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Super Mario Bros.: special interview, pictures of the 30th Anniversary festival, videos, more

Super Mario Bros. 30th Anniversary Festival

Yesterday, on the very day of the Super Mario Bros. 30th Anniversary, Nintendo held a special festival dedicated to the series in Shibuya. Various artists came and made some performances, and several key figures from Nintendo were in attendance: Shigeru Miyamoto, Takashi Tezuka and Koji Kondo.

During that Festival, Shigeru Miyamoto explained that with Super Mario Maker, the bar had been raised when it comes to stage creation, but they do have a number of concepts for the next game, so he hopes fans are looking forward to that. We also learn that Super Mario Maker was born from the desire of Takashi Tezuka to make a new Mario Paint, for the Wii U, but Shigeru Miyamoto pushed him to make something “grander”.

Here’s some pictures from the event, courtesy of Famitsu:

Via: Cheesemeister / Kyle McLain

Special interview

Yesterday, Nintendo of America uploaded a special interview of Shigeru Miyamoto and Takashi Tezuka, about the creation of the original Super Mario Bros.. It features some footage of a much younger Miyamoto and Tezuka!

Head after the break for two videos and some more news!

Videos and misc.

Koji Kondo is, by far, one of the most famous video game composers. After all, he’s the one who composed some of the most memorable music tracks for Nintendo games, including the Super Mario Bros. theme. If you’re interested, why not go check out this interview of Koji Kondo by Gamasutra, published back in December last year?

And if you want a little surprise, try searching “Super Mario Bros.” on Google!

Finally, here’s the recording of the Nintendo UK livestream from last week (featuring Charles Martinet, the voice of Mario) and a trailer:


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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