit with his primary weapon, use Shock Therapy (which now has a 1.5-second cooldown), and can use Static Blast. Static Blast takes 2 seconds to activate, and has a 60 second cooldown. Effects:
- The Doctor’s Static Blast causes all Survivors within his terror radius to gain 50 Madness points.
- The Doctor will laugh if the Static Blast affects any Survivor.
- Affected Survivors will scream; they give away their location if their Madness level increases.
- Survivors outside the Terror Radius hear a direction-neutral audio cue when the ability is being charged and when it fires.
- Survivors inside the Terror Radius hear direction-revealing audio cues for the charge and fire of the ability.
- Scoring event for hitting Survivors.
Snap Out Of It adjustments
- Missing a skill check will regress the progression bar by 1/4th instead of all the way.
- Skill checks will trigger at every quadrant of the progress bar.
- Releasing the Snap Out Of It action will keep the progress made instead of resetting.
- Snapping Out Of It sends Survivors to Madness Level 1 instead of Level 2.
Treatment Theatre map update
- Completely reworked the visual look and feel of the map.
- Made the map darker.
- Changed the layout to be more rectangular than square.
- Added flickering signs in the hallways near rooms that spawn generators.
- Hid totems better.
- Made each map tile unique (no repeated tiles).
- Balanced the distribution and safety of pallets.
- Balanced the distribution of hooks.
- Updated the logic of vault spawns and activations for the Doctor’s Office and the Treatment Room.
UI Improvements
- Progress bars for Killer powers will now show the Killer’s power icon.
- Added platform prompts when accepting / claiming a Challenge node in the Archives.
- Changed the level icon shapes in the Tome from squares to diamonds.
- The level navigation menu becomes golden when a Tome is mastered.
Bug Fixes
Killer related
- Fixed an issue that caused not all Survivors to see blood orbs when The Oni had the Renjiro’s Bloody Glove add-on equipped.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Oni’s Kanobo to disappear when damaging a generator or destroying a pallet.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Wraith and The Spirit not to have their re-appearance lunge speed burst.
- Fixed an issue that could cause The Nightmare to be unable to place Dream Snares if stunned while placing one.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Trappers bear trap auras to be blocked by multiple assets in most maps.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Trapper to get stuck in an infinite loop when stepping in a bear trap that was placed close to another trap.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Trapper to step in multiple bear traps at once if they are in close proximity.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Trapper not to properly trigger his own bear traps when set by the Iridescent Stone add-on.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to be able to untrap another Survivor from The Trapper’s bear traps while the Survivor was being picked up out of the trap.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Doctor’s Iridescent King add-on not to always apply its 5 afflictions within 5 shocks. In addition to this bug fix, we also added scoring events for feedback on which afflictions were applied.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Doctor’s Shock Therapy not to interrupt Survivors using a flashlight.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to block a part of The Hags screen when performing a basic attack while carrying a Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that allowed The Hag, The Hillbilly and The Demogorgon to interact with cleansed totem debris.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Ghost Face to see inside assets when attacking while having a Survivor on their shoulder.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Legion to see inside of lockers when attacking while having a Survivor on their shoulder.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Legion to perform a basic attack on the first hit of Feral Frenzy if activated while being blinded.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Legion to instantly down a Survivor with Feral Frenzy if blinded after activating it.
Map specific
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to interact with a specific chest or Jigsaw box when in front of a tree in the Temple of Purgation map.
- Fixed an issue that caused the camera to clip through walls when being sacrificed on specific hooks in the Hawkins National Laboratory map.
- Fixed an issue that caused some of the flags inside the manor building to have missing textures on one side in the Family Residence map.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible for The Nurse to blink in the area around the base of the shrine in the Sanctum of Wrath map.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to interact with a specific chest of Jigsaw box when it spawned facing a Buddha statue in the Sanctum of Wrath map.
- Fixed an issue that made it difficult for The Nurse to blink in or around the gazebo tile in the Yamaoka Estate maps.
- Fixed an issue that made it difficult for The Nurse to blink in or around the shrine tile in the Yamaoka Estate maps.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible for The Nurse to blink around the shack tile in the Backwater Swamp maps.
- Fixed an issue that caused the small boats in the Backwater Swamp maps to have incorrect textures.
- Fixed an issue that caused some trees to have the wrong textures on their base in the Backwater Swamp maps.
- Fixed an issue that caused the tops of the corn to appear black in the Coldwind Farm maps.
- Fixed an issue that caused bear traps to sink into the ground on multiple areas around the silo building in the Torment Creek map.
- Fixed an issue that caused the railing just in front of the basement in the farm house to partially lack collision in the Thompson House map.
- Fixed an issue that caused a visible ground seam in the lodge of the Blood Lodge map.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a placeholder tile to spawn in the Wrecker’s Yard map.
- Fixed an issue that caused the chandelier in the chapel to be floating unattached to anything in the Father Campbell’s Chapel map.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to climb on top of a rock in the Father Campbell’s Chapel map.
- Fixed an issue that caused an impassable gap for Killers when a tree spawned too close to the asylum building in the Disturbed Ward map.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to be floating above the ground on most tiles in the Mount Ormond Resort map.
- Fixed an issue that caused multiple Killer belongings to be offset or floating when spawned on the watch tower in the Mount Ormond Resort map.
- Fixed an issue that caused multiple texture issues on the hills in the Mount Ormond Resort map.
- Fixed an issue that caused the windows and walls to be misaligned in the 2 story house in the Badham Preschool maps.
- Fixed an issue that caused the boarded windows to appear very dark in the Badham Preschool and Lampkin Lane maps.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to vault through a fence window on one side in the Lampkin Lane map.
- Fixed an issue that caused a log pile to be lacking hitbox collision, allowing projectiles and The Cannibals chainsaw not to detect collision in the Lampkin Lane map.
- Moved the generator on the top floor of a 2 story house in the Lampkin Lane map that caused players to undesirably vault the window instead of repair.
- Darkened the grass texture in the Lampkin Lane map.
- Misc LOD fixes and improvements.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Kindred perk to stay active when the perk owner disconnected while it was active.
- Rainbow maps will now track chests if revealed by a perk that shows chests (ie: Detective’s Hunch).
- Fixed an issue that caused the Kindred perk to stay active for another player with the perk equipped if the perk owner disconnected while it was active.
- Fixed an issue that caused Sprint Burst to trigger when the button was pressed during specific interactions where the player moves but cannot sprint (vaulting, entering/exiting locker).
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors not to get notified of Hex: Huntress Lullaby when succeeding a great skill check.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible for The Legion to Frenzy vault over a pallet while it was being reset with the Any Means Necessary perk.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the 4th Survivor slot in the public lobby not to fill.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors killed by the End Game Collapse not to count towards the Reverent Challenge in Tome 1.
- Added a retry mechanism for sending Archive Challenge progression to the backend.
- Potentially fixed an issue that could cause Survivors to have a permanent Haste effect from perks or when getting hit.
- Potentially fixed an issue that could caused Killers to get permanently blinded by the flashlight. Added addition logging to help identify the issue.
- Fixed an issue that caused a loud noise notification to trigger on the exit gates when they were powered.
- Fixed an issue that could cause players to become stuck between a hooked Survivor and a wall when canceling an unhook action.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to snap backwards when picking up and dropping an item without moving.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Killer to crash when loading into the match as The Nurse with the Mother Mercy outfit.
- Fixed an issue that caused male Survivors hands to be floating above the Pool of Devotion when cleansing their sickness.
- Fixed an issue that caused the bear trap in the beginning of the Killer Tutorial to appear closed.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Claudette AI to move around once she begins the struggle phase in the Killer Tutorial.
- Fixed an issue that caused skirts to appear stretched and warped in the Store and in The Rift.
- Misc cosmetic and VFX fixes, improvements and optimizations.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Hag’s Snake Charmer and Hallowed Catalyst outfits to cause major FPS drops in the match.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Spirit’s The Reckoning and Blazing Lineage outfits to cause the title to hang for approximately 15 seconds when selected.
- Fixed an issue that caused a white arrow to appear on the top left of the screen when returning to a lobby after a match.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Total XP text to be cut off in the tally screen when in undocked mode.
Audio & Localization
- Misc audio adjustments and improvements.
- Misc localization and translation improvements.
- Fixed an issue that caused tooltips for items in the free track to overlap on the Tier progress.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Broken status effect to stay displayed on the portrait in the HUD of a Survivor that is sacrificed, killed or disconnected.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Doctor’s Madness effect to stay displayed on the portrait in the HUD of a Survivor that is sacrificed, killed or disconnected.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Archives widget to disappear from the tally screen when returning to it after spectating the match.
- Fixed an issue that caused players rank to display inconsistently in the tally screen across all players if pips were lost or gained.
- Fixed an issue that caused the spectate button to appear briefly despite not being able to spectate when leaving the tally screen.
- Fixed an issue that caused medkit heals not to count towards the Benevolent emblem.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Spectators from switching between Survivor and Killer when there was only 2 players in a Custom match.
- Fixed an issue that caused the player names on the right side of the screen in a Custom Game lobby to have no function when selecting one.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Clown’s Reload progress bar to behave incorrectly when the Kill prompt was present in the HUD.
- Fixed an issue that caused certain tooltips not to update when switching pages or characters.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Loadout to appear on screen after the lobby timer reached 0 seconds.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Character Info to disappear when searching for a match as a Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that allowed non-host players in a Play As Survivor lobby to open the Archives while searching for a match.
- Fixed an issue that caused the item tooltip to stay displayed when interacting with a node as a new Bloodweb level generates.
- Fixed an issue that caused the banner to refresh each time when attempting to cycle through the new content when only 1 banner was available.
- Fixed an issue that caused the switch role tooltip in Custom Game lobbies to display when the button was disabled.
- Misc UI improvements.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 3.4.2
- Release date: ??? (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
The Nightmare
- Outdoor Rope add-on: Reduced the action speed debuff from 6% to 2%.
- Jump Rope add-on: Reduced the action speed debuff from 9% to 4%.
- Swing Chains add-on: Reduced the action speed debuff per sleeping Survivor from 3% to 2%.
The Oni
- Renjiro’s Bloody Glove add-on: Blood orbs are now absorbed by Survivors who come in contact with them. The aura reveal duration has been reduced from 3 seconds to 2 seconds, however, the duration stacks if multiple blood orbs are absorbed.
- Updated turn ratio of The Oni Demon Dash ability to improve controller turn-rate and hard-cap turning.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when loading into a match.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to become stuck in the Play As Survivor pre-lobby when accepting an invite from a user in a full lobby.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when the user cycled through searching for a lobby and opening the Store.
- Fixed an issue that caused item add-ons that increase charges not to work.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nemesis perk not to trigger on an Obsession switch from the Furtive Chase perk.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Breakout perk not to reactivate when being healed from the dying state within 6 meters of a Survivor being carried by the Killer.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Survivors to sprint without using Sprint Burst when slow vaulting a window and pressing the sprint button as the animation started.
- Fixed an issue that caused the flashlight item to deplete charges when using the flashlight while performing interactions.
- Fixed an issue that allowed The Oni to rotate faster than intended when using the joysticks during Demon Dash.
- Fixed an issue that could cause The Oni to go through vault points when hitting a Survivor with Demon Strike.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Oni to get stuck in the Demon Strike animation when stunned by a pallet during the animation.
- Fixed an issue that cause The Oni to gain blood orbs when hitting an injured Survivor affected by the Endurance status effect.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Oni’s blood orbs to remain partially in a locker when an injured Survivor left the locker.
- Fixed an issue that caused the red glow on The Oni’s eyes to be visible when wearing the Very Rare head customization.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Doctor’s power, add-ons and loading tips to erroneously display incorrect text.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Oblivious status effect to persist when destroying a Demogorgon portal.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Nurse to move at 3.85 m/s when fatigued if she charged the 2nd blink.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Hag’s animation to abruptly stop when carrying a Survivor and stopping movement.
- Fixed an issue that caused the phase walking VFX to carry over to the tally screen if the match ended while The Spirit was using her power.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to become stuck behind a lantern next to the temple in the Sanctum of Wrath map.
- Fixed an issue that caused lowered FPS in the Preschool basement in the Badham Preschool maps.
- Fixed an issue that caused some puddles of water to have LOD issues in the Family Residence map.
- Fixed an issue that caused some female Survivors to have items clip during their idle animation.
- Fixed an issue that caused the match start SFX to play when in a Custom Game lobby without a Killer and all Survivors readied up.
- Fixed an issue that caused struggling SFX to be inconsistent when wiggling on certain Killers shoulders.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Killers carrying SFX to keep playing after hooking a Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to become stuck in an empty custom lobby when accepting an invite from someone that joined the lobby.
- Fixed an issue that caused some Killers not to hear menu music when returning to the lobby from a Custom Game match.
- Misc cosmetic and VFX fixes, improvements and optimizations.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a desync and/or being unable to move as the Killer after damaging a generator.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a desync between clients and host.
- Fixed an issue that could cause The Trapper to get caught in a bear trap that was just set.
- Fixed an issue that caused focusing on the application while the pause menu is open caused the player to perform their hit action.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Oni, The Hillbilly and The Pig to move at regular Killer movement speed when using their power.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a Survivor to fall out of world (from their perspective) when getting hooked.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Survivors to fall through the ground to the floor below when dropped from the Killers shoulder.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the wiggle UI to flicker when getting interrupted.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the wiggle UI to disappear after being picked up and dropped.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the wiggle UI to disappear when getting picked up by the Killer with a Survivor nearby.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 3.4.0 (Cursed Legacy)
- Release date: ??? (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Features & Content
- Feature – Updated the intro video to The Cursed Legacy trailer.
- Feature – Disconnection Penalties: Players who disconnect early from games will receive temporary matchmaking bans, with the duration escalating for repeat offenders. Please note that this feature will not be active on launch of the 3.4.0 update, we are planning to enable it on Thursday December 5th.
- Content – Added cosmetics to player inventory (Incl. past convention exclusives, Bill’s Ugly Sweater, Frosty Eyes for The Oni & The Plague, and a new Universal Winter Holiday Charm).
- Content – Added a new Killer (The Oni).
- Content – Added a new Survivor (Yui Kimura).
- Content – Added a new map to the Yamaoka Estate theme (Sanctum of Wrath).
- Content – Added a Japanese thematic lobby for the Cursed Legacy chapter.
- Rank Reset: The Rank Reset will now reset players back one rank crest color. Players who end the season in Red Ranks (1-4) will be reset to Purple Ranks (5), Purple Ranks (5-8) get reset to Green Ranks (9), Green Ranks (9-12) get reset to Yellow Ranks (13) and finally Yellow (13-16) gets reset to the Brown Crest Ranks (17).
- Debuff perks no longer appear on the Survivors in-game HUD until the debuff is applied. This is true for the following perks: Coulrophobia, Overwhelming Presence and Unnerving Presence.
- Updated several Killer perks with the Undetectable status effect: Insidious, Beast of Prey, Dark Devotion and Tinkerer.
- Protection Hits: The conditions for Protection Hits have been adjusted. To trigger a Protection Hit a Survivor must be within range of a “Survivor in Need” which translates to being close to an Injured Survivor. Players can now trigger Protection Hits each 3 seconds instead of each 20 seconds. Any hit received by a Survivor while the Killer is carrying another Survivor will count as a Protection Hit.
- Deep Wound: Deep Wound timer will no longer go down when Sprinting or Mending. Deep Wound is no longer connected with the Killers terror radius.
The Legion changes
- Mend times for Deep Wound reduced: 12 seconds while mending yourself, 8 seconds while being mended by someone else.
- Attacking while in Feral Frenzy will no longer be a basic attack. This means that perks that trigger with a basic attack will no longer trigger under this circumstance.
- Increased Feral Frenzy speed from 5 m/s to 5.2 m/s.
- Decreased Feral Frenzy window vault duration from 1.1 seconds to 0.9 seconds.
- Decreased Feral Frenzy pallet vault duration from 1.35 seconds to 0.9 seconds.
- Mischief List add-on: Increased added Feral Frenzy duration from 0.8 seconds to 1 second.
- Mural Sketch add-on: Decreased added Feral Frenzy duration from 1.6 seconds to 1.5 seconds.
- Stolen Sketch Book add-on: Increased added Feral Frenzy duration from 2.4 seconds to 2.5 seconds.
- Smiley Face Pin add-on: Hitting a Survivor highlighted by Killer Instinct applies the Blindness status effect for 60 seconds.
- Defaced Smiley Pin add-on: Hitting a Survivor highlighted by Killer Instinct applies the Mangled status effect for 60 seconds.
- The Legion Pin add-on: Hitting a Survivor highlighted by Killer Instinct applies the Broken status effect for 60 seconds.
- Filthy Blade add-on: Lowered added mend time to 2.5 seconds from 3.5 seconds.
The Spirit changes
- Removed the collision between The Spirit and other players while she is phasing.
- Adjusted the speed curve for The Spirit’s post phasing speed bonus to drop off more gradually over a longer period of time.
- Restored visible 3rd person animation while vaulting windows.
- Prayer Beads Bracelet add-on: Made phasing sounds global instead of removing them.
- Katana Tsuba add-on: Decreased the phasing reappearance duration from 0.25 seconds to 0.2 seconds.
- Wakizashi Saya add-on: Decreased the phasing reappearance duration from 0.5 seconds to 0.3 seconds.
- Yakuyoke Amulet add-on: Increased phasing duration from 1 second to 3.5 seconds. Decreased phasing speed from +10% to -15%.
- White Hair Ribbon add-on: Decreased the activation charge speed bonus from +30% to +20%.
- Bloody Hair Brooch add-on: Decreased the activation charge speed bonus from +50% to +30%.
Perk changes
- Balanced Landing: No longer grants the stagger reduction while Exhausted. Balanced Landing has the additional functionality to muffle grunts from falling by 100% while not Exhausted.
- Kindred: When another Survivor is on the hook, see the aura of all other Survivors (and Killer if they are in range).
- No One Left Behind: Once an Exit Gate is opened; gain 50%/75%/100% more Bloodpoints for healing and unhooking other Survivors, healing and unhooking others are performed 30%/40%/50% quicker and auras of other Survivors are shown.
Bug Fixes
Killer related
- Fixed an issue that allowed Killers to hit Survivors through a hooked Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Nurse to snap at the beginning and ending of her blink. Fixing this issue required us to rework how the snapping of characters interacts with the movement systems, and could cause additional side effects.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Nurse’s camera to clip through her arm when attacking while looking down.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Classic Ghost Face Shroud customization to block a large portion of the screen when using his power.
- Fixed an issue that caused the “Stalk” prompt to be displayed for The Ghost Face when first loading into a match.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Huntress’ hatchet to go through walls if she hugged the wall.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to be misaligned during The Legions mori.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Nightmares husk to be briefly visible before completely teleporting to a generator.
- Fixed an issue that caused downed Survivor auras to be visible to The Plague when using the Black Incense add-on.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Hag’s phantasm traps not to have collision when using the Scarred Hand add-on.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Shapes camera to become slanted when canceling the mori interaction.
- Fixed an issue that caused other Survivors RBTs to briefly appear in the air when The Pig placed a RBT on a Survivor.
Map specific
- Fixed an issue that caused most rock assets in various maps to be lacking hitbox collision, allowing projectiles and The Cannibals chainsaw not to detect collision.
- Fixed an issue that caused hooks to disappear depending on the camera angle.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to get stuck behind a Jigsaw box or an Alarm Clock when spawned next to the lookout building in the Mount Ormond Resort map.
- Fixed an issue that caused the moon to be visible when at the bottom of stair cases in The Game map.
- Fixed an issue that could caused an impassable gap between the water tower and a tree in the Ironworks of Misery map.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to clip through the locker when entering the right one in the mine of the Suffocation Pit map.
- Fixed an issue that caused a visible ground seam when walking up the basement stairs in the main building of the Groaning Storehouse map.
- Fixed an issue that caused a visible ground seam along the edge of the main building in the Groaning Storehouse map.
- Fixed an issue that caused an impassable gap between a rock and a create in the Groaning Storehouse map.
- Fixed an issue that caused a floating crow on a maze wall in the Shelter Woods map.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Killers from lunge attacking on the hay block of the combine harvester in the Coldwind Farm maps.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to walk through the wall underneath the slope in the lodge building in the Blood Lodge map.
- Fixed an issue that caused visible ground seams on the gas station building in the Gas Heaven map.
- Fixed an issue that caused the air hose to be missing from the gas station tile in the Gas Heaven map.
- Fixed an issue that cause the cars in the Autohaven Wreckers maps to have incorrect textures.
- Fixed an issue that caused the tarp on the maze walls to clip through the walls in the Autohaven Wreckers maps.
- Fixed an issue that caused flickering textures on the wooden pieces along the inside of the main building in the Family Residence map.
- Fixed an issue that caused visible ground seams between multiple tiles in the Family Residence map.
- Fixed an issue that caused projectiles to pass through the hooks in the Family Residence map.
- Fixed an issue that caused the collision to be too high on certain vines in the Rift Lab of The Underground Complex map.
- Fixed an issue that allowed the Killer to see out of world when hugging a specific wall in The Underground Complex map.
- Fixed an issue that caused one of the walls on a Tee tile to have flickering textures in The Underground Complex map.
- Fixed an issue that caused flickering textures on the stone walls in the Temple of Purgation map.
- Fixed an issue that caused the red shipping containers in the Badham Preschool maps to clip through the grass.
- Fixed an issue that caused a crow to clip through part of the window of one of the houses in the Badham Preschool maps.
- Fixed the shadows on the fire places in the small houses in the Lampkin Lane map.
- Fixed an issue that caused an invisible collision in front of an exit gate switch in the Lampkin Lane map.
- Misc LOD fixes and improvements.
- Fixed an issue that caused the visible scratch marks from Fixated to disappear when The Legion used Feral Frenzy.
- Fixed an issue that caused generators affected by Surge to visually remain in the damaged state when the perk triggered while a Survivor was actively working on it.
- Fixed an issue that caused players being healed with Spine Chill equipped to see the progression speed proficiency icon when another Survivor healed them.
- Fixed an issue that caused Dying Light not to disable when the Obsession disconnected via cable pull.
- Fixed an issue that caused toolbox auras to appear incorrectly when shown with the Plunderer’s Instinct perk.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a network timeout disconnection from a public or private lobby.
- Fixed an issue that could cause multiple error messages to display when attempting to search for a public lobby after having previously failing to join a lobby that was simultaneously destroyed by the host.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Blood Dance daily ritual not to gain progress when using a medkit.
- Fixed an issue that caused a fully depleted medkit to give progress to the Appeal to Heal Challenge for all users in the trial if they had it as an active Challenge.
- Fixed an issue that allowed multiple daily rituals to be removed from the ritual menu while in an online lobby.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivor ranks to be visible in the online lobby to other Survivors.
- Fixed an issue that caused the “None Shall Survive” Level 1 Challenge to complete if a Survivor got disconnected during the loading.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Escape survival points not to be awarded to Survivors if the Killer disconnected by cable pull.
- Fixed an issue that caused no points in the Chaser emblem when finding a Survivor in a locker.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when starting a Custom Game match as The Hag.
- Fixed an issue that could cause an infinite loading screen when leaving the tally screen of a Custom Game.
- Fixed an issue that caused the hooked Survivor location indicator to be missing the golden hook VFX.
- Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause player models to darken in the tally screen.
- Fixed an issue that caused Killers to perform an obstruction hit when hitting Survivors on a hook on dedicated servers.
- Added more logs to better help identify an issue that could cause The Plague to get stuck in her vomit stance on dedicated servers.
- Fixed an issue that caused no loud noise indicator when a Survivor failed a healing skill check.
- Fixed an issue that caused two message prompts to display when accepting/receiving invites from a blocked user while in docked mode.
- Fixed an issue that caused player names in the HUD to change colors when undocking.
- Misc cosmetic clipping fixes and improvements.
Audio & Localization
- Fixed an issue that caused no SFX when hovering over the Tome level completion reward icons.
- Fixed an issue that caused the wrong sounds when walking on hills in the Coldwind Farm and Crotus Prenn Asylum maps.
- Misc localization and translation improvements.
- Fixed an issue that caused the invite “+” signs on the lobby silhouettes to disappear when closing the Loadout menu.
- Fixed an issue that caused Rift Fragment XP to not update in the Archives widget on the tally screen if there was no active challenge.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Select Challenge button prompt to be disabled when returning to the Play As Killer pre-lobby from a public lobby.
- Fixed an issue that caused a drop in FPS when changing levels in the Tome.
- Fixed an issue that caused tooltips from cosmetics in the free track to overlap the Rift Tier progress in the Rift.
- Fixed an issue that caused the level to reload each time the current Archive level was selected.
- Fixed an issue that caused the lobby UI to reposition itself when selecting any sub-category in the Loadout.
- Misc UI improvements.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 3.3.2
- Release date: ??? (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Features & Content
- Feature – Integrated an updated version of the Unreal Engine (4.22, from 4.21.1).
- Feature – The Archives (Read the Blog Post for more details).
- Content – Tome: Provides Challenges to players to complete for Bloodpoints, Rift Fragments, and lore Entries (stored in the Collection sub-menu).
- Content – The Rift: New time-limited reward system.
- Content – A new UI element is now available at the right of the lobby menu and tally screen to provide feedback regarding The Archives.
- Content – New Currency: Rift Fragments. Used to progress through Tiers in an available Rift in The Archives.
- Content – New cosmetic type: Charms. Maximum of three (3) attach to a Survivor’s waist, or on a Killer’s hook in the environment. Customization UI has been updated to reflect this.
Misc Gameplay
- Updated certain Killer powers with the Undetectable status effect: The Shape in Tier I of Evil Within, The Pig while in crouch mode, The Wraith while Cloaked, The Ghost Face while in Night Shroud.
- Added a new Survivor score event for wiggling in the Killer’s grasp. 25 Bloodpoints per second.
- Added a new Survivor score event for dropping a pallet while in a chase. 200 Bloodpoints.
- Added a new Survivor score event for fast vaulting while in a chase. 100 Bloodpoints.
- Added a new Survivor score event when other Survivors in the trial disconnect. 600 Bloodpoints.
UI Improvements
- Updated the icon style for cosmetic items rarities.
- Updated the Auric Cells and Iridescent Shards background colors from yellow/blue to orange/indigo respectively.
- Added a perk indicator in the HUD when affected by the Babysitter perk.
Med-kit changes
- Camping Aid Kit: Increased the speed at which you heal others from +15% to +25%.
- First Aid Kit: Increased the speed at which you heal others from +25% to +35%.
- Emergency Med-Kit: Reduced charges from 24 to 16. Increased the speed at which you heal others from +35% to +50%. Replace item efficiency with increased self-heal speeds at +50%.
- Ranger Med-Kit: Increased the speed at which you heal others from +25% to +50%.
- All Hallow’s Eve Lunchbox: Increased the speed at which you heal others from +15% to +35%.
Med-kit add-on changes
- Rubber Gloves: Great skill checks grant 3% bonus progress.
- Sponge: Great skill checks grant 5% bonus progress.
- Needle & Thread: Skill check chance increased from +3% to +10%. 100% bonus Bloodpoints for succeeding Great skill checks.
- Surgical Suture: Skill check chance increased from +5% to +15%. 150% bonus Bloodpoints for succeeding Great skill checks.
- Styptic Agent: Applies the Endurance status effect for 15 seconds on use. Use with secondary action. Depletes Med-Kit on use.
- Anti-Hemorrhagic Syringe: Heals Survivor passively over 8 seconds. Time is modified by perks and add-ons that affect healing speeds. The effect is cancelled if the Survivor changes health state or picked up. Depletes Med-kit on use.
The Nurse changes
- Rather than regaining all her blink charges immediately after finishing her fatigue animation, The Nurse now regains 1 blink charge every 3 seconds, starting at the beginning of the fatigue animation. The time can be modified by add-ons.
- The Nurse will begin her reappearance approximately 0.3 seconds earlier. This is a visual-only change to ensure that survivors are not blocked or hit by a killer they cannot see.
The Nurse add-on changes
- White Nit Comb: Decreases the length of blink attack lunges by 50% (0.15 seconds). Increases blood point rewards for blink attack score events by 100%.
- Metal Spoon: Hitting a Survivor with a blink attack causes their sounds of pain to be moderately louder for 60 seconds.
- Wooden Horse: Reduces extra fatigue from missed blink attacks by50% (0.5 seconds).
- Plaid Flannel: Rarity changed from Very Rare to Common. The blink indicator placement has been improved, and will now stay visible until the Nurse has reached her destination (it was previously not visible while blinking).
- Dull Bracelet: Decreases maximum blink distance by 20% (4 meters). Increases Blood point rewards for precise blink score events by 100%.
- Bad Man Keepsake: Rarity changed from Common to Uncommon. Hitting a Survivor with a blink attack causes their aura to be revealed when healing or being healed within a 28 meter range for 60 seconds.
- Catatonic Boy’s Treasure: Reduces extra fatigue from chain blinks by 100% (0.5 seconds).
- Dark Cincture: Decreases blink recharge time by 20% (0.6 seconds).
- Pocket Watch: Increases the duration of the chain blink window by 13% (0.2 seconds).
- Anxious Gasp: Blinking past a survivor causes them to scream and awards 200 blood points in the devious category for terrifying them.
- Spasmodic Breath: Hitting a survivor with a successful blink attack disables the ability to blink and increases The Nurse’s base movement speed to 4.6 m/s for60 seconds.
- Ataxic Respiration: Reduces base blink fatigue duration by 12.5% (0.25 seconds).
- Fragile Wheeze: Decreases blink recharge time by30%(0.9 seconds).
- Heavy Panting: Increases maximum blink range by 20% (4 meters) and increases maximum blink charge time by 20% (0.4 seconds).
- “Bad Man’s” Last Breath: Hitting a survivor with a successful blink attack grants The Nurse the Undetectable status for 16 seconds.This effect may be only triggered once every 60 seconds.
- Campbell’s Last Breath: After reappearing from a fully charged blink, The Nurse immediately blinks at half charge in the direction she is currently facing.
- Kavanagh’s Last Breath: Increases maximum blink range by 30% (6 meters) and increases maximum blink charge time by 30% (0.6 seconds).
- Jenner’s Last Breath: After blinking, allows the Nurse to immediately blink back to her original position by pressing the Secondary Power Button. Requires a blink charge and must be triggered during the chain blink window.
- Matchbox: Rarity changed from Common to Ultra Rare. Removes 1 blink charge. Increases base movement speed to 4.2 m/s.
- Torn Bookmark: Rarity changed from Common to Ultra Rare. Adds 1 blink charge. The Nurse can no longer blink to locations not in her line of sight.
Survivor perk changes
- Detective’s Hunch: Now triggers from any generator completion instead of only generators completed by the perk owner. Increased aura reading duration from 5 seconds to 10 seconds.
- Plunderer’s Instinct: Removed the slightly and moderately stipulation from tier I and II respectively. Only unopened chest auras and items dropped on the ground will be revealed to the perk owner. Aura reading range does not change.
- Mettle of Man: Made it so the perk can be activated and triggered more than once.
Bug Fixes
Killer related
- Fixed an issue that caused The Plague’s Corrupt Purge to apply the contagious effect on interactables.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Pig’s Trap Set score event to trigger at the end of the set trap animation instead of at the beginning.
Map specific
- Fixed an issue that caused The Nightmare’s Dream Snares not to be visible on specific areas of the main house tile in the Mother’s Dwelling map.
- Fixed an issue that caused invisible collision blocking player movement when going up the left side of the stairs of the main house in the Mother’s Dwelling map.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to float at the top of staircases in the temple building of the Temple of Purgation map.
- Fixed an issue that caused visible ground seams on multiple tiles in the Family Residence map.
- Fixed a few instances that allowed Survivors to walk on top of certain chests in the Family Residence map.
- Fixed an issue that caused an invisible collision when falling off a specific part of the hill in the Father Campbell’s Chapel map.
- Fixed an issue that caused visible ground seams on multiple tiles in the Father Campbell’s Chapel map.
- Fixed an issue that caused visible ground seams inside the Gas Station in the Gas Heaven map.
- Fixed an issue that caused the interior of the crashed bus to appear too bright in the Autohaven Wreckers maps.
- Fixed an issue that caused an invisible collision blocking player movement near the hook in the silo in the Torment Creek map.
- Fixed an issue that caused an invisible collision blocking player movement on the basement stairs when the basement spawned in the barn of the Fractured Cowshed map.
- Fixed an issue that caused an invisible collision blocking player movement on the fish net side of the stairs leading to the small cabin in the Grim Pantry map.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Killers to walk on top of a rock asset in the Backwater Swamp maps.
- Fixed an issue that caused the bookshelves in the Preschool basement to be missing textures in the Springwood maps.
- Fixed an issue that caused a floating crow in a hallway in the Treatment Theatre map.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to partially hide in a wall outside of the torture room in The Game map.
- Fixed an issue that caused Killer projectiles to pass through cages with blue tarps on them in the lab rooms of The Underground Complex map.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Plague’s vomit to go through the exit gates in The Underground Complex map.
- Fixed an issue that caused items to clip through the vines on one of the lab tiles near the Rift room in The Underground Complex map.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Killer to become stuck between a hooked Survivor and the vaultable staircase asset after vaulting the stairs in The Underground Complex map.
- Fixed an issue that caused the exit gate panel pieces not to be connected.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to see out of world through a specific part of the basement ceiling.
- Misc LOD fixes and improvements.
- Fixed an issue that caused the skill check grace period not to adjust to the audio delay on Hex: Huntress Lullaby skill checks, allowing players to cancel the skill checks after they appeared.
- Fixed an issue that caused no VFX or SFX if a Survivor got a good skill check and let go of the repair interaction at the same time with Hex: Ruin active.
- Fixed an issue that caused the locker doors animation to be out of sync with the Killers locker search animation when using the Iron Maiden perk.
- Fixed an issue that caused Dance With Me to show Survivor scratch marks when the Survivor rushed out of a locker.
- Adjusted the size of the pallet zone collision box, that should fix the issue where Killers could become stuck under certain conditions.
- Added a reverse bear trap to The Pig’s idle animation in the offline Killer lobby.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Dream World lighting between The Nightmare and Survivors not to match when changing the graphic settings to Low or Medium prior to the match.
- Fixed an issue that caused the tally screen not to transition properly is the player left the match during the camera intro pan.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a Survivor to get stuck in the jumping through hatch animation when the Killer hit them as they opened it with a key.
- Fixed an issue that caused other players not to see the failed skill check animation being performed when the Survivor released the interaction button during the skill check.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Demogorgon’s feet not to animate from its point of view when picking up and carrying a Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused a ground seam in the first part of the Survivor Tutorial.
- Misc cosmetic clipping and improvements.
- Fixed an issue that caused players not to lose pips when disconnecting from a match by accepting an invite to a private lobby.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to gain progress on Rite of the Last Breath daily ritual.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a crash while in the Collection tab of the Archives menu.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when entering the Archives.
- Fixed an issue that caused level 4 of the Tome to appear when opening the Tome if level 1 was fully complete.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivor shadow models to appear in front of bubble indicators.
- Fixed an issue that caused some item auras not to appear correctly when viewed with the Plunderer’s Instinct perk. Please note there is still an issue with toolboxes, we are still working on a fix.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to cleanse a totem on a specific tile in the Family Residence map.
- Fixed an LOD issue on the floor of the Shack buildings when the basement spawned in it.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Survivors in a Custom Game see the Killer they are playing against while all players were connecting.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the host of a Custom Game lobby to crash when losing connection while loading into a match.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when the host of a Custom Match reached the tally screen.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Back option to become grayed out when in a public lobby, readying up and opening/closing a Loadout menu.
Audio & Localization
- Misc audio improvements.
- Minor localization translation and improvements.
- Fixed an issue that prevented users from scrolling through the available characters if their cursor was not on a character portrait.
- Fixed an issue that made it possible for clients to leave the lobby during the Offering burn screen.
- Adjusted the players usernames to prevent overlapping from the Killers point of view in the online lobby.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to continue rotating their characters without holding the button to rotate.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to use the arrows to switch characters when the game was running in an ultra wide resolution.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Store button to become grayed out after a public match.
- Fixed an issue that caused the controller bumper prompts to have uneven spacing in the Game Manual sections of the Tutorials.
- Fixed an issue that caused the fade out between Killer and Survivor select in the Store to be offset.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Daily Rituals button to disappear when switching to a Spectator in a Custom Game.
- Fixed an issue that caused no indication in the tooltip informing the players the progress that was made towards the Lightbringer emblem for opening exit gates.
- Misc UI improvements.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
Dead by Daylight – Ver. 3.2.2
- Release date: ??? (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused a visual desync between clients and host on the End Game Collapse timer.
- Fixed an issue causing the control sensitivity sliders settings to not be properly applied.
- Fixed an issue that caused the scream animation from the Infectious Fright perk to be delayed if the Survivor was performing an interaction when affected.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Second Wind perk not to become disabled when grabbed out of a locker.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Hag to scream when teleporting to a phantasm trap.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Survivors to be misaligned with the Jigsaw box with a ping over 100.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused a Survivor in the Survive With Friends group not to make it into the public lobby.
- Fixed an issue that caused Host spectators in a Custom Game not to be sent back to the IIS (splash screen) when disconnecting.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible for The Nurse to blink inside the office building in the Azarov’s Resting Place map.
- Fixed an issue that caused multiple Survivor’s hair not to cast shadows.
- Misc LOD fixes.
- Fixed an issue that caused players ranks to reset each time they rebooted the application.
- Fixed an issue that prevented users from submitting a ticket through the Customer Support button in the Help & Tutorials section of the application.
- Adjusted the projectile throwing interaction (The Clown, The Huntress & The Plague) to increase its responsiveness.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Behaviour Interactive
How to download updates for Dead by Daylight for the Nintendo Switch?
To download the updates for Dead by Daylight, you have three options:
- let the console do its thing if you have automatic downloads activated, and didn’t completely turn it off
If not…
- try to launch the game from the Home Menu while being connected to the internet. You should get a prompt when doing so: simply follow the instructions on screen;
- select the game > press either + or – to go to the Options page > select Software update > select Via the Internet.
To check that you have the latest version installed, simply select the game on the Home Menu, and press – or + to go to the Options: the version number is displayed just below the game title.