Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney – Footage, picture of the Ace Attorney collection box and postcards
A few weeks ago, Capcom announced that Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney was headed to the Nintendo 3DS in December. With that release, absolutely all the mainline Ace Attorney games are playable natively on the Nintendo 3DS (no retro-compatibility… though that particular features allows one to play absolutely all the games in the series on it, including the two spin-offs!).
It’s a fact that Capcom certainly didn’t miss, because alongside Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, they’re going to release a special pack including all 6 games in the series and various goodies. You can find the listing with all variants of the special pack in this post, but here’s what the most expensive one includes:
- 1 copy of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy (Best Price! edition)
- 1 copy of the Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Collector’s Package
- 1 copy of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
- special box, featuring an artwork by Kazuya Nuri
- Mini Soundtrack CD
- 1 copy of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies (Best Price! edition)
- 1 copy of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice
- special box featuring an artwork by Takuro Fuse, signed by the man himself (e-Capcom only)
- a set of 15 post cards (e-Capcom only)
- Memorial Plate (pure gold) (e-Capcom only)
- Shu Takumi autograph
- replacement cover (e-Capcom only)
And yesterday, during the Ace Attorney stage presentation at the Tokyo Game Show 2017, Capcom revealed an early sketch of the artwork for the special box, drawn by Takuro Fuse, and featuring all the major characters from the series. We also got a look at the postcards!
Here’s the pictures:
Also, during that same stage presentation, Capcom showcased the Nintendo 3DS version of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. If you’ve already played the game on Nintendo DS, there’s nothing really new in there, as it’s a pretty straightforward “remaster”.
Here’s the recording of the gameplay demonstration segments:
And here’s the full recording of the stage presentation:
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (3DS) comes out on November 22nd in Japan, and November in Europe and North America.