Blaster Master Zero: over 80 000 units sold on the Nintendo Switch and Nintendo 3DS
Update: Takashi Mochizuki (who originally reported the info) has clarified that the sales data shared a few days ago were for both the Nintendo Switch and the Nintendo 3DS versions, not just the former. The post below has been updated to reflect this.
Blaster Master Zero was among the very first indie games launched on the Nintendo Switch (it was part of the launch line-up in Japan, but was released one week later in Europe and North America), and it looks like it’s been quite successful so far. Today, during a panel at the Tokyo Sandbox 2017, Takuya Aizu (President and CEO of Inti Creates) revealed that both versions have sold over 80 000 units worldwide (as of May 10th).
During the panel, it was also revealed that Blaster Master Zero took about 6 months to develop, by a total of 35 developers. Unfortunately, it’s not clear whether this is the max number of team members at a given time, or the total number of developers that took part in the development of the game.
Speaking of Blaster Master Zero, don’t forget that the first bit of DLC (Gunvolt as a playable character) is currently free until next week: make sure to get it by then, if you don’t want to pay for it!
Source: Takashi Mochizuki (Twitter)