Nintendo 77th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders: vote results, approval rates
On Thursday, the 77th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Nintendo Co. Ltd was held. As mentioned in this post, the two propositions were approved, which includes the election and re-election of the various Directors. This vote is a great way to see the approval rate of each one of them, especially the ones at the very top.
Today, Nintendo revealed the results of the votes for the election and re-election of the Directors, which are as follows:
- Tatsumi Kimishima (Director and President, Representative Director) [re-election]
- For: 896 879
- Against: 6 277
- Abstention: 0
- Approval rate: 97.70% (as opposed to 87.14% last year)
- Shigeru Miyamoto (Director, Representative Director, Creative Fellow) [re-election]
- For: 895 843
- Against: 7 313
- Abstention: 0
- Approval rate: 97.59% (as opposed to 95.26% last year)
- Shinya Takahashi (Director, General Manager of the Entertainment Planning & Development Division, Supervisor of Business Development Division, Development Administration & Support Division, Managing Executive Officer) [re-election]
- For: 896 393
- Against: 6 763
- Abstention: 0
- Approvate rate: 97.65% (as opposed to 95.87% last year)
- Shuntaro Furukawa (Outside Director of The Pokémon Company, General Manager of the Corporate Planning Department, Director, Managing Executive Officer, Supervisor of Corporate Analysis & Administration Division, In charge of Global Marketing Department) [re-election]
- For: 896 388
- Against: 6 768
- Abstention: 0
- Approval rate: 97.65% (as opposed to 96.38%)
- Ko Shiota (previously General Manager, Platform Technology Development Division, Executive Officer) [election, in replacement of Genyo Takeda, who retired at the end of the previous term]
- For: 896 .357
- Against: 6 799
- Abstention: 0
- Approval rate: 97.65%
As we can see, the approval rate for the various Directors is up this year, which is particularly striking for Tatsumi Kimishima who gained +10% in a single year. Guess that’s what the company being back in the black, and now releasing games on smartphones, will do to you… not to mention the Nintendo Switch, which is off to a great start.
For those of you who are interested, here’s the results of the vote for the other proposal:
- Proposal No. 1: Distribution of Surplus (how the company will use the money earned during the past Fiscal Year)
- For: 901 381
- Against: 522
- Abstention: 570
- Approval rate: 98.27%
Source: Nintendo