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Bloodstained: lesser demons showcase

BloodstainedYesterday, the developers of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night posted a short Kickstarter update, in order to showcase some of the lesser demons found in the game. Unfortunately, that’s pretty much all we get this month (though we almost got nothing at all).

Here’s the three lesser demons showcased in this Kickstarter update:

  • Seama: a demon parasite from the sea. Water monsters are always essential, but in this game, the developers wanted to do something a bit unusual. The end result is that sea monster, inspired by the jellyfish;
  • Dullahammer: many monsters like attacking by swinging around something, but this headless knight uses…. his own head. It may be a minor enemy, it’s still quite large: you really have the impression you’re dealing with a major enemy (like a sub-boss). The sea-urchin-like substance inside that monster is an accent;
  • Morte: a demon without corporeal form, which can’t hold its shape. Just like other lesser demons, it doesn’t drop any skill.

Here’s some artworks for those lesser demons:

You can check out more details, and a brief video of Morte, on the Kickstarter page for Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night will be released on Wii U.


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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