
Nintendo Minute: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Bingo

Yesterday, the latest episode of Nintendo Minute went live. This one is the latest of the series dedicated to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, which is now available worldwide. In this one, Kit and Krysta play some competitive bingo!

Here’s the latest episode of Nintendo Minute:

Hi, today’s the big day and we could not be more excited. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is finally here! We hope you’re all playing and enjoying the game. It’s almost become our tradition to play bingo to celebrate big launches so that’s what we’re doing today with Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Since this is a competitive game, we’re playing some competitive bingo while we compete in Smash. The results were certainly interesting. We’ll leave the challenges below in case you want to try it out. Thank you so much for watching and we’ll see you next week.

Bingo Challenges:

►Grabs only

►Zelda stage comes up at random

►Win a match!

►Waluigi appears from an assist trophy

►Get a Mushroom Kingdom character from a random character selection

►Taunt 3x consecutively without getting hit

►Knock the other player off with a hammer

►Pick up and throw the Master Ball

►Control two fighters at the same time and not lose

►Knock the other player off the stage in the last 10 seconds of the match

►Score +5

►Game ends with you over 100% damage

►Break a Smash Ball and execute your final Smash

►Get more KOs than deaths

►Score +3

►Defeat the other player by throwing an item/weapon

-Kit & Krysta

Source: Nintendo


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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