
Monster Strike: another 3DS-exclusive monster, details and screenshots

Monster Strike 3DSToday, mixi revealed more details about Monster Strike, which will be featured in Famitsu magazine every week until the game’s release (starting on Thursday). First, a brand new monster was shown, called Olive (another Nintendo 3DS exclusive). She can use “Energy Heart” (a “friendly combo”), and her Strike Shot is called “Olive Fantasia”.

Next, we have some additional tidbits about the story. It all starts with the protagonist (Ren) looking at the city (called Kaminohara) on top of a hill, his heart filled with nostalgia. It turns out he actually lived there when he was a kid, but he has absolutely no memory of that time for some reason. This is apparently due to some sort of incident, which happened in the past.

The screenshots below show of the locations of the game (including your house), as well as the map on the bottom screen. From the looks of it, the overworld is divided in several areas, and you move from one to the other via that very map.

As for battles, they are slightly different than other RPGs. There’s two ways to end up in battle:

  • by finding a “portal”, and interacting with it;
  • meeting human characters who have been brainwashed by monsters.

Finally, mixi introduces some more charactes, including the family of the protagonist:

  • Mitsuki, his mother;
  • Karin, his little sister (who has the exact same haircut).

There’s also two special characters, who are in fact based on YouTube personalities:

  • Maxmurai: the manager of a Repair Shop. He apparently plays a major role in the game and the anime series;
  • Hikakin: a mysterious individual who is always hanging around at the Coliseum.

Here’s the latest batch of screenshots for Monster Strike on Nintendo 3DS:

And in case you missed it, here’s the first episode of the Monster Strike anime series, with English subtitles:


Monster Strike (3DS) comes out on December 17th in Japan.

Source: 4Gamer.net


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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