Temtem (Switch): all the updates (Archives: launch to Ver. 1.5.2)
On this page, you will find all there is to know about the various updates for Temtem on Nintendo Switch (originally released on September 6th 2022 in North America and Europe, and September 7th 2022 in Japan)!
This page only lists updates released between launch and Ver. 1.5.2. For the latest updates, make sure to check out this page instead!
Click here for more updates!
Temtem – Ver. 1.5.2
- Release date: November 21st 2023 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Highlighted Changes
- #065 – Hedgine
- Binary Flood has been removed from its move pool.
- Token has been added to its move pool.
- Hedgine is one of the strongest digitals in the format thanks to its Gotta Go Fast Trait .This is why we’ve decided to remove the move that we think is the most problematic in the Hedgine kit, and we will keep watch on it and its trait to see if it needs to be adjusted for 1.6.
- #131 – Tukai
- Noxious Bomb has been maintained in its move pool as a TC.
- One of the most talked-about topics in the Tuwai line has been the Noxious Bomb tech. We have considered the feedback provided and have decided to remove this tech from the entire evolutionary line except for Tukai, who relies on the interaction between this technique and Shuine’s Horn for its physical set to exist at all.
- #144 – Vulffy
- Sludge Gift has been removed from its move pool.
- Bush is now an Egg Technique.
- Petal Dagger can be learned at level 31.
- Vulffy is still a super dominant Temtem in the format, so we have decided to remove the tech that brought so much controversy with it.
- #165 – Galios
- SPATK has been increased from
68⇒ 72.- Transient Echo has been removed from its move pool.
- Beta Burst has been added to its move pool.
- The gameplay of Galios has been a problem since its release, as it has not been what we expected. We think that the rotation of a 0 hold move + Transient Echo + Selfless Ruination is too flat, but also very effective. To break away from this combo and the current Galios gameplay, we have increased the pressure that Galios can apply from the start of the game, and we’ve slightly adjusted its signature move, as it depended directly on the interaction with Transient Echo.
- Toxin Shower
- Evasion turns
2⇒ 1.- Platimous is probably the most consistent Temtem in the scene, and has been for several patches now. Maybe we haven’t been hard enough on it, but we don’t want to make the two most dominant waters of the format drop too sharply. We feel that this change that Platimous receives will greatly affect how opponents can respond to it.
- Binary Flood
- Damage has been reduced
75⇒ 67.- STA Cost has been reduced
21⇒ 19.- Despite the removal of this technique from the Hedgines kit, we feel that it is still a technique with excessive value, as it is an AoE non-resistance move that applies two turns of seized.
- Serbatiyo’s Wrath
- SPATK Stage Modification has been reduced
2⇒ 1.- STA Cost has been reduced
35⇒ 30.- Oceara is undoubtedly one of the most dominant Temtem in the format, even though toxic Tems are very popular in the meta. We want Oceara to continue having a versatile profile in terms of coverage techs, and the ability to apply speed control on the opposing team. We’ve decided to focus Oceara’s changes on the way it scales while applying damage. We know that this is the differential concept for this Temtem, but after the nerf to Freeze, adding Water Blade to its kit made Oceara return to the format, and that’s why we have ultimately opted for this change.
- Selfless Ruination
- Hold turns from
3⇒ 2.- Priority has been reduced from
High⇒ Normal.- STA Cost has been reduced from
18⇒ 15.- We have wondered a lot about whether to remove evasion from this tech, or change its priority. Let’s see how Galios performs by keeping the evasion turn and reducing the Selfess Ruination hold, but also lowering its priority. We believe that Galios should play around this tech by exerting control on the opponent, either by creating sleep combos or by speed control, and not by simply clicking a high priority tech.
- Toxic Skin
- It now works once per battle.
- Poison ticks have been increased
1⇒ 2.- Adoroboros has taken a step aside in this patch, but we still wanted to adjust how this trait works in order to adjust Adoro in a more controlled and fairer way.
- Deceit Aura
- Turn limitation has been removed.
- As we commented back in the day with the switch to Deceit Aura, we are going to slowly make things easier for Nagaise and give it back tools, but in a controlled way, as we think the Tem is close to being in a good spot.
As you will see, for this mid-season patch we’ve adjusted or buffed Tems that are not at the end of the evolutionary line in order to make them more viable. We have more things in store for these Tems for 1.6, but this time we’ve carried out all the changes that didn’t require coding.
- #017 – Paharac
- STA has been increased
30⇒ 35.- ATK has been increased
50⇒ 54.
- #022 – Mudrid
- SPATK has been increased
80⇒ 84.
- #028 – Skunch
- ATK has been increased
66⇒ 71.
- #033 – Tental
- SPATK has been increased
81⇒ 83.- SPDEF has been increased
62⇒ 66.- DEF has been increased
50⇒ 52.
- #047 – 0b10
- Look Out has been added to its move pool.
- #065 – Hedgine
- Binary Flood has been removed from its move pool.
- Token has been added to its move pool.
- #067 – Osukan
- ATK has been increased 7
8⇒ 82.- DEF has been increased
69⇒ 73.- SPDEF has been increased
27⇒ 35.- Hook has been added to its move pool.
- Dim Mak has been added to its move pool.
- #073 – Sherald
- HP has been increased
68⇒ 70.- STA has been increased
45⇒ 48.- ATK has been reduced
69⇒ 62.- SPATK has been increased
51⇒ 71.- SPDEF has been increased
48⇒ 52.
- #074 – Tortenite
- HP has been increased
76⇒ 85.- DEF has been increased
78⇒ 82.- SPDEF has been increased
65⇒ 69.
- #082 – Sparzy
- Uppercut has been added to its move pool.
- Hasty Lunge has been added to its move pool.
- #083 – Golzy
- Hasty Lunge is now learned at level 48.
- Oshi Dashi is now learned at level 66.
- Defibrillate is now learned at level 84.
- #093 – Baboong
- HP has been increased
54⇒ 62.- Warm Blooded has been removed from its traits.
- Cold Blooded has been added to its traits.
- #120 – Broccorc
- HP has been increased
66⇒ 69.- ATK has been increased
54⇒ 70.- SPATK has been reduced
68⇒ 54.- SPDEF has been increased
65⇒ 68.
- #130 – Tuwai
- Noxious bomb has been removed from its move pool.
- #131 – Tukai
- Noxious Bomb has been maintained in its move pool as a TC.
- #139 – Vulor
- ATK has been increased
49⇒ 61.- Ninja Jutsu has been added to its move pool.
- Flaming Meteorite has been added to its move pool.
- #141 – Pigepic
- Boomerang has been added to its move pool.
- We want to facilitate combos with its Friendship trait. This was sometimes difficult with Debris Typhoon, as you had to use the Tech with synergy if you wanted to create a combo. Anyways, we are keeping this tech in Pigepic’s kit, as we understand that there are situations where Debris Thyphoon is still more efficient`.
- #144 – Vulffy
- Sludge Gift has been removed from its move pool.
- Bush is now an Egg Technique.
- Petal Dagger can be learned at level 31.
- #151 – Minox
- Hasty Lunge has been added to its move pool.
- #165 – Galios
- SPATK has been increased from
68⇒ 72.- Transient Echo has been removed from its move pool.
- Beta Burst has been added to its move pool.
- Toxin Shower
- Evasion turns
2⇒ 1.
- Double Edge
- New effect: This technique ignores the Evasion status condition.
- We’ve added this effect on top of the one caused by the synergy.
- Earthbreaker
- Damage has been increased from
130⇒ 145.
- Madness Buff
- HP reduction has been reduced
30%⇒ 25%.- STA Cost has been increased
15⇒ 17.- We want to take this first step before we consider modifying the increase of stats this tech provides.
- Binary Flood
- Damage has been reduced
75⇒ 67.- STA Cost has been reduced
21⇒ 19.
- Psychic Collaborator
- Damage has been reduced
20⇒ 1.- STA Cost has been reduced
20⇒ 13.
- Swarm Aid
- Healing when the caster is over 50% HP has been increased
5%⇒ 10%.- Healing when the caster is under 50% HP has been increased
10%⇒ 15%.- Fixed damage when the caster is over 50% HP has been increased
10%⇒ 15%.- Fixed damage when the caster is under 50% HP has been increased
5%⇒ 10%.
- Swarm Aid (Synergy)
- Healing when the caster is over 50% HP has been increased
10%⇒ 17%.- Healing when the caster is under 50% HP has been increased
15%⇒ 22%.- Fixed damage when the caster is over 50% HP has been increased
15%⇒ 22%.- Fixed damage when the caster is under 50% HP has been increased
10%⇒ 17%.
- Sharp Leaf
- Damage has been increased
50⇒ 57.
- Serbatiyo’s Wrath
- SPATK Stage Modification has been reduced
2⇒ 1.- STA Cost has been reduced
35⇒ 30.
- Smoldering Kiss
- Damage has been increased
40⇒ 50.- STA Cost has been increased
5⇒ 9.
- Selfless Ruination
- Hold turns from
3⇒ 2.- Priority has been reduced from
High⇒ Normal.- STA Cost has been reduced from
18⇒ 15.Traits
We have mainly buffed certain Traits that have recently undergone changes, with the intention that they reappear back into the meta.
- Voltaic Charge
- Damage restored has been increased
15%⇒ 20%.
- Brawny
- Damage multiplier has been increased
15%⇒ 20%.
- Toxic Skin
- It now works once per battle.
- Poison ticks have been increased
1⇒ 2.
- Spreader
- Damage reduction has been reduced
20%⇒ 15%.
- Deceit Aura
- Turn limitation has been removed.
- Iridescence
- The increase to damage received has been reduced
12%⇒ 10%.
- Bird Season
- Damage increase has been increased
50%⇒ 66%.Gears
- Building Blocks
- Turns needed to enable the Gear have been reduced
4⇒ 3Fixes
All platforms
- We’ve made some changes to the server to hopefully improve the issues some players have reaching and connecting with the server.
- Fixed that Galios was not reappearing in the battlezone after fainting to any of its Traits if it had been caused by Status Condition damage.
- Fixed Galios not changing its Traits properly after fainting and reviving through them in competitive battles.
- Fixed a desync in turns left for Status Conditions if Galios revives through any of its Traits.
- Fixed a desync in Stamina recovery if we open the battle log while the text for resting is displayed.
- Fixed Koish’s Iridiscent Trait not applying its effect, so not changing the Technique’s effectivity, and it still suffers extra damage.
- Fixed the bonus damage or damage reduction from Hyperkinetic Strike not applying properly.
- Fixed some wrong matchmakings happening during Dojo Wars.
- Fixed seeing the wrong holograms in Dojo Parks if the Club had won the Dojo War without fighting in the finals, by other Clubs’ absence.
- Fixed a situation where the Pansun inventory could be shown on the Tamer’s Paradise Feather store, causing a mismatch of currencies.
- Fixed some ETCs that were missing from the loot pools. The added ETCs are: Petal Dagger, Denigrate, Plasma Beam and Blue Screen.
- Fixed being unable to see the details of an egg obtained as a loot pool reward if we’re using a controller.
- Additional notes: none
- Source: Crema Games
Temtem – Ver. 1.5.1
- Release date: October 24th 2023 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
New Stuff
- The Ignoramus Cloack is no longer a unique item! You’ll be able to obtain a second one in the Pansun route.
- We’ve reviewed a very, very long list of emotes (49 on surfing board/skates, 31 sitting/espectating) so they can be used during spectating, sitting, surfing and crystal-skating! Try your favorite emotes to see if they made the list.
- Lair Bonuses will now increase depending on the group size, to make Lairs more attainable.
- 1-player Lairs will have 3 times the Bonuses, and 2-player Lairs will have twice the Bonuses.
- We’ve reduced the amount of Synstars needed to revive in some parts of the Mythical Lairs for all parties of 1 or 2 players.
- This will only take place once you’re in the second half of the Lair.
- Amount of Synstars needed
4⇒ 3.- We’ve reduced the possibilities of getting Neutral or Crystal Tems in the Pansun Sanctum Lair.
- We’ve increased the possibilities of getting Water, Nature and Digital Tems in the Pansun Sanctum Lair.
- The Nature to Toxic bonus has been changed to Toxic to Nature in the Pansun Sanctum Lair.
- DEF and SPDEF of Lair Boss Galios has been reduced on a 15%.
- We’ve adjusted the scaling up of Synstars required in DigiLairs.
- As announced in 1.4, DigiLairs were going to require 1 extra Synstar, but unexpected implications caused the scaling to go haywire.
- You’ll be required 10 Synstars in base difficulty, and 13, 15, 16 and 18 as you increase the difficulty and rewards.
All platforms
- Fixed a hard lock when using synergy Swarm Aird if the Temtem was under 50% of their health.
- Fixed a softlock in Lairs if another Lair player disconnects.
- Fixed a softlock when using the Piercing Wheel technique with Mimit in the Randomlocke mode.
- Fixed a softlock when using the Rotten Goo technique with Mimit in the Randomized and Randomlocke modes.
- Fixed a softlock when evolving a Tem before leaving the Lab in the Randomized and Randomlocke modes.
- Fixed a soft lock in DigiLairs caused by Trades being accepted.
- Fixed a softlock caused by being able to start a battle against the DigiLair’s boss if you had no valid Temtem in your squad.
- Fixed a black screen if the player receives a Tem through trade in a Lair if their Squad was already full.
- Fixed a black screen if the player suffers a reconnect at the same time a fishin encounter pops up.
- Fixed getting stuck seeing the Backpack if you were intercepted by a Laser in the Cipanku Dojo, and a lot of consequential malfunctioning.
- Fixed Lair Offering Nodes always requesting and rewarding the same type of elements.
- Fixed the FreeTem! Kudo that wasn’t completing properly.
- Fixed not seeing the entry pop-up for new zones under certain circumstances, and thus those zones not counting for the Explorer Kudo.
- Fixed some Weekly Challenges not being progressed by encounters in an Umbra Radar until the player relogged. It will now properly track your progress.
- Fixed some instances where the weekly Koish quest wasn’t being completed properly for some players.
- Fixed some Techniques with recoil not showing properly in game, and the Tem appearing to stay alive after using it. This was the case for Kinu’s Sacrifice.
- Fixed that once-per-battle Gears could re-activate after Galios revives thanks to its traits.
- Fixed Shuine’s Horn not changing the Toxic type techniques into Water type techniques.
- Fixed 0b10’s Source Replicator not activating when the ally joins the battle carrying the Morale-Boosting Whip.
- Fixed Galios reviving through any of its Traits despite Tyranak’s Intimidator being active at the time.
- Fixed Mimit becoming untargetable if it dies to Doom while being transformed into Galios.
- Fixed Hedgine’s Going away gift trait not activating if the Hedgine had fainted due to damage caused by anything other than Techs.
- Fixed that Gears that are activated upon entry are only being announced during the first turn of combat.
- Fixed Galios’ Traits changing in Showdown if they had been triggered during the previous combat.
- Fixed some unvalid techniques in Shuine’s preset kit in Showdown.
- Fixed the game’s AI considering Electromagnetism a positive Technique.
- Fixed being unable to see the Details section of any egg created between certain subtypes of Chromeon and Koish.
- Fixed losing the strength/weakness indicator on Temtem the player had registered as Umbra.
- Fixed not seeing the right amount of Umbra in the Tamer Info of another player.
- Fixed some Unique bonuses stacking during Lairs.
- Fixed Chromeon and Koish losing their sub-typing if we traded them during a Lair.
- Fixed being able to spam Trade requests to an user currently in battle in a Lair.
- Fixed being able to close the Shop for another Player in a Lair if a trade request was sent and canceled.
- Fixed seeing your Temdeck empty after opening it following a Lair where you had initiated a Trade.
- Fixed a situation where players wouldn’t be able to see the Trade UI if they had quickly cancelled and sent a new Trade request.
- Fixed not seeing a Tem as the selectable DigiLair boss if we already have both the Umbra and Luma version for that Tem.
- Fized that reconnecting during the Safari activity will make our equipped Gears not show during the rest of the activity.
- Fixed the Fusion and Fomuball emotes visually disappearing from a player’s Inventory when in a Co-op party.
- Fixed being able to skip a quest of the Main Story, which would then lock the player out of using the Matter Transfer Drones.
- Fixed being able to skip some battles after the Lochburg cinematic if you’re retrying it.
- Fixed being unable to properly navigate a Tem’s moveset with a keyboard or a controller if the Tem is missing a Tech.
- Fixed the NICE bug that caused the Goolder mount to walk wonky after walking through inclines.
- Fixed an error if the player suffers a reconnection while scrolling through their Inventory.
- Fixed the very funny bug where characters would get an enlarged head while playing an emote.
- Fixed the Shining Colors Seal not reproducing and causing the Temtem intro animation in battle to be skipped.
- Fixed the Soundwaves Seal not reproducing its sound effects.
- Fixed some distorsion on Saipat’s head.
- Fixed some missing textures in the walls of Telobos, and the Sea-Queen’s Aquarium.
- Fixed two housing layouts (Cozy space floorplan and Comfy corner layout) were showing wrong corners, wrong walls and the bright pink color of default assets.
- Additional notes: none
- Source: Crema Games
Temtem – Ver. 1.5.0 (Endless Night)
- Release date: September 25th 2023 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Hotfix 1:
Issues fixed:
- Radar Koish appearing as fake Umbra and softlocking your game upon interaction.
- Being unable to interact with the new Lair’s urns and getting softlocked by it.
- Getting the Casual Dojo Rematches as already done, and not getting their rewards. You can do Casual and Disciple Dojo Rematches again, even if you had already completed them before this maintenance.
- Hotfix 2:
- Fixed the trading issue in Mythical Lairs and DigiLairs. DigiLairs have been enabled again.
- Fixed the locks that were happening in the Mythical Lairs.
- We’ve changed our approach to seeding: if you leave a Lair or are unable to complete it, no matter the party size, the following one will be different.
- Adjusted the Galios’ Lair: you’ll now be asked for one less Jewel in party sizes 1 or 2 people, and Galios won’t have the Predatory trait ever again.
- Hotfix 2:
- We’ve corrected and rectified a situation where placing some housing in certain places, due to the new layouts, could cause a false ban. We’ve unbanned all the affected Tamers and stopped the issue from continuing.
- We’ve corrected a bug/exploit where our client (the NPC at Nanto Labs) would speak of a certain amount of Luma Drops in exchange for an Umbra but the server (what you actually got) would multiply that number by 2. The amount of Luma Drops you’ll get from now on will match what the NPC at Nanto Labs tells you, as intended from the start.
- We’ve temporarily solved the issue where players would get stuck in a Lair if they tried to trade while arleady having a complete Squad. You won’t be able to trade for more Tems than your Squad can hold. If you try to, the involves Tems won’t be traded. Items in the trade will be traded. This is a temporary measure until we can implement the required client-side fix in 1.5.1.
- Patch notes:
New Stuff
- A new Mythical Temtem is here
- Galios is the third and last Mythical Temtem. With a kit focused on Doom, new Traits with new mechanics, and a brand new route and Lair, it’s sure to spice things up around the Archipelago, a place it hasn’t visited in eons.
- There’s a new quest that will take you to its Lair and unprecedent new heights. You can start it at Nanto Labs, in Cipanku.
- A new quest and a new route
- Come onboard to a most distant land. The third Mythical Lair can now be unlocked, if you dare.
- Meet a mysterious Order on your way to Galios, and find out more about their intriguing schemes.
- A new type of Temtem: Umbras are real.
- After teasing this for months, Umbras really do exist and have been included in this update.
- Umbras are a new type of differently-colored Tems. They’re Lumas’ dark, even rarer counterpart. They have a new effect, exclusive to them.
- Umbras won’t spawn until you have finished their respective quest, and after defeating the third Mythical, Galios.
- There are three ways to obtain Umbras, whose base rate of apparition is 1/75.000:
- Wild: Using the base rate, an Umbra can appear in any wild battle where a Luma could appear too. If Lumas are blocked on a specific activity or battle type, Umbras will be locked too.
- Breeding: Umbras are infertile, but Luma parents can produce Umbra children. Each time a Temtem breeds, the base rate will be used to determine if it’s an Umbra. If one of the parents is a Luma, the rate for the child being an Umbra will also be multiplied by 10 (1/7.500) and if both parents are Luma, the rate will be multiplied by 100 (1/750).
- Umbra Radars: These work like the current Radars, but boost Umbra odds instead. They will be purchasable with Luma Drops in Nanto Labs. These have a different icon and a tweaked UI so you can easily tell them apart from regular Radars. The Umbra rate will be multiplied according to the current radar capture number (0-100: Base rate x10; 101-200: Base rate x50; 201-300: Base rate x100).
- All Umbra have their SVs set to 50, all the possible Egg Techniques already learned, 0 fertility, and they will be soulbound.
- Please note that anything that boosts Luma chance (like Saipark or Temtem radars) doesn’t boost Umbra chance, unless specifically mentioned.
- This is not a drill, nor a joke. Umbras really do exist. They are very hard to achieve, require huge effort, and are a steep climb from Luma hunting. Umbras are meant as a new goal for our most dedicated players, please don’t expect them to casually pop up! The odds are not in anyone’s favor. But still, best of luck, and we hope to see an Umbra or two soon!
- Please note: there’s currently a small visual bug where, upon capturing an Umbra whose Luma version you already had, the number on your Tamer Info won’t be correctly updated to yourself. Other people will be able to see the right number. Sorry! We’ll fix it asap.
- Time for a new Season!
- Season 5 is called Endless Night and it’s the dark and spooky season all us goths deserve.
- Season 5 will be the first one to last one month longer, so it’ll be on from today, September 25th, until January 29th, 2024. Remember you can see this in-game, on the upper right corner of the Tamer Pass!
- There will be two events during this Season: the first one will be, of course, a Halloween-themed event.
- A new Challenger Mode: Randomized!
- The Randomized mode is similar to the Randomlocke mode, but without the hardcore Nuzlocke rules. This means your Tems won’t permanently faint, and you’ll be able to catch more than two per route.
- Most things will be random in this mode: Temtem you find, the Techniques they have, items you might find.
- You can co-op this mode as well, as long as you follow the Challenge modes co-op rules.
- This mode comes with its own set of exclusive, new rewards, and its kudo, so give it a try!
- Lairs v2! Lairs have been revamped following player feedback.
- Apart from the usual ones, you can now form parties of 1 and 2 players.
- Less Jewels are required to access the Mythical boss according to party size.
- Rewards have been adjusted according to party size.
- These new party sizes are focused on players who might not have reached endgame yet. The rewards are focused on resources to build a good, competitive team that can withstand the endgame content.
- The 3-to-5-person Lair will still be the most challenging and the ones that require the most effort, so they will still be the ones that reward most handsomely. The rewards for 3-to-5-people Lair have been adjusted to account for this.
- You can get a Mythical egg in Lairs of any size, but Lairs of 3 to 5 players will provide eggs with boosted Luma rates.
- We’ve introduced a new Node that will let you trade with other players in the Lair.
- You can only trade with players in your same Lair.
- The person who reaches the Node initiates the trade. The person on the receiving side must be out of combat to be able to accept and engage with the trade.
- We’re trying to improve the feeling of cooperation in Lairs, and we believe this will also improve the completion rate of Lairs.
- This trading node will also be added to DigiLairs.
- Starting from this patch, you will only be able to revive once per Lair.
- We’re trying to prevent bitter Lair experiences where one player single-handedly consumes all of the teams’ Jewels, and
- This change will not apply to DigiLairs.
- We’ve added a pity system to Lairs. This means that per each node you conquer successfully you’ll net yourself 100 Pansuns even if you don’t defeat the boss or leave the Lair in the middle. All nodes count for this.
- Casual Dojo rematches are here
- You will be asked to choose your difficulty level when walking up to any Dojo Master for a rematch. You can choose between Disciple and Casual.
- Casual Rematches have been scaled down so players who haven’t reached endgame yet have a better chance at winning the rematches and get to practice on the competitive mode.
- You can complete the Casual option first, and the Disciple option later. If you complete the Disciple option first, the Casual version will be counted as completed as well, and you will get the Casual rewards automatically.
- Dye preview in the Luma Drops store!
- You will now be able to preview the Luma Dyes on the Luma Drop store before you buy them. They’ll preview over a generic t-shirt.
- A new musical instrument: the Theremin!
- Premium Store items from Season 1 have been added to the rotating Daily Store pool!
- FreeTem! has received a lot of changes:
- You’ll now be asked to release Tems from 4 particular, randomized species, instead of the current anything-goes method.
- Each player will get 4 different species at random, so each set of groups will be different for each player.
- You can release them in any order, and at any time during the week, even switching from group to group at random.
- Groups will be equalized in terms of difficulty, factoring in spawn rate and catch rate.
- The max amount of releases required is 90, and the minimum is 5.
- We’ve made it so you can only get one group of the maximum amount per week, making sure FreeTem is never more demanding than before.
- The released Tems will maintain the current FreeTem! restrictions, such as having to have been captured that same week, and having to have your OT.
- Rewards will be Feathers and Pansuns per each group completed, as opposed to the previous Tier system.
- Every group gives the same amount of rewards, regardless of the group, the week or the player.
- You can do as many and as little groups as you please. You can do them all, just half, none at all… whatever you feel like that week!
- With this change we hope FreeTem! feels a bit more fresh, more interesting and challenging, and closer to our idea of an actual activity.
- We’ve made it so currently equipped cosmetics and currently placed furniture items don’t show up in trades or while selling to an NPC. No more accidentally selling your clothes!
- We’ve added a new feature for clarity that will let you see some Gears at the beginning of a turn, even if their behavior hasn’t been activated yet. This will record them in the Battle Log and make it harder to forget they’re there. You’ll see the complete list in the Balance section.
- Mythical Temtem now have variants in their intro and fainting VO sounds.
- Credits have been updated. We’ve added the newer Crema peeps to them!
- Matter-Transfer Drone travel transitions now have sound effects and audio behavior like the Narwhal travels do.
- Special trainers now have a distinctive music intro.
- We’ve reviewed the cosmetics in the regular loot pool to make sure all of them are sellable to NPCs and tradeable.
- The Feather reward for the GritArena has been increased by 33%.
- The Feather reward for the TemSafari has been increased by 15%.
- The Feather reward for the DraftArena has been increased by 15%.
- Disciple Dojo Rematches now provide better rewards through the extra rewards obtained from automatically beating Casual Dojo Rematches.
- The rewards for 3 to 5-people Mythical Lairs have been adjusted so they are more reliable and more consistent, with less difference from one run to the other. We’ve also moved some of the rewards to match the difference in challenge between small-sized Lairs and regular size Lairs
- DigiLairs will now ask for one more Jewel to access the DigiLair boss.
- Cosmetics in the city boutiques have had their price reduced a 40%.
- Ranked rewards have been adjusted slightly depending on whether you’re playing with a Pro Squad or a Showdown Squad:
- Games played with a Showdown Squad will now provide slightly less rewards, while games played with a Pro Squad will now provide slightly more rewards.
We’re sticking with the Highlighted Changes following your positive feedback on it! Remember that these changes will still appear under their respective categories lower down below.
- #004 – Chromeon
- STA has been increased
55⇒ 61.- SPATK has been increased
78⇒ 85.- Shy Shield has been removed from its tech pool.
- Generify has been removed from its tech pool.
- Data Burst has been removed from its tech pool.
- Hologram is now learned at level 8.
- Binary Flood is now learned at level 15.
- Rainbow Guard is now learned at level 29.
Chromeon has been awaiting a rework for quite some time, and it’s finally here! Its tech pool has been greatly improved so that Chromeon can achieve diversity while staying true to its glass-cannon identity. You’ll notice that some variations, like Electric, will remain mostly the same, while other types like Mental are receiving some much-needed new tools. Its signature move, Torrent, has been buffed, ensuring that every Chromeon has a decent turn 1 technique.
In terms of its traits, Chromeon’s Special Attack (SPATK) has been adjusted to match the nerf that has been applied to Synertyper. This adjustment prevents Chromeon from falling short when the trait isn’t activated, while also ensuring it doesn’t become overwhelming at lower TMR ranges. This is particularly important as digi-aggro poses a significant hurdle for less experienced players to overcome. On the other hand, Pigment Inverter has been changed with the aim of turning it into a healthier mechanic. The previous iteration’s lack of information was a problem for players in terms of clarity. While we acknowledge that this version may be less prevalent and more situational, we believe it leads to much more dynamic and creative gameplay, allowing for the setup of combos and even the choice to nullify your ally.
Here are the list of changes per Chromeon type, and other changes that affect it specifically:
- [Crystal]
- Quartz Dirt has been added to its tech pool.
- [Digital]
- Overclock has been added to its tech pool.
- Token has been added to its tech pool.
- [Earth]
- Petrify has been removed from its tech pool.
- Sludge Gift has been added to its tech pool.
- Drought has been added to its tech pool.
- [Electric]
- Electric Storm has been added to its tech pool.
- Tesla Prison has been added to its tech pool.
- DC Beam has been added to its tech pool.
- [Fire]
- Fire Tornado has been added to its tech pool.
- Fire Flame has been added to its tech pool.
- Fiery Heist is now learned at level 85.
- [Melee]
- Kesa Gatame has been added to its tech pool.
- [Mental]
- Energy Manipulation has been added to its tech pool.
- [Nature]
- Allergic Spread has been added to its tech pool.
- [Neutral]
- Willpower Drain has been added to its tech pool.
- [Toxic]
- Toxic Gas has been added to its tech pool.
- [Water]
- Tsunami has been added to its tech pool.
- Water Blade has been added to its tech pool.
- Sharp Rain has been added to its tech pool.
- [Wind]
- Blizzard has been removed from its tech pool.
- Gust has been added to its tech pool.
- Torrent
- Damage has been increased
65⇒ 95.
- Pigment Inverter
- Previous effects no longer work.
- New effect: When attacking a Temtem with an ineffective technique, the target receives 3 turns of Nullified.
- Synertyper
- Damage increase has been reduced
30%⇒ 25%.Now, onto another Tem:
- #034 – Nagaise
- HP has been increased
47⇒ 53.- DEF has been increased
58⇒ 62.- SPDEF has been increased
76⇒ 78.
- Deceit Aura
- Previous effects no longer work.
- New effect: From Very Low to Very High, the priority of the techniques used during a turn is inverted.
Nagaise has been a significant challenge for both players and the balance team. Deceit Aura has, arguably, been the most polarizing trait in the game’s history, so it’s undergoing a comprehensive rework. With this trait change and buffs to its base stats to compensate for what Nagaise has lost, we aim to establish a new starting point for this Temtem. This will allow us to reintroduce moves or base stats adjustments that had to be removed due to the impact of Deceit Aura, or fine-tune the values for this trait.
For now, we’ve kept the 4-turn restriction to assess how Nagaise performs after the change with moves like Lullaby, 5PPEH, Zen Meditation, etc., before removing the turn limit. Our team of balance helpers has reported that, since it’s now less punishing to be fast against Nagaise, this approach to Deceit Aura will make speed control more relevant in the meta. We hope this new Deceit Aura change will provide a more user-friendly experience, but we’ll closely monitor its impact, as mentioned.
- #101 – Kauren
- Willpower Drain is now learned at level 30.
- Nightmare Feed has been added to its tech pool.
- Earth Wave has been removed from its tech pool.
- Stone Ball has been removed from its tech pool.
- Stampede has been removed from its tech pool.
- STA has been increased
54⇒ 57.- ATK has been reduced
81⇒ 52.- SPATK has been increased
52⇒ 81.
- Petrify
- Hold turns have been increased
1⇒ 2.- Trap turns have been reduced
3⇒ 2.- Damage has been increased
60⇒ 61.- STA Cost has been increased
12⇒ 17.- New effect: Overexerts the target.
- Skull Helmet
- New effect: The Temtem is now immune to the Exhausted Status Condition.
We came across a player feedback thread on Kauren that suggested a shift to a Special attacker. Given our previous unsuccessful attempts to improve this Temtem, we decided to give this idea a try. The outcome has made Kauren more efficient in terms of damage output and stamina management. This change, paired with the introduction of Nightmare Feed to address the healing deficiency in Skull Helmet builds (which has also been improved), can potentially help Kauren find its spot in the meta. We are optimistic that it will be as effective as proven during our internal scrims.
- #143 – Koish
- STA has been increased
55⇒ 61.- HP has been increased
51⇒ 57.- SPDEF has been increased
54⇒ 58.- ATK has been reduced
83⇒ 76.- Bubbles has been removed from its tech pool.
- Water Cannon has been removed from its tech pool.
- Finbeat is now learned at level 1.
- Ice Cubes is now learned at level 6.
- Hypnosis is now learned at level 12.
- Rainbow Guard is now learned at level 21.
- Waterjet has been added to the general tech pool and it’s learned at level 32.
Here are the list of changes per Koish type, and other changes that affect it specifically:
- [Crystal]
- Sharp Stabs has been added to its tech pool.
- Crystallize has been removed from its tech pool.
- Sharpening has been added to its tech pool.
- Mineral Hail now is learned at level 80.
- [Digital]
- Autodestruction has been removed from its tech pool.
- Cyberclaw has been added to its tech pool.
- Generify has been added to its tech pool.
- Faraday Cage has been added to its tech pool.
- [Earth]
- Stone Ball has been removed from its tech pool.
- Earth Wave has been removed from its tech pool.
- Rockfall has been added to its tech pool.
- Quicksand has been added to its tech pool.
- Earthbreaker has been added to its tech pool.
- [Electric]
- Sparkling Bullet has been added to its tech pool.
- Electromagnetism has been added to its tech pool.
- Charged Iron Fillings has been added to its tech pool.
- [Fire]
- Lava Wave has been removed from its tech pool.
- Meteor Swarm has been added to its tech pool.
- Quetza-leño has been added to its tech pool.
- [Melee]
- Nito Seiho has been removed from its tech pool.
- Haito Uchi has been removed from its tech pool.
- Wrenching Massage has been added to its tech pool.
- Helicopter Kick has been added to its tech pool.
- [Mental]
- Ultrasound has been added to its tech pool.
- Blackhole has been added to its tech pool.
- Transient Echo has been added to its tech pool.
- [Nature]
- Roots has been added to its tech pool.
- Photosynthesis has been added to its tech pool.
- Revitalize has been added to its tech pool.
- [Neutral]
- Harmful Lick has been removed from its tech pool.
- Late Torment has been removed from its tech pool.
- Held Anger has been added to its tech pool.
- Stampede has been added to its tech pool.
- Cooperation has been added to its tech pool.
- Goring has been added to its tech pool.
- [Toxic]
- Wastewater has been removed from its tech pool.
- Toxic Ink has been removed from its tech pool.
- Noxious Bomb has been added to its tech pool.
- Urushiol has been added to its tech pool.
- Venomous Claws has been added to its tech pool.
- Metabolize has been added to its tech pool.
- [Water]
- Aqua Stone has been added to its tech pool.
- Flood has been added to its tech pool.
- Laundry has been added to its tech pool.
- Sanative Rain has been added to its tech pool.
- [Wind]
- Boomerang has been removed from its tech pool.
- Turbine has been added to its tech pool.
- Refreshing Breeze has been added to its tech pool.
- Stream
- STA Cost has been reduced
23⇒ 20.
- Earth Stream
- Damage has been reduced
95⇒ 85.
- Neutral Stream
- Damage has been reduced
105⇒ 85.- Iridescence
- Previous effects no longer work.
- New effect: When receiving a technique, the type of this technique is ignored but it deals 12.5% more damage to Koish.
Koish, like Chromeon, has been awaiting a rework for quite some time, and it’s finally here as well. We’ve applied the same principles we employed with Chromeon. A review of the entire tech pool for each type was done to ensure they all feel relevant, while also addressing the unhealthy trait (Iridescence) and adjusting the rest of Koish’s kit accordingly.
The new Iridescence offers flexibility in teambuilding and helps variants that were weak on the defensive side but had offensive potential, such as the Mental variety. In the early stages of testing Iridescence, combined with the changes to base stats, it felt quite strong. That’s why we added the extra damage taken to balance it, especially since Synergy Adept benefitted from the additional stats. This flexible value provides us with a tool to balance this build if needed once players have their hands on the Temtem.
- #165 – Galios
We want to let the playerbase discover what this Temtem is capable of and enjoy the surprises it brings naturally, so information here will be brief. Testing has revealed that this Temtem is quite complex, so we expect player experimentation to discover new builds or combos that we might have missed. We will be monitoring this Temtem throughout the season as we understand the impact it could have on the PvP scene. We have some potential changes prepared, depending on how its adaptation to the meta goes.
That’s it for this patch’s highlighted changes!
- #004 – Chromeon
- STA has been increased
55⇒ 61.- SPATK has been increased
78⇒ 85.- Shy Shield has been removed from its tech pool.
- Generify has been removed from its tech pool.
- Data Burst has been removed from its tech pool.
- Hologram is now learned at level 8.
- Binary Flood is now learned at level 15.
- Rainbow Guard is now learned at level 29.
- [Crystal]
- Quartz Dirt has been added to its tech pool.
- [Digital]
- Overclock has been added to its tech pool.
- Token has been added to its tech pool.
- [Earth]
- Petrify has been removed from its tech pool.
- Sludge Gift has been added to its tech pool.
- Drought has been added to its tech pool.
- [Electric]
- Electric Storm has been added to its tech pool.
- Tesla Prison has been added to its tech pool.
- DC Beam has been added to its tech pool.
- [Fire]
- Fire Tornado has been added to its tech pool.
- Fire Flame has been added to its tech pool.
- Fiery Heist is now learned at level 85.
- [Melee]
- Kesa Gatame has been added to its tech pool.
- [Mental]
- Energy Manipulation has been added to its tech pool.
- [Nature]
- Allergic Spread has been added to its tech pool.
- [Neutral]
- Willpower Drain has been added to its tech pool.
- [Toxic]
- Toxic Gas has been added to its tech pool.
- [Water]
- Tsunami has been added to its tech pool.
- Water Blade has been added to its tech pool.
- Sharp Rain has been added to its tech pool.
- [Wind]
- Blizzard has been removed from its tech pool.
- Gust has been added to its tech pool.
- #011 – Loali
- HP has been increased
55⇒ 61.- DEF has been increased
50⇒ 54.- Darkness has been added to its tech pool as a TC.
- #014 – Mosu
- Rampage is now learned at level 32.
- Oshi-dashi has been added to its tech pool.
- #015 – Magmut
- STA has been increased
58⇒ 61.- DEF has been increased
62⇒ 64.- SPDEF has been increased
62⇒ 64.- Oshi-Dashi is now learned at level 50.
- Charcoal Wall is now learned at level 88.
- #018 – Granpah
- DEF has been increased
61⇒ 63.- SPDEF has been increased
66⇒ 68.- Last Rush has been removed from its traits.
- Bird Season has been added to its traits.
- Granpah hasn’t been able to fully recover fully after losing Hyperkinetic Strike. Following feedback from the community, and after some testing, we have replaced Last Rush with a brand new trait: Bird Season. This trait will allow Granpah to put pressure on other Wind Temtem.
- #020 – Amphatyr
- STA has been increased
57⇒ 61.- SPATK has been increased
62⇒ 66.- Infectious has been removed from its traits.
- Settling has been added to its traits.
- Amphatyr had a tough time with its damage output and the high Stamina cost of its techniques. We modified the Settling trait to boost SPATK as well, and we’ve replaced Infectious with this trait. This change allows Amphatyr to scale offensively while being the fast, frail Temtem that it is.
- #034 – Nagaise
- HP has been increased
47⇒ 53.- DEF has been increased
58⇒ 62.- SPDEF has been increased
76⇒ 78.
- #037 – Banapi
- Flaming Meteorite has been added to its tech pool.
- Base Jump has been added to its tech pool as a TC.
- #038 – Capyre
- Base Jump is now learned as a TC instead of by level.
- ATK has been increased
76⇒ 81.- SPD has been increased
88⇒ 91.- HP has been increased
65⇒ 67.
- #043 – Aohi
- DEF has been increased
42⇒ 46.
- #051 – Towly
- Telekinetic Shrapnel has been added to its tech pool.
- #052 – Owlhe
- HP has been increased
57⇒ 62.- STA has been increased
51⇒ 55.- SPDEF has been increased
40⇒ 49.- Determined has been removed from its traits.
- Furor has been added to its traits.
- Continuing our efforts to revitalize less played Temtem, we have chosen to explore a playstyle for Owlhe where it can truly shine. Recognizing its frail nature and ability to be brought to low HP ranges, we have given it Furor so it can take advantage of this position
- #053 – Barnshe
- STA has been increased
51⇒ 56.- DEF has been increased
40⇒ 47.- HP has been increased
57⇒ 63.
- #061 – Piraniant
- STA has been increased
52⇒ 58.- SPDEF has been increased
45⇒ 50.
- #074 – Tortenite
- HP has been increased
74⇒ 76.- STA has been increased
55⇒ 61.- DEF has been increased
76⇒ 78.- SPDEF has been increased
60⇒ 65.- Tortenite has been limited in terms of buffs due to the defensive potential offered by its trait, Confined. Following a nerf to Confined, now providing a +1DEF/+1SPDEF bonus, we’ve created an opportunity for buffs to Tortenite this season and in the future if necessary.
- #075 – Innki
- DEF has been increased
58⇒ 61.- SPDEF has been increased
58⇒ 61.
- #100 – Kuri
- Willpower Drain has been added to its tech pool.
- Sludge Gift has been added to its tech pool.
- Petrify has been added to its tech pool.
- ATK has been reduced
60⇒ 35.- SPATK has been increased
35⇒ 60.
- #101 – Kauren
- Willpower Drain is now learned at level 30.
- Nightmare Feed has been added to its tech pool.
- Earth Wave has been removed from its tech pool.
- Stone Ball has been removed from its tech pool.
- Stampede has been removed from its tech pool.
- STA has been increased
54⇒ 57.- ATK has been reduced
81⇒ 52.- SPATK has been increased
52⇒ 81.
- #107 – Blooze
- Bamboozle has been added to its tech pool.
- Beef Up has been added to its tech pool as a TC.
- Pollution has been added to its tech pool.
- #114 – Gazuma
- HP has been increased
49⇒ 54.- STA has been increased
53⇒ 56.- DEF has been increased
49⇒ 52.- Gazuma has gained increased popularity since receiving buffs during the past season. We are pleased with its position in the meta, showcasing its versatility as a Temtem that performs well both as an offensive threat and a valuable support. While we are content with these aspects, we acknowledge the issues posed by its trait, Fast Charge. We are reducing the Speed buff provided by this trait while making necessary adjustments to Gazuma’s stats to maintain its position in the meta.
- #122 – Shuine
- HP has been increased
47⇒ 51.- DEF has been increased
52⇒ 55.
- #124 – Valiar
- Blackhole has been added to its tech pool.
- Jinxed Whisper has been added to its tech pool
- This will be brief. Valiar is regaining Blackhole, but there are additional changes planned for this Temtem in the next season that had to be postponed due to their complexity.
- #129 – Adoroboros
- HP has been reduced
70⇒ 67.- STA has been reduced
66⇒ 63.- SPDEF has been reduced
107⇒ 105.- Adoroboros has been one of the strongest Temtem during this last season. We think it needed another nerf on its bulk. We will keep an eye on this Temtem to see how it performs after this changes, specially on Toxic Skin builds.
- #131 – Tukai
- Turbine has been added to its tech pool.
- #135 – Tuwire
- HP has been increased
59⇒ 62.- DEF has been increased
52⇒ 60.- SPDEF has been increased
51⇒ 61.- Tuwire feels similar to Tortenite. Common Factor had to be nerfed for this Temtem to receive any buff. After testing the changes, our scrims have shown that there are situations that have resulted in benefits for the Temtem while others…not so much. We will be monitoring this Temtem now that it has gained space for potential buffs.
- #139 – Vulor
- Smoldering Kiss has been added to its tech pool.
- #140 – Vulcrane
- SPDEF has been increased
35⇒ 43.- Rockfall has been added to its tech pool.
- #142 – Akranox
- DEF has been increased
64⇒ 68.- SPDEF has been increased
64⇒ 68.- Restore has been added to its tech pool as a TC.
- #143 – Koish
- STA has been increased
55⇒ 61.- HP has been increased
51⇒ 57.- SPDEF has been increased
54⇒ 58.- ATK has been reduced
83⇒ 76.- Bubbles has been removed from its tech pool.
- Water Cannon has been removed from its tech pool.
- Finbeat is now learned at level 1.
- Ice Cubes is now learned at level 6.
- Hypnosis is now learned at level 12.
- Rainbow Guard is now learned at level 21.
- Waterjet has been added to the general tech pool and it’s learned at level 32.
- [Crystal]
- Sharp Stabs has been added to its tech pool.
- Crystallize has been removed from its tech pool.
- Sharpening has been added to its tech pool.
- Mineral Hail now is learned at level 80.
- [Digital]
- Autodestruction has been removed from its tech pool.
- Cyberclaw has been added to its tech pool.
- Generify has been added to its tech pool.
- Faraday Cage has been added to its tech pool.
- [Earth]
- Stone Ball has been removed from its tech pool.
- Earth Wave has been removed from its tech pool.
- Rockfall has been added to its tech pool.
- Quicksand has been added to its tech pool.
- Earthbreaker has been added to its tech pool.
- [Electric]
- Sparkling Bullet has been added to its tech pool.
- Electromagnetism has been added to its tech pool.
- Charged Iron Fillings has been added to its tech pool.
- [Fire]
- Lava Wave has been removed from its tech pool.
- Meteor Swarm has been added to its tech pool.
- Quetza-leño has been added to its tech pool.
- [Melee]
- Nito Seiho has been removed from its tech pool.
- Haito Uchi has been removed from its tech pool.
- Wrenching Massage has been added to its tech pool.
- Helicopter Kick has been added to its tech pool.
- [Mental]
- Ultrasound has been added to its tech pool.
- Blackhole has been added to its tech pool.
- Transient Echo has been added to its tech pool.
- [Nature]
- Roots has been added to its tech pool.
- Photosynthesis has been added to its tech pool.
- Revitalize has been added to its tech pool.
- [Neutral]
- Harmful Lick has been removed from its tech pool.
- Late Torment has been removed from its tech pool.
- Held Anger has been added to its tech pool.
- Stampede has been added to its tech pool.
- Cooperation has been added to its tech pool.
- Goring has been added to its tech pool.
- [Toxic]
- Wastewater has been removed from its tech pool.
- Toxic Ink has been removed from its tech pool.
- Noxious Bomb has been added to its tech pool.
- Urushiol has been added to its tech pool.
- Venomous Claws has been added to its tech pool.
- Metabolize has been added to its tech pool.
- [Water]
- Aqua Stone has been added to its tech pool.
- Flood has been added to its tech pool.
- Laundry has been added to its tech pool.
- Sanative Rain has been added to its tech pool.
- [Wind]
- Boomerang has been removed from its tech pool.
- Turbine has been added to its tech pool.
- Refreshing Breeze has been added to its tech pool.
- #153 – Maoala
- Hypnosis has been removed from its tech pool.
- HP has been increased
65⇒ 71.- SPD has been increased
57⇒ 60.- SPDEF has been increased
58⇒ 61.
- #155 – Venmet
- SPDEF has been increased
48⇒ 52.
- #156 – Vental
- HP has been increased
60⇒ 64.- DEF has been increased
48⇒ 55.- Undermine has been added to its tech pool.
- #158 – Arachnyte
- HP has been increased
71⇒ 75.- STA has been increased
55⇒ 61.- DEF has been increased
55⇒ 60.- SPDEF has been increased
74⇒ 76.
- #164 – Volgon
- HP has been increased
60⇒ 63.- STA has been increased
38⇒ 45.- DEF has been increased
62⇒ 65.- SPDEF has been increased
67⇒ 69.
- Piezoelectric Blow
- STA Cost has been reduced
39⇒ 31.
- Torrent
- Damage has been increased
65⇒ 95.- Stream
- STA Cost has been reduced
23⇒ 20.- Earth Stream
- Damage has been reduced
95⇒ 85.
- Neutral Stream
- Damage has been reduced
105⇒ 85.
- Swarm Aid
- STA recovery effect has been removed.
- Fixed damage when the caster’s HP is over 50% is 10%; fixed damage when the caster’s HP is below 50% is 5%.
- New effect: Partner and caster are now healed by 5% when the caster has over 50% of their HP; partner and caster are now healed by 10% when caster’s HP is below 50%.
- Swarm Aid now deals more damage when Waspeen is high on health, but heals more when Waspeen is low on health. The goal with this is to give Waspeen a more dynamic playstyle and a signature technique that feels a bit more meaningful.
- Swarm Aid (Synergy)
- STA recovery effect has been removed.
- Fixed damage when the caster’s HP is over 50% is 15%; fixed damage when the caster’s HP is below 50% is 10%.
- New effect: Partner and caster are now healed by 10% when the caster has over 50% of their HP; partner and caster are now healed by 15% when caster’s HP is below 50%.
- Goring
- Damage has been increased
95⇒ 102.- STA Cost has been increased
20⇒ 21.
- Refreshing Breeze
- Status removed have been changed
All⇒ Positive- SPDEF Stage modifications have been increased
-1⇒ -2.
- Refreshing Breeze (Synergy)
- Priority has been increased
High⇒ Very High.- SPDEF Stage modifications have been increased
+2⇒ +3.
- Piercing Wheel
- Priority has been increased
High⇒ Very High.- STA Cost has been increased
33⇒ 36.
- Knockback
- Damage has been increased
150⇒ 156.
- Zen Meditation
- Hold turns have been reduced
3⇒ 2.- STA Cost has been increased
9⇒ 14.- With the changes to Hypnotist and the fix we’ve done this past season to Blue Screen, we are bringing Zen Meditation to its previous hold but increasing its Stamina cost a bit.
- Drool
- STA Cost has been reduced
28⇒ 24.
- Electric Storm
- STA Cost has been reduced
29⇒ 26.
- Horror
- STA Cost has been reduced
20⇒ 18.
- Petrify
- Hold turns have been increased
1⇒ 2.- Trap turns have been reduced
3⇒ 2.- Damage has been increased
60⇒ 61.- STA Cost has been increased
12⇒ 17.- New effect: Overexerts the target.
- Techniques that allow the player to create space for their team through overexertion are positive and under-explored. These type of techniques require a clear previous reasoning to get the best of them.
- Perfect Jab
- Damage has been reduced
30⇒ 25.
- Time Split
- Damage has been increased
55⇒ 61.- STA Cost has been reduced
18⇒ 16.
- Toxin Shower
- Damage has been increased
60⇒ 61.
- Clay Ball
- Damage has been increased
60⇒ 61.
- Double Gash
- Damage has been increased
60⇒ 61.
- Stone Trench
- STA Cost has been reduced
29⇒ 25.
- Electropunch
- Damage has been reduced
110⇒ 100.- STA Cost has been increased
22⇒ 24.
- Sting
- Attack type has been changed
Physical⇒ Special.
- Faraday Cage
- STA Cost has been reduced
34⇒ 31.
- Double Edge (Synergy)
- New effect: This technique can ignore the Evasion Status Condition.
- Fire Flame
- Priority has been increased
Normal⇒ High.
- Backhanded
- Previous effects no longer work.
- New effect: When using an Status Condition Technique, this Temtem receives 1 turn of Regenerating.
- Toxic Farewell
- Poison turns have been reduced
3⇒ 1.- HP reduction has been reduced
10%⇒ 7%.- New effect: The poison ticks now are applied to both rivals.
- Kinetic Transfer
- Previous effects no longer work
- New effect: When attacking a Temtem, the user recovers 15% of the damage done as STA.
- Hypnotist
- The trait is no longer triggered when the Temtem enters the battlefield.
- This trait is now enabled after the Temtem has spent 2 turns in the battlefield.
- Maoala has consistently applied significant pressure during Pick/Ban phases, mainly due to the uncertainty of it using its Hypnotist trait. Traits like these should require a specific setup and offer substantial benefits thereafter. This has been the reasoning behind the Hypnotist changes. Now, Maoala needs to be in a favorable position to fully utilize the trait but it will gain a slot on its tech pool as Wake Up won’t be needed anymore and its ally won’t require a specific Gear to avoid the Sleep Status Condition.
- Deceit Aura
- Previous effects no longer work.
- New effect: From Very Low to Very High, the priority of the techniques used during a turn is inverted.
- Iridescence
- Previous effects no longer work.
- New effect: When receiving a technique, the type of the technique is ignored, but it deals 12.5% more damage to Koish.
- Pigment Inverter
- Previous effects no longer work.
- New effect: When attacking a Temtem with an ineffective technique, the target receives 3 turns of Nullified.
- Tri-Phytologist
- Exhaust turns have been increased
1⇒ 2.
- Last Rush
- Damage increase has been reduced
40%⇒ 33%.
- Fast Charge
- SPD Stage modification has been reduced
2⇒ 1.
- Settling
- New effect: Settling gifts the holder with +1 SPATK and +1 ATK for each 2 consecutive turns they are on the battlefield.
- Common Factor
- Nullified turns have been reduced
2⇒ 1.
- Skull Helmet
- New effect: The Temtem is now immune to the Exhaust Status Condition.
- Synertyper
- Damage increase has been reduced
30%⇒ 25%.
- Vitamin Complex
- Previous effect no longer works.
- New effect: After the Temtem with this gear spends 3 turns in battle, all negative stage modifications are removed.
- Nutrition Bar
- This Gear won’t be activated after the holder receives damage anymore.
- This Gear will be enabled at the end of the turn if the holder has taken damage that turn.
- Slingshot
- Previous effect no longer works.
- New effect: Techniques with base damage lower than 60 and priority lower than High deal 30% more damage.
- We are happy with the whole idea behind the new Slingshot. The release of this new iteration could feel a bit weak, but values can be tweaked in the future if required.
- Sweatband
- Previous effect no longer works.
- New effect: The holder restores 5 points of STA at the start of the turn.
- Sweatband has been a subject of internal discussions for quite some time. Sweatband and other Stamina-related Gears allow a Temtem to remain on the field for longer durations. However, this gear was enabling certain Temtem to persist indefinitely, particularly when coupled with healing or evasion techniques. Our aim is to ensure that Temtem do eventually deplete their stamina, even when equipped with such a Gear. Stamina Gears should prolong overexertion, not entirely prevent it.
- Building Blocks
- Previous effect no longer works.
- New effect: Regenerating 1 turn instead of DEF[+] and SPDEF[+].
- As it was mentioned in the preview of the season, we want to avoid Gears that grant free stats. To keep it a bit in line with what it used to be, Building Blocks now serves as a healing tool. We will keep an eye on this Gear during this season.
We are leaving one of the main changes of this season for last. We are testing a new approach for the announcement of some Gears, with the idea of helping with planning strategies during the game. The following Gears will be announced at the beginning of a turn, even if their behavior hasn’t been activated yet. This will record them in the Battle Log and make it harder to forget they’re there
These are the Gears affected by this change:
- Kaleidoscope
- Adrenaline Shot
- Nutrition Bar
- Snare
- Grease
- Gravels Bag
- Bait
- Drill
- Shuine’s Horn
- Refreshing Diabolo
- Building Blocks
- Talisman
- Energy Drink
- Strange Vest
- Reactive Vial
- First Aid Kit
- Vitamin Complex
- Hopeless Tonic
These are the Gears that have the most significant impact when planning a move. The team believes that these Gears will maintain a similar impact to what they already possess, as we assume that most competitive teams base their Gear selection on a sound and consistent strategy. Even with this ‘semi-open’ information approach, these Gears will fulfill the role they were designed for. We will closely monitor this change to determine whether we need to revert it or apply a similar change to every Gear.
All platforms
- Fixed a soft lock if Mimit uses Gamma Burst on the Randomlocke mode.
- Fixed the issue that caused a soft lock when attempting to play a Challenge Mode.
- Fixed being able to get stuck while surfing in Turquesa.
- Fixed getting stuck in the pick and ban phase, followed by a black screen on Temtem: Showdown, if there were certain Tems on the Squads of any of the two players on the Ranked match.
- Fixed an error while opening an Umbra egg.
- Fixed being unable to place the Pewkirium in your house. Poor Pewki.
- Fixed not having a Luma available in Showdown if we had maxed its TVs trough the Fruit Blender in the base game.
- Fixed seeing all Club activity log display the same action when it had been full previous to it.
- Fixed seeing a bubble chat message if your message was the last one to be sent in the Club chat, no matter when it had been sent.
- Fixed getting the message that a player needs to complete their placement matches if we, as the Club Leader, try to promote them to recruiter, co-leader or leader.
- Fixed a visual desync in health with Inductor and Fainted Curse that could lead to a softlock during combat.
- Fixed seeing a Tem as overexerted after swapping the actually overexerted one for a Tem with Stamina.
- Fixed that Voodoo wasn’t copying both the Status conditions and stage changes if both were applied, copying only the stage changes. It will now copy both, as it should.
- Fixed seeing the notice for the Rusher trait twice, and seeing the ATK+2 indicator five times on Minothor.
- Fixed the notice sign for the new Iridiscence trait was not popping out when it should.
- Fixed seeing a Gear appear as disabled before it acts if it activates in the same turn it’s gonna be disabled by Snare.
- Fixed seeing the Royal Jelly indicator notice before it should appear, and showing the name of a Tem that had previously fainted, if Waspeen is the last Tem alive on the team.
- Fixed Mimit not showing three out of their four Techs if the player enters a Ranked match while on an encounter with untamed Tems.
- Fixed losing focus if we try to switch to a controller after moving the mouse outside the navigable buttons in the Showdown lobby.
- Fixed the controls for musical instruments appearing in the Battle category in Settings.
- Fixed having the door from an old preset will still show in your house if you sell it while equipped.
- Fixed seeing the Tamer banners of other players wrongly and overlapping in the Interact menu while we’re inspecting a player.
- Fixed seeing the visual effects wrongly placed the second time we perform the weeping emote.
- Fixed not seeing the visual effects for any looped emote in the world if we previewed it in the character customization menu and closed it abruptly.
- Fixed the UI for the Settings remaining on screen after we make changes to the video settings and cancel those changes by going back.
- Fixed the UI remaining and overlapping if we lose connection during the last scene of the competitive tutorial.
- Fixed briefly not seeing the Rewards screen immediately after finishing a Ranked match.
- Fixed the lighting changing slightly if one exits the Galios Lair right after the party size selection menu.
- Fixed the missing emissive effects on the wings and body of the Tukai mount.
- Fixed the missing emissive effects on the fins and tail of the Ukama mount.
- Fixed a missing gender tag in a dialogue during a cinematic in Tucma.
- Fixed the individual date format per language was not being applied, and instead the English one was displayed regardless of the language selected. This applied too to high numbers.
- Fixed a text overlap at the Crema offices’ elevator in French.
- Additional notes: none
- Source: Crema Games / Crema Games (Twitter) / Crema Games (Twitter) / Crema Games (Twitter)
Temtem – Ver. 1.4.2
- Release date: August 17th 2023 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- #001 – Mimit
- DNA Extraction
- SPD Stage modification has been reduced
2⇒ 1.- Damage has been reduced
25⇒ 20.- Striking Transmog
- Damage reduction has been reduced
50%⇒ 30%.- Mimit is one of the most predominant Temtem in this meta. The changes to Striking Transmog have been successful in terms of gaining popularity, but we believe that its potential has gone a bit overboard. Therefore, we are making some adjustments to both Striking Transmog and DNA Extraction. We want this version of Mimit to remain strong, as its effectiveness relies on how players interpret the game and analyze win conditions; however, we also aim to provide opponents with more opportunities to counter-play. That’s why we have decided to reduce the resistance on the transformation turn for Striking and decrease the speed boost of DNA Extraction. These changes will allow the opponent’s team more room to strategize and respond.
- #078 – Cycrox
- Digithreat
- Hold turns have been increased
1⇒ 2.- STA Cost has been reduced
29⇒ 23.- Neurotoxins
- Doom turns have been increased
3⇒ 4.- Doom has taken a twist this season with the role change to Purgation and Restore. We believe that Cycrox, specifically Neurotoxins, is in need of a rework. While this rework is forthcoming, we believe it is necessary to provide opponents with more opportunities to remove the Doom condition or to inflict as much damage as possible while the Doom counter reaches 0. Currently, with Neurotoxin set to 3 turns, Cycrox itself or a Strangle user can render a Temtem completely incapacitated without having to exert any extra pressure while the Doom counter reaches 0. This additional turn will help make these situations more manageable.
- The other Doom mechanic of this season is Digithreat. As we mentioned in the preview of patch 1.4, we aim for the Doom mechanic to serve as a finishing blow. Therefore, we intend to increase the hold requirement for moves that apply this status to prevent them from being spammed. With the rise in popularity of mental Temtem, such as Adoroboros, building a team composition around this strategy has become relatively easy, utilizing Digithreat users like Mawmense and Cycrox. This increase in hold will mean that you will have to choose more precisely when to use this tech
- #122 – Shuine
- Crystal Deluge has been removed from its move pool.
- Relax has been added to its move pool.
- After receiving Crystal Deluge, this Temtem has skyrocketed its way to the top of the meta. It’s become quite the versatile player, covering a range of roles – from safeguarding its allies against status effects and swiftly setting up defenses, to dishing out damage with Water Cannon and even applying poison. Plus, with Adoroboros gaining popularity, Crystal Deluge and the high priority it has thanks to its Synergy have been keeping threats at bay way too effectively.
- However, we’re of the opinion that relying on Crystal Deluge as one of its main control tools might be a bit too much. After these changes to its move pool, we’ll be closely observing Shuine’s performance for the remainder of the Season. If it seems like some adjustments to its base stats could be in order, we’ll definitely consider giving it a little boost.
- #134 – Turoc
- HP has been reduced
105⇒ 101.- Rockfall
- Damage has been increased
75⇒ 83.- Rockfall (Synergy)
- Damage has been increased
75⇒ 83.- Tactical Strike
- Damage has been reduced
16%⇒ 12%.- The nerfs we applied to this Temtem and Tactical Strike at the start of the season don’t appear to have had any impact on the potency that Turoc brings to the table. Despite implementing minor nerfs once more, we’d rather maintain this approach to avoid painting ourselves into a corner, until we pinpoint the ideal balance for Turoc in comparison to other Physical Earth Temtem.
- #144 – Vulffy
- Sludge Gift
- STA Cost has been increased
9⇒ 13.- Team Elusive
- Now it only activates when using a damaging move.
- Vulffy currently reigns supreme in the meta. Its flexibility and reliability make it a top pick for almost any team. We want to be cautious not to over nerf this Temtem, as we think its base stats and move pool are pretty balanced. So, we’re just gonna tweak its most efficient technique and tone down its main trait, Team Elusive. These changes aim to keep Vulffy relevant in the meta while slightly reducing its overall popularity.
That’s it for the highlighted changes! Now let’s continue normally, onto Tems, Techs, Traits and Gears.
- #007 – Platypet
- Tsunami has been added to its move pool.
- Noxious Bomb has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- #008 – Platox
- Toxin Shower has been added to its move pool.
- #010 – Swali
- Urushiol is now learned at level 14.
- Toxic Spores is now learned at level 5.
- Allergic Spread is now learned at level 35.
- Bark Shield is now learned at level 44.
- #013 – Gharunder
- Clay Ball has been removed from its move pool.
- Voltopuncture now is learned at level 5.
- Tesla Prison is now learned at level 12.
- Gharunder is one of the most common Temtem used during this Season. After the changes to Beef Up, players seemed to use that slot for Clay Ball, which serves as an excellent coverage move for an electric-type Temtem, as well as a valuable tool for speed control. Following the same reasoning we had with the removal of Stone Ball from Tateru, we are going to remove Clay Ball from Gharunder to prevent this Temtem from occupying a slot that rightfully belongs to Earth Temtem.
- #021 – Bunbun
- Soil Steam has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- Quartz Dirt has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- Stone Ball has been added to its move pool.
- Crystal Deluge has been added to its move pool.
- #022 – Mudrid
- DEF has been increased
42⇒ 44.- SPDEF has been increased
50⇒ 52.
- #023 – Hidody
- Dust Vortex has been added to its move pool.
- Frond Whip has been added to its move pool.
- #025 – Fomu
- Water Cannon has been added to its move pool.
- Gust has been added to its move pool.
- #026 – Wiplump
- Water Cannon is now learned at level 42.
- Gust is now learned at level 57.
- Tornado is now learned at level 73.
- Hibernate is now learned at level 100.
- #027 – Skail
- Ninja Jutsu has been added to its move pool.
- Savage Suplex has been added to its move pool.
- #028 – Skunch
- Ninja Jutsu is now learned at level 32.
- Inner Spirit is now learned at level 56.
- Savage Suplex is now learned at level 42.
- Wrenching Massage is now learned at level 73.
- #029 – Goty
- Goring has been added to its move pool.
- Execution has been added to its move pool.
- Base Jump has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- Held Anger has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- #039 – Lapinite
- Sharpening has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- Crystal Bite has been added to its move pool.
- #040 – Azuroc
- Madness Buff is now learned at level 37.
- Crystal Bite is now learned at level 24.
- Quartz Shield has been added to its move pool.
- #042 – Reval
- Fire Flame has been added to its move pool.
- Quetza-leño has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- Horror has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- #044 – Bigu
- Aqua Stone has been added to its move pool.
- Iced Stalactite has been added to its move pool.
- Harmful Lick has been added to its move pool.
- Laundry has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- #046 – 0b1
- Cooperation has been added to its move pool.
- Electric Storm has been added to its move pool.
- #048 – Kaku
- Humiliating Slap has been added to its move pool.
- Turbine has been added to its move pool.
- Frond Whip has been added to its move pool.
- Urushiol is now learned at level 4.
- Nimble is now learned at level 7.
- #049 – Saku
- ATK has been increased
71⇒ 74.- DEF has been increased
68⇒ 72.- SPDEF has been increased
70⇒ 74.- Our original intention was for Saku to serve as a raid boss for this Season. However, we acknowledge that the absence of self-buffing tools and the removal of Bark Shield appeared to contradict this concept. We hope that with the addition of Petal Dagger at the start of the Season and this increase in base stats, Saku can find a new role where it performs better.
- #055 – Occlura
- Clinch has been added to its move pool.
- Hallucination has been added to its move pool.
- #056 – Myx
- STA has been increased
59⇒ 61.- DEF has been increased
43⇒ 53.- HP has been increased
51⇒ 58.- SPD has been increased
65⇒ 68.- AoE techniques have become quite common these past seasons, which has become an issue even for Puppet Master Myx. Hopefully, these stat boosts can amp up Myx’s game, whether Puppet Master’s in play or not.
- #059 – Raican
- SPDEF has been increased
54⇒ 57.
- #062 – Scarawatt
- Defibrillate has been added to its move pool.
- Earthbreaker has been added to its move pool.
- Drought has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- #066 – Osuchi
- Nito Seiho has been added to its move pool.
- Uppercut has been added to its move pool.
- #067 – Osukan
- Petrify has been added to its move pool.
- Rockfall has been added to its move pool.
- Base Jump has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- #068 – Osukai
- SPDEF has been increased
51⇒ 53.- Inner Spirit has been added to its move pool.
- Osukai has been feeling the impact of the Slingshot tweak we introduced at the beginning of the season. Nonetheless, we believe that Temtem should find their balance based on their entire kit, rather than relying too heavily on just one piece of gear. By adding a touch of SPDEF and incorporating Inner Spirit into its move pool, we aim to enhance the offensive capabilities of Osukai. While these adjustments might seem modest, we want to make safe changes with this Temtem as it has what we consider one of the strongest interactions in the game in the form of Sensei+Hook, which allows Osukai to scale while dealing substantial damage simultaneously.
- #070 – Pycko
- Sand Storm has been added to its move pool.
- Fiery Soul has been added to its move pool.
- #071 – Drakash
- Fiery Soul is now learned at level 42.
- Hellfire is now learned at level 76.
- Dust Vortex has been added to its move pool.
- We’ve been considering the idea of giving Drakash Dust Vortex for a while. However, we wanted to test it properly as it is a heavy-hitting technique and we didn’t want to overtune the Temtem. After observing how the Temtem performed following the initial buff at the start of the season, it became apparent that it needed something powerful to use before Fire Tornado came into play.
- #076 – Shaolite
- Dim Mak has been added to its move pool.
- Inner Spirit has been added to its move pool.
- Cheer Up has been added to its move pool.
- #077 – Shaolant
- Haito Uchi has been added to its move pool.
- The support version of Shaolant that we buffed for this Season was missing a suitable option for the first few turns, something to kickstart the action on early turns. While Cooperation has its merits, it doesn’t quite cut it on the second turn. That’s where Haito Uchi comes into play. We’ve also added Cheer Up to the mix to further enhance its supportive toolkit, giving it a bit more impact in this role. Additionally, we’ve tweaked Composure to become available a bit earlier; this adjustment might help put a cap on the scaling of certain Temtem, but time will tell. We will keep an eye on this Temtem to see if it needs anything else for next season.
- #079 – Hocus
- Horror has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- #086 – Magmis
- Meteor Swarm has been added to its move pool.
- #090 – Galvanid
- Electropunch has been added to its move pool.
- #091 – Raignet
- Electropunch is now learned at level 40.
- Thunder Strike is now learned at level 48.
- #096 – Gorong
- ATK has been increased
71⇒ 75.
- #097 – Mitty
- Nightmare Feed has been added to its move pool.
- #103 – Deendre
- Water Cutting Lily has been added to its move pool.
- #105 – Toxolotl
- Harmful Lick has been added to its move pool.
- Virulent Gust has been added to its move pool.
- #106 – Noxolotl
- Virulent Gust is now learned at level 50.
- Harmful Lick is now learned at level 58.
- Acid Reflux is now learned at level 66.
- #109 – Zephyruff
- Noxious Bomb has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- #110 – Volarend
- ATK has been increased
56⇒ 66.- After the implementation of the Anaerobic changes we’ve seen that Volarend was falling a bit behind the rest of the Temtem. Beefing up its ATK should give it a solid boost in popularity, but in a much more balanced way. In addition, we think that this Temtem could help with common threats that have been seeing during the season, such as Hazrat or Oceara.
- #111 – Grumvel
- Dust Vortex has been added to its move pool.
- Petrify has been added to its move pool.
- Sparks has been added to its move pool.
- #112 – Grumper
- STA has been increased
50⇒ 55.- SPDEF has been increased
67⇒ 69.- Dust Vortex is now learned at level 50.
- Electric Storm is now learned at level 63.
- Earthbreaker is now learned at level 96.
- #117 – Droply
- Flood has been added to its move pool.
- Rockfall has been added to its move pool.
- Ice Stalactite has been added to its move pool.
- Soil Steam has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- #118 – Garyo
- Rockfall is now learned at level 50.
- Earthbreaker is now learned at level 78.
- #121 – Broccolem
- HP has been increased
79⇒ 81.- SPDEF has been increased
73⇒ 77.
- #122 – Shuine
- Crystal Deluge has been removed from its move pool.
- Relax has been added to its move pool.
- #127 – Kalazu
- Laundry has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- #129 – Adoroboros
- SPDEF has been reduced
112⇒ 107.
- #134 – Turoc
- HP has been reduced
105⇒ 101.
- #147 – Mawtle
- Plasma Beam has been added to its move pool.
- Resin Trap has been added to its move pool.
- #148 – Mawmense
- Plasma Beam is now learned at level 55.
- #151 – Minox
- Blackhole has been added to its move pool.
- #152 – Minothor
- Piezoelectric Blow is now learned at level 94.
- Blackhole is now learned at level 68.
- Leech
- Damage has been increased
95⇒ 104.
- Leech (Synergy)
- Damage has been increased
95⇒ 115.- Taifu is quite unexplored right now. We agree, however, that Leech does not have the potential we would like for it after the “rework”. We hope this buff will allow us to have more data about Taifu to see what possible changes it might need in the future.
- Rockfall
- Damage has been increased
75⇒ 83.
- Rockfall (Synergy)
- Damage has been increased
75⇒ 83.- Nerfing Turoc and Tactical Strike might not be enough to help the rest of Physical Earth Temtem. Rockfall should keep being a great technique on Turoc’s move pool but it should also be a better tool for the rest of Earth Temtem that have access to it.
- Hook
- STA Cost has been reduced
24⇒ 19.- After changing Slingshot with the arrival of the new season, users of this technique have fallen in use substantially. The reduction of its Stamina cost should help some Hook users to improve in the meta while we analyze them for the next upcoming season.
- Diamond Fort
- Hold turns have been reduced
3⇒ 2.- STA Cost has been increased
17⇒ 19.- The changes made to this technique didn’t quite meet our expectations, so we’re bringing back its original hold to see if this move has the value we originally wanted for it. Additionally, we’re keeping a close watch on certain users for potential adjustments in the upcoming season.
- Misogi
- Clear all Stage modifications effect has been removed.
- Clear all negative Stage modifications effect has been added.
- Misogi (Synergy)
- Clear all negative Stage modifications effect has been removed.
- Clear all Stage modifications effect has been added.
- After reading the feedback for this technique we’ve seen that the idea was good for stall/bulky Temtem. However, it might have posed a challenge in terms of usability due to a crucial effect being linked to a Synergy. This change should help to clear debuffs and allow Temtem to stay a bit more in battle to help them do their thing. The “reset” aspect will remain tied to the Synergy, ensuring its effectiveness in various scenarios.
- Sludge Gift
- STA Cost has been increased
9⇒ 13.
- Chain Heal
- STA Cost has been reduced
23⇒ 18.
- Stone Wall
- STA Cost has been reduced
18⇒ 15.
- Hyperkinetic Strike
- STA Cost has been reduced
28⇒ 25.
- DNA Extraction
- SPD Stage modification has been reduced
2⇒ 1.- Damage has been reduced
25⇒ 20.
- Hibernate
- % STA recovery has been reduced
35%⇒ 15%.- The main winner with the rework of Building Blocks, Yowlar, had to receive an adjustment in the form of a nerf for Hibernate. The HP recovery it was getting proved to be more than sufficient for this Temtem, so this change might help cut down on the time Yowlar spends in battles, all while maintaining a more balanced approach.
- Composure
- Hold turns have been reduced
3⇒ 2.
- Digithreat
- Hold turns have been increased
1⇒ 2.- STA Cost has been reduced
29⇒ 23.Traits
- Tactical Strike
- Damage increase has been reduced
16%⇒ 12%.
- Refurbished
- Regenerating turns have been reduced
4⇒ 3.
- Scavenger
- Percentage of HP restored has been increased
17%⇒ 20%.
- Team Elusive
- Now it only activates when using a damaging move.
- Striking Transmog
- Damage reduction has been reduced
50%⇒ 30%.
- Neurotoxins
- Doom turns have been increased
3⇒ 4.
- Puppet Master
- HP needed to be activated has been increased
40%⇒ 45%Gears
- Building Blocks
- Turns needed to be enabled have been increased
3⇒ 4.- While we were quite pleased with the rework we implemented for this Gear this Season, it might be overperforming. We’re going to extend the number of turns required for the Gear to be activated, and we’re even considering a complete overhaul for the next Season. This Season’s rework had a notable impact on the game, and looking back at examples like Slingshot or Morale-Boosting Whip, we’ve come to the conclusion that providing “free” stats through Gears is something we want to steer clear of moving forward.
- Morale-Boosting Whip
- STA reduction has been reduced
25%⇒ 20%.- Invigorated turns have been increased
2⇒ 3.Fixes
All platforms
- Fixed a desynchronization in HP caused by Target Replicator being procced along with Self Care that could lead to getting stuck in-game.
- Fixed a desynchronization when playing Draft Arena if we open the tutorial and hit play at the same time.
- Fixed Trade House notifications stacking after using the Clear All button.
- Fixed being forced to use your first Competitive Squad in Dojo Wars.
- Fixed being left with all Temtem at 0 HP after a tie with a wild Temtem, and suffering a hardlock if the player started another fight right after.
- Fixed being able to see other players’ Gears in a Ranked match if some circumstances were met.
- Fixed some issues in DigiLairs after defeating the boss that would cause it to swap instead of faint when defeated.
- Fixed being unable to choose the sub-type of Chromeon and Koish in Showdown.
- Fixed some issues with the progression of Kudos that had to do with secondary quests, including Good Samaritan and Explorer.
- Fixed Unique Lair bonuses stacking with each other when they shouldn’t.
- Fixed uncatchable Temtem still appearing in the Randomlocke mode.
- Fixed being able to sneak into the Dojo Parks if you have lag and can move while the dialogues play.
- Fixed Mimit placing itself in the slot of the rival Temtem it copies if said Temtem has Evading.
- Fixed seeing only one of the two available pre-made builds on Showdown if you had selected a Tem which only had one pre-made build.
- Fixed some issues in the Intrigue in Cipanku quest’s dialogues.
- Fixed getting an error while trying to inspect an egg made by a female Nagaise and a male Koish.
- Fixed a visual issue with Petal Dagger’s VFX.
- Fixed some missing dialogue lines for Nalla.
- Fixed an error in the description for the Crystallize Technique.
- Fixed a mistranslation for the Keys of Rage Seal.
- Fixed the translations for Wrecked Farewell having the old description of it.
- Fixed an error in the French translation of Apothecary and Tri-apothecary.
- Fixed an error in the French translation of Ruminant.
- Fixed Misogi having the old description in French.
- Fixed a housing item appearing in Spanish while having the game set to English.
- Fixed the bug that was causing players to be unable to interact with spawned Tems in a Radar.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Crema Games
Temtem – Ver. 1.4.1
- Release date: July 4th 2023 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Added the visual indicators for effectiveness (the red and green circles) to PvP matches.
- Added a choice in Settings to be shown pre-made Temtem builds again if you had deactivated it previously.
- Added different dye slots to the Hocus costume so you can make the Luma version!
- Mask and short hair had its price decreased from
4k⇒ 3k Pansuns.PvE
- Petal Dagger’s ETC has been added to the loot pools.
- Denigrate’s ETC has been added to the loot pools.
- Plasma Beam’s ETC has been added to the loot pools.
- Blue Screen’s ETC has been added to the loot pools.
- #007 – Platypet
- Toxic Slime has been added to its move pool.
- #010 – Swali
- Urushiol is now learned at level 14.
- Toxic Spores is now learned at level 5.
- #024 – Taifu
- Lullaby is now learned by level at level 60.
- Intimidation has been added as an egg technique.
- #047 – 0b10
- Blue Screen has been removed from its move pool.
- #048 – Kaku
- Urushiol is now learned at level 4.
- Nimble is now learned at level 7.
- #072 – Drakash
- Toughen has been added to its move pool.
- #078 – Cycrox
- Wastewater has been added to its move pool.
- #106 – Noxolotl
- Horror is no longer a TC move.
- Horror is now learned at level 80.
- #108 – Goolder
- Madness Buff is no longer a TC move.
- Madness Buff is now learned at level 80.
- #118 – Garyo
- Chain Heal has been added to its move pool.
- #140 – Vulcrane
- Roar has been added to its move pool.
- #160 – Monkko
- Blue Screen has been removed from its move pool.
- Soul Shout is now learned at level 77.
- Reset is now learned at level 89.
Due to an error uploading the patch, Blue Screen hasn’t yet been removed from Monkko and 0b10. It will be removed on 5/07 after a quick maintenance.
- Blue Screen:
- Priority has been reduced
High⇒ Normal.
- Zen Meditation
- STA Cost has been increased
0⇒ 9.- Hold Turns have been increased
2⇒ 3.
- Ice Cubes
- Cold Turns have been reduced
1⇒ 0.
- Ice Cubes (Synergy)
- Type needed for enabling the Synergy has been changed
Water⇒ Wind.Fixes
All platforms
- Fixed getting softlocked before stating the 2nd combat in the GritArena.
- Fixed being unable to reach the Temtem: Showdown lobby if we were choosing one specific visual preset that was bugged.
- Fixed Mythical bosses being untargetable in their last life.
- Fixed eggs purchased in the Trade House opening instantly after reconnecting.
- Fixed the Clear All Notifications button not working correctly if pressed with a mouse click.
- Fixed the issue that was making the Pride event props not work properly after being interacted with.
- Fixed having to click one extra time to run from a wild encounter.
- Fixed that modifying TVs and SVs in Showdown would make the TCs and ETCs of that Temtem disappear too.
- Fixed some issues in the TemSafari when having a Koish+Chromeon in your team, or an Oree+Zaobian+Arachnyte.
- Fixed that items claimed in an event would appear reclaimable again if we enter the Evershifting Tower.
- Fixed getting some visual and gameplay errors after running away from battle using both keyboard and mouse at the same time.
- Fixed seeing the Showdown recommendations in the wrong order if we have the Tempedia sorted out alphabetically.
- Fixed Source Replicator only copying one stat if two Status Conditions are applied at the same time.
- Fixed the textures on the Hocus costume.
- Fixed losing navigating input when using a controller if we used a shortcut to use an item during battle and there was no item to use.
- Fixed a case where the Tempedia would scroll all the way down if you were trying to hover over some Tems’ portraits.
- Fixed some issues with coming back too fast from inspecting another Tamer.
- Fixed that going back from the pre-made build selection screen would take us to editing a Temtem.
- Fixed that Tems in the Breeding Center stay on scene if we change rooms.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Crema Games
Temtem – Ver. 1.4.0
- Release date: June 19th 2023 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
New Stuff
- Time for a new Season! Season 4, called Splash Up!, is all about pools, beaches, summer and its activities.
- Season 4 will last from June 19th to September 25th. Remember you can see this in-game, on the upper right corner of the Tamer Pass!
- Seasons coming after Season 4 will last a month longer. This is because we’d like to have more time to polish the content we put out, as some features have gotten out of hand and were becoming too big to cleanly launch in three months.
- A new event!
- Our first ever Pride event is now live, along with Season 4! Take part in the challenges to get rewards inspired by free love and self-expression, or show your support to your LGBTQ+ peeps. The event will last until July 3rd.
- If you don’t feel like taking part in the event, but still would like to display your proud colors, we’re giving away banners inspired by the colors of some of the LGBTQ+ pride flags! You can redeem whichever you prefer (even all of them!), using these codes. Happy Pride, Tamers!
- A new way of building Showdown teams is here:
- There’s a new recommendation system! If you haven’t chosen a Temtem yet and are starting from zero, the system will show you the Tems that have the most overall success; once you pick a Temtem, it will show you the possible partners that have a great affinity with your in-progress team.
- There are now two lists in this recommendation system: one tab named Competitive, and one tab named For Fun. The Competitive tab will show you the most played ones, and the ones with the most affinity between each other, while those in the For Fun tab cater to more fun, innovative playstyles and are a step below the most meta ones.
- Once you pick a Temtem, you’ll now be offered 3 different choices: Customize, Build 1 and Build 2.
- By selecting Customize you’ll get to edit your Temtem’s TVs, SVs, Techs and Traits as usual, and have complete freedom.
- By choosing any of the builds you’ll get a pre-made, handmade build! These suggested builds were crafted by our balance team, and they try to cover at least one of that Temtem’s most frequent archetypes. These builds will only be offered for the last Temtem of every evolutionary line, or, of course, Tems that are a single evo stage. We’ll keep on updating these builds as the meta changes so they continue being competitive and good.
- Players will now be able to choose a Luma in Showdown as long as they have an OT or Soulbound Luma belonging to that evolutionary line with perfected SVs (either 50 or 1), all TV assigned and all its Egg Techniques learned. This has been applied retroactively, so if you already have a perfected Luma, you should be able to use that species Luma form in Showdown!
- Our Community Guidelines have been added to the Settings menu so you can easily access and read them!
- We’ve made a lot of changes to Dojo Wars! Welcome to Dojo Wars v2:
- Dojo Wars will now happen only once per month, on the week that contains the last Sunday of that month.
- The period when clubs can subscribe to a Dojo War is one week instead one day. It’ll be the whole week before Dojo Wars commence.
- Dojo Wars finals will now require 9 players instead of 11 players.
- Players will now earn individual rewards, on top of Club rewards, for each match won during any given Dojo War. The further they progress into a Dojo War, the better their individual rewards will be. These rewards include Feathers, Hotfixes, ETCs or even Novas.
- The Dojo War system will now prioritize not matching two people again if they’ve just battled each other, even over the fact that they have the same amount of wins/losses.
- Clubs will be penalized if they sign up for a Dojo War but don’t attend it. Pansuns will be deducted from their Club Vault, with the possibility of going into the negative. Clubs with a negative Pansun sum in their Vault cannot sign up for Dojo Wars.
- The previous King of the Hill system that allowed current regents to only fight in the finals has been discarded. Regents will have to fight for the Dojo again from 0, like everyone else.
- Instead of having a set schedule for each round, rounds will now start 5 minutes after the previous round’s last match ended. This will make the pace of DW quicker.
- There will now be a Squad lock. It’s currently not working correctly due to a bug, but it’s in place all the same. The team you choose for the first match of a round will be the Squad you use for the entire duration of that round. There is a chance that you might be prompted to select a Squad after the first round, but regardless of which Squad you pick at this point, you will continue to use the Squad you locked in at the beginning of that round.
- We’ve also made a lot of changes to the Premium Store:
- The Premium Store will now have two featured items instead of three per week.
- The Premium Store will now have eight daily items instead of four. Two of those items will be available in exchange for Feathers.
- Mounts in the store (as well as the Tamer Pass) will now have a toggle to display their surf version in the store preview.
- In-game tournaments have also gotten some attention:
- They will now consist on 16 people, with a minimum of 13, instead of requiring 32 players with a minimum of 25.
- The Kudo and achievement/trophy associated to taking part in an in-game tournament will now pop-up if the tournament you sign up for falls through because of lack of players, so players on the lower ranks can now be more at ease.
- Following your feedback we’ve adjusted the Nalla quest (Coda: The Jubilee) so that successful Koish fishing isn’t a required activity anymore. This quest, which lets players access Tamer’s Paradise, will now only request any Koish from the Nuru Lodge.
- We’ve added a new option in the Settings menu to enable or disable the idle battle cameras.
- We’ve made some adjustments to the “Hold to run away” setting so that it now can be engaged on the first Temtem, instead of only applying when we performed the action on the second Temtem’s turn.
- You will now only be able to retrieve items from the Club Vault of a Club if you’ve been part of that Club for at least 31 days.
- We’ve added a new visual indicator for Gears that shows if a Gear has already been used or has been disabled. This will help clarify Gears that activate only once per battle, like Refreshing Diabolo, Gears that deactivate other Gears like Snare, or Gears that get disabled through status conditions like Seized or through Traits like Burglar.
- However, please note there’s a current known bug where deactivated Gears won’t show as such until it’s their time to shine if there’s a Frightening Tyranak on the board. We’ll get it fixed asap, sorry!
- We’ve added a new visual overexertion indicator. It will display in battle and in the Battle Log, but only once the turn ends!
- We’ve made some changes to the Temtem Details’ UI and the TVs won’t be shown in different colors as their values increase or decrease, as we believed it to be confusing since in Temtem high doesn’t always equal good. SVs will still maintain the current color-coded system.
- The Breeding UI has been improved to display more and better info. It will now show both parent’s available fertility, as well as a preview of the offspring’s fertility.
- We’ve added a nifty outline to the UI on the Tems that are currently on the battlefield.
- We’ve added a nifty new sound effect when claiming a Tamer Pass’ Weekly Quest.
- When you reset a character on a given platform, and then use that same platform to do cross-progressing, the name of the character reset will be immediately available to use.
Game Balance
- Defeating K.Rex in the last turn of the battle, which used to result in a defeat, will now be considered a win even if the tower does the spoilery thing.
- Likewise, we’re extending this to all PvE battles: when the match is a tie, it will count like a victory in your favor, granting an extra 1 HP to your last Temtem.
- The price of teleporting Matter Drones has been reduced from
500⇒ 250.- Tornado is now available as an ETC item.
- #006 – Molgu
- Firewall has been added to its move pool.
- Execution has been removed from its move pool.
- #008 – Platox
- Misogi has been removed from its move pool.
- Paralyzing Poison has been removed from its move pool.
- #010 – Swali
- Misogi has been removed from its move pool.
- #012 – Tateru
- STA has been reduced
85⇒ 82.- ATK has been reduced
78⇒ 75.- Stone Ball has been removed from its move pool.
- In the 1.4 update we anticipated a decline in Tateru’s dominance due to changes impacting Mental Temtem and the loss of its key partner’s tool, Hyperkinetic Strike. Consequently, we approached Tateru’s changes with caution. Despite its expected decrease in tier placement, Tateru remained a preferred choice over other Earth Temtem due to its access to Stone Ball. This imbalance in counters led us to remove Stone Ball from Tateru’s movepool to address the issue.
- #013 – Gharunder
- DEF has been increased
45⇒ 47.- #014 – Mosu
- Head Charge is now learned at level 20.
- Rage has been removed from its move pool.
- #022 – Mudrid
- Turbo Choreography has been removed from its move pool.
- #023 – Hidody
- Bark Shield is not learned by level anymore. It’s now an Egg Technique.
- Relax has been removed from its move pool.
- Sacrifice has been removed from its move pool.
- Misogi has been removed from its move pool.
- #024 – Taifu
- Toxic Farewell has been removed from its traits.
- Resilient has been removed from its traits.
- Natural Conversion has been added to its traits.
- Safe Retreat has been added to its traits.
- Chain Heal has been removed from its move pool.
- Restore has been removed from its move pool.
- Taifu has been an exceptionally powerful Temtem, but in a way that could be considered unhealthy. It seemed to function solely as a Leech bot, draining a fixed amount of HP and then boosting its defenses with Bark Shield. Our objective with this mini-rework for Taifu was to address this issue, making it more viable and fair, while also providing it with a dual identity where both builds can thrive and capitalize on its high Special Attack stat, while still maintaining its role in Stall compositions.To achieve this, we have introduced a new trait for each build, allowing us to clearly define two distinct versions for Taifu. Additionally, we have modified the Leech technique to no longer deal fixed damage: instead, it now interacts with Taifu’s high Special Attack stat and heals based on the damage inflicted. This change should contribute to a healthier game environment and make it less of an “auto-win” situation if Taifu manages to set up.
- #025 – Fomu
- Hyperkinetic Strike has been added to its move pool as an Egg Technique.
- Hurricane has been removed from its move pool.
- Hyperkinetic Strike was in dire need of a new Temtem capable of learning it as an egg move. After carefully considering several potential candidates, we decided that Wiplump would be the ideal choice. This Temtem doesn’t have the ability to scale its own speed, which historically has been a problem associated with this tech. However, with the addition of the Plethoric trait, Wiplump receives a significant boost without becoming an imbalance due to the conditionality tied to this trait.
We also considered buffing Hurricane, but doing so would contradict the core concept of avoiding tools that enhance the speed of Hyperkinetic Strike Temtem. Therefore, we ultimately chose Hyperkinetic Strike over Hurricane as we believed it would provide greater overall value to Wiplump.- #027 – Skail
- Misogi has been removed from its move pool.
- #032 – Houchic
- Lullaby has been removed from its move pool.
- #034 – Nagaise
- DEF has been increased
55⇒ 58.- #038 – Capyre
- Restore has been removed from its move pool.
- #041 – Zenoreth
- HP has been increased
71⇒ 73.- ATK has been increased
72⇒ 83.- DEF has been increased
87⇒ 91.- Zenoreth’s move pool has a lot of potential on its Physical side, which can greatly benefit Wrecked Farewell. Despite the minor buffs that Glass Blade received in the latest patch, we believe that this Temtem still lacks power on turn 0 with this particular build. However, we remain hopeful that by boosting its Attack stats, Zenoreth will be able to establish itself a distinct role that deviates from the current popular build, allowing it to carve out its own niche in battles.
- #043 – Aohi
- Misogi has been removed from its move pool.
- #045 – Babawa
- Chain Heal has been removed from its move pool.
- #046 – 0b1
- Digithreat is not learned by level. It’s now an Egg Technique.
- Burrow has been removed from its move pool.
- #047 – 0b10
- HP has been increased
61⇒ 67.- DEF has been increased
64⇒ 68.- SPDEF has been increased
68⇒ 71.- Restore has been removed from its move pool.
- #048 – Kaku
- Petal Dagger has been added to its move pool as an Egg Technique.
- Bark Shield has been removed from its move pool.
- Toxic Spores has been removed from its move pool.
- #049 – Saku
- Sanative Rain has been removed from its move pool.
- This particular set of changes may initially seem puzzling. Saku has generally been perceived as a Temtem with a focus on bulk and offense, prioritizing its own well-being over that of its teammates. The combination of Kaleidoscope and Lifeful Sap alone did not provide sufficient tools to transition Saku into a supportive role for Stall Temtem. Therefore, with these adjustments, Saku should now assume the role of a carry that excels in Stall compositions, offering a more impactful presence in battles.
- #050 – Valash
- Kesa Gatame has been removed from its move pool.
- Stone Wall has been removed from its move pool.
- #052 – Owlhe
- Kesa Gatame has been removed from its move pool.
- #053 – Barnshe
- Misogi has been removed from its move pool.
- #057 – Raiber
- Roar has been removed from its move pool.
- #061 – Piraniant
- ATK has been increased
77⇒ 79.- Ice Cubes has been added to its move pool.
- Restore has been added to its move pool.
- Refreshing Breeze has been removed from its move pool.
- Sanative Rain has been removed from its move pool.
- Due to the changes made to Purgation, Piraniant has lost some of the utility it brought to various teams, particularly in countering Doom. Consequently, Babawa has emerged as a more prominent choice, overshadowing Piraniant in its designated role. To maintain the balance and functionality as it was before, we have granted Piraniant the ability to learn Restore, which allows it to cleanse Doom. Furthermore, adjustments have been made to the conditions for Energy Reserves, enabling Piraniant to unleash its offensive capabilities earlier in battle. These changes aim to restore Piraniant’s viability and ensure it remains a valuable option within its role.
- #063 – Scaravolt
- Defibrillate has been added to its move pool.
- Fiery Heist has been removed from its move pool.
- Our goal is to make Scaravolt a viable choice for both special and physical sets, embracing its versatility as a Temtem. We have gradually been introducing tools to enhance the capabilities of physical builds, ensuring we don’t restrict ourselves to a single playstyle.
By popular demand, we have adjusted Half Full to provide a +2 Special Attack boost. Additionally, with recent adjustments affecting Turoc and the removal of Stone Ball from Tateru, we anticipate Scaravolt gaining popularity as a reliable counter to Nagaise, offering a strong solution to the challenges posed by that particular Temtem.- #068 – Osukai
- Misogi has been removed from its move pool.
Kesa Gatame has been removed from its move pool.- #069 – Saipat
- HP has been reduced
92⇒ 75.- STA has been increased
46⇒ 55.- SPD has been increased
70⇒ 85.- ATK has been increased
80⇒ 85.- SPATK has been reduced
70⇒ 55.- SPDEF has been reduced
67⇒ 61.- Toxic Affinity has been removed from its traits.
- Shinobi Tactics has been added to its traits.
- Nito Seiho has been added to its move pool.
- Misogi has been removed from its move pool.
- The initial changes to Saipat in version 1.3 received positive feedback, but its overall performance suffered due to inherent weaknesses. To better align with Saipat’s “speedy ninja duck” concept, we have adjusted its base stats and techniques accordingly. Additionally, we have introduced a new trait that enhances its identity and replaced the previous Toxic Affinity trait.
- #071 – Drakash
- HP has been increased
64⇒ 66.- DEF has been increased
45⇒ 49.- SPATK has been increased
83⇒ 86.- #072 – Crystle
- Restore has been added to its move pool.
- Stone Wall has been removed from its move pool.
- Crystallize has been removed from its move pool.
- #076 – Shaolite
- Composure has been added to its move pool.
- Misogi has been removed from its move pool.
- Hook has been removed from its move pool.
- Gaia has been removed from its move pool.
- #077 – Shaolant
- HP has been increased
47⇒ 51.- 5PPEH has been removed from its move pool.
- Shaolant provided one turn of evasion but seemed uncertain about its role thereafter. Its toolkit has been somewhat lacking, and its identity remained poorly defined. However, with the upcoming Season’s planned changes to Stall, we recognized an opportunity to establish Shaolant as a valuable support Temtem for carries and a noteworthy inclusion in Stall compositions due to its assortment of utility tools.
- #078 – Cycrox
- DEF has been increased
61⇒ 64.- Wastewater has been removed from its move pool.
- Cycrox is typically found in stall teams, occupying a specific niche where it performs admirably. However, we aim to make playing Cycrox more engaging by expanding its capabilities beyond simply using Wastewater to apply Doom. These changes also intend to make Cycrox more manageable for players in lower ranks.
- #079 – Hocus
- Psychosis has been removed from its move pool.
- #080 – Pocus
- Time Split has been removed from its move pool.
- It’s evident that Pocus has been exceptionally powerful in version 1.3, and one of the primary concerns revolves around the combination of Time Split and Hypnosis within its kit. In addressing this issue, we were faced with two options: either nerf Time Split, which would significantly impact struggling Temtem like Vental, or remove Time Split from users who have access to sleep-control tools. Considering similar situations in the past, such as Rusher+Hypnosis, we chose the latter approach. Furthermore, we have also removed Psychosis from Hocus and Pocus’ move set to further refine its overall identity.
Given these changes, a nerf to Rejuvenate doesn’t appear necessary, especially since it would adversely affect Myx, a Temtem that has already faced its fair share of setbacks.- #083 – Golzy
- Kesa Gatame has been removed from its move pool.
- #084 – Mushi
- Paralyzing Poison has been removed from its move pool.
- #088 – Umishi
- Turbo Choreography has been removed from its move pool.
- #089 – Ukama
- Laundry has been removed from its move pool.
- #091 – Raignet
- HP has been increased
68⇒ 75.- DEF has been increased
69⇒ 74.- SPDEF has been increased
50⇒ 57.- Composure has been added to its move pool.
- After observing the positive reception of the Saipat buffs in version 1.3, we decided to apply a similar approach to another Temtem. In this case, instead of pushing the limits, we opted for a set of buffs that would enhance the intended role of the Temtem. During the testing phase, Raignet demonstrated potential as both a supportive presence and a durable combatant. We sincerely hope that these changes carry over into your gameplay experience and that Raignet finds its rightful place as a support and bulky bruiser.
- #092 – Smazee
- Misogi has been removed from its move pool.
- #097 – Mitty
- Matter Teleport has been added as an Egg Technique.
- Hypnosis is not learned by level and it’s now an Egg Technique.
- Paralyzing Poison has been removed from its move pool.
- Bamboozle has been removed from its move pool.
- Time Split has been removed from its move pool.
- #098 – Sanbi
- Matter Teleport is not learned by level and it’s now an Egg Technique.
- So, regarding the changes to Sanbi, we took into account the concerns raised about sleep control users combined with Time Split during the previous season. Following the same approach as with Pocus, we have decided to remove Time Split from Sanbi’s move pool. Additionally, there has been a longstanding discussion about how Sanbi tends to overshadow Valiar in various aspects. To address this, we have further differentiated the two Temtem by removing Bamboozle from Sanbi’s moveset. This change aims to emphasize Valiar’s role as a support Temtem, while keeping Sanbi focused on its offensive capabilities.
- #099 – Momo
- Sanative Rain has been removed from its move pool.
- Zen Meditation has been removed from its move pool.
- Restore has been removed from its move pool.
- #100 – Kuri
- Block has been removed from its move pool.
- Restore has been added to its move pool.
- #102 – Spriole
- Petal Dagger has been added to its move pool.
- #104 – Cerneaf
- Sanative Rain has been removed from its move pool.
- Cerneaf, while possessing potential, suffered from outdated design choices that limited its effectiveness. The previous implementation of Settling penalized Cerneaf for swapping out and its Stamina issues further hindered its performance.
To address these issues, we have made changes to improve Cerneaf’s gameplay. The addition of Petal Dagger provides it with a reliable damage option. Our goal is to transform Cerneaf into a more dynamic Temtem, capable of seamlessly transitioning in and out of battles while maintaining its late-game carry potential.- #106 – Noxolotl
- Toxic Gas has been removed from its move pool.
- Refresh has been removed from its move pool.
- #107 – Blooze
- Toxic Slime has been removed from its move pool.
- #108 – Goolder
- Venom Spread has been added to its move pool.
- Restore has been added to its move pool.
- Toxic Gas has been removed from its move pool.
- Charcoal Wall has been removed from its move pool.
- Goolder, the classic stall Temtem, underwent a move pool evaluation to address overlapping techniques. Similar to our approach with Piraniant, Goolder will retain Doom cleansing through the addition of Restore. However, we also aimed to make Goolder more interactive and less passive.
To achieve this, we introduced new Techniques that complement its existing move pool, potentially encouraging Tamers to invest in boosting its offensive stats. The goal is to create a Goolder that strikes a better balance between its Stall capabilities and active participation in battles.- #110 – Volarend
- ATK has been increased
51⇒ 56.- Wind Burst has been added to its move pool.
- #111 – Grumvel
- Toughen has been removed from its move pool.
- #112 – Grumper
- Dust Vortex has been added to its move pool.
- Tesla Prison has been added to its move pool.
- Restore has been removed from its move pool.
- Grumper is a prime example of the type of support Temtem we envision in Stall compositions. It excels at buffing its allies with Stone Wall and Sparks, while also possessing the newly added Dust Vortex, which boasts high base power and serves as a defensive tool against threats that could otherwise force its teammates out of battle. This allows Grumper to create more opportunities to utilize its support techniques effectively.
Additionally, we included Tesla Prison as an additional support tool for Grumper. While it may not appear as a direct buff for Grumper in Stall compositions, its purpose is to provide a stamina-efficient means for activating Inductor without relying solely on Thunder Strike. Overall, these changes aim to enhance Grumper’s capabilities as a supportive force within Stall teams.- #113 – Ganki
- Misogi has been removed from its move pool.
- #114 – Gazuma
- HP has been increased
46⇒ 49.- SPD has been increased
67⇒ 75.- DEF has been increased
43⇒ 49.- Restore has been added to its move pool
- Hurricane has been added to its move pool.
- Laundry has been removed from its move pool.
- Gazuma was in need of a small tweak to its base stats, particularly in terms of its bulk and speed. The previous stats were insufficient for its intended role, hindering its overall performance. To address this, we have increased Gazuma’s speed. This adjustment aims to allow Gazuma to function more effectively as a support Temtem without necessarily requiring maximum speed investment to avoid being outsped by its Digital counterparts.
Recognizing Gazuma’s compatibility with Digital cores, we saw an excellent opportunity to introduce Hurricane as a new addition to its move pool. To enhance the offensive coverage of Gazuma and its users, we have significantly buffed the power of this technique. This change should provide Gazuma with a valuable tool to bolster its offensive capabilities and make it an even more formidable presence in battle.- #115 – Oceara
- Laundry has been removed from its move pool.
- #116 – Yowlar
- Misogi has been removed from its move pool.
- Block has been removed from its move pool.
- #119 – Broccolini
- Hook Kick has been added to its move pool as an Egg Technique.
- #120 – Broccorc
- Block has been removed from its move pool.
- #121 – Broccolem
- ATK has been increased
60⇒ 63.- Mithridatism has been removed from its traits.
- Marathonist has been added to its traits.
- During our testing phase, we observed that this particular Temtem shows promising potential as a bulky attacker. Recognizing the need for an egg Tech user of Hook Kick, similar to Hyperkinetic Strike, we have granted Broccolem access to this technique to enhance its physical set.
Additionally, after experimenting with Mithridatism and making some adjustments, we concluded that it was not the ideal trait for Broccolem. Also, considering the potential confusion it could cause for new users who capture a Swali early on, we have decided to revert the changes made to that trait, so we’ve removed the regenerating turns. Instead, we have introduced Marathonist as a new trait for Broccolem, which has proven to be highly effective in scrim battles.- #122 – Shuine
- HP has been increased 43 ⇒ 47.
- DEF has been increased 49 ⇒ 52.
- Crystal Deluge has been added to its move pool.
- Sacrifice has been removed from its move pool.
- Relax has been removed from its move pool.
- When evaluating Stall and support Temtem, we took into consideration the need to avoid redundant effects in their move pools. This led us to assess the situation with Shuine and the choice between Sacrifice and Quartz Shield. While both techniques offered similar benefits, we preferred Shuine to remain in battle rather than perform a few actions and then leave.
To enhance Shuine’s versatility and proactive nature, we have removed Relax and introduced Crystal Deluge. This change allows Shuine to retain its sleep control capabilities while encouraging it to actively engage in buffing allies and controlling opponents. With these adjustments, we aim to provide a more engaging and dynamic experience when using Shuine in battles.- #124 – Valiar
- Nightmare Feed has been added to its move pool.
- Intimidation has been removed from its move pool.
- Blackhole has been removed from its move pool.
- Composure has been added to its move pool.
- In our pursuit to ensure each Temtem has a distinct role and unique traits, we’ve focused on refining Valiar’s gameplay. To differentiate Valiar from Sanbi and enhance its support capabilities, we have made adjustments to its move pool. Blackhole, a technique more suited for offensive coverage, has been replaced with Nightmare Feed. This change aligns Valiar with its supportive role and introduces added durability, especially when paired with sleep control techniques like Hypnosis.
Furthermore, we recognized the value of providing support options for Valiar. In situations where Intimidation conflicted with Ultrasound and Bamboozle, we made a clear choice to prioritize Valiar’s ability to aid its allies.- #126 – Loatle
- HP has been increased
84⇒ 86.- STA has been increased
51⇒ 61.- SPDEF has been increased
57⇒ 62.- #127 – Kalazu
- Humiliating Slap is not learned by level and it’s now an Egg Technique.
- Toxic Slime has been removed from its move pool.
- #128 – Kalabyss
- Toxic Skin has been removed from its traits.
- Toxic Farewell has been added to its traits.
- #129 – Adoroboros
- HP has been increased
68⇒ 70.- DEF has been increased
47⇒ 50.- Lullaby has been removed from its move pool.
- Pollution has been removed from its move pool.
- #131 – Tukai
- SPD has been increased
65⇒ 70.- DEF has been increased
49⇒ 52.- SPDEF has been reduced
78⇒ 75.- #137 – Kinu
- HP has been increased
47⇒ 50.- Denigrate has been added to its move pool as an Egg Tech.
- Lullaby has been removed from its move pool.
- #141 – Pigepic
- Debris Typhoon has been added to its move pool.
- #142 – Akranox
- Paralyzing Poison has been removed from its move pool.
- Restore has been removed from its move pool.
- Akranox, like some other Temtem, will be observed closely in the wake of the Slingshot changes. While the extent of its reliance on Slingshot is less clear, we will monitor its performance during the first half of the season. Adjustments, if needed, will be made to maintain a balanced gameplay experience. Stay tuned for updates on Akranox and related changes.
- #144 – Vulffy
- Chain Heal has been removed from its move pool.
- Burrow has been removed from its move pool.
- #145 – Chubee
- Blue Screen has been added to its move pool as an Egg Tech.
- Plasma Beam has been added to its move pool as an Egg Tech.
- Chain Heal has been removed from its move pool.
- Cheer Up has been removed from its move pool.
- #146 – Waspeen
- Toxic Slime has been added to its move pool.
- Binary Flood has been added to its move pool.
- Generify has been removed from its move pool.
- We acknowledge the ongoing challenges with Waspeen. While we have made some changes for this season, we are not fully satisfied with the results. Rest assured, we have further plans for Waspeen in the upcoming 1.5 update. Please consider the current changes with caution, as we will be revisiting and making additional adjustments to Waspeen in the near future. We are also aware of the imbalance between Royal Jelly and Wax Bath, and have made adjustments to Wax Bath to align it with the defensive role of the Temtem.
- #147 – Mawtle
- Spores is not learned by level and it’s now an Egg Technique.
- Shy Shield has been removed from its move pool.
- #148 – Mawmense
- Sanative Rain has been removed from its move pool.
- #149 – Hazrat
- HP has been increased
52⇒ 54.- SPD has been increased
76⇒ 78.- #158 – Arachnyte
- Execution has been removed from its move pool.
- #160 – Monkko
- Kesa Gatame has been removed from its move pool.
- #161 – Anahir
- Warm Cuddle has been added to its move pool.
- Sharpening has been removed from its move pool.
- Magma Cannon has been removed from its move pool.
- #162 – Anatan
- Flaming Meteorite has been added to its move pool.
- Fiery Soul has been removed from its move pool.
- We recognized Anatan’s potential as a powerful win condition in stall compositions or even as a formidable raid boss. While it already performed well in this role, we felt it needed an additional tool to excel in late-game destruction without relying solely on the expensive Mineral Hail.
- #163 – Tyranak
- Shelter has been removed from its move pool.
- #164 – Volgon
- Restore has been added to its move pool.
- Autodestruction
- Damage has been increased
125⇒ 130.- DEF multiplier has been increased
33⇒ 40.- Priority has been increased
High⇒ Very High.- Leech
- It no longer deals Fixed damage.
- Damage has been increased
0⇒ 95.- It no longer heals a fixed amount of HP.
- Attack Type from Other to Special.
- New effect: The user heals 40% of the damage done to the target.
- Leech (Synergy)
- It no longer deals Fixed damage.
- Damage has been increased
0⇒ 95.- It no longer heals a fixed amount of HP.
- Attack Type from Other to Special.
- New effect: The user heals 50% of the damage done to the target.
- Laundry
- STA Cost has been increased
17⇒ 25.- Laundry (Synergy)
- It no longer heals 10% HP.
- New effect: Clear All Positive Stages modifications.
- STA Cost has been increased
17⇒ 25.- Misogi (Synergy)
- Clear All Stages removed.
- New effect: Clear All Negative Stages modifications.
- Regenerating turns have been reduced
2⇒ 0.- We went too far with Misogi this past season, as it essentially became another Reset. Along with Laundry, we’ve made some changes to their synergies to instead be tech options you can bring on certain Temtem to help against buffing/debuffing strategies, while restricting the access to them so they don’t counter these strategies entirely.
- Toxic Slime
- New effect: Applies the Poison Status Condition for one turn.
- STA Cost has been increased
14⇒ 18.- Blue Screen
- STA Cost has been increased
16⇒ 21.- Priority has been increased
Very Low⇒ High.- Target has been changed
Single Target⇒ One Team.- Blue Screen is now much more powerful, with a significant payoff for having its user wait so many turns to use it. We hope that this new version of Blue Screen can be used to give Stall teams a turn or two of space to establish themselves and begin to turn around and/or close out a game in their favor.
- Data Corruption
- STA Cost has been reduced
22⇒ 17.- Toxic Gas
- New effect: Applies the Poison Status Condition for one turn.
- STA Cost has been reduced
29⇒ 22.- Humiliating Slap
- New effect: Now this technique has a Synergy.
- Damage has been reduced
95⇒ 78.- [New] Humiliating Slap (Synergy)
- Type needed to activate the Synergy: Crystal.
- Effect: It applies -2 DEF and 2 turns of Isolated on the Target.
- After the rework of the Stage system, Humiliating Slap lost its viability as a result of being changed to a -1 DEF debuff. To revive its power and make the Crystal type more relevant in teambuilding, we have introduced a synergy that enhances its effectiveness. This change aims to restore the prominence of Humiliating Slap and provide more strategic options when constructing teams.
On Burn:
We have made adjustments to techniques that apply the Burn status condition. Our intention was to maintain the utility and benefits that Burn provides, such as chip damage and increased survivability, while also ensuring that it does not become a central strategy around which teams are built. To achieve this, we have reduced the number of turns the Burn status lasts. These changes were carefully considered, taking into account factors such as damage, priority, number of targets, hold, and usage.
- Hellfire (Synergy)
- Burn turns have been reduced
2⇒ 1.- Rockfall
- STA Cost has been reduced
28⇒ 24.- Rockfall (Synergy)
- Burn turns have been reduced
2⇒ 1.- STA Cost has been reduced
28⇒ 24.- High-Pressure Water
- STA Cost has been increased
17⇒ 19.- High-Pressure Water (Synergy)
- Burn turns have been reduced
3⇒ 2.- STA Cost has been increased
17⇒ 19.- Priority has been increased
Normal⇒ High.- Stone Ball
- STA Cost has been reduced
34⇒ 32.- Stone Ball (Synergy)
- Burn turns have been reduced
2⇒ 1.- STA Cost has been reduced
34⇒ 32.- Synergy type changed
Fire⇒ Digital.This is it on Burn!
- Ice Cubes
- Priority has been increased
Normal⇒ High.- New effect: Applies 1 Turn of the Cold Status Condition.
- Venomous Claws
- Damage has been increased
50⇒ 51.- STA Cost has been increased
7⇒ 9.- Priority has been increased
Normal⇒ High.- Nicho Sai
- Damage has been reduced
135⇒ 110.- STA Cost has been reduced
34⇒ 26.- Diamond Fort
- New effect: Nullified the user for 3 turns.
- Hold turns has been increased
2⇒ 3.- Paralyzing Poison
- Trapped turns have been reduced
2⇒ 0.- New effect: It applies -2 SPATK and -2 ATK.
- Hold turns have been increased
2⇒ 3.- Poison turns have been reduced
4⇒ 3.- STA Cost has been reduced
23⇒ 15.- Paralyzing Poison (Synergy)
- Trapped turns have been reduced
2⇒ 0.- New effect: It applies -2 SPATK and -2 ATK.
- STA Cost has been reduced
23⇒ 15.- Paralyzing Poison has been repositioned as a slow HP burner and a debuff in one. Its intended use is to land it on an opposing carry to effectively take them out of the game and create space for the Stall team to take over.
- Winter Call
- Cold turns have been reduced
2⇒ 0.- New effect: It applies 2 turns of Frozen to everyone but the user.
- New effect: It applies +3 ATK to the caster.
- Hold turns has been increased
3⇒ 5.- STA Cost has been reduced
23⇒ 20.- Let’s be honest, how many of you have clicked this move before? For a “signature” move, this technique has never been good. In the past we’ve seen that Yowlar performs very well with self buffing techs, but when losing Show Off it lost too much in comparison to what we expected. Winter Call has been changed to create space and set Yowlar up as a win condition in the later stages of the game, and help it close the matches.
- Kesa Gatame
- New effect: It applies 3 turns of Trapped.
- STA Cost has been increased
15⇒ 24.- Execution
- Hold turns has been increased
3⇒ 4.- Health percentage needed to trigger the execution has been increased
35%⇒ 45%.- Rush
- Hold turns has been increased
0⇒ 1.- STA Cost has been reduced
18⇒ 15.- Roar
- SPATK Stage reduction has been increased
1⇒ 2.On Purgation and Restore:
After the addition of Purgation to the game, the Doom status condition has been a very very niche tool with a very accessible tool to counter it. To resolve this, we’ve removed the Doom cleansing part from the Tech, as it already provides enough utility with its +2 ATK, and moved the removed effect to Restore, one Technique that wasn’t seeing that much usage. It is important to note that Restore cannot target the user, so the Doom player now has a game plan available in being able to Doom the Restore user first and then close in on other Temtem with the Restorer out of the way.
These changes were decided later during the development of the new Season, so the changes to these two Techs won’t be reflected on their VFX, but we already have them ready for the next Season or, if possible, the next patch. We’ve also changed Purgation’s name to reflect this change.
- Purgation
- Name changed to Beef Up
- It no longer removes the Doom Status Condition from the target.
- STA Cost has been reduced
18⇒16.- Restore
- New effect: Removes the Doom Status Condition from the target.
That’s it on Purgation and Restore!
- [New] Petal Dagger
- Type: Nature.
- Attack Type: Physical.
- Damage: 75.
- STA Cost: 13.
- Hold turns: 0.
- Priority: Normal.
- Single Target.
- Bamboozle
- Hold turns has been increased
0⇒ 1.- STA Cost has been reduced
21⇒15.- We wanted to avoid the constant 50/50 situations of who’s going to receive the Bamboozle. Although we know that it is a Technique that has a clear use, which is to protect the carries, we want this to be done in a more planned way and not in a spammable way. This also should help a bit to do something against Nagaise + Goolder on the first turn.
- Toxic Plume
- Hold turns has been reduced
2⇒ 1.- STA Cost has been reduced
23⇒ 20.- Toxic Plume (Synergy)
- Hold turns has been reduced
2⇒ 1.- STA Cost has been reduced
18⇒ 15.- ATK Stage reduction has been reduced from
2⇒ 1.- Our goal with the Toxic Plume changes last season was to preserve its power and reduce the no-brainer of just clicking it when it came up. So, we chose to raise the hold and the technique at -2 ATK. This change didn’t land the way we wanted it to, so we are trying a different approach, hitting the immediate impact instead.
- [New] Composure
- Type: Neutral.
- Attack Type: Status.
- STA Cost: 22.
- Hold turns: 3.
- Priority: Normal.
- Target: All.
- Effect: Remove all Status Condition and Stage Modifications from all the Temtem on the battlefield.
- Digithreat
- STA Cost has been increased
23⇒ 29.- Digithreat (Synergy)
- STA Cost has been increased
23⇒ 29.- Doom turns have been increased
3⇒ 4.- During conversations about Doom we realized that Digithreat was pushing out Techniques that applied Doom with Hold 2 and above, as it provided a similar effect multiple turns earlier. This was disruptive to our plans for Stall, so we are hitting its efficiency to encourage these high Hold Techniques to see play and to give the opponent more space to think about how to clean the Doom.
- Hurricane
- Damage has been increased
67⇒ 77.- STA Cost has been reduced
29⇒ 20.- Hurricane (Synergy)
- Damage has been increased
77⇒ 92.- STA Cost has been reduced
29⇒ 20.- SPD Stage increase has been increased from
1⇒ 2.- Swarm Aid
- Exhausted turns have been reduced
1⇒ 0.- New effect: Source recovers 5% STA.
- Swarm Aid (Synergy)
- Exhausted turns have been reduced
1⇒ 0.- New effect: Source recovers 10% STA.
- Electromagnetism
- Exhausted turns have been reduced
3⇒ 2.- SPD Stage reduction has been increased from
1⇒ 2.- Priority has been reduced
Very High⇒ Normal.- Martial Strike
- STA Cost has been increased
11⇒ 15.- Priority has been increased
Normal⇒ High.- Extinction
- New effect: It applies 2 turns of Burn to the target.
- Doom turns have been reduced
4⇒ 3.- Hold turns has been increased
2⇒ 3.- STA Cost has been reduced
34⇒ 26.- Extinction has been reworked to regain its status as a team-defining technique. With an increased hold and reduced Doom timer, Extinction becomes a more pressing threat that demands immediate attention. The addition of a burn effect adds defensive utility, as countering the Doom now requires two statuses. These changes aim to elevate the impact and strategic importance of Extinction in battles.
- Hasty Lunge
- Damage has been increased
80⇒ 90.- Hasty Lunge (Synergy)
- Damage has been increased
80⇒ 90.- Zen Meditation
- Target has been changed
Self⇒ One Team.- Hook
- STA Cost has been reduced
26⇒ 24.Traits
- [New] Natural Conversion
- Offensive Nature type techniques deal 10% less damage, while using any other non-nature type technique deals 25% more damage.
- [New] Safe Retreat
- Once per battle, when leaving the battlefield, the Temtem receives 2 turns of Regenerating.
- Water Custodian
- New effect: The user gets SPATK[++] when redirecting a technique.
- The 15% damage reduction has been removed.
- The balance between Nagaise’s Water Custodian and Deceit Aura has always been complicated. We believe this change to Water Custodian is more in line with the role it performs with this trait and can serve as a relief after losing Madness Buff.
- Energy Reserves
- HP percentage required for activation has been increased
40⇒ 45.- [New] Shinobi Tactics
- High priority techniques deal 10% more damage.
- Settling
- Previous effect no longer works.
New effect: At the end of the turn, after each 2 consecutive turns in battle, the holder gets +1 ATK when a new turn starts.- Anaerobic
- SPATK Stage reduction has been reduced
2⇒ 1.- SPDEF Stage increase has been reduced
2⇒ 1.- Anaerobic, like Jack of All Trades, was scaling too much, too fast. Anaerobic Volarend builds were using their stat buffs to snowball a little faster than we’d like, so, to keep it in line with other traits that affect stats, we reduced its scaling now that Toxic Plume is going to be a bit more spammable. Volarend is still one of those Temtem in the top 5 of most valuable Temtem, so we expect it to keep being in the higher tiers despite the changes.
- Half Full
- SPATK Stage modifications have been increased
1⇒ 2- Mithridatism
- Regenerating turns has been reduced
1⇒ 0.- Wax Bath
- Previous effects no longer work.
- New effect: Wax Bath decreases the damage the holder takes from Fire Techniques by 25% and invalidates the effects of the Burn Status Condition.
- Tactical Strike
- Damage increase has been reduced
20%⇒ 16%.- Jack of All Trades
- ATK Stage increase has been reduced
2⇒ 1.
SPATK Stage increase has been reduced2⇒ 1.
Jack of All Trades, and Valash by extension, have warped the 1.3 meta more than we’d like. The version we shipped was too much compared to what we expected. We know that this is a big change and we might see a drop in Valash’s usage. We are ready to make some possible adjustments to its base stats in case of need, but leaving Jack of All Trades as it is now.- Toxic Skin
- Now works only once per turn.
- Toxic Skin saw a large rise in play once it got changed to retaliate against both sides on the attacking spectrum. It has become too efficient, so we are limiting the impact it can have on a game.
- Building Blocks
- Old effect no longer works.
- New effect: Increases +1 DEF and +1 SPDEF for every 3 turns the Temtem remains on the battlefield.
- This item had the same issue Settling had, so it was obvious the solution should be the same. This change should help with clarity and it should help with the utility of the item. We will keep an eye on it to make sure it isn’t overbearing in stall compositions.
- Hacked Microchip
- Previous effects no longer work.
- New effect: Damage done to Digital Temtem is increased by 15%.
- Another polarizing Gear. It very rarely saw any play, and if it did, it enabled something unhealthy for the game. We’ve changed this gear to have a completely new effect that can’t be abused in the way, while still maintaining its originally intended identity as an anti-digital gear.
- Redirection Device
- Old effect no longer works.
- New effect: When the holder receives damage from a Digital Technique, it deals 20% of the damage received to the caster of the Tech.
- This Gear had the same impact on the game as the Hacked Microchip, and it is related to one of the hottest topics in competitive Temtem: unpredictability. Digital Temtem were greatly affected by this Gear. Taking into account how other similar Gears have influenced the game (such as the original Bait), we have learned our lesson and decided to completely remove the redirection effect. We have established a new rule for ourselves that no gear will ever have a redirection effect again.
This change, along with the Hacked Microchip, will be closely monitored to prevent Digital Temtem from becoming uncontrollable.- Morale-Boosting Whip
- It no longer grants +1 SPD to the ally.
- New effect: When entering the battlefield, the ally gets 1 turn of invigorated.
- STA loss has been reduced
35%⇒ 25%.- Slingshot
- Previous effects no longer work
- New effect: Damage done with techniques with a priority Low or Very Low is increased by 8%.
- Acknowledging the persistent issues surrounding the Slingshot gear, we are aware that it has caused frustration among players and has had a significant impact on Temtem’s balance. Throughout our attempts to address this gear, we have encountered challenges in finding a satisfactory solution. Various iterations we explored either disrupted game balance or presented other gameplay concerns.
For the time being, we have implemented a new version of the Slingshot gear as a temporary measure. This will allow us to gather data and assess its performance in the game. Moving forward, we will continue to work on finding a permanent solution for Slingshot. We understand the importance of reaching a resolution that satisfies the community without causing further disruption. Therefore, we plan to use future patches to carefully address the issues and ensure a balanced and enjoyable experience for all players.Fixes
All Platforms
- Fixed a black screen if a reconnection happens or the game is started while the player is in the elevator to Gardens of Aztlan.
- Fixed getting softlocked when defeating City slicker and Urbanite tamer in Co-op Mode.
- Fixed a softlock that was occurring when the Co-op party disbanded when changing rooms while one of the party members was busy
- Fixed getting stuck inside the elevator to Gardens of Aztlan if the player enters and leaves the elevator constantly during a period of time. Why?
- Fixed some cases where players could be left with no squad during the whole duration of the prison portion of the Shipwrecked in Tucma! quest.
- Fixed radar chain not updating when doing the radar of a Temtem that triggers its trait upon fainting if the Player had a Tyranak with the trait Intimidator in their team.
- Fixed capturing Mimit not counting towards a weekly quest or a seasonal event quest if it was transformed into another Temtem.
- Fixed losing input if a player opened the Tempedia and immediately started scrolling down.
- Fixed Temtem not being healed when ending the GritArena activity through the “Leave Now” option.
- Fixed some cases where a player could get to the final floor of the Evershifting Tower and not have access to the chest room.
- Fixed losing aN Evershifting Tower run if a player lost their last Temtem due to the effects of a Status Condition but that same turn they’d captured another Temtem.
- Fixed getting teleported out the Evershifting Tower when picking an item.
- Fixed inventory showing 0 Feathers and Novas after redeeming a code that contained Feathers/Novas.
- Fixed seeing the original starters on the Lab going into the TemCards if a Player entered the Lab after defeating Max in the Randomlocke Mode.
- Fixed not being able to close the game properly if the Player was on a Challenge mode.
- Fixed Chromeon being shown as its Digital version despite its original typing if a Mimit transformed into Chromeon, both left the battlefield, and Chromeon was swapped on the same spot Mimit was.
- Fixed Deceit Aura reducing the Temtem’s HP when the HP percentage was exactly 15% , causing Deceit Aura’s holder to faint due to the effects of its trait.
- Fixed some interactions where the trait Dreaded Alarm wasn’t working as expected client-side.
- Fixed that if the level of a Temtem was changed in Showdown, the list of available techniques was not being updated.
- Fixed not defeated Temtem during a PvP match counting (only visually) for some of the spectator’s weekly quests if the match ended via concede.
- Fixed Squads not being imported correctly to the player’s Showdown Squads when using a shared code
- Fixed the evolve button appearing on Temtem that can’t be evolved if in the previous Temtem’s Details the option was available, and vice versa.
- Fixed not being able to evolve Azuroc if this Temtem was traded, it had leveled over the Tamer level from the player and its evolution was cancelled when received.
- Fixed not getting achievements if a kudo was completed but the achievement was not unlocked and the player triggered the Kudo again after that
- Fixed not being able to deliver the postal delivery to DigiLair minder.
- Fixed weekly quest “Complete any Mythical Lair without any member getting knocked-out” counting client-side even when one of the party members was knocked-out.
- Fixed the weekly quest “Take a photo at [location]” indicating the Highbelow as a possible location instead of Sacred Lake.
- Fixed the Clear all Notifications button not deleting the Dojo Wars notifications.
- Fixed transformed Mimit having access to a new technique in the middle of a battle if the Temtem it copied gains a level during the combat and learned a new technique
- Fixed trade not available if two players trying to trade were sit on a furniture inside a player’s house
- Fixed body type changing after doing an emote.
- Fixed some furniture that had the tiles they occupy inverted.
- Fixed Melee and Mental insignia furniture giving the option to not put them on a wall.
- Fixed some chairs in the Accademia that were impossible to sit on. WE WANT TO SIT!
- Fixed the sound of remote players using a Scent being too loud.
- Fixed a space between characters on the date of the Events UI.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Crema Games
Temtem – Ver. 1.3.2
- Release date: May 4th 2023 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
- Fixed a softlock occurring when a Trait that is activated when a Temtem faints is triggered.
- Fixed getting softlocked when using certain techniques with Striking Transmog Mimit during a Randomlocke run.
- Fixed a softlock after scrolling down in the Showdown’s Tempedia if the Temtem shown filled exactly one entire row.
- Fixed Scent effects being transferred from the main file to the Challenge Mode save.
- Fixed swapping a Temtem for another in a Showdown team would show the Techs of the previous Temtem on the new one.
- Fixed Zaobian/Arachnyte being banned on the TemSafari if they’d changed their secondary Type through their traits, and it ended up matching one of the banned Types.
- Fixed Status Condition order not being the same in battle and in the Squad Menu.
- Fixed having the mount animation be displayed if a Player entered a cableway while on a mount without an aquatic version.
- Fixed the Megazizare Steed animation when entering the teleport tubes at Atoll Row.
- Fixed Player’s running animation being played while being on a mount if a Ranked match started when the Player was on a mount.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Crema Games
Temtem – Ver. 1.3.1
- Release date: April 17th 2023 (North America, Europe) / April 18th 2023 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
New Stuff
- We’ve added an indicator for the Nuzlocke and Randomlocke modes that will show you the number of captures left for the zone you’re currently in. It’s located next to the Minimap.
- We’ve added an Species Clause to the Nuzlocke and Randomlocke modes:
- When running into a Temtem they have already tamed before as the first encounter on any given zone, the player can defeat it or run away without wasting one of their allowed encounters.
- If the player decides to capture that Tem despite already having it, it will count as a valid encounter and it’ll consume one of the allowed encounters.
- The game will check for the entire evolutive line, so if you have a Granpah in your squad and encounter a Paharo, you will be able to defeat it without using one of your allotted encounters.
- We’ve added new internal rules to the Techniques of starter Temtem to prevent insta-failed runs in the Randomlocke mode.
- Starters must now have at least one Technique that fulfills all of these requisites: Damage greater than 1, Hold 0 and STA Cost less than 20.
These changes will be applied to all existing Challenge Runs, and any Challenge Run created from now onwards.
- We’ve changed the message you get when trying to capture a Temtem once you’d surpassed the capture limit in Nuzlocke and Randomlocke modes. It’s now a new message created specifically for the Challenge Modes.
- The Anahir given to the player during the story will now be full HP in the Nuzlocke Mode, and the random Temtem given instead of Anahir will follow suit in the Randomlocke Mode.
- We’ve improved and clarified the process of choosing a name for your character. It should now be more clear when the name you’ve picked is already in use or otherwise not fit to be picked.
- The Trait and Technique textbox is now scaled based on the description text.
- The price in Novas of all Premium musical instruments and Premium emotes has been reduced by 40%.
- We’ve adjusted the Luma Drop rewards given by the species located in the Tuwai Shrines. They will now reward higher amounts of Luma Drops.
These changes were meant to be included with patch 1.3, but didn’t make it in due to a bug. After checking the competitive community’s feelings on it, we’ve decided to include them in this patch to place us closer to the idea of balance we had for this Season.
- #101 – Kauren
- STA has been increased
45⇒ 54.- SPDEF has been increased
51⇒ 57.- #121 – Broccolem
- HP has been increased
74⇒ 79.- STA has been increased
63⇒ 67.- Gaia has been added to its move pool.
All platforms
- The LFG chat has returned from the dead!
- Fixed a hardstuck situation at the Evershifting Tower after defeating a floor boss and getting healed.
- Fixed getting hardstuck if, during the Randomlocke, once the player runs out of captures in a zone they encounter two Temtem, capture one with the TemCardX and then run away from battle.
- Fixed a softlock after changing the language in the Settings menu.
- Fixed getting softlocked when receiving the plot of land for housing in a Challenge Mode.
- Fixed getting softlocked if the Coward’s Blanket was active and, in a dual wild encounter, the player captured both of them with only one free slot on their squad and released the first one captured.
- Fixed a softlock after receiving a Temtem that the player is not the OT for in the Locke modes.
- Fixed getting softlocked by the renaming pop-up when receiving any gifted Tem from an NPC in the Nuzlocke and Randomlocke modes. It won’t be possible to rename these Tems from now onwards.
- Fixed a crash that could happen when moving between empty slots in the Tempedia.
- Fixed getting stuck when interacting with another’s player co-op emote while sitting.
- Fixed getting stuck in battle if the move Piercing Wheel was used in the Randomlocke mode.
- Fixed getting stuck behind Distracted peasant or Studious Yamabushi if the battle against them was started directly in the opposite direction they were looking at.
- Fixed a black screen if there was a disconnect while attempting to reconnect when seeing the preview of the Challenge Mode rewards.
- Fixed getting disconnected when a player cleared 33 notifications or more at once.
- Fixed not being able to skip the capture requirement to unlock the Temessence in the Randomlocke Mode.
- Fixed Temtem with catch rate 0 appearing in the wild in the Randomlocke Mode.
- Fixed eggs opening when changing between the main save and the Challenge mode accounts.
- Fixed a spike of lag after using the incubator machine at the Breeding Center.
- Fixed the Temtem Plus benefits not being applied in the Challenge Modes.
- Fixed consumable items running out when a Player switches from their normal save to a Challenge Mode.
- Fixed Glossy Tempedia, Bright Tempedia and Shiny Tempedia Kudos not updating correctly in the server.
- Fixed Dojo Rematches and Kudos not being granted when the player finished the battle with a transformed Mimit.
- Fixed PvP daily, weekly and per-match rewards not being given properly server-side.
- Fixed some issues related to Showdown Squad configuration and cross-progression.
- Fixed being able to continue playing with an unlinked account until the primary account is booted if the unlink for the cross-progression was made from the secondary account’s Settings menu.
- Fixed TCs not disappearing after being used in the Challenge Modes.
- Fixed Feathers not updating in the “Select Amount” UI of the shop at Tamer’s Paradise.
- Fixed getting a random Temtem from the Ukama Lover in the Nuzlocke Mode.
- Fixed getting a different face in the Challenge Modes if the Main Save has a specific Face set
- Fixed visually spending one Tem Renaming Voucher when trying to change a Temtem’s nickname using Pansuns.
- Fixed Trade House’s filter not having into account the secondary typing of Chromeon and Koish.
- Fixed Mimit having DNA Extraction in Randomlocke instead of whatever tech it had after transforming in battle.
- Fixed being able to pick an empty squad in a competitive battle.
- Fixed mouse input not working if a player ended a PvP Match with the emote wheel enabled.
- Fixed Reactive Vial not healing the holder when proccing.
- Fixed Rejuvenate not working properly on Multi Target techniques.
- Fixed Techniques that apply 2 Status Condition and have an extra effect not copying the 2 Status Condition through Traits.
- Fixed Adaptive users being able to receive a Status Condition that should be avoided with the typing change this Trait triggers.
- Fixed not seeing correctly the HP recovered with the Inductor Trait when attacking a Temtem with the Toxin Skin Trait.
- Fixed an interaction between Kaleidoscope and Bright Beam while the user had the Seized Status Condition.
- Fixed Misogi’s Synergy not applying Regenerating.
- Fixed Bully doing more damage when the target had 2 Status Conditions applied.
- Fixed Neutrality and Resistant users losing their Invigorated Status Condition when a 1 Turn Exhaust was applied on them.
- Fixed Dreaded Alarm not showing the sign that it was triggered when attacking an asleep Temtem.
- Fixed the Acid Reflux technique (signature move of Noxolotl) was being played when used by other Tems in the Randomlocke mode instead of the default VFX animation.
- Fixed several bugs involving a Temtem dying because of the Dreaded Alarm trait.
- Fixed once per battle traits triggering twice when a player who doesn’t have the Speed Arrow swaps in an Intimidator Tyranak and a Temtem with a once-per-battle trait, keeps them in battle for one turn, swaps those Temtem out and then brings back the Temtem with the once-per-battle trait.
- Fixed STA not being updated when a Temtem that was already in the battlefield enters again automatically after one Temtem faints due to being the last Temtem in the bench.
- Fixed the Battle Log showing the Gears Temtem have in the TemDeck/Squad instead of the ones assigned on the Pro Battlebox if the third Pro Battlebox was the one being used.
- Fixed activity club log was not displaying the most recent activity when a club surpasses the log limit.
- Fixed not being able to scroll down using keyboard or gamepad when moving between specific slots in the Tempedia UI.
- Fixed Galvanid not following the player the first time it spawns in the world.
- Fixed that Tems captured in the Evershifting Tower could stay with no Techniques assigned if the player closed the game without assigning any Technique.
- Fixed Luma Drops icon appearing in the Boutiques/Housing Stores after buying something in Nanto Labs.
- Fixed hidden NPCs being shown if the player has a battle in the zone this NPC is.
- Fixed not being able to equip the default battle outro correctly if the player had another battle outro already equipped.
- Fixed Spectate Mode having two Exit buttons in the Settings Menu.
- Fixed being able to claim already-claimed Housing items from events while doing a Lair.
- Fixed Megazizare Steed’s jump animation not being shown properly when doing big jumps.
- Fixed being able to overlap Seals in their preview if a player switched one for another in Temtem’s details.
- Fixed Luma Koish and Chromeon’s preview in the TemCard thrown during the intro animation not matching the secondary type of the Temtem.
- Fixed player not showing animations when entering a building using a mount that does not have a matching surfboard when on water.
- Fixed a wall covering the door of the Royal Castle Construction’s interior if the house was placed in one of the bottom slots of a section at Atoll Row.
- Fixed the icon of the dye bundles to show correctly the last dye.
- Fixed a floor item in Malachite furniture shop with prize set at 0 Pansuns.
- Fixed the grid on the Comfy Corner layout
- Fixed Tamers’ banners appearing with no sprite in the Tournament Finals’ UI.
- Fixed Tamers’ banner appearing with no sprite in the cross-progression UI.
- Fixed previews of battle outros having a black and white club banner behind the player.
- Fixed the Leprechaun’s Eve emote sound not playing in the Event Rewards preview.
- Fixed the dialogue lines of Musa after fighting him for the weekly rematch. No more confusion.
- Fixed a wrong dialogue from one of the new NPC trainers at the Arissolan Dojo.
- Fixed some technique descriptions that were not updated.
- Fixed a bonus default text appearing the first time the players enter in a DigiLair at Tamer’s Paradise
- Fixed that the competitive battle outros obtained when changing the animation style at the beauty center did not have names.
- Fixed “Objective” and “Global” texts being shown in English regardless of the language set in the Speedrun Mode.
- Fixed the “Retry” button on Challenge Modes wasn’t showing the text properly in all languages but English.
- Fixed Q/E prompts in the Temdeck being shown scaled after opening a UI that requires the player to choose a Temtem to show/give to an NPC with a controller, and then opening the TemDeck with a controller only to then change the input to Keyboard/Mouse.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Crema Games
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Crema Games (Twitter)
Temtem – Ver. 1.3.0
- Release date: March 13th 2023 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
New Stuff
- The new Challenge Modes are in.
- Experience Temtem like never before with three new challenges delimited by extreme rules:
- Nuzlocke Mode: You only get to catch the first 2 Temtem you see per route (1 Temtem each if you’re playing Co-op!). Each and every Temtem knocked out during battle will be released automatically.
- Randomlocke Mode: Same rules as the Nuzlocke mode, but with randomized Tems, move sets and items.
- Speedrun Mode: You must complete the story in as little time as possible. A clock will be timing each island and the general progress, and you’ll need to beat a mark set by Crema to consider the run a success.
- You will be able to start a Challenge mode once you’ve completed the campaign story, or by unlocking it anytime through a very well-known videogame code (use your left thumbstick!). You can only have one Challenge run at a time, but you can end one and start the next with no restrictions. You will always start from zero.
- The Challenge Mode runs have their own server, and a different save slot between the three of them. You’ll interact with other people attempting a Challenge run, including being able to co-op. This effectively means you’ll be able to have both your normal save and usual account, and a challenge save with a Challenge run at the same time.
- You cannot trade during a Challenge run. You won’t be able to earn Tamer Pass experience during a Challenge run, due to technical limitations. You can PvP during a Challenge run, and your Tems won’t die, so you can safely enjoy it still. Saipark will exist and be open, but only the resident Tems will ever appear.
- You can co-op in the Challenge Modes, but there are limitations:
- For all modes, you can only co-op with someone who is playing the same Challenge mode as you; there can’t be a Tamer Level difference of more than 5 levels between both partners.
- For Nuzlocke and Randomlocke, you’ll need to choose whether you’re playing solo or co-op at the beginning of the run: if you choose Co-op, you’ll only be able to tame one Tem per route instead of two; if you choose solo, you won’t be able to co-op during the run. This setting will continue for the duration of your run.
- Challenge Modes have exclusive rewards for each of them, and you’ll only be able to obtain them if you conquer the challenge.
- We’ve added some spicy new Kudos in relation to conquering the Challenge Modes, good luck!
- The doors of Nanto Labs are open!
- Exchange your Lumas for Luma Drops, a new currency. You’ll be rewarded more or less Luma Drops depending on the species, whether you’re the OT or not, and whether they’re Soulbound or not.
- You’ll be use your Luma Drops in a new shop where you’ll be able to buy previously unavailable dyes, items like the TemCard X, and more goodies coming in the future.
- Of course, a new Season begins today!
- Clash of Tamers is a Season centered around the spirit and fierceness of competition, of working hard to be better, and other epic themes.
- We’ve added a new set of cosmetic items to the Daily Shop pool, and in the Weekly Premium Shop as well!
- We’ve added all the 15 Backer characters for Backers with tiers Villager and Dojo Disciple. Some of them have been placed as non-mandatory NPC Tamers in some Dojos.
- We’ve improved the loading time when exiting a battle on the Switch a bit more.
- In our ongoing effort to improve the game’s performance on Switch, for this patch we put our focus on the loading times, which since 1.2.2 have been one of the main points of dissatisfaction.
- Due to the other improvements carried out in the previous patch, the game was taking longer when exiting a battle because it was loading and unloading assets that weren’t needed. With the current change, repeating battles in the same environment should feel faster and the game will try to maintain the reused assets between battles in memory in order to optimize loading times.
- Like we mentioned in patch 1.2.2, we’re going to continue working on improving memory performance on the platforms that require so.
- We’ve made a full rework to the untamed Tems spawn system:
- The idea behind this change is to make encounter frequency more consistent and constant.
- There should now be a bit more space between combat and combat, and you shouldn’t get an encounter right after a battle.
- However, the longer you walk without an encounter, the higher the possibilities you find and encounter will get, so you won’t end up walking too long without an encounter.
- In short, the range of variability has been reduced, so encounters should feel more constant and steady, and less dry or overwhelming.
- Items related to spawn rates have also been tweaked to adapt to this rework; in practice this means they’ll work nicely, like before, in the optimal scenario, and way better than before in the worst case scenario.
- Likewise, we’ve also made some changes to the way the PvP timer works when a player gets disconnected:
- If you disconnect from a competitive match, it will now use the extra time instead of the current turn time. This applies to both the pick&ban phase and the actual battle.
- Also, turns will now last the same as they would for a connected player, instead of discounting time and rushing them.
- The duration of all Scent items has been doubled! Their price has also been reduced, check down below for the full list.
- Some previously alert NPCs will now be distracted and won’t stop to battle you as you walk by, only when you talk to them.
- The last encounter from the Finding Aina quest will now have the “Dojo Master” music track.
- All ETCs will now have the same chance to appear as a reward in all applicable loot pools.
- The Anak Sanctum and Highbelow Sanctum Lairs have gotten some buffs:
- All runs of the Mythical Lairs will provide the rewards as if it were the first run of the week, Mythical egg included.
- They will now reward 30% more Feathers upon completion.
- The price of entry for these Lairs has been reduced from
2500⇒ 2000 Pansuns. The price of Lair Tickets has been reduced too.- Lair rewards now have a 118% increased chance of having an ETC, and a 37% reduced chance of having a Trait Hack.
- Similarly, Tamer’s Paradise activities have gotten some review:
- The GritArena, DraftArena and TemSafari activities will now reward 30% more Feathers upon completion.
- The Evershifting Tower activity will now reward 20% more Feathers upon completion.
- The price of the Evershifting Tower, DraftArena, GritArena and DigiLair activities (the tries beyond the initial free Token) has been reduced by 1000 Pansuns.
- The price of the TemSafari activity (the tries beyond the initial free Token) has been reduced by 2000 Pansuns, so from from
7000⇒ 5000 Pansuns.- PvP activity required a little tweaking:
- All Weekly and Daily PvP Challenges will now reward 30% more Pansuns and Feathers. Tamer Pass experience won’t be affected.
- PvP battles’ will now reward 30% less Pansuns and Feathers. Tamer Pass experience won’t be affected.
- PvP battles were way above any other activity in the game, and although this is something we want to perpetuate and agree with, the distance to other activities shouldn’t be that abysmal. Improving the Weeklies will make people more interested into and drawn to PvP, even if just to complete the Challenges, and will appeal to a different, more casual sector of the PvP players.
- All the cosmetic items available in Boutiques across the Archipelago have experienced a 25% price reduction. They will now be cheaper.
- Balms’ price has been reduced from
80⇒ 64.- Balm+’s price has been reduced from
325⇒ 280.- Revives’ price has been reduced from
500⇒ 400.- Smoke Bombs’ price has been reduced from
120⇒ 70.- Scents’ price has been reduced from
60⇒ 20.- Super Scents’ price has been reduced from
320⇒ 150.- Max Scents’ price has been reduced from
1200⇒ 500.- TemCard+’s price has been reduced from
80⇒ 65.- TemCard++’s price has been reduced from
325⇒ 275.PvE
- We’ve adjusted some endgame Elite Kudos so that they’re a tad bit easier and more affordable to achieve, without them losing their Elite essence.
- The Weekly Challenge that was “Defeat 6 Tamers in the GritArena” has been changed to 5 Tamers.
- Naolin no longer has a Temtem with the Hypnotic Peg-Top Gear in their Archtamer pool.
- Yareni’s Volarend now has all 500 TVs on its spread.
- Percival’s Aohi now has all 500 TVs on its spread.
Season 3 is here! The changelog for balance this patch could be one of the biggest we have ever had, so there’s a lot of stuff to unpack. There are many things we wanted to tackle, and some we just wanted to start work on, so there’ll be a bit of everything and some changes are going to be more meaningful than others.
We have reviewed almost every Temtem in game and made changes to its stats, Techs or Traits. Our main objective has been to dethrone the top tier Temtem, but not bury them, all while pushing new faces into the group of frequently-seen Temtem. You will discover 3 new Traits and a brand new Tech that were created to support this intention.
On top of that, we analyzed some mechanics that felt unfair to a majority of players and we have started taking action to test and measure the impact they really have in the game. The principal mechanics we have adjusted are Freeze and Healing. Both are going to be a little less free to abuse: Freeze has been capped at 2 turns, and healing has been reduced in a handful of techniques. We are going to keep an eye on them and, if needed, we’ll make adjustments on following seasons.
To close this intro, we’re already working on season 4! Our objective for Season 4 is to revisit Stall and its lack of interaction.
- #003 – Zaobian
- SPD has been increased
51⇒ 63.- #006 – Molgu
- HP has been increased
79⇒ 82.- STA has been increased
47⇒ 55.- SPDEF has been increased
58⇒ 66.- Molgu has a lot of potential, but its typing was not helping its bulky design much. We hope that Molgu can stay in battle a bit more with the proposed changes and that it can use its tools more freely thanks to its new STA values and the changes to Splitter.
- #007 – Platypet
- Water Blade has been removed from its movepool.
- #007 – Platimous
- SPD has been increased
78⇒ 82.- After testing the changes done to Water Blade and the SPD of Platimous during the previous patch cycle, we want to bring back its lost SPD but we’ll still keep Water Blade from it as a fee.
- #011 – Loali
- STA has been reduced
81⇒ 74.- SPD has been reduced
80⇒ 77.- SPDEF has been reduced
90⇒ 81.- Toxic Farewell has been removed from its traits.
- Backhanded has been added to its traits: When attacking with a Status Technique, gets Invigorated for 2 turns.
- Loali is one of those Temtem that have been performing really well, a bit too well. We had to adjust it a tad, but we’ll give it something in return: a new trait that could offer a different playstyle from what we’re used to with it.
- #012 – Tateru
- Now learns Tenderness at level 3.
- Now learns Scratch at level 1.
- Even though there’s no substantial change to Tateru, the main Gears it takes advantage of have been hit this patch, so we think these changes should be enough to bring this Temtem closer to balance.
- #015 – Magmut
- STA has been increased
53⇒ 58.- #016 – Paharo
- Tornado has been added to its move pool as an Egg Technique.
- #017 – Paharac
- Hyperkinetic Strike has been removed from its move pool.
- Grandpah has been a staple in Turbo teams for this past season. It will continue to do so, but more as a support rather than a multitasking Temtem with high impact. We have reworked Bully to help it and Skunch take advantages of new situations.
- #020 – Amphatyr
- STA has been increased
42⇒ 57.- Amphatyr was one of those Temtem that looked like one thing and ended up being a completely different role. We wanted to give Amphatyr more time to support its allies and at the same time, we have improved Infectious so it can also support their teammates by negating opportunities to their rivals.
- #028 – Skunch
- STA has been increased
62⇒ 67.- #030 – Mouflank
- STA has been increased
65⇒ 73.- #033 – Tental
- Madness Buff has been removed from its move pool.
- These changes affect Nagaise, so we are going to talk about them as if they were for it. Madness Buff offers way too many tools to Nagaise, specially its Deceit Aura build. This change along with some adjustments to its signature tech and trait should make Nagaise feel a bit more decent than before but not as annoying as it was when it was released.
- #036 – Nidrasil
- SPD has been increased
61⇒ 66.- ATK has been reduced
88⇒ 84.- DEF has been reduced
80⇒ 77.- Toxic Farewell has been removed from its traits.
- Tri-Phytologist has been added to its traits: After attacking with a Physical Technique, the target gets Exhausted for 1 turn if it’s a rival or Invigorated for 2 turns if it’s an ally or itself.
- Nidrasil has become one of the Temtem we could consider flexible and almost perfect for our idea of a balanced Temtem. The introduction of this new trait and some changes to its stats aims to round up an already interesting Temtem.
- #038 – Capyre
- HP has been increased
55⇒ 65.- STA has been increased
55⇒ 61.- ATK has been increased
71⇒ 76.- SPDEF has been increased
47⇒ 49.- Capyre has a 0.04% winrate (wink wink) so it was clear it needed some love. Its main problem was that it was lacking in almost every stat, so these changes should give Capyre a much better chance to perform in battle.
- #041 – Zenoreth
- STA has been increased
45⇒ 46.- Knockback has been added to its movepool.
- Zenoreth now has more tools to go boom! We have changed Wrecked Farewell too, so going boom! should feel more rewarding.
- #049 – Saku
- ATK has been increased
66⇒ 71.
DEF has been increased62⇒ 68.- #050 – Valash
- DEF has been increased
56⇒ 62.- SPDEF has been increased
56⇒ 62.- Determined has been removed from its traits.
- Jack of all Trades has been added to its traits: When attacking with a Physical Technique, gets two stages of increased SPATK, and when attacking with a Special Technique, gets two stages of increased ATK.
- Valash is a raid boss, that’s a fact. Determined was not helping Valash in any way, so we decided to give it a brand new trait so the players can unlock its raid boss potential from different angles.
- #051 – Towly
- Hook Kick has been removed from its movepool.
Oshi-Dashi has been added to its movepool as an Egg Technique.- #052 – Owlhe
- SPD has been increased
78⇒ 80.- Boomerang has been removed from its movepool.
- Feather Gatling has been added to its movepool.
- Owlhe was one of those Temtem that didn’t have many tools to excel in their role. We’ve adjusted some things here and there to make it feel as powerful as its mental counterpart.
- #053 – Barnshe
- HP has been increased
50⇒ 57.- #054 – Gyalis
- HP has been reduced
79⇒ 74.- ATK has been increased
77⇒ 81.- Helicopter Kick has been removed from its movepool.
- Gyalis was everywhere, and it will remain as one of the top Temtem, but Helicopter Kick was doing way too much work for this Temtem.
- #059 – Raican
- HP has been increased
77⇒ 79.- STA has been increased
49⇒ 55.- SPDEF has been increased
50⇒ 54.- A lot of Fire Tems were seen this past season but Raican was not very frequent in those comps. Giving it more bulk and improving its signature technique should position this Temtem on a much healthier spot, and we could start seeing it some more.
- #063 – Scaravolt
- ATK has been increased
57⇒ 60.- Embers has been added to its move pool.
- Physical Scaravolt is a reality, embrace the truth.
- #065 – Hedgine
- STA has been increased
43⇒ 48.- #068 – Osukai
- STA has been increased
48⇒ 54.
ATK has been reduced95⇒ 92.
SPDEF has been increased46⇒ 51.- #069 – Saipat
- STA has been increased
42⇒ 46.- DEF has been increased
55⇒ 60.- SPDEF has been increased
50⇒ 67.- Noxious Bomb has been added to its move pool.
- Saipat is seeing some play as a bulky offense Temtem, so we would like to help this playstyle for it. We are going to keep an eye on this Tem to see how it performs after the changes, but we might have some plans in mind for its future.
- #074 – Tortenite
- STA has been increased
52⇒ 55.- #077 – Shaolant
- SPATK has been increased
64⇒ 70.- #080 – Pocus
- DEF has been increased
40⇒ 45.- SPDEF has been increased
51⇒ 55.- Pocus should be able to weather the storm better now thanks to its brand new values on stats and a small buff to Rejuvenate, and we are opening a brand new horizon for it with the rework of Dreaded Alarm.
- #083 – Golzy
- HP has been reduced
76⇒ 71.- ATK has been reduced
84⇒ 80.- Another top 3 usual suspect. These changes, along with some adjustments on its Techs and traits, should make Golzy a more manageable Temtem to face.
- #085 – Mushook
- HP has been increased
67⇒ 71.- ATK has been increased
76⇒ 80.- SPDEF has been increased
43⇒ 48.- With the increasing population of Wind Temtem in the meta, Mushook was relegated to the background. Some tweaks on its stats should help the Tem deal with the birds.
- #086 – Magmis
- Tenderness is now learned at level 5.
- Fire Flame is now learned at level 1.
- #087 – Mastione
- HP has been increased
76⇒ 80.- STA has been increased
62⇒ 68.- #096 – Gorong
- HP has been reduced
86⇒ 81.- DEF has been reduced
100⇒ 96.- Gorong has been one of the key hypercarries on Stall teams. We would like for it to continue being there for their chonky partner, but in a fairer way to their opponents.
- #098 – Sanbi
- HP has been increased
71⇒ 75.- SPDEF has been increased
61⇒ 64.- Transient Echo has been added to its move pool: This Mental Physical Tech has one hold, high priority, costs 20 STA, inflicts 80 damage and reduces the number of Holds on the caster by one.
- High Priority Techs for Mentals have been a very mentioned topic this past season. We are introducing Transient Echo to cover this for Sanbi, and making some tweaks to its stats to help its bulky offense role.
- #100 – Kuri
- Clay Ball has been added to its move pool.
- #101 – Kauren
- STA has been increased
45⇒ 54.- SPDEF has been increased
51⇒ 57.- Roar has been added to its move pool.
- #104 – Cerneaf
- STA has been increased
52⇒ 56.- SPDEF has been increased
46⇒ 50.- #110 – Volarend
- SPDEF has been reduced
96⇒ 92.- Cold Breeze has been removed from its move pool.
- Volarend was a frustrating Temtem to play against for many reasons: its combos with Freeze, the synergy it had with Slingshot and its Aerobic trait, its high SPDEF and the high impact Toxic Plume was having on games. All of these threats have been alleviated or removed to get a more fair fight against this Temtem.
- #112 – Grumper
- STA has been increased
43⇒ 50.- #121 – Broccolem
- HP has been increased
74⇒ 79.- STA has been increased
63⇒ 67.- Gaia has been added to its move pool.
- #124 – Valiar
- HP has been increased
56⇒ 60.- SPD has been increased
69⇒ 72.- ATK has been reduced
79⇒ 75.- Sanbi vs Valiar has been a topic for quite sometime within the community. With the revision done to both Temtem Sanbi should do the job of a bulky offense Temtem, while Valiar should feel more like a speedy support. This way the identity of them doesn’t overlap anymore and they can coexist in the meta.
- #126 – Loatle
- SPD has been increased
61⇒ 65.- ATK has been reduced
79⇒ 75.- SPDEF has been increased
54⇒ 57.- Loatle is getting a second chance. It will continue doing good in Doom teams, even better, you could say, but we have added a new layer to its supportive kit with some changes to Voodoo. We hope to see this fella more often this new season.
- #131 – Tukai
- Aqua Bullet Hell has been added to its move pool.
- #132 – Tulcan
- HP has been reduced
62⇒ 59.- SPATK has been reduced
79⇒ 75.- Tulcan will remain as one of the top dogs of the game due to the utility it brings to the table, but we at least had to reduce a bit the offensive power it had, so the combination of both utility and damage doesn’t feel too much to handle.
- #133 – Tuvine
- STA has been increased
47⇒ 49.- SPDEF has been increased
47⇒ 50.- #135 – Tuwire
- Reset has been added to its move pool.
- #141 – Pigepic
- ATK has been increased
60⇒ 65.- DEF has been reduced
72⇒ 69.- SPDEF has been reduced
72⇒ 69.- Chain Heal has been removed from its move pool.
- Pigepic is one of those Temtem we label as uninteractive. Having 4 non-damaging moves on its move pool should not be a thing. It has very powerful tools to keep helping as a support Temtem, but now the excessive healing potential should be gone. All of this along with a revamp of Friendship should bring Pigepic closer to a more interactive gameplay.
- #144 – Vulffy
- HP has been increased
50⇒ 56.- STA has been increased
70⇒ 74.- We are hoping to see Vulffy more in the meta this next season and, fingers crossed, we hope we see Burglar builds more frequently after the changes implemented.
- #153 – Maoala
- Transient Echo has been added to its move pool.
- #154 – Venx
- ATK has been reduced
81⇒ 78.- DEF has been reduced
81⇒ 78.- SPATK has been reduced
81⇒ 78.- SPDEF has been reduced
81⇒ 78.- The pre-evo who lived. Venx feels more powerful and useful than its evolutions, to a point that it’s even more powerful than so many Temtem in the roster. We have done some small tweaks to its stats to position it on a healthier spot in the new meta.
- #156 – Vental
- HP has been increased
55⇒ 60.- Psy Wave has been added to its move pool.
- #157 – Chimurian
- STA has been increased
54⇒ 61.- ATK has been increased
62⇒ 65.- Although Chimurian was perceived as very strong after releasing it, the different nerfs it has received have left the Tem feeling underpowered at times. We are giving it some potential back and we’re providing it with new tools with the buffs to Glass Blade.
- #163 – Tyranak
- HP has been reduced
78⇒ 76.- DEF has been reduced
74⇒ 71.- SPDEF has been reduced
76⇒ 72.- Tyranak was too much to handle this past season. It was too polarizing, and that should change. Cutting down its bulk as well as reducing the oppression its trait offers will leave this Mythical Temtem on a strong but more manageable spot.
- DNA Extraction
- Priority has been increased
Very High⇒ Ultra.- This change, combined with the ones done to Striking Transmog could balance a tad the usage difference between Striking and Landing Transmog we are seeing in the meta right now.
- Turbo Attack
- Damage has been increased
115⇒ 130.- STA Cost has been reduced
32⇒ 30.- Physical Digital Temtem were missing some damage on many Techniques. We have tackled this for a few Techs, starting with Turbo Attack.
- Hologram
- STA Cost has been reduced
14⇒ 10.- Cyberclaw
- Damage has been increased
80⇒ 90.- Cage
- STA Cost has been reduced
27⇒ 21.- Autodestruction
- Now it uses the DEF of the caster as a multiplier for the total damage of the Technique.
- Token
- Damage has been increased
35⇒ 40.- STA Cost has been increased
9⇒ 12.- Priority has been increased
Normal⇒ High.- New effect: It applies 1 turn of Isolated.
- Misogi
- STA Cost has been increased
18⇒ 25.- Target changed from
Self⇒ Any target.- New effect: It also removes all Stages on the target.
- Misogi (Synergy)
- STA Cost has been increased
18⇒ 25.- Target changed from
Self⇒ Any target.- New effect: It also removes all Stages on the target.
- New effect: Adds 2 turns of Regenerating to the target.
- Shy Shield
- STA Cost has been increased
8⇒ 11.- Allergic Spread
- Damage has been increased
58⇒ 80.- STA Cost has been reduced
21⇒ 20.- Tenderness
- Hold turns increased
0⇒ 1.- STA Cost has been increased
8⇒ 13.- ATK Stage reduction has been increased
1⇒ 2.- Tenderness was a mere reflection of what it used to be. These modifications should bring some memories of the past back, but this time it will be a bit more contained.
- Heavy Blow
- STA Cost has been reduced
12⇒ 9.- Wind Blade
- Damage has been increased
40⇒ 67.- Spores
- STA Cost has been reduced
6⇒ 5.- Refresh
- STA Cost has been reduced
16⇒ 14.- Gust
- STA Cost has been reduced
28⇒ 19.- Gust (Synergy)
- STA Cost has been reduced
28⇒ 19.- Trapped turns have been increased from
1⇒ 2.- Priority has been reduced
Ultra⇒ Very High.- This Synergy was way too impactful and it generated a lot of frustration among players. It should still feel effective, but less frustrating.
- Lullaby
- STA Cost has been reduced
32⇒ 18.- Inner Spirit
- Damage has been reduced
170⇒ 165.- STA Cost has been increased
27⇒ 32.- Perfect Jab
- STA Cost has been reduced
23⇒ 19.- Rage
- STA Cost has been increased
11⇒ 15.- Darkness
- Hold turns reduced
1⇒ 0.- STA Cost has been reduced
18⇒ 13.- Shelter
- STA Cost has been reduced
14⇒ 10.- Venomous Claws
- Damage has been increased
40⇒ 50.- STA Cost has been reduced
9⇒ 7.- Charcoal Wall
- STA Cost has been increased
18⇒ 23.- Stampede
- Damage has been increased
100⇒ 110.- Stampede (Synergy)
- Damage has been increased
125⇒ 130.- Meteor Swarm
- Damage has been increased
80⇒ 85.- Warm Cuddle
- Damage has been increased
53⇒ 70.- Soul Shout
- STA Cost has been reduced
34⇒ 27.- Melee Special Temtem were struggling to impact the game due to STA management. Reducing the STA cost for Soul Shout should help its users alleviate this issue.
- Block
- STA Cost has been increased
18⇒ 23.- Madness Buff
- STA Cost has been reduced
22⇒ 15.- Hyperkinetic Strike
- SPD multiplier has been reduced.
- The synergy this technique has in Turbo teams is great, so great that we felt that it could be too much. We are adjusting its power so it doesn’t get out of hand on the late game.
- Kick
- STA Cost has been reduced
8⇒ 5.- Head Ram
- Damage has been reduced
100⇒ 90.- Roots
- Priority has been increased
Normal⇒ High.- Mud Shower
- Damage has been increased
70⇒ 80.- Diamond Fort
- STA Cost has been reduced
25⇒ 17.- Sharpening
- STA Cost has been reduced
20⇒ 16.- Sanative Rain
- Hold turns increased
1⇒ 2.- STA Cost has been reduced
20⇒ 18.- Sanative Rain (Synergy)
- Hold turns increased
1⇒ 2.- STA Cost has been reduced
20⇒ 18.- Martial Strike
- STA Cost has been increased
8⇒ 11.- Double Kick
- STA Cost has been reduced
26⇒ 23.- Pickpocket
- STA Cost has been reduced
20⇒ 13.- Knockback
- Damage has been reduced
160⇒ 150.- STA Cost has been increased
23⇒ 28.- Bestial Charge
- Damage has been increased
55⇒ 75.- STA Cost has been reduced
23⇒ 18.- Rush
- STA Cost has been reduced
21⇒ 18.- Savage Suplex
- STA Cost has been increased
28⇒ 29.- Energy Manipulation
- STA Cost has been increased
12⇒ 15.- Energy Manipulation (Synergy)
- STA Cost has been increased
12⇒ 15.- Nagaise’s Fury
- Damage has been reduced
105⇒ 100.- Nagaise’s Fury (Synergy)
- Damage has been reduced
135⇒ 130.- Strangle
- Damage has been increased
35⇒ 44.- STA Cost has been increased
12⇒ 15.- Narcoleptic Hit
- Damage has been reduced
150⇒ 145.- STA Cost has been increased 17 ⇒ 20.
- Glass Blade
- Damage has been increased
32⇒ 45.- STA Cost has been increased
5⇒ 6.- Priority has been increased
Normal⇒ High.- Mineral Hail
- Damage has been increased
100⇒ 110.- Chain Heal
- HP recovery has been reduced
20%⇒ 15%.- Drool
- Regenerating turns have been reduced
3⇒ 2.- Immune turns have been reduced
4⇒ 3.- Slime
- STA Cost has been reduced
14⇒ 10.- Toxic Slime
- Damage has been increased
50⇒ 80.- Chain Lightning
- Damage has been increased
48⇒ 60.
STA Cost has been reduced17⇒ 15.- Binary Flood
- Damage has been increased
60⇒ 75.
STA Cost has been reduced28⇒ 21.
New effect: It applies 2 turns of Seized.- Double Gash
- Damage has been increased
55⇒ 60.
STA Cost has been increased7⇒ 9.- Turbo Choreography (Synergy)
- STA Cost has been increased
20⇒ 24.- We think we can all agree that Turbo is one of those Techs that build team. Even though this change doesn’t seem that relevant, it will punish running several Wind Temtem to activate this Synergy.
- Gaia
- It no longers heals 20% of HP.
- New effect: It applies 2 turns of Regenerating.
- Lifeful Sap
- STA Cost has been increased
23⇒ 26.- Crystallize
- STA Cost has been reduced
21⇒ 18.- New effect: It applies 2 turns of Immune.
- Denigrate
- Damage has been increased
73⇒ 80.- STA Cost has been reduced
33⇒ 25.- King’s Roar
- STA Cost has been reduced
25⇒ 10.- SPD Stage reduction has been increased
1⇒ 2.- Fluid Barrier
- STA Cost has been increased
18⇒ 20.- Immune turns have been reduced
3⇒ 2.- Ultrasound
- Exhausted turns have been increased
1⇒ 2.- Toughen
- STA Cost has been increased
17⇒ 22.- Generify
- STA Cost has been increased
11⇒ 17.- Generify (Synergy)
- STA Cost has been increased
11⇒ 17.- Hook
- Damage has been reduced
46⇒ 40.- STA Cost has been increased
21⇒ 26.- Petrify
- Damage has been increased
50⇒ 60.- STA Cost has been reduced
17⇒ 12.- Clinch
- Damage has been increased
85⇒ 90.- STA Cost has been reduced
16⇒ 15.- Sand Storm
- Damage has been increased
69⇒ 80.- STA Cost has been reduced
27⇒ 23.- Lava Wave
- Damage has been increased
90⇒ 95.- STA Cost has been reduced
31⇒ 27.- Lava Wave (Synergy)
- Damage has been increased
90⇒ 95.- STA Cost has been reduced
31⇒ 27.- Shrill Voice
- Damage has been increased
42⇒ 55.- Hasty Lunge
- Damage has been reduced
90⇒ 80.- STA Cost has been reduced
28⇒ 25.- Hasty Lunge (Synergy)
- Damage has been reduced
90⇒ 80.- STA Cost has been reduced
28⇒ 25.- Tsunami
- STA Cost has been reduced
29⇒ 24.- Tsunami (Synergy)
- STA Cost has been reduced
29⇒ 24.- Cold turns have been reduced
3⇒ 1.- Cold Breeze
- Damage has been increased
10⇒ 51.- Cold turns have been reduced
3⇒ 1.- Iced Stalactite
- Cold turns have been reduced
3⇒ 2.- Toxic Plume
- Damage has been increased
50⇒ 60.- STA Cost has been reduced
28⇒ 23.- Hold turns have been increased
1⇒ 2.- Toxic Plume (Synergy)
- Damage has been increased
50⇒ 60.- Hold turns have been increased
1⇒ 2.- Clay Ball
- STA Cost has been increased
12⇒ 14.- Hold turns have been reduced
1⇒ 0.- Psychic Collaborator
- STA Cost has been reduced
29⇒ 20.- Psychic Collaborator (Synergy)
- Damage has been reduced
170⇒ 165.- STA Cost has been reduced
29⇒ 26.- Stone Trench
- Evasion turns have been reduced from
2to 1.- Vulcrane was feeling unfair with the effects this technique brought to the table. Now it should be fairer for the Tamer on the other side of the equation.
- Sludge Gift
- Damage has been increased
40⇒ 60.- STA Cost has been increased
4⇒ 9.- Priority has been increased
Normal⇒ High.- Bark
- STA Cost has been reduced
23⇒ 21.- Digital Whip
- Damage has been increased
20⇒ 50.- Priority has been increased
Low⇒ Normal.- Rainbow Guard
- STA Cost has been reduced
23⇒ 15.- Immune turns have been increased
2⇒ 3.- Slow Down
- STA Cost has been increased
12⇒ 15.- Slow Down (Synergy)
- STA Cost has been increased
12⇒ 15.- Pollution
- STA Cost has been reduced
26⇒ 22.- Ampere Outburst
- STA Cost has been reduced
15⇒ 14.- Time Split
- Damage has been increased
45⇒ 55.- STA Cost has been reduced
23⇒ 18.- SPD Stage reduction has been increased
1⇒ 2.- SPD Stage increase has been increased
1⇒ 2.
- Striking Transmog
- Now it works once per battle.
- After triggering this trait, the holder multiplies their DEF and SPDEF by 1.5 for the duration of that turn.
- Splitter
- New effect: When the holder is about to receive a Negative Status Condition via technique ( Poisoned, Burned, Asleep, Cold, Exhausted, Isolated, Seized, or Trapped) they receive 2 turns of Invigorated.
- Soft Touch
- Damage increase has been reduced
20%⇒ 12%.- Bully
- The previous effects no longer works.
- New effect: When the holder uses a technique on a Temtem with a Status Condition, the damage of the technique is multiplied by 25%.
- Deceit Aura
- The holder no longer loses 50% of their max HP upon entering the battlefield.
- New effect: At the start of the turn, the holder loses 15% of their max HP.
- Wrecked Farewell
- Its previous effects no longer work.
- New effect: When this Temtem faints, the Temtem that defeated them loses 10% of their max STA and they receive a 2 Stage reduction of their ATK and SPATK.
- Infectious
- Its previous effects no longer work.
- New effect: This trait prevents the Regenerating Status Condition from being applied on the Rivals and it removes that same Status on the Rival upon entering the battlefield.
- Rejuvenate
- HP recovery has been increased
8%⇒ 10%.- Voodoo
- Its previous effects no longer work.
- New effect: When the holder applies a negative Status Condition or Stage change to a rival, the effects of those are applied to the rival’s partner too.
- Seppuku
- Its previous effects no longer work.
- New effect: When the holder faints due to recoil damage or Overexertion, it applies 4 turns of Doom to the rival Tems.
- Stabmaster
- Damage increase has been reduced
40%⇒ 35%.- Momo wasn’t being a good Temtem. Bad Temtem! Stabmaster is now nerfed.
- Mithridatism
- Damage reduction has been increased
20%⇒ 22%.- New effect: Adds 1 turn of Regenerating after being the target of a Toxic Technique.
- We are testing the waters with this one. We will review the Trait mid-patch to see if the changes have improved something at all, and we will see what we do with its users in the future.
- Ruminant
- Its previous effects no longer work.
New effect: When a Nature technique is used, the holder of this trait restores 15% of its max STA.- Burglar
- Now it also triggers when the technique used applies the Asleep or Exhausted status condition.
- Now it triggers only once per battle.
- Friendship
- Its previous effects no longer work
- New effect: When the holder and the ally attack the same rival with an offensive technique, the damage of the second technique is increased by 15%.
- Dreaded Alarm
- Its previous effects no longer work
- New effect: Every time a rival gets the Alert Status, they lose 8% of their max HP.
- Defuser
- Seized turns have been reduced
3⇒ 2.- Voltaic Charge
- Its previous effects no longer work
- New effect: The caster heals 15% of the damage it has done with any offensive technique.
- Neurotoxins
- Doom turns have been reduced
4⇒ 3.- Now it triggers only once per battle.
- The previous version of Neurotoxins was not only frustrating, but at the same time it didn’t make any sense with Cycrox’s current playstyle. It will still fit on Doom compositions but it will require a bit more thought to use and it won’t be as scary as before.
- Snowstorm
- Cold turns have been reduced
3⇒ 2.- Toxic Skin
- Poison turns have been reduced
2⇒ 1.- New effect: Now it also triggers with Special Techniques.
- Protective Crystal
- New effect: The ally now has a 10% base damage reduction off every offensive Technique received, whatever its type.
- New effect: The holder of the trait also receives 20% less damage from Mental, Electric and Crystal Techniques.
- Intimidator
- Turn limit has been reduced from
5⇒ 3.- Frightening
- Turn limit has been reduced from
5⇒ 3.Gears
- Resistance Badge
- Damage increase has been reduced
13%⇒ 10%.- Neutral Temtem have been performing greatly these past seasons. This nerf should keep some of the main threats this type of Temtem offered at bay.
- Nutrition Bar
- HP recovery reduced
6%⇒ 5%.- Sensei Robe
- Damage increase has been reduced
20%⇒ 15%.- Slingshot
- Technique’s base power needed has been reduced
55⇒ 50.- Mom’s Lunch
- New effect: The holder now receives 4 turns of Seized.
- Mom’s Lunch has been one of the most hated gears inside the community for quite some time. It will still be very impactful to tempo, but it won’t be as spammable as before.
- First Aid Kit
- HP recovery reduced
25%⇒ 20%.Fixes
All platforms
- Fixed a hardlock caused by a ranked match starting while on the entrance’s runaway from the Quetzal Dojo.
- Fixed a softlock that occurs when defeating the 2 Temtem rivals with the trait Vodoo twice in a row.
- Fixed a softlock if Scent’s effects run out right when the cinematic at the bottom of Iwaba starts.
- Fixed getting stuck between Studious Yamabushi and Zealous Yamabushi after defeating them.
- Fixed getting stuck when completing a kudo at the same time that a new tutorial gets triggered.
- Fixed getting stuck inside a collision when entering the game in the same spot of a seasonal event prop.
- Fixed an edge case scenario that caused players to lose furniture after placing it in the Dojo Housing.
- Fixed not having a chest in the latest floor of the Roguelite on some runs.
- Fixed not seeing the minimap at the chest room of the Roguelite on some runs.
- Fixed some edge cases where the Tempedia Temtem status was not same as number of the captured Temtem on the Tamer’s Info card.
- Fixed that completing the Premium Weekly Challenge about finishing a lair with only three players was not granting any reward (Xp and Novas).
- Fixed a case where players were not able to claim the Fisher kudo.
- Fixed more cases where some kudos rewards could not be claimed
- Fixed the Speed Arrow not being displayed.
- Fixed esports competitive code not being correctly deleted when unlocking a squad.
- Fixed that some items (spray, loading screen, competitive cosmetics…) could not be retrieved from the vault.
- Fixed the emote Hear Ye not playing when being used.
- Fixed seeing the Event button active while no seasonal event is active.
- Fixed system messages were not being displayed if they appeared while the player is exiting a building.
- Fixed losing focus when trying to erase a Club while participating in a Dojo War.
- Fixed club members’ scroll resetting after inspecting one of the club players.
- Fixed current quantity of an item being capped at 99 when trying to place an item with over 99 units in the Vault/Club Vault.
- Fixed the Fruit Blender was consuming TV items and not giving TVs to the Temtem when surpassing the TV limit and then adding items to reduce TVs.
- Fixed Piraniant and Mimit being in the “Defeat untamed Temtem” Weekly Challenge.
- Fixed Mirroring not dealing the correct amount of damage after receiving the technique Hyperkinetic Strike.
- Fixed DNA Extraction not showing the x2/x4 multiplier after being used on a Temtem weak to Digital type.
- Fixed Fainted Curse triggering after receiving damage from the Voodoo trait.
- Fixed Fire Temtem not removing the Cold Status Condition client-side when this Status Condition was removed by the Heater trait effects.
- Fixed Target Replicator not working when the ally used the tech Toxins Shower.
- Fixed a case where the trait Inductor seemed to recover more HP than it should.
- Fixed Regenerating status was disappearing when using the gear Pillow with a Noxolotl with the trait Trance.
- Fixed rival Temtem alive were not counting towards the “Defeated Temtem in ranked” Weekly Challenge when the rival conceded the match.
- Fixed not being able to open the battle log during the turn animations while spectating a battle.
- Fixed Refreshing Diabolo was triggering a turn before it should if the Temtem that wears the gear enters the battle after a Temtem KO.
- Fixed after finishing the Evershifting Tower the player visually keeps the squad used at the activity
- Fixed Guardian Trait not working if the holder was on the first Slot of the Player’s team and it faints with the tech that applies a negative Status Condition or decreases some Stat to their partner
- Fixed Scavenger not working correctly client-side if a Temtem with the Trait Fainted Curse fainted and the Temtem that defeated them fainted due to the effects of Fainted Curse.
- Fixed Reactive Vial gear not activating if Arachnyte with the trait Adaptive is the holder.
- Fixed the Nutrition Bar gear was lasting 5 turns instead of 4 when the holder entered the battlefield in the middle of a turn with a swap.
- Fixed that Techniques dealing fixed damage were not activating the Benefactor trait.
- Fixed Arachnyte, Zaobian and Oree losing their Showdown-equipped gear when they trigger their respective traits that change their second type.
- Fixed TemDeck locked tutorial was being shown after using the Fruit Blender.
- Fixed not appearing riding a mount after using the Matter-Transfer Drone from an exterior zone to another exterior zone while on a mount.
- Fixed character playing the running animation after leaving a competitive battle when entering a ranked match using a mount.
- Fixed a case where the luma trail of the following Temtem was appearing inside buildings.
- Fixed the idle animation for the Grumvel mount. He’s back to being perfect.
- Fixed that the Mouflank mount didn’t blink. It’s like that one Doctor Who episode…
- Fixed a Temtem slightly rotated to its left after receiving the technique Unseen Blow from the rival Temtem in front of them and using the technique Plasma Beam against the other rival Temtem right after.
- Fixed the tints’ UI showing the wrong Tint as equipped if a player hovered over one tint and then equipped another one.
- Fixed some elements used during the VFX for the tech Tortenite’s Garden not disappearing right after the end of said VFX when using the Luma version of Tortenite
- Fixed the Co-op Emote preview was playing the wrong audio track.
- Fixed music would stop playing after resetting the character from the Lobby.
- Fixed music was not playing if the player start the game in a combat inside the DigiLair.
- Fixed using Voice 2 by default when riding a mount despite whatever the voice of the character was.
- Fixed hearing footsteps’ eco inside a building while checking the Store or Tamer Pass menus..
- Fixed flying mounts’ audio bug when moving between ground and water terrain.
- Fixed a missing texture in the disappearing VFX of the seasonal event props.
- Fixed a narrative error in a dialogue from two Belsoto at the sewers of Properton
- Fixed a minor bug in Akranox’s in-game 3d model.
- Fixed trainers popping in battle after the use of the tech Rockfall.
- Fixed Settings menu headers were not being highlighted when selected in Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Traditional Chinese languages
- Fixed the ranked seasonal reward text position because it was overlapping with other text in some languages.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Crema Games
Temtem – Ver. 1.2.2
- Release date: February 2nd 2023 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Important notice
- We’ve taken this chance to re-synchronize the status of the Tempedia and the Kudos. This should improve, and hopefully eradicate, any discrepancy between the Kudos that involve capturing Tems and Lumas, and your actual Tempedia number. This is an issue we’ve been after for a while, so please let us know if you still experience any bug with it.
- We’ve improved the issue with crashes on the Switch.
- Most of the crashes on Switch were happening due to memory issues. The game would use up all the memory available in the console (the amount varies depending on the console), and then it’d crash. We’ve implemented a series of optimization changes that will substantially ameliorate the current issues.
- Crashes will still happen from time to time, but now that we’ve dived deep into the issue we will be carrying out more optimization in future patches, so as to improve performance even more.
- We have made some improvements and changes to the dye system:
- We’ve added a confirmation pop-up when trying to apply a dye to a cosmetic.
- We have added a confirmation pop-up when trying to remove a dye from a cosmetic.
- Players cannot use the same dye twice in the same slot of a cosmetic; the game will now show a pop-up error when attempting to do so.
- A preview of the dyes will now be shown at the Tamer Pass UI and the Premium Store UI.
- We have added a new label to dyes in the Tamer Pass UI and Premium Store UI to clarify they’re a one-time use item.
- Dyes were the source of a lot of community feedback and unrest. With these changes we hope to make the experience better and easier to navigate. This doesn’t mean dyes are coming back to the Premium Store, as we’re still deciding whether that’s the right place form them or not.
- We have reworked Skail’s animations so they look better and our little dude has more prep in its step.
- The Dulcimer instrument now has a new texture.
- Stowaway no longer has a Temtem with the Straw Shield gear in their Archtamer pool.
- We have reduced the Co-op bonus experience from
20%to 15%.
- Since launch we’ve been monitoring the experience gained by playing alone and the experience gained by playing in Co-op, and we’ve come to realize the initial bonus we implemented was a bit too strong, and was causing an imbalance between the two. Tamers playing in Co-op were over-leveled and had an advantage over Tamers playing solo. We want to offer all playstyles a balanced and fair experience, so we’ve tweaked the percentage a little bit.
- Wild Umishi and Ukama no longer have Water Blade in their move pool, following the changes made to these Tems in 1.2.1.
- Fixed a softlock when defeating the Digilair boss.
- Fixed a case where players could get stuck in a black screen after a battle in some places, for example at The Highbelow.
- Fixed the chat automatically swapping to the Local tab when entering buildings or leaving combat.
- Fixed the Tamer Pass’ Weekly Challenge about buying or selling at the Trade House for a value of 10k Pansuns, that could not be completed by buying before the fix.
- Fixed that Temtem on the fourth, fifth and sixth slot of a player’s Squad were receiving EXP and TVs through the Co-op Bonus even when that Temtem had the Ignoramus Cloak equipped.
- Fixed not being able to clear the notifications that were sent manually by using the “Clear all notifications” button.
- Fixed the scroll in the Cosmetics’ menu not working properly if there was an empty row at the end.
- Fixed Tihani having two Temtem with the Sweatband gear.
- Fixed the props of some emotes not being displayed in the Shop preview.
- Fixed the Settings’ UI overlapping with the Ranked UI that appears after a Ranked match if the Player had Settings opened while their opponent conceded.
- Fixed that the Club Banner colors were being changed just by hovering over their icons instead of by clicking the buttons.
- Fixed that, when changing cosmetics, the new one was keeping the old one’s dye colors for a few frames.
- Fixed the description of the technique Lifeful Sap to better explain that it gives 5 turns of regeneration.
- Fixed the description of the technique Hallucination showing the wrong status condition in the description.
- Changed the name of the Magma Eruption seal to something that better reflects the seal animation.
- Fixed the Subscribe prompt appearing in sections of the Trade House where it doesn’t have functionality.
- Fixed a typo in the title Surferfolk in English.
- Fixed some localization bugs in dialogues with NPCs in Portuguese
- Fixed level numbers overlapping the “Lv.” text when playing in French or Chinese.
- Fixed that the “Ready for Picnic” table furniture was not localized in English.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Crema Games
Temtem – Ver. 1.2.1
- Release date: January 9th 2023 (North America, Europe, Japan)
- Patch notes:
Important notice
- We’ve had to delete all the Showdown codes, except the eSports ones, due to a data conflict. Your teams haven’t been affected, you’ll just need to generate a new code, and, if you were using or posting it somewhere, replace that with the new one.
- Aqua Bullet Hell has accidentally been removed from your Umishi and Ukama, but you’ll have an empty technique slot and ABH will be in your learned techniques, so you can re-learn it immediately. We apologize for the inconveniences!
New stuff
- We have added chat to battles.
- You’ll see a new menu during battles from now on, with new icons for the Details, Battle Log, and the Chat with their assigned hotkey.
- Chat will be hidden by default, and you can make it pop out by pressing the associated hotkey, just how the Battle Log works. Chat in battle is disabled for Ranked matches, in-game tournaments, and Dojo Wars, and available for friendly competitive matches and PvE.
- We’ve added the new music variations per island, this time to the competitive battle theme.
- The Egg Technique icon now appears in Techniques that are Egg Techs in the details of a Tem in Showdown.
- We’ve implemented a new icon that will notify you if there is something available to claim in events.
- We have tweaked the idle battle cameras following the feedback provided by the community:
- In order to reduce motion sickness in some players, we’ve slowed all camera movement to 1/3 of its original movement speed.
- They will also start after 12 seconds of inactivity, as opposed to the previous 5 seconds of threshold. This will make them way less prevalent.
- In the specific case of Koish fishing, we’ve removed most of the camera angles so that only cameras that focus on the Koish patterns appear. We have also developed some new cameras for this activity in particular that will make identifying the patterns and colors easier.
- We know idle cameras have caused issues to some our players. Before we go through with disabling them, which would imply we stop receiving feedback and iterating on the feature, we’d like to give these changes a go to improve the main problems the cameras had. We believe the idle cameras add variety and richness to the game, so we’d rather polish them until everyone is happy than disable them without giving them a chance to be good.
- We have added some performance improvements to the Switch version. These improvements will be a huge help with the current crashes that the console is experiencing. But we’re not done yet, and we will be adding even more performance improvements for it in future patches.
- Tem Renaming Voucher is no longer automatically used when renaming a Temtem. Players will now always have the option to pay the name change with Pansuns instead.
- Players will now be able to use the Fruit Blender with Tems in the Temdeck too, not only the ones in the squad.
- The Fruit Blender will now show how the stats will change based on the TVs selected.
- Showdown Temtem will now always start with their SV value at 50 by default, instead of 0.
- We have added rarity indicators to customization items, like emotes, loading screens, battle intros, battle outros and battle outro music.
- The game will now show the gamepad buttons for each action when you press a modifier (a button that displays a set of hotkeys) in battle.
- We’ve added new notifications for the Trade House: when you sell something, and when an auction ends without the item/Tem selling.
- When you input a maximum quantity in one of the advanced options of the Temdeck and Trade House filters, it will now automatically select 0 as the minimum quantity.
- Added more information to the Victory screen at the end of a Ranked match in the case of winning because the opponent concedes or in the case of tying.
- Added a glowing effect to the claimable items of events, the same effect that is used in the Tamer Pass.
- We’ve made some improvements to entering text in some UIs, so it’s easier to understand if the text is not valid for any reason.
- We’ve made some performance improvements to the game’s UI.
- Dojo Rematches and Archtamers teams have been revisited and modified to match the current meta.
- #009 – Platimous
- SPD has been reduced
82⇒ 78.
- #088 – Umishi
- Water Blade has been removed from its move pool.
- Now learns Aqua Bullet Hell at level 5.
- #089 – Ukama
- Water Blade has been removed from its move pool.
- Fixed a softlock when a player captures a Temtem and sends it to the squad while being in Co-op.
- Fixed a softlock after skipping the final dialogue with the Stowaway at the mines during the main quest at Tucma.
- Fixed several bugs involving the prison part of the Tucma main quest in Co-op.
- Fixed getting stuck between Lyato and Ige after battling them.
- Fixed players being demoted in ranked even if they’d won the last match.
- Fixed that starter Temtem and Anahir were not correctly counting for the Kudos about capturing all Tems in game.
- Fixed that ranked wins while unraked were counting towards the OP Kudo.
- Fixed players were getting the I’m in Danger Kudo automatically the first time they opened the game.
- Fixed being able to move while having a tutorial on-screen when entering a building.
- Fixed a case where idle battle cameras were being reproduced in the Swap menu during a battle.
- Fixed the titles of this year’s first in-game tournament winners. It will now accurately represent the year of the tournament.
- Fixed Hopeless Tonic’s Doom status condition not lasting 4 turns as it was stated in patch 0.7.3.
- Fixed that Gyalis could learn the technique Footwork twice.
- Fixed seeing a placeholder lock number in the Battle Log in a match against NPCs.
- Fixed that triggering an NPC battle at the Arissolan Dojo in Co-op while the Co-op partner is mid-air would make the partner fly to the player’s position.
- Fixed that the Events menu was not automatically activating if the game was open when the event started.
- Fixed the page indicator of the Events menu that was not working correctly.
- Fixed that Egg Techniques were not displaying the Egg Technique icon in the details of Showdown Temtem.
- Fixed Tempedia “Sort by name” setting was not working correctly at the Tempedia Showdown menu.
- Fixed the incorrect finishing date of the Winterfest event.
- Fixed that the disappearing effect of the Winterfest trees prop would sometimes spawn without texture.
- Fixed completing the “Taking a Photo” Tamer Pass weekly challenge was completing the event quest of the same name.
- Fixed that the player character wouldn’t swap into the Incognito Hood automatically while doing the main quest at Quetzal if the player had a cosmetic set equipped.
- Fixed the Beauty Center’s door appearing in red even if the player could already enter the building.
- Fixed an awkward camera angle happening at the end of some techniques like Oshi-Dashi or Hook Kick.
- Fixed that conceding in any main story battles while an idle battle camera was moving resulted in a weird camera angle at the end of the battle.
- Fixed Local, Global and Trade chat channels not having their name labels translated into any language.
- Fixed that dismissing a Temtem from a Showdown squad would leave invisible empty slots in the squad.
- Fixed that players’ equipped cosmetic sets would change color when hovering over a top or bottom cosmetic in the Customization menu.
- Fixed the icon of the Siege Engine Carrier mount.
- Fixed that some exterior housing items were not showing the rarity in the item portrait.
- Fixed that some interior housing items were not showing the rarity in the item portrait under specific circumstances.
- Fixed Neoedo’s teleport sounds attenuating the instance music.
- Fixed seals not having sound in the Preview windows of the Temtem’s details if they were equipped before its SFX was played in the preview of the Backpack.
- Fixed the offset of some icons inside text.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Crema Games
Temtem – Ver. 1.2
- Release date: December 5th 2022 (North America, Europe) / December 6th 2022 (Japan)
- Patch notes:
New stuff
- A new Season begins today: Days of Yore.
- Enjoy this medieval-themed Tamer Pass filled with imposing mounts, knights, bards, royalty, clergy and an old-timey new musical instrument.
- A new set of items has entered the shop rotation, so keep an eye out for interesting new things!
- Your Pass has returned to level 0. Remember you can check the resting duration of your Pass on the upper right corner.
- Items in Season 1 Tamer Pass will join the regular rotation of the store in about a year.
- Ranked v2 has been implemented.
- Ranked will now be determined by Seasons, the same ones that determine the Tamer Pass.
- TMR has been hidden. You will instead see a new system of ranks and leagues: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond and the Legend rank.
- Bronze, Silver, Gold and Diamond ranks also have 3 sub-ranks each (called divisions), while Legend will have a public leaderboard where you’ll see your position compared to other Legend players.
- Even though TMR is now hidden, internally the system still uses it. We have plans to make this data available via the API.
- In order to enter a new rank, players must reach the base TMR set for that rank. However, a rank can only be lost by losing two consecutive matches and reaching the threshold for the previous rank TMR.
- These ranks are calculated at the beginning of each season, and the idea is to calculate them based on the current population TMR spread.
- Rewards per match are now based on your current rank, and overall have been buffed from what they were before this patch.
- Seasonal rewards will now start being granted at the end of each season. These are a title that displays the highest rank you achieved, a seal for each rank you achieved, and a banner for each rank you achieved. These rewards will be different each season and will remain exclusive to each ranked season.
- The TMR lost when losing a ranked match will now be calculated with the max value between your current TMR and the TMR of your rival. This effectively means that losing against someone worse than you won’t penalize you as much as it did before.
- Also, the factor at which TMR gains and loses are calculated has been incremented, meaning matches will give (and subtract) more TMR in general. This will allow to have a bigger TMR spread along the leaderboard.
- We’ve reduced the TMR multiplier in placement matches so they are now less decisive.
- We’ve made some improvements to the matchmaking timings in order to reduce them when there is not a good opponent available. It will now match faster against worse or better opponents. The idea behind this is that is better to fight against someone non-optimal that not fight at all (or having to wait 20 minutes) and since TMR loses are now capped, it shouldn’t be as punishing as before.
- TMR decay will now happen. Each week (at the weekly activity reset), Diamond and Legend players that have been inactive for the past week will get their TMR decayed. In order to calculate the TMR lost, the system will simulate a lost match against yourself and the value will be multiplied by 2. A notification will be sent to each user that has had their TMR decayed.
- Tournaments will now use the player’s max TMR of the season to calculate the appropriate Tournament league, instead of the current TMR.
- We’ve included a fixed set of daily and weekly challenges that will grant further rewards to active ladder players.
- Temtem Showdown has been added to the game.
- Temtem Showdown is a PvP tool ingrained into the game that will allow you to create your PvP teams from scratch with no training needed. You will be able to access Showdown from the in-game menu.
- As a result, auto-scaling has been disabled for ranked games.
- You will now be able to edit your squads on the go, without needing to be on a Temdeck.
- You can access Temtem Showdown from the beginning of the game.
- Squads can now be shared and imported using short codes.
- A new Kudo category has been added: Elite Kudos.
- Elite Kudos are a hardcore set of Kudos for the most daring, dedicated, and challenge-seeking Tamers.
- Some previously existing Kudos have been moved into this category, and some are brand new.
- New rewards have been created for these Kudos.
- Events have been implemented into the game
- Events will consist in a set of quests and challenges that will grant you points to spend on thematic rewards, exclusive and specifically created for that event.
- Events will have a defined duration that you will be able to check at all times on the Events menu.
- The first Temtem event, Winterfest, will begin on December 12th.
- We have added a new colorblind setting for Koish fishing.
- Koish all throughout the game will now display patterns apart from their usual colors.
- Each pattern will be unique to a color+section of the tail, so you will be able to easily identify each color by the pattern and the tail where it’s placed.
- A new building opens its doors in Neoedo: the Beauty Center.
- You’ll be able to change your character’s appearance in exchange for Feathers.
- You will also be able to change your running and idle animations, and you’ll get 4 new ones to pick from, completely exclusive to the Beauty Center.
- Players can now change their name at the Citizen’s Bureau Central Offices in Neoedo in exchange for Feathers. The OT on Tems will update following said change.
- A new furniture item has been added: the Fruit Blender.
- This item will allow you to change all the TVs of a Temtem in one single UI from the comfort of your home.
- You will need to own the fruits to create a concoction that will immediately add or subtract the Temtem’s TVs according to your selection.
- This furniture is given as a reward from the Fruiterer Kudo. Players that already obtained this Kudo should have the item in their inventories now.
- We have added 6 new competitive battlezones representing each of the 6 Archipelagic islands. These are randomly chosen each time the player enters a ranked match. Dojo Wars will still show the battlezone of that Dojo’s island, and PvE matches will still show the environment of the route. We’re also currently working on new battle music variations to go along these new battlezones.
- The previous competitive battlezone has also been tweaked and improved.
- We have added idle battle camera animations to Temtem. Enjoy different shots and angles while you wait or think your next move.
- You can now mark cosmetic items and dyes asfavorites and they will show up at the top of your customization list.
- We’ve made some improvements to Koish fishing.
- We’ve reduced the number of Koish color possibilities at the Nuru Lodge to make easier to complete the Weekly Koish Fishing activity. The number of possible colors remain the same at other wild places.
- We’ve also reduced the number of minimum encounters required to ensure the 4/5 and 5/5 Koish for the Weekly Koish Fishing activity.
- We’ve turned Seals into a unique item.
- Players will only be able to buy one copy of each Seal, and can equip the same Seal to any number of Temtem.
- Extra number of copies of the same Seal have been refunded to the players that had them.
- Club vault items are now sorted like they are on the personal Tamer vault.
- Pro squads (previously known simply as competitive squads) can now be edited anywhere, even if you are not in a Temporium.
- We have added the Legend rank icon to the text displayed on the top 3 ranked player holograms at Tamer’s Paradise.
- When you move between Temtem entries on the Tempedia, the selector will now automatically skip the ones you have no information on.
- We’ve added “Victory” and “Defeat” labels when a player concedes on a Ranked match, and in battles versus NPCs that employ competitive ruling, like Dojo Rematches.
- We’ve added a fade in and a fade out effect to most of the UIs in the game.
- We’ve added a new animation for receiving rewards from a loot pool.
- We have changed some tutorials and System messages to reflect the new Ranked/Showdown feature instead of the previous system.
- We have balanced the audio levels for Temtem techniques and NPC dialogue expressions.
- We have polished and improved the audio ambience transitions between zones.
- We have added Telomere Hotfix – Trait Swaps to the Dojo Park loot pools.
- We have added Telomere Hotfix – Trait Swap and Telomere Hack – Trait Swap to the Tamer’s Paradise Feather shop.
- We have doubled the amount of Novas that premium Weekly Tamer Pass Challenges provided.
- Tamer Pass’ free Weekly Challenges will now also give Pansuns as reward.
- We have reduced the XP needed to advance through each level of the Tamer Pass, from
3300⇒ 2500. We’ve also incremented the Tamer Pass level boundary until which the player can get TP XP from defeating trainers, from level20⇒ 25.- Evershifting Tower now gives 9% more Feathers upon completion.
- All Evershifting Tower initial rooms will now grant an extra Growth Enhancer+.
- Defeating a floor boss in the Evershifting Tower now revives and heal 20% HP of all Temtem in your squad.
- Archtamers’ Sanctum now gives 20% more Feathers upon completion.
- We have reviewed the builds for some of the Tems in Tamers’ Paradise activities that we’re correctly set up.
Time for change: Rhoulder, Gyalis, Golzy, Minothor, Ukama and Tulcan had their fun, now it’s time for other Temtem to shine. Special Temtem will be seen more, and the era of Purgation domination is coming to an end, we hope. Electric Temtem will be electrifying once more.
- #013 – Gharunder
- Defibrillate has been added to its movepool.
- #015 – Magmut
- STA has been increased
45⇒ 53.
- #026 – Wiplump
- SPATK has been reduced
95⇒ 88.
- #028 – Skunch
- ATK has been reduced
70⇒ 66.
- #031 – Rhoulder
- HP has been reduced
90⇒ 83.- DEF has been reduced
91⇒ 86.- Rhoulder has been the absolute king of the last meta. Its base stats, the synergy with Reactive Vial and its trait Tardy Rush have made this Temtem one of the regulars. The changes to all of these things, as well as some changes to the techs it uses regularly, should leave Rhoulder on a healthier spot. It will still have its place on this meta where Electric Temtem are expected to be seen more often than before.
- #035 – Orphyll
- Noxious Bomb is learnable as a Technique Course.
- #036 – Nidrasil
- Noxious Bomb is learnable as a Technique Course.
- #052 – Owlhe
- STA has been increased
46⇒ 51.- Nito Seiho has been added to its movepool.
- Owlhe is just in the opposite spot of Rhoulder: it has been the least picked Temtem this past meta. This Temtem was in need of some love and we are going to give it to them. We will keep an eye on it as we are aware of the similarities between Owlhe and Tutsu, but we felt that it was too rushed to make a big shift and split both Temtem into two completely different archetypes, plus we’re still lacking valuable data on Owhle.
- #054 – Gyalis
- ATK has been reduced
85⇒ 77.- The most successful Temtem in the last meta is getting hit too. This Temtem has been too effective on both its offensive and its defensive playstyles. Even though it’s not going to be as oppressive as before offensively, it will still play a important role in this new meta as Electric Temtem are going to be more prevalent.
- #061 – Piraniant
- Fluid Barrier has been added to its move pool.
- STA increased
50⇒ 52.- We hope this Temtem earns its deserved spot on Stall compositions. There are not many Temtem that can buff SPDEF, so the addition of Fluid Barrier alone should give Piraniant a bit more time in the spotlight.
- #075 – Innki
- SPD has been increased
73⇒ 80.
- #078 – Cycrox
- Virulent Gust has been added to its move pool.
- #080 – Pocus
- SPD has been increased
78⇒ 85.
- #085 – Mushook
- SPDEF has been increased
41⇒ 43.
- #087 – Mastione
- SPD has been reduced
52⇒ 50.- SPDEF has been increased
45⇒ 52.- Mastione has also been one of the least picked Temtem. We are still aiming at them becoming a bulky-offensive Temtem, so the changes made to their stats and the techs should reinforce a bit more this identity, specially on Solidifier builds.
- #089 – Ukama
- SPATK has been reduced
76⇒ 72.- Come on mate, the other Water Temtem want to play too. Your parents say it’s their turn on the meta.
- #094 – Seismunch
- ATK has been reduced
89⇒ 83.
- #112 – Grumper
- STA has been increased
41⇒ 43.- Sparks has been added to its move pool.
- #116 – Yowlar
- ATK has been reduced
80⇒ 74.- DEF has been reduced
82⇒ 77.- Yowlar still has an impressive win rate even with all the changes it has received in the past. This Temtem has been extremely oppressive since its birth, and we want to re-focus it as a bulk-offensive Temtem. They might not be seen as much as before, but we think players won’t miss them much if it’s just a short bit while we explore new options for it.
- #121 – Broccolem
- Inner Spirit has been added to its move pool.
- #123 – Nessla
- DEF has been increased
50⇒ 56.- STA has been increased
58⇒ 62.- HP has been increased
58⇒ 60.
- #129 – Adoroboros
- HP has been increased
65⇒ 68.- DEF has been increased
42⇒ 47.
- #133 – Tuvine
- Turbine has been added to its move pool.
- #135 – Tuwire
- Turbine has been added to its move pool.
- #136 – Tutsu
- ATK has been reduced
74⇒ 69.
- #157 – Chimurian
- ATK has been reduced
67⇒ 62.Techniques
- Time Split
- Damage has been increased
30⇒ 45.
- Defibrillate
- Isolated turns have been increased
2⇒ 3.
- Magma Cannon
- Priority has been increased
Low⇒ Normal.
- Pollution
- STA Drain has been increased
10%⇒ 25%.
- Willpower Drain
- STA Drain has been increased
23⇒ 25 points.
- Rampage
- STA Cost has been reduced
31⇒ 27.
- Rampage (Synergy)
- STA Cost has been reduced
28⇒ 25.- Priority has been increased
Low⇒ Normal.
- Confiscate
- Priority has been increased
Normal⇒ High.
- High-pressure Water
- Damage has been increased
60⇒ 75.
- High-pressure Water (Synergy)
- Damage has been increased
60⇒ 75.
- Toxic Fang
- Damage has been increased
62⇒ 80.- STA Cost has been increased
14⇒ 16.
- Psy Wave
- SPDEF Stage reduction has been increased
1⇒ 2.- STA Cost increased
10⇒ 11.
- Earth Wave
- Damage increased
100⇒ 120.- STA Cost reduced
33⇒ 28.
- DC Beam
- Damage increased
35⇒ 42.
- Humiliating Slap
- Damage increased
90⇒ 97.
- Kesa Gatame
- Priority increased
Low⇒ Very High.
- Hurricane (Synergy)
- Damage increased
67⇒ 77.
- Firewall
- STA Cost increased
17⇒ 18.- It will now grant +1 DEF and +1 SPDEF.
- Denigrate
- It will now apply -1 SPATK to the target.
- Psychic Collaborator
- STA Cost increased
22⇒ 29.- Now the target gets +2 SPATK.
- Along with some other changes, we wanted to offer more tools in this meta to have control over the SPATK. This past meta had more focus on Physical Temtem, it was time to leave a bit of space for Special ones.
- Psychic Collaborator (Synergy)
- STA Cost increased
22⇒ 29.
- Drought
- The order of the Status Conditions has been inverted. It will now first apply Seized, and then Exhausted.
- Cooperation
- Healing has been increased
7%⇒ 10%.
- Earthbreaker
- Damage has been increased
120⇒ 130.
- Earthbreaker (Synergy)
- Damage has been increased
150⇒ 175.
- Stare
- STA Cost has been increased
9⇒ 12.
- Metabolize
- It now applies 1 turn of Regenerating to the target.
- Healing has been increased
15%⇒ 20%.
- Metabolize (Synergy)
- Healing has been increased
15%⇒ 20%.
- Major Slash
- STA Cost has been increased
29⇒ 33.
- Held Anger
- STA Cost has been increased
14⇒ 16.
- Oshi-Dashi
- Damage has been reduced
150⇒ 142.
- Piezoelectric Blow
- STA Cost has been increased
36⇒ 39.
- Piezoelectric Blow (Synergy)
- STA Cost has been increased
36⇒ 39.
- Sparkling Bullet (Synergy)
- Damage has been reduced
105⇒ 98.
- Frond Whip:
- Damage has been increased
146⇒ 153.
- Aqua Bullet Hell
- Damage has been increased
67⇒ 89.
- Electric Storm
- Damage has been increased
76⇒ 85.
- Wrenching Massage
- Damage has been increased
89⇒ 92.
- Wrenching Massage (Synergy)
- Damage has been increased
116⇒ 120.
- Water Blade
- Damage has been increased
64⇒ 75.- Priority has been increased
Normal⇒ High.
- Goring
- Damage has been reduced
120⇒ 95.- STA Cost has been increased
18⇒ 20.
- Thunder Strike
- Damage has been reduced
115⇒ 107.- The 2 turns of Exhausting on the caster have been removed.
- This might be one of the biggest changes for this new meta. Electric Temtem are going to be relevant aside from Golzy and Minothor.
- Bright Beam
- The order of the Status Conditions has been inverted. First it applies Alert, and then Evading.
- Virulent Gust
- Damage has been increased
60⇒ 80.
- Virulent Gust (Synergy)
- Damage has been increased
60⇒ 80.
- Double Gash
- Damage has been increased
49⇒ 55.
- Tornado
- Damage has been reduced
135⇒ 125.- This tech has given Tulcan and Wiplump a lot of power during this past meta. Also, thanks to the rise of Electric Temtem, the users of this tech should feel more balanced.
- Blizzard
- Damage has been increased
120⇒ 123.
- Martial Strike
- It’s now a Physical Technique.
- STA Cost increased
5⇒ 8.- Hold turns reduced
1⇒ 0.- It now grants +1 SPATK to the caster.
- Purgation
- STA Cost increased
16⇒ 18.- Priority increased
Low⇒ Normal.- Hold turns increased
0⇒ 1.- Maybe the whole reason why the last meta was so focused on Physical Temtem and why Temtem like Minothor have been seen so much. This change should leave Purgation as a strong supportive technique but it should be more manageable than before.
- Sparks
- STA Cost increased
9⇒ 13.- It now grants 1 turn of Invigorated.
- Special Temtem fell off after the Stages rework, with these changes to Sparks we expect more presence of this type of Temtem.
- Wind Burst
- Damage has been reduced
90⇒ 80.
- Tesla Prison
- Damage has been increased
50⇒ 70.
- Refreshing Breeze (Synergy)
- Now the caster can also be a target for this technique.
- Cozy Net
- Sleep turns have been reduced
3⇒ 2.- Cozy Net: STA Cost has been increased
21⇒ 25.
- Cozy Net (Synergy)
- Sleep turns have been reduced
3⇒ 2.- Cozy Net (Synergy): STA Cost has been increased
21⇒ 25.
- Stone Wall
- STA Cost has been reduced
25⇒ 18.
- Turbo Choreography
- STA Cost has been increased
23⇒ 29.
- Turbo Choreography (Synergy)
- STA Cost has been reduced
23⇒ 20.
- Harmful Microwaves
- Priority has been increased
Low⇒ Normal- STA Cost has been reduced
28⇒ 25- Digital Temtem were played only under one playstyle, and we wanted to see them outside this Digi-Core compositions to analyze their strengths and weaknesses for future changes. We will still keep an eye on this tech after the buffs to its damage.
- Harmful Microwaves (Synergy)
- Damage has been increased
86⇒ 95.- STA Cost has been increased
14⇒ 18.- Type needed to activate its Synergy has been changed
Digital⇒ Electric.
- Quartz Shield
- STA Cost has been increased
9⇒ 15.Traits
- Tardy Rush
- SPD increase has been reduced
100%⇒ 85%.
- Comebacker
- Damage increase has been reduced
35%⇒ 32%.
- Coward’s Rest
- It now applies 2 turns of Invigorated.
- Contemplation
- It now works once per battle.
- It now grants +1 SPD.
- Body Stretch
- Regenerated turns have been reduced
2⇒ 1.- It now heals 10% of the Temtem’s max HP.
- Reactive Vial
- Nullified turns have been reduced
3⇒ 2.- Healing has been reduced
15%⇒ 8%.
- Bait
- Immune and Invigorated turns have been reduced
3⇒ 2.- Along with Reactive Vial and Fake Beard, this Gear was one of the most valuable ones during this past meta. We hope this change will leave Bait at a more balanced spot.
- Tucma Mask
- Damage reduction has been reduced
20%⇒ 8%.- It now reduces the effects of the Poison Status Condition by 1 turn.
- Pillow
- Healing has been increased
10%⇒ 15%.- It now triggers when the Asleep Status Condition is applied.
All platforms
- Fixed a hardlock at the Anak Volcano Lair after picking the first Temtem node.
- Fixed a soft-lock when displaying a tutorial after receiving a reward in a Lair.
- Fixed a soft-lock when receiving two rewards in a row in the game lobby after opening the game.
- Fixed not being able to buy dyes for feathers in Tamer’s Paradise Mall.
- Fixed some Evershifting Tower maps were generating without a ladder to the upper floor.
- Fixed that the Tamer Pass Weekly Challenge about capturing/hatching a Temtem with perfect stats was resetting after completing it.
- Fixed Tamer Pass XP sound playing twice after finishing a 2 wild Temtem encounter.
- Fixed an interactable invisible object near the Evershifting Tower final chest that teleports the player out of the activity.
- Fixed some not tradeable Dyes not being saved in the Vault after resetting character.
- Fixed broken Co-op when finishing a NPC fight at Digilar while Co-op partner is disconnected. This was provoking several bugs with Synstars, inventory and final boss fight.
- Fixed Temtem that come from eggs opened with an Incubator Ticket not being counted for the kudos related to collecting Temtem.
- Fixed Temtem experience desyncing if one of players capture a Temtem and then defeated or captured the other Temtem while in a 2v2 battle in Co-op.
- Fixed a case where some players could not be able to claim the rewards of the Champion Kudo.
- Fixed not getting the amount shown in the UI after claiming the Novas for the Premium Weekly Challenges.
- Fixed the Trait Wax Bath increasing DEF instead of SPDEF.
- Fixed Naolin having two Double Screen in his pool of Temtem for the Archtamers battle.
- Fixed Stowaway having the same technique twice on Amphatyr in their pool for the Archtamers activity.
- Fixed Nalla’s Temtem having duplicated Gears in their pool for the Archtamers activity.
- Fixed a series of NPCs that didn’t enter their battle if the Quest Progresses met a specific set of requirements.
- Fixed not being able to deliver a postal service package to the DigiLair responsible.
- Fixed player’s Tamer banner not loading correctly in the battle log of a Lair combat.
- Fixed Sorting not resetting when changing sections in the Trade House.
- Fixed not being to place the furniture Uncovered Basket at the player’s house.
- Fixed being able to buy a Unique item twice when the player had lag.
- Fixed furniture and cosmetic were not being displayed at the FreeTem reward board.
- Fixed the text of the Ready button for Dojo Wars was being displaying “button” instead of “Ready”.
- Fixed getting stuck when entering at the Smith’s Guild in Quetzal while doing the quest Breached Narwhal in Co-op.
- Fixed Items UI in Temtem Details menu can be reopened if the player presses again the Items button.
- Fixed that while in co-op, the speed arrow was not showing the correct player that triggered it.
- Fixed seeing an empty section when selling items at the Temporium after scrolling down a large number of items and then moving to another section.
- Fixed enemy Rhoulder being in camera while the player’s Temtem on the right used Piezoelectric Blow against the enemy Temtem placed on the left.
- Fixed ally Amphatyr’s horns getting in the middle of the shot while using certain techniques if they were on the right Slot during a battle.
- Fixed seeing all units of the same cosmetics having the same dyes in the sell UI from the Temporium.
- Fixed default battle outro is not being shown correctly after creating a new character.
- Fixed Titles weren’t sorted alphabetically in the Customization Menu.
- Fixed that tournament titles were not displaying correctly.
- Fixed not showing the Rewards UI after losing against the final Tamer in the DigiLair and not getting the Feathers client-side.
- Fixed seeing the props of the emotes for a few frames if a player changed the focus from the emote list to the emote wheel list and back again while the animation of the emote with props was almost ending.
- Fixed a collision inside a house in Properton.
- Fixed a hole between two rocks at the north of Neoedo.
- Fixed Arburian Dojo Club entrance banners were not displaying correctly.
- Fixed Wishing Well sound attenuating the music for all players within the same server instance.
- Fixed excessive loading times in the Properton’s Sewers on Switch.
- Fixed not being able to see the preview of a seal item if the following Temtem of the player it is not in scene like while inside a building.
- Fixed some textures on different walls of Mac Aed’s Crags on Switch.
- New Dojo Warriors will need to have completed their 10 placement Ranked matches in order to be promoted to this club rank.
- The speed arrow tie will now only show if the Battle Log is opened in combat.
- Additional notes: none.
- Source: Crema Games
How to download updates for Temtem for the Nintendo Switch?
To download the updates for Temtem, you have three options:
- let the console do its thing if you have automatic downloads activated, and didn’t completely turn it off
If not…
- try to launch the game from the Home Menu while being connected to the internet. You should get a prompt when doing so: simply follow the instructions on screen;
- select the game > press either + or – to go to the Options page > select Software update > select Via the Internet.
To check that you have the latest version installed, simply select the game on the Home Menu, and press – or + to go to the Options: the version number is displayed just below the game title.