ONI : Road to be the Mightiest Oni (Switch): all the updates
On this page, you will find all there is to know about the various updates for ONI : Road to be the Mightiest Oni on Nintendo Switch (originally released in March 2023 in North America, Europe, and Japan)!
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ONI : Road to be the Mightiest Oni – Ver. 1.06
- Release date: ???
- Patch notes:
Bug Fixes
- Minor bugs fixed.
Gameplay Adjustments
- Camera distance and view settings in top-down view trials improved.
- Camera distance adjusted: Trials 4 & 35 (Wave 3)
- Settings changed to normal view: Trials 9, 10, 27 & 35 (Wave 4)
- Icon added to mark location of stone monuments from a distance.
- The following adjustments have been made to enhance gameplay while hunting for spirits, as well as when Kuron appears:
- When a spirit is nearby, Kazemaru’s dialogue bubble will appear.
- Sequence when delivering a spirit to a Jizo shortened (*Jizo’s dialogue skipped after the 2nd delivery).
- Kuron’s spawn rate adjusted.
- Icon added to show location of Jizo while holding a spirit.
- Icon added to show location of Keystone when Kuron appears.
- Amount of time required to activate a special move reduced.
- Amount of time for an acquired Mushroom to restore health reduced.
- Price of Kibidango reduced from 10 to 5 Mushrooms, while price of Onigiri reduced from 20 to 10 Mushrooms.
- Font size of text on the field and on the Diary menu screen adjusted.
- Additional notes: none
- Source: SHUEISHA Games (Steam)
ONI : Road to be the Mightiest Oni – Ver. 1.02
- Release date: ???
- Patch notes:
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug that sometimes caused Kuuta to fall through the ground.
- Fixed bug that sometimes caused the background music to loop endlessly.
- Fixed bug where the camera angle locked if Kuron appeared just as the player is handing a spirit over to Jizo.
- Fixed bug that prevented Zenisuke from being affected by the Time Stop special move during trials.
- Other minor bugs fixed.
Gameplay Adjustments
- Reduced Kuron’s spawn rate
- Increased Kuuta’s mushroom-picking speed
- Adjusted sorcerer spawn time
- Balance adjustment of puppet demon/spinning enemy attacks
- Adjusted timing of when character names appear onscreen
- Added icon indicator for phantoms located far away
- Adjusted difficulty level of “Protect Zenisuke!” trials
- Adjusted Kazemaru’s onscreen dialogue display to more easily locate spirits
- Opening video and event scenes can now be skipped from the very first time the game is played.
- Additional notes: none
- Source: SHUEISHA Games (Steam)
ONI : Road to be the Mightiest Oni – Ver. 1.01
- Release date: ???
- Patch notes:
- Fixed bug where the game would hang when progressing to Mission 2 if the in-game language is set to English, French, German, or Spanish.
- Fixed bug that potentially hindered progress when talking to a phantom just before the background music changes.
- Fixed bug that caused the game to hang if a spirit is captured before the previous one is delivered to a Jizo statue.
- Other minor bugs fixed.
- Additional notes: none
- Source: SHUEISHA Games (Steam)
How to download updates for ONI : Road to be the Mightiest Oni for the Nintendo Switch?
To download the updates for ONI : Road to be the Mightiest Oni, you have three options:
- let the console do its thing if you have automatic downloads activated, and didn’t completely turn it off
If not…
- try to launch the game from the Home Menu while being connected to the internet. You should get a prompt when doing so: simply follow the instructions on screen;
- select the game > press either + or – to go to the Options page > select Software update > select Via the Internet.
To check that you have the latest version installed, simply select the game on the Home Menu, and press – or + to go to the Options: the version number is displayed just below the game title.