
Switch milestones: Ace Attorney series / Murtop, and more

Ace Attorney series

Capcom has updated its Platinum Titles page (which lists all the Capcom games that have sold over 1 million units), providing an update on two Ace Attorney collections:

  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy has now sold 3.30 million units
  • The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles has now sold over 1 million units

Source: Capcom


To celebrate the first Anniversary of the game, hiulit shared some juicy stats about Murtop. During its first year (May 2023 to May 2024), the game ended up selling over 3,500 units, generating about 4,500€ in revenue (before taxes).

The platform breakdown is as follows:

  • Nintendo Switch: 62%
  • Steam: 34%
  • 4%

Source: hiulit (Twitter)

Little Kitty, Big City

Double Dagger Studio has announced that Little Kitty, Big City has reached another milestone: it’s now sold over 200,000 units during its first week (vs. 100,000 units during the first 48 hours).

Source: Double Dagger Studio (Twitter)


Akihiro Hino has announced that the demo version for INAZUMA ELEVEN: Victory Road, INAZUMA ELEVEN: Victory Road Worldwide Beta Test Demo “Leave Your Inazuma Mark on the World!”, has now been downloaded over 1 million times since launch. That’s 500,000 more downloads than reported back in April.

Source: Level-5


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.